Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 100861 times)


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Relius Clover

"No, that is exactly my point," a voice echoed, his laughter piercing through the wind.  It felt like his voice was coming from everywhere at once.  No, it was coming from beyond the stars, a kingdom that only barely scratched the size of his pride. "Your soul does not express hatred and is far beyond the point of influence.  This is a form of love, one that is far less interesting to me.  No, you remind me of an old companion."

With his words done, the world of her passed faded from her senses, returning her to his cold lifeless lab.  The sound of snapping fingers was the only thing that seemed to signal the release of the restrains.  "Orienna, please put the other girl on the table.  I shall figure out what to do with the other girl in time.  For now, I wish to figure out what my other subject is like."

Umbra of Chaos

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"It certainly is something that I am looking to achieve. But it's merely one of the many things that I must get to work on. Being able to survive long enough to live out my expected lifespan is a rather large priority to me." It was... irritating yes. That no matter how many barriers she cloaked herself with and wards she forged into being something could still sunder them and kill her. It was too easy, even now.


The blue eyed girl merely gave an empty sort of smile. "Nope! You're still pretty screwed. But if it helps, I can heal you every time Noire decides to throttle you. So at least you won't die!"


"That's a great idea! You'll teach me how you make friends, and I'll teach you how I make friends, it'll be all kinds of fun. Can I ride on your shoulders? And have my staff back?" Already trying to clamber up the other girl regardless of the answer.


She nodded and opened up her stomach compartment, her hands yanking the other woman out and holding her in place. The other subject would need to move first after all. "Do you wish for me to watch over the dog-woman, master?"
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 04:09:57 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Whew. Well, butter her ass and call her biscuit, this ended up less eventful than she'd hoped. Not a bad thing, maybe, but kind of a let down. Well, if it meant disappointing a smug bastard like good ol mask man over there, she'd probably sleep soundly over this.

"It's dog lady, thank you very much. Ugh, my head feels like a scrambled mess. Did you poke your dick in there while I was out or something you sleazy motherfucker?" She sighed before shaking herself off the table. Tch, this was quite a day, her ghoul reserves had ran out no thanks to a certain duo, and her little adventure cost more blood than she bargained.

To put it bluntly, she was famished.

She shifted her ebony body over to the blonde doll,moving as gracefully as a phantom despite the internal damage before nudging her with her wolfish hips. "Yo, about that meat, is that still a no go?"


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"Why not a real strategy game like monopoly where you can horde capital like a true bourgeoisie." She interjected in their going conversation.

"Is she really going to complain about living closer to the one she's seeing that seems rather petty."

Joe folded his arms and said,  "Well, I want to start looking for a new place tonight and I need to plan out my new route to work, so I don't know if we will have time to finish a game tonight.  But, if your willing to put the game off until later, we can get monopoly."
Sakura Matou

"Have you met her? I'll bet she'll be mad about me stepping on her autonomy or something. She gets mad at the stupidest things. She's thoughtless. All we did was pop in to say hi and she got so mad at us. It's not like she popped in when Shirou and I got together and stuff..." Sakura shook her head. She sounded dejected. However, then she spoke out loud.

"Ehhhh, but why would you play monopoly on a console? That just sounds even slower and more tedious than normal Monopoly." Sakura began to wander around looking for a real money making video game. She scurried back with a large plastic case she'd pulled out of a bargin bin. The cover art depicted some medieval or renaissance looking merchant guys on a boat with a city in the background. Up at the top in big gold letters were the words Patrician IV: Conquest by Trade. "Do you know anything about this one, Joe?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Acknowledging her master's confirmation to bring him with them Saber bowed politely to Trivek. "Then will you be so kind to follow my lead, I'll try not to lead you astray."  She moved past him and began the journey back to Olga's workshop.

"Will you require me to be naked for the making of it.?" She asked him, that was after all a common occurrence in statue making as they celebrated the divinely given shape of man.

Olga Marie

It hadn't taken them long to get to the massive warehouse that was their base. They'd already been pretty close when they met up with him. She was about to lead him inside when Saber suggested something that made her start coughing. She hadn't considered that at all! Most of those old statues were of them naked weren't they?! Her heart began to beat faster as she imagined her servant stripping down to nothing.

It wasn't a bad mental image at all.

"Ah-ahem, sorry about that. Would you like to come in? I think it'd be better to do this with a bit of privacy."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Black Heart

A vein in Noire's forehead twitched. She had half a mind to knock her back out. But she didn't. Instead she just sourly retorted. "The big meanie is holding you right now, you know?"

She'd been all ready to apologize, but now that she'd been pissed off again it just slipped her mind. She just continued glowering at Neptune.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The vampire's blood-soaked form unfolded loosely through the sound of crunched meat and bone. Choking gore convulsed free from her mouth as she finally regained the room to breathe, and her swollen eyes honed in on every individual in the room before stopping over its master.

"Rough treatement for a lady," she rasped, dangling in the doll's grasp.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Keep trying and it'll eventually work out." She cheered on her efforts, but there was still something more she could do for her. She could give her some advice, her body was very frail after all.

"Then get more buff. With a more robust constitution you won't kick the can quite as easily!" Great advice indeed.


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The blond woman giggled, "I thought it was because we had a kid save you.  But it doesn't matter.  Either way, I believe in you.  Just make sure you look out for your partner and stay safe.  When it is time, Jones will contact you."  With that word done, Hazel stepped out of the car, giving the pirate a wink and a wave before sprinting into the distance.

Jones seemed to squint as he watched their boss leave the area.  Once she was gone, he turned to the pirate.  "You heard the boss.  Now, where would you like to go?" he asked with a playful grin.


The fake sales clerk moaned as the vine crawled under her dress, snuggling her skin.  A gasp flung from her lips as the vines made their way from her thighs to her breasts, squeezing them as they wrapped around the mounds of fat. "W-what the?  I-I what are you doing?"
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 08:18:26 PM by yinsukin »


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka sighed.  She wondered how long she would be able to deal with this entitled attitude.  She was already climbing on her back.  Even so, it was against her nature not to help her.  If she could teach her how to treat people correctly, her patience would be well worth it.

"Very well," she said, bending down so the girl can ride on her shoulders and handing her the staff in the process.  "Just do not hit me with anymore sandstorms.  I hate to admit it, but I do not fair well against magic."


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"Hm, you want to deprive this city of such a wonderful view? How cruel... But well, if you insist..."

While pouting, the empress continued fondling the tall girl's breasts, expertly kneading them like dough.

Gazing at the impressive technique of the vines, Nero licked her iips in anticipation.

"Alright, I shall indulge you! Privacy it is, then!"
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 10:02:50 PM by Cherry Lover »

Umbra of Chaos

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While Grigori didn't have any disdain for the physical it was clear that she wasn't incredibly excited about the prospect of exercise. "It's not that the idea hasn't crossed my mind but doing things like that have never been quite rewarding."

Unlike her studies, it was not something that she found enjoyable to doing alone, and she rarely ever had company in her work.


"Mhmmmm. Regenerators hate sandstorms! It's rough, and coarse, and gets everywhere. Especially when I blast their flesh off and it gets under their growing tissues and stuff. I heard it's really annoying and hard to get rid of." She nodded solemnly.


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munch, munch

Rikuyo greedily devoured fast food as if she had an appetite that would eclipse that of a crocodile's. She half listened to what Ray said unless she caught the dump word. "Hey, it's not a dump if it's an interesting place. I'd only call it such if it was uneventful."

After expressing her dismay with Ray's choice of words, the redhead just bluntly stated: "I intimidated some gang into giving me an apartment. It was pretty easy, but you could call me generous because it was, uh, how it's called, a carrot and stick approach. The stick is the fact that I can destroy them pretty easily whenever. The carrot here is that other gangs kinda learned to not thread on my territory. So either way, those guys rush quickly to fix the door to my place whenever I break it when I march out. Or patch holes in walls. Whatever."

Her nonchalant attitude to the property and the bystanders seemed plainly incorrigible. Sermons and lecturing probably wouldn't work, even make her more defiant and stubborn over how she did things her way.


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"That was not meant as a serious suggestion Master, that is why I suggested monopoly of all things." She moved closer to look at the game Sakura had picked. "And what's with that name, are you to suggesting we are Romans now?" She shook her head.

Joe on the other hand was talking about something stupid. She faced him head on with a mildly annoyed glare. "Oh no you don't. You're not looking for a new place tonight and you're not a burden. Your apartment just got destroyed so what you should do is relax and get your bearings in check. Not compound even more stress on yourself, if you do I'm gonna be mad at you."


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Neptune leapt up and hid behind the only thing that could possibly protect her against that foul being, that servant of chaos. "Sweet Planeptune save me Lucy, the big meanie is back for another bite. I'll do anything for you just save my butt!" She pleaded to her one and only hope.