Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117671 times)


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"Hmm.." Molly skipped around the metal giant, admiring her own handiwork now that she had the specimen in question wearing it. It turned out at just as good as she had expected. And hearing the closest thing to actual praise from the man about one of the things she took pride in bolstered her spirits significantly.

"...I never told you what my Hatsu was did I?" She went over and sat down ontop of one of the lab tables before she continued. "Snuffing lives out makes me stronger and I get even more out of it the more they suffer...." She stopped and breathed in.

"...And they say your Hatsu is a reflection of a person's innermost nature, now what does that say about me?" It didn't sound like she was asking him that question seriously.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 08:11:16 PM by Thedoctor »

Umbra of Chaos

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Man, this was getting all kinds of tense. Clearly there had to be some way to easily resolve this. So she reached into her uniform and pulled out her phone to speed dial Noire. Jeez, she wouldn't have played with the girl if she knew this would stir up so many issues. This place was just too unpredictable sometimes.


"A-ah!" And then she was buried under the wave of children. She caught herself well at least, a gentler fall than if she had just crashed into the ground. And she was laughing, almost as much as the kids themselves. "Ito, come here and join us!"


Floating capabilities. How annoying. But Orianna was no fool. She had a good enough grasp on the situation at this point. "Is this one of your dolls, master? I am afraid that I cannot display the extent of my physical ability to you without damaging this shop."


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Ito Kizumi

Ito smiled, but her request only had him blush and look away embarrasingly. Stupid, how could he think of something like that!?

"It's getting late. I should prepare lunch." He managed to muster, which only made the little oni more eager. With that, he moved to the kitchens in order ot begin his work.


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Relius Clover

Relius took his hand off of his chin and perked up, unconsciously moving closer to the screen. It seemed she was programmed with much more autonomy than Ignis and far more deductive reasoning skills.  In that case, this farce was pointless.

I see, so the emotions work to ensure loyalty, allowing for increased intelligence. he thought, turning around and walking out of the room.

As he made his way up the spiral staircase, there was a strange feeling boiling at the pit of Relius's stomach, a feeling that forced a frown to his face.  Could it be... envy, jealousy?  No, it was a challenge.  He would uncover the secrets of this doll and make it his own.  He would have to thank her original creator for this lovely distraction.

Meanwhile, Ignis vanished in a flash of purple light and a small boom echoed through the store.  "Yes my dear, this is my wife," he said, his voice ringing with pride.  "I have to admit, while the test was inconclusive, I am impressed none the less.  Who was your master before you arrived here?"


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The warrior raised an eyebrow, unimpressed though attentive. If her words rang true, that would make her similar to him in more ways than one.

"That would make you nothing more than a depraved monster, the sort of sickening animal that would be best put down immediately. Is that what you want to hear?" He told her dismissively, as if her question wasn't even worthy of being answered by any sane man. Sadly, that was not who she was dealing with.

He looked outside the window, as if pondering.

"And what of it? It is no different than the consumption of flesh for sustenance, but on a larger scale. Attaining power, no matter the cost, is no sin. Weakness is.  Living with an unfulfilled hunger and constantly holding it back, only to suffer, I would not call anyone who'd condone something like this a just man. So rejoice and celebrate. No matter how many atrocities you'll commit, I'm sure there will be someone to forgive you. Even the devil may pray for salvation."


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That was fast, so this new girl had her uses. She graciously accepted the offered box of doughnuts and immediately tore into them with much appreciation. They were adaquate, perfectly serviceable and that meant the girl had passed. "Cond...mhm...ition fulfilled, you may stay." She responded while stuffing her mouth full with them.

Her minion had the most amusing reaction to it however. Her despair was a refreshing sight but it wouldn't do to have Medaka beating herself up when she desired to spend time with her now. "Want one?" She offered the most valuable delight to her minion. She knew Medaka knew how much she like these and would understand the meaning.


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She turned her head to him in confusion. What he said made no sense and definitely not coming from him. Especially not from him. Was he trying to comfort her as some sort of twisted joke?

"What do you mean forgiveness? That is something the weak seek when they believe they've done something wrong And I have done no wrong. If being yourself is somehow wrong, I'd devour the God who made such a stupid rule along with anyone standing in my way. I refuse to stop and if that's your way of trying to comfort me then you're misguided and don't even follow what you yourself preach."

Her indignation built with every word and syllable yet she never raised her voice, keeping her anger under control like a sharp blade waiting to cut down her enemies wherever they may be. 


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"It is true. That would be my sin. Forgive my projection, it seems even now I still wish to find salvation." He held his arms out as if in some form of depraved prayer. 

"Live truly to yourself, and never forget your creed. No matter what others say, as long as it is your own, it will always be beautiful. But you must never forget your words. Never forget those you've trampled upon, look at them straight in the eyes. You might forget them, but they will not forget you. The world itself will reject you, in this case is there a need for such a world in the first place?"

Upon realizing the words that left his mouth, he frowned, like a roughened child realizing he had done a misdeed. He lowered his head down and covered his mouth. How bizzarre. For a second, he felt like he wasn't in control.

"Ah, forgive me. I forget myself. Just do as you will."
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 09:12:04 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Gently, Alicia moved some of the children off of her. So she could sit back up and look at them all. "So, what does Ito teach you all? He must be a very good teacher considering how excited you all are."


His wife? Ah, such a thing was not entirely uncommon. Although having one of such quality and making it a combat doll was out of the norm for most formerly human puppets. "My previous owner was a general who sought to use me for his battles. My creator was the Designer, a puppet used to create dolls."


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Medaka stared at the doughnut with wide bewildered eyes.  Slowly, she reached for the delectable treat, as if it were a precious offering from a god.  Her hands began to shake as her finger's grazed the delectable glaze of the doughnut, of Shinobu's doughnut.  With a huge smile, she said, "Thank you."

Then, she turned to Mitsuba. "It seems you have been cleared for now.  Welcome to our lovely home!"  The second she finished talking, she bared her fangs and sunk them into the sugary glaze of the doughnut.  As the dough dissolved into small bursts of flavor, a thought occurred.  Perhaps her own recipe was far too sweet.

Relius Clover

A general and a man who sought to create puppets. he thought.  Strange, it sounds as though her designer had a similar goal to me...

As he left he shed, he couldn't help but think about how much of an enormous disappointment this was. The best test would simply to have her deliver the head of her last creator.  However, he was likely in another world, so it would be too much of a hassle to order such a thing.

"And what happened to him?  What event occurred that forced you to wander the city like a lost pup?" he asked over the loud speaker.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 11:47:15 PM by yinsukin »


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Yes, his presence felt completely unnecessary. More arrogant monster hunters would at this point plan how to smear a superior competition in the public eye, but he had stopped bothering about such things like worldly fame a long time ago. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas. So he just leaned against the wall, among the room full of bodies (unconscious or maybe not unconscious) and decided to wait patiently for the outcome.

The big boss

Over 8 feet tall bearded man that most likely towered over most people in the city already waited for the invader. So his thugs didn't slow this transgressor? The moment Noire barged in, the tall man in a custom tailored suit was already on his feet, ready to fight. The fabric between the reality and some other reality rendered asunder, partly overlapping with the office. The room darkened in disturbing manner and the floor became filled with a stinking, greasy substance, slowing down any trespasser by half. Now the goddess was inside the nightmare lair of the monster who took residence here.


Black Heart fearlessly ran up to the beast, and with a single strike, cut him clean in half, the monster now slain. She reverted to her normal form triumphantly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The Hunter jumped down from the table and clapped her hands together and then pointed right at him. That was it, the core root of his proble. The thing that made him broken and the thing that made him so fascinating to her.

"There's a fine difference between rejecting the world and annihilating it. What value is their in destroying your very own existence? I can understand wanting to rule the world, to change it in your own image but to destroy it? That is nothing but the ultimate expression of self destructive behaviour, which is the exact opposite of self serving."

She moved closer with determination, pushing at the crack in his defenses she had spotted. "Your salvation can only be found in living true to yourself."


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"No, I'm not a mage. I'm an angel on a run, haven't you heard that?" Mitsuba replied to Medaka's question with a slight annoyance in her voice. She did explain clearly who she was. "So miracles are the sort of thing I can do. To some extent, I'm not any close to being omnipotent."

After observing the older vampire's reaction it only confirmed her little theory that vampires like them clearly thought with their stomach. In Shinobu's case it was donuts that could be used as a form of bribe, not just blood. Anyway, she made herself useful and maybe even could bargain for a lowered rent. She could probably earn enough money by dispatching targets that weren't challenging, it's just that she was quite a scrooge.

"Is there any other kind of food that you like, Shinobu? I can see what I can do. I think I'm pretty passable at cooking and baking." She also knew an Embed which let her perform mundane tasks like cooking more efficiently, so she had some edge over many people in that regard.


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"Right, coming," the redhead said quickly, easily catching up with the shorter blonde as they went off to...wherever...

Their epic journey to new lands took them to a nearby shopping mall, to one of the clothing shops within. Why there were multiple clothes/fashion shops within the same mall was a bit strange to the changeling, but she wasn't about to question it now. It was long before they were surrounded by shuffling crowds of people who seemed almost like zombies next to the energetic blonde.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded her head. "You are correct, Master. I have been separated from him by this division. If you would ask, I would crush him to pulp inch by inch. But, ass I have sworn myself to your service even after death, the same shall not occur with you. I am loyal to your will, Master."