Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54426 times)


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Joe shuttered, but nodded to indicate he understood.  Yup, im not staying here long, he thought to himself as he pictured casually relaxing with dozens of bugs around him.  You would think the nice bed she presented to him would make it feel more inviting, but it actually did the opposite.  The almost cartoonishly lavish room combined with the looming threat of death made him feel like he was going to be living on a horror movie pieces, hosted by the monster herself.

"So how is your relationship with your sister?  Like, what do you think of her?" he asked, realizing as he spoke how weirdly he phrased the question.

Sakura Matou

"Erm, that's a difficult one..." Sakura answered, sitting down on his bed and swinging her legs back and forth. He obviously didn't know the background of their relationship, so it was a rather astute question. She wondered what he and Rin had actually talked about. "Weelll... hm... It's--complicated, I guess? We're kind of estranged, or rather had been until a few years ago. So I'm not really sure." Sakura withheld the fact that she felt like this Rin didn't like her for some reason, not wanting to make things awkward for Joe. All she ever did was try to support her.

Sakura suddenly got up really close to Joe and began whispering in his ear. "I'll tell you a secret by the way--I don't particularly like bugs either." Just as quickly, she leaned back and smiled sympathetically at him.

"What made you wonder, anyway?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oh, firm ground! She listened to Oka's instructions at least, breathing slower. "H-hey can you bring Wormy out again? It's a little cold up here." Especially when she really wasn't dressed for anything but a hot day at the pool.


"Ho-ho-ho." Oka laughed with a nod, already in the process of doing so. "I see you're beginning to understand the practical benefits of having pets like these." She pulled out not one, but three pokeballs, and let them all loose simultaneously. Wormy came out of the first one, instantly raising the temperture to that of a nice sunny day, but out of the other two came two new pokemon: Mimikyu and Sylveon. The Sylveon walked over and stood up on his hind legs, pressing his paws up against Rebecca's waist and gently saying hello to her, while the Mimikyu excitedly screeched with an ear splitting cry and bounced towards her playfully. It was clear he wasn't trying to threaten her. Meanwhile, Oka put her drifblim back into the pokeball until she wanted to use him once more.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Despite not looking like it, he was paying attention to the conversation. "How about you just call it a bad dye job next time? It might spare you others curiosity." He joked around, honestly not feeling very hungry right now. Despite that, his smile was as wide as ever.

Perhaps she was some sort of failed experiment. Interesting...


Rosa looked at Sakura incredulously. "What, is that all? Hahahaha!" She shook her head, holding back tears from her eyes. "I thought it was something way more dangerous and painful than just magic. Way to over-exaggerate, Purple. That's baby stuff."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe's pupils were focused on her the entire time, though admittedly they went towards her legs as she crossed them back and forth.  The gesture combined with her umm and uhhs made it sound like she was holding back information.  But her word choice made it clear she was just being tactful.  Then, she said something that caught him off guard.  He forrowed his eyebrow and said,

"You don't like bugs?  Why do you use them then?"  He realized right after the words left his lips that she might not have a choice.  Crap!  Just keep talking.  Answer the other question!  It will make it easier not to answer.

He scratched the back of his head, his eyes darting towards the corner of the room.  "Weeeellll you didn't happen to hear from Jeanne about Rin's outburst did you?"


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Joe's pupils were focused on her the entire time, though admittedly they went towards her legs as she crossed them back and forth.  The gesture combined with her umm and uhhs made it sound like she was holding back information.  But her word choice made it clear she was just being tactful.  Then, she said something that caught him off guard.  He forrowed his eyebrow and said,

"You don't like bugs?  Why do you use them then?"  He realized right after the words left his lips that she might not have a choice.  Crap!  Just keep talking.  Answer the other question!  It will make it easier not to answer.

He scratched the back of his head, his eyes darting towards the corner of the room.  "Weeeellll you didn't happen to hear from Jeanne about Rin's outburst did you?"

Sakura Matou

"Well, it's mostly because they're small and easy to mass produce. They're great for all sorts of things, you know. Also I never have an issue with ants or roaches or anything like that. I can just have my familiars hunt and destroy their nests." Sakura seemed particularly pleased with the last benefit. But then she smiled and shook her head at Joe.

"Nope, what outburst are you talking about?" Sakura asked, wanting to know more.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The nun slowly came up from behind him, placing a hand on one of his shoulders. "Now, that wasn't so hard, is it? You have to set a good example for these kids. Trying to act alone like that, it can set a mixed message."


"Hi Noire! Well, do you remember that friend you met up with a bit ago? Seems like she wants to meet up with you again. Something about saving you from my evil clutches and whatnot. It seems like you two should meet up for a bit in my opinion."


"Um, what?" Noire asked in confusion. "Save me from you? What are you talking about?" Noire asked as she wandered around. "Put me on with her."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Heh, that isn't all that funny." He added despite chuckling himself.  "Her gramps must've stuffed her in a box or something. Just think of all the poor children who are forced to pull bunnies out of hats every day. It's tragic, really." He put a hand on his heart and sniffled, but he was anything but crying.


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Joe's eyes widened.  Huh?  Weird. That seems like the sort of thing people would gossip about... he thought as his expression changed to an awkward smile. "Well, in that case, I probably shouldn't say anything.  I don't think Rin would want me to blab about that."

It was at this point that he noticed that his boner was finally gone.  He looked around, curious to see if there were any bugs.  They didn't appear to be any in sight, but Joe couldn't help but wonder if maybe she had control over bed bugs or mosquito's, something that would be hard to notice.  Once his eyes had scanned the room, he continued,  "Rin never mentioned she had bug magic.  She did this weird bullet thing with her finger.  Do all of you have different powers?"

Maybe that is what the shadows were, just her magic.


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"They're not just that." He winced and looked down at the lake, as if upset.  He was silent for a while, as if recalling a past sin. "I wouldn't use them for something so selfish. Don't you dare talk of them like they're just means. I'm the only family they have now, and I will provide for them. I have to."


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Joe's eyes widened.  Huh?  Weird. That seems like the sort of thing people would gossip about... he thought as his expression changed to an awkward smile. "Well, in that case, I probably shouldn't say anything.  I don't think Rin would want me to blab about that."

It was at this point that he noticed that his boner was finally gone.  He looked around, curious to see if there were any bugs.  They didn't appear to be any in sight, but Joe couldn't help but wonder if maybe she had control over bed bugs or mosquito's, something that would be hard to notice.  Once his eyes had scanned the room, he continued,  "Rin never mentioned she had bug magic.  She did this weird bullet thing with her finger.  Do all of you have different powers?"

Maybe that is what the shadows were, just her magic.

Sakura Matou

"Well yeah, of course we do." Sakura answered as if it was natural. "Isn't that basically how it goes in any fantasy novel too? Rin's more of a generalist, I specialize in a few fields. I'm good at familar creation and magic fields." Her shadow bubbled up into a small little humanoid shaped shadow creature that waved at Joe before disappearing back into her shadow. "See?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe smiled at the shadow creature, returning the friendly wave.  "Funny you said fantasy novels," he said, lowering his hand.  "Based on what Rin was telling me, it sounded more like an anime or JRPG."

There was a slight pause.  He looked around the room again, this time aimlessly and without purpose.  He let his head drop, his gazing falling to the floor as he said, "Actually, can I vent a little bit?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"People are rarely just one thing to others. Even the kindest heart can have a dreg of selfishness within them as they embrace another." Alicia let her hands fall to her side.

"What do you see when you look at them, Ito?"
« Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 11:54:10 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Joe smiled at the shadow creature, returning the friendly wave.  "Funny you said fantasy novels," he said, lowering his hand.  "Based on what Rin was telling me, it sounded more like an anime or JRPG."

There was a slight pause.  He looked around the room again, this time aimlessly and without purpose.  He let his head drop, his gazing falling to the floor as he said, "Actually, can I vent a little bit?"

Sakura Matou

"Ummmm, I'm not really familar with stuff like that. I had a very sheltered childhood." She didn't sound like she was lying.

"Sure." She said simply with a nod. "Go right ahead, what's on your mind?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Ito Kizumi

They're my family.

The ninja glanced at his reflection before turning away from the girl.

"Ugh, cut it out will you? All these questions are honestly giving me a headache." He answered her sourly. "I'm not you, and you're not me. I couldn't give a crap about whatever sins you've committed, but it's not something I can help you with. Some battles, you're going to have to face them alone eventually." He told her, like he knew what she must be feeling subconsciously, but didn't want to admit it.

He turned to face her, and looked at her with incredible intensity.

"Look hard at yourself and try to give the most to those you hold dear. Don't waste a single moment, make it count. That's the only advice I can honestly give you. The rest, and how you live your life, that's up to you. You can't use others as a comparison."


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Wow thats rough.  No wonder she has trouble making friends, he thought to himself.

He rubbed the back of his head.  Now that he thought about it, this probably wasn't the best idea.  "Well, truthfully, I can't tell if its going well with Rin.  Sometimes it looks like she is really into me and other times it looks like she thinks i'm unreliable."

Not to mention the apartment.