Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117582 times)


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Kinslayer Kizumi, the string Spider

Ito took a spoon and tasted the broth, and decided it was good. The onions, celery and carrots worked incredibly together, as did the spices. Soon, it wold be times to add the other vegetables simmering and the meats. A hearty fish ramen would be excellent at this time of the year, and a salad would be adequate as well. He smiled at the taste, almost like it reminded him of a pleasant memory.

And then, the door slapped wide open, revealing the former assassin red handed. He threw the spoon upwards in shock. "ASDFGHJKL!ZXCVBJKAL!!!" He stuttered and mustered, nearly jumping and stumbling and catching it without spilling a drop of the soup before desperately covering the cooking broth and chopped ingredients with his body like his own life depended on it.

"H-hey! What are you doing here!?" He blurted out, nervous and sweaty, or perhaps he was too close to the stove. Rather, he was directly touching it.

Umbra of Chaos

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She ruffled the hair of one of the kids and giggled a little at the cook's antics. "What, do you not want to see us anymore, Ito?" Then she noticed exactly what was going on and widened her eyes a bit. "And stop touching the stove!"


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"That's not it! I just-" Suddenly the words registered and he realized where he put his hand, his eyes widened and he yelped before rushing to the sink in order to pour cold water on the hand. But suddenly, he smelled a dreary smell, that of the onions reaching full caramelization. If they were left for a second longer unattended, they could burn, or worse, the garlic!

His body twisted nimbly beyond words, and he grabbed one of the utensils with his feet in order to mix and churn everything, flipping back and forth akwardly while trying to keep track of everything and not have anything fall on his face. He was nervous, that much was clear by how he was practically juggling everything so it wouldn't fall, but honestly this was impressive in its own way.

"Wooooooaaahh!!" The onis looked at their master's skill wide eyed in admiration.


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The giant was surprised, but despite the shock he smiled.

"I am a misanthrope at heart, and I have grown weary of this world that won't change. You are right, it is foolish to lie to myself." He said gravely, as wearily as ever.

Her words rang true, her argument was an excellent one my all means. Why would he seek destruction? Even if he wished to take revenge, there were easier ways to achieve this goal.

But she had made one mistake. She aimed for a crack in his defense, not realizing he was already broken beyond repair. As someone sealed by the hands that created everything, everything became a vile poison to him. He was like a drop of water in a sea of ink, no matter what he'd do he would never fit in.

In his maddened zeal, he would gladly reverse the roles and submerge the world in perpetual darkness, as long as he could remain himself.

"I know I don't want to save the world, but no matter what I desire both humans and gods imposed their roles onto me. Why should I approve of a world made by these things? Even building something from these same blocks is completely unacceptable. As long as either exist, nothing will ever change. I will rip the page off and wipe the slate clean so I may paint it anew."
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 04:39:31 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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But Alicia laughed, laughed and approached Ito as he tried to juggle half a dozen things at once. "You're such a foolish man, Ito. Why would you try to do this by yourself when you're surrounded by people who love you? Come on, children. Why don't you try to help your teacher with his workload."

Meanwhile she simply grabbed a utensil for herself and began to stir one of the dishes.


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"Right, Ray dude. I'm Rikuyo." She introduced in a bit absent minded way as she looked over her clothes. Few cuts here and there, some blood, if they wouldn't let her into the tournament she would just intimidate people responsible for registering fighters. The pain was also slowly receding as she could focus on regenerating her wounds. She could honestly revert to her base form at this point.

"What you will do if it's one of those annoying no weapons and no items tournaments?" She could maybe tolerate a no killing rule, but that would be disappointing if he couldn't fight to his full potential.


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Meanwhile, Julius took care of the actually important part. Monster slaying was actually the least important part of the vocation, it was the aftermath that was actually important. Aside from contacting Cheiron to retrieve the monster's body, he also looked over every nook and cranny in search of stolen valuables. Knowing habits of so called Beasts, there could be some real hoard hidden somewhere. Eureka, there was some! A trunk hidden under the floor of the now ruined office. Enough gold to cover expenses of rudimentary repairs of the mall. And enough wealth to reimburse the enslaved workers for their experience.

When the press approached him, he humbly downplayed his achievements, but it was all for naught. He would most likely appear in the headlines as the person who helped restoring the mall back to the order. Then it dawned on him that maybe some fame wasn't bad after all. Maybe he could find a patron to support his efforts. He once again looked at the now empty treasure chest. Wait, he had overlooked something. What was that scrap of paper? It looked like a part of a treasure map. Had the monster only recovered a single piece of a map? He obviously couldn't let villains find the rest of the map and then decode it. He hid the scrap in his pocket and waited for Cheiron team's arrival.


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Relius Clover

The feelings of elation faded, reflected by the frown forming on his face.  His body relaxed, his hand retracting from her body.  "I will applaud your creator for understanding you better than that foolish general, but it seems he has misunderstood the strength of your design," he said, his voice roaring throughout the store with theatrical passion.  He was no longer using the speaker, but his voice still radiated through the walls of the store.  The lifeless dolls that spread throughout seemed to be staring at him. 

"Hatred, anger, happiness, joy, these things are integral to the usefulness of the tools known as human beings.  You were meant to emulate that usefulness and evolve beyond it!  Your dedication to your master is the difference between humans and dolls, a fate that only graces the latter.  Humans are nothing more than lost sheep, searching endlessly for something to believe in.  Their souls are empty voids, latching onto each other mindlessly like magnets.  Their emotions only serve as fields to draw each other together. However, you my dear were born with purpose!"

The scientist reached for the girl once more, wrapping his fingers around her chin.  "If you are unable to tap into the power of the soul, then allow me to gather the very essence of that thing you label a spirit!  I assure you, I shall be gentle."  Despite chastising her, the idea of modifying this doll's flaws brought an honest smile to the puppeteer's face.  That disappointment from mere moments ago gave birth to a grand idea.  No it was not a mere idea but a passionate urge taking form in a single thought.

Ignis appeared behind the girl, hoisting her in the air by the shoulders.  "Let us examine this fake soul together as master and loyal doll."  That last sentence forced a chuckle from his lips.

Umbra of Chaos

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This felt so very familiar. Strangely so. Those words, they reminded her of the beginning. Not long even for humans, but for Orianna it was the oldest memory she could have had. Yes, her core could access such records readily.

Even up to now Orianna would never know beauty equal to that of the Designer. Of its lovely and impossibly precise hands. Of its voice, which unlike the words of humans, was an absolute expression of its will.

Adaptive Combat Emulator, you have been given the capacity to feel emotion. Your purpose is to experience the depths of the human heart. Suffer, love, and live, so that you may acquire the data needed. Retrieve the knowledge to alloy spirit and purpose, to wield the heart and soul to achieve further perfect a doll's design.

Yes, this was good. This was not only the purpose given to her by her Master but the reason for her creation. She... could not be happier. Never, never in a thousand years could she be happier. There was no greater joy that could be known to her. So Orianna smiled.

"Your will be done, Master."

« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 07:09:49 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Ughhhh." That wasn't really helping her attitude right now! It was like telling someone scared of rollercoasters that even if there was an incident they would be safe. "Bluh. I'm just gonna close my eyes for the rest of the ride. Tell me when we land please."


"Alright, alright, hold onto me." Oka laughed uncomfortably as she patted the scary cat on her head. Eventually, they landed on a remote mountain almost at the edge of where one was able to travel. The city was only a distant light visable in the fog now.

"We're here! Don't hyperventilate, the atmosphere's thinner here."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

The chuckle which had escaped his lips had escalated into hearty laughter.  As he stroked her cheek, he couldn't help but think about all the others whom he had experimented on, the resistance that they put up or the reactions on their faces.  This is the first one who faced his probing with an honest smile.  "Very good my dear," he said in a polite voice.  it was clear he was actually praising her, but as a person.  It was more like audibly complimenting the specs of a new car. 

"I am quite proud of you.  Now, let us start with something simple."

He started by attempting to corrupt the memories of the general.  That passive utilitarian relationship would not do.  Her feelings towards him began to shift, those memories, which now flooded her mind began to shift towards something more...hostile.  The urge to kill this man flooded her mind.  From now on, he would be associated with the lowest form of human being.  Nothing more than a target for her dismissive hate, something to be discarded like trash.  The chance was slight, but it was worth taking precautions against former masters.

The same treatment was given to all of her other master's memories, with the exception of her creator.  It was strange.  That scientist was enough like Relius to serve as the perfect base of the woman's love.  In fact, the man seemed almost like an alternate version of himself.  So long as there is nothing else to focus on, her loyalty could be molded and strengthened.  More importantly, her primary directives were linked to those memories, so it would be foolish to disrupt them.

He pulled away from the blond and said, "Hmm... That is quite the extensive collection of memories.  It is no wonder your emotions were so dull.  Tell me, what do you think of your former masters?"

Cherry Lover

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As soon as she heard the girl's question, Sakura stopped eating, her face falling at the mention of her past.

", it was altered by ..magic", she replied in a sad tone, obviously not wanting to go into detail.


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As soon as she heard the girl's question, Sakura stopped eating, her face falling at the mention of her past.

", it was altered by ..magic", she replied in a sad tone, obviously not wanting to go into detail.


"What? That sounds boring. Surely there's more to it than that."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Oh, firm ground! She listened to Oka's instructions at least, breathing slower. "H-hey can you bring Wormy out again? It's a little cold up here." Especially when she really wasn't dressed for anything but a hot day at the pool.


She did not care strongly for most of her masters, so Orianna did not muster even the slightest but of resistance. Regardless, it was still a bit invasive. Alterations to the core were not usual things after all. Still, she smiled.

"Those pathetic things, I would gladly bring their heads to you if you so desired, Master."


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Ito Kizumi

Eventually, he got everything under control, though not alone. Everyone around him decided to help him at once, laughing and happily aiding him all the same. It was strange, he never felt this way before. This unknown feeling scared him. Maybe he just didn't have the strength to tell them otherwise. "Fine, just don't make a mess."He told them while working on his part, though no one could see what face he was making at the moment.

"Pwaaaaaah!!" One of the few onis who had kept himself awake managed to groan happily, touching his overfilled child belly. That was too good, teacher's cooking was the best but that was even bester. They had never ate something so good together.

Before long, all the onis fell asleep together, sharing their tatamis together like a family. Meanwhile, Ito was tending to cleaning duties, but even he was quite too full for that. Or rather, he didn't have the energy to make himself busy. For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to smile.