Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 108285 times)


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The blond one suddenly stripped her toga and asked for service in the most needlessly poetic way possible.  That would have been strange enough, if not for the other girl did not suddenly strip along with her, dropping her clothes in a theatrical strip tease.  The store clerk stood silent, staring blankly at the performance.

" swimsuits," she finally said, folding her legs inward.  Finding a perfect excuse to look away, she turned around and began walking towards a rack that held a variety of swim suits.  She picked out a string bikini and held it out with stars in her eyes.  "Umm..  is this what you are looking for?!  Please try this on!"

Meanwhile, Sera peeked her head out of the changing room, her eyes locked on what was transpiring.  So Emily can manipulate minds somehow... she noted before frowning at Nero.  And I guess shes just weird.


Medaka stood up, lifting the pyramid along with her so long as the girl followed suit.  "I see," Medaka said, nodding in understanding.  "But if I may be so intrusive, what exactly is this object?"
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 04:52:45 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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"I told you! It's the top of the temple. A holy capstone! If I was a stickler for the rules I'd have to kill you for touching it. Only priests are allowed to do that y'know." With a bit of effort she started to pull it back out of the area. "So where are we taking this?"


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Medaka frowned and said, "You said you were joking about that.  With that being said, I suppose I can excuse any cultural differences so long as this structure is not actually a weapon of mass destruction.  Are you some sort of ruler?"

Umbra of Chaos

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She shook her head and laughed. "It's still a temple piece dedicated for Apophis. But no, I'm not any ruler. Some people would take that as an insult! I am a liberator, a humble crusader for freedom for everyone. Ruling is all against that!"


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Aw man. That was just rude. The way she avoided her explosive love broke her heart. Then again, the green haired one was the one who broke the most out of all this. Maybe she shouldn't get in the middle of a lover's quarrel then, fucking retard.


The blast blew her limbs apart, turning her into a mangled mess fit of a contemporary art museum, rag-dolling uselessly until she fell into the filth and grime. "Shut the fuck up you weakass filth. If you want to be of help, why don't you off yourself like the braindead monkey you are!?"

Despite the spat venom, she didn't look one tad displeased. The distance between the doll and apostle was made greater, but both knew it would take an instant to close it once more.

The vampire cracked her knuckles and grinned ferociously, crimson and ebony eyes pulsating with malice as she stared the doll down.

"Heh, not bad motherfucker! This is getting my blood boiling a tad, I might just get wet from all this. C'mon, give me your name. You got one, don't you?"


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“…….” Noire twitched. Really Neptune? Lucy literally just said that he beat on her… Noire really couldn’t understand why Neptune seemed to dislike Lucy like this. She was such a nice person! She didn’t really say anything out loud, being too busy watching for further developments. She wanted to see how this panned out before doing anything hasty. Her hand reached down into her pocket and she covertly unlocked her phone, keeping what William had told her in mind.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The loud crash is what seemed to be enough to wake the poor girl up. "N-noire? Is that you? I had a terrible nightmare. Some fiery pirate killed my rabbits and bashed me over the head; it was horrible."


Ugh, alright, this was a bit tough! But she could take advantage of this. "Use tackle on one of the hurt ones!" If she took advantage of their hurt then they could knock one out real fast! That would level the playing field.


With the two of them working together, the battle quickly panned out in the two girl's victories. She didn't bother trying to capture the pokemon and opted on knocking them out instead. "How'd you like your first real battle?" Oka asked, turning to Rebecca. This sort of low level contest didn't hold any appeal to her anymore, but she remembered back when she'd first started training Wormy how satisfying it could be.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Rider smirked at his comment.

"Well, perhaps you'd like me to demonstrate it later", she said as she rode off into the distance without even bothering to look back, now feeling quite aroused by the man's flirting.

However, to her disappointment, instead of attempting to continue after her, the man jumped off his bike and, when she turned around again, he had disappeared from sight, without so much as a goodbye.

Somewhat disheartened by the sudden end to what had been an enjoyable race with someone she'd like to have gotten to know better, Rider continued to the finish at her normal speed but with much less enthusiasm, wondering why the man had decided to just run away.

Then, having completed the course, she turned around and headed off, continuing to ride around the city. As she passed a large mall, she noticed a rather odd commotion and, listening in with her sensitive hearing, she picked up that some apparently-attractive women had just stripped in the middle of one of the clothing stores. Intriged, she headed inside, hoping for a nice show.

As she got closer, she noticed the two girls posing at the door of a shop, in front of a floral display made of vines. One was a blonde who appeared to be a bustier version of Shirou's former servant, and the other was...


For a moment, Rider was a little shocked at the girl's brazenness but, thinking back, it was hardly surprising. The girl had certainly not come across as being shy. And it was not an unpleasant view by any means.

Parking her bike in a nearby bike stall, Rider quickly approached, before taking her place at the front of the crowd so she could enjoy the show, waiting for Emily to notice her or for something to happen that she felt like interrupting.

Umbra of Chaos

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Contrasting the sheer bloodlust was Orianna's cool demeanor. Yet, it would be incorrect to say that she was bored or entirely stoic. This too was part of her purpose. A secondary function to be sure, but it was a function supported by her orders.

"I am adaptive combat model Orianna. While my orders are to restrain you make no mistake, I will utterly defeat you." Then the doll simply began to walk forwards.


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Joe kept a respectful distance from them.  While he was still in earshot, he wanted to make sure to give them their space.  After all, it sounded like a private conversation.  Even so, he couldn't help but be curious.

I wonder why she would decide to clean the liquor storage now of all times?  Are we drinking later?  he thought, before allowing his thoughts to drift to Shirou.  Huh, Jeanne made it sound like she didn't get along with everyone in the house, but I guess she is pretty tight with Sakura's husband.

Now that he thought about it, its probably a good idea to stay on the good side of your boss.  It made him curious.  What kind of person was this Shirou guy?


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"Spank you out here, why would I do something as indecent as that master?" You're truly a deviant at heart, it fills me with abject shame to serve such a woman." She teased her happily. Olga was such an easy target, as easy and fun as it was to her she really was doing for her master's sake. Making her more resilient to taunts and such things.

"No but actually I'm just giving you a hug, is there aything wrong with that?" Yes play the disheartened servant who just got rejected and phase two will be complete.


After spending a good bit of time searching for Pokemon, Trivek had come up with a single Grimer. Examining the ball containing the creature, he whistled an Izzet steambillow worker tune to himself as he started to look for something to eat. Much like the creature he'd caught, Trivek wasn't exactly picky about what he ate - a nicely cooked rat was better than no food at all, and sometimes people's scraps were a meal in and of themselves. Strolling down the lane, he was about to turn into the alley to go dumpster diving for dinner when he bumped into a pair of women, nearly losing the pokeball.

"My apologies," he quickly said, "Are you alright?" He could sense an absurd concentration of mana in one of the women, almost as if she was made of pure magic.

Olga Marie

“Of course it’s alright!” Olga laughed merrily. “Why would I have any issues with that?” Olga wrapped her arms around Saber’s neck and boldly pulled herself close to her servant. She seemed quite content with their current situation and was even softly humming a merry tune as they walked along. She was just so happy their weird hiccup seemed to be done and dealt with.

Then, some disheveled man very rudely bumped into them in his rush to get into… an alley. Was he going to buy drugs or eat from the trash or some other insidious behavior? She hoped it was just some sort of shortcut. If he was just a commoner she’d probably have curtly accepted his apology and quickly moved on. However, she could tell that this man was a mage of some ability, judging from the amount of mana swirling around him. As such, Olga was willing to give him a bit more face. Also the alcohol and events under the table at the restaurant had put her in an exceptionally good mood.

Olga cleared her throat, and with only slightly rosy cheeks, graciously accepted his apology. “It’s no problem, just be more careful next time. We’re both fine. How about you?”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Right away! I can assure you all your ails will soon be forgotten." His hair and body cooled down and turned back to its original colors before he rushed back like a blue streak of light, faster than the human eye could perceive.

It took a surprisingly short amount of time, less than a couple of minutes all things considered, he brought a platter with two cups and a scalding hot teapot on one hand, and hamburgers with fries on another.

"Here is your tea. Ah, if you don't mind, I've made some by myself as well. Leaves are plentiful to find lately, so it would be a waste not to enjoy them." He was smiling serenely, somehow he had also managed to change into a cooking apron in-between. Just what was that man? Even for a demon, this wasn't exactly common.

He put the platter down and sat, pouring her a cup. He had used fresh herbs, some with spiritual properties that should soothe most ills. He had once given this meal to a wounded and poisoned warrior, and he left the inn fully recovered! Truly, the Nexus was filled with amazing things.

"So what brings you here, miss Lizzie? You're not by chance a newcomer, are you?"


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Between the girl's weak comeback and the other one's defiant declaration, Hazel couldn't help but smile.  The girl's words might have cut a bit deeper, had she put a little more energy into that.  After mentioning that she got beat, it all came off like a teenager who got their ass kicked in a video game.  However, the other ones defiant honesty was almost disarming.  She was happy she wasn't here to fight.  Killing her would just make her feel bad.

She stopped just short of arms distance apart.  "Thats nice.  You actually made a friend while I was away," she said before shifting her gaze to the previously unconscious girl.  "But you know, the other girl does have a point.  Maybe I keep your leach a bit too loose."

She tilted her head back, gesturing towards the car.  "C'mon.  Lets get moving," she said, her voice lowering into something more commanding.  "We have shit to do."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka's eyes began to sparkle, her grip tightening from pure excitement.  A burst of energy flowed through her body, allowing her to prop up the pyramid just a bit.  However, all that wonder was halted, along with her movement, the second her intentions were questioned. 

"I don't know!" she exclaimed with a smile.  "I suppose we could take this back to my apartment, but there really is not enough room.  However, we might be able to move this to the roof if one of my roommates help us.  The issue with that option that someone could steal it."


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The vampire smashed her fist into her palm, grinning with tenfold elation and a hundredfold malice. There was no fucking way she could match that monster, at best she could evade and survive her.

That, she knew. She was pretty good at not dying after all. But even if she was fine with her being a wall, it didn't mean she didn't care about it. No, the fact it was right in front of her made her want to smash it all the harder, even if it meant breaking everything she was to accomplish that.

"Inhuman shitstain dead apostle, Costin Andrei!" Blood seeped from her eyes, nails and mouth, covering her body like snakes coiling around her until she was fully clad in an armor of bloody steel. Her claws were like daggers, weapons in their own right that could make mince out of a car.

She took a wild, beastly stance, displaying her full predator body that stretched to tear its foe apart. Her eyes glowed with unmatched intensity, was it hate or love? It didn't matter, she'd destroy them all. The blood wolf mask opened gaping to reveal the ebony beast, her flesh torn and fused with her exoskeleton, but grinning nonetheless.
And the beast charged, its armor and thorns ready to clash with her opponent.