Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98681 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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"I'm amazed that your world still has any dragons at all if that's the case." As the dragon struck the ground Grigori gestured to the sky. A massive bolt of lightning came on down, smiting the dragon with enough force and energy to demolish a building.


She stared at it for a moment. "It doesn't come with a bag or anything? That's not gonna fit in my wallet." Lifting the stack a bit, testing its weight out for herself.


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"Good grief. Bags don't exactly come in cheap now do they?" He snarked before reaching into his desk's drawer, looking around through all sorts of questionable magazines and trash he probably shouldn't have crammed in there at the last second before retrieving a paper bag.

"There you go." He said, handing her the small bag between his fingers. If she tried to reach it, he'd lift it juuust a little higher, not for any reason other than to mess with the kid.


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Medaka Kurokami

"Back in my old world, I was seen as a monster, not for my appearance but my rapid growth," Medaka said simply, her body turning as they exited the alleyway.  "Shunned for my abilities, I questioned my purpose in the world, only to decide that it was in fact to help strangers.  However, there was one person I helped and by doing so, I got something back myself.  Moreover, just before I arrived here, he helped me when I was at my lowest.  Surely that cannot be him relying only on me.  I gave him strength and he gave it back."

Umbra of Chaos

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When he lifted a the bag a bit higher she sighed. "We can play this for a bit or, hear me out here, we can get to work. I've got things to do y'know. Definitely wanna help draw up the rules for this thing later. Making sure your little competitors don't do anything too bad and that the final prize ends up where it needs to be."


"Right, right! You relied on other people. You based yourself around others. You received strength from others. But, Medaka, who are you by yourself? What are you when you're alone? Are you anything? If I clip away those other people are you just a hollow shell?" She patted the other girl's cheeks.


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She was impossibly beautiful, a true piece of art come to life. He could feel grow painfully as her perfectly shaped bounced ever so deliciously, her voice that tugged at his heart... Wait, she was attractive but not that attractive. This really smelled of magic.

With great conscious effort he denied himself the wonders of her body to meet her gaze again. He could play along with this, at least she was talking now. "Indeed, you hair is truly mesmerizing."

"The one in charge of the police is quite powerful from what  I've heard and there's quite a few decently powerful individuals mingling with the masses if you are to believe the rumors." He wouldn't succumb to a dizzy spell of this level.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka walked for a second in silence, taking in the full weight of her words. The clacking of her shoes against the pavement was the only noise to accompany her thoughts.  "May I ask you what you are first?  What is the nature of your self concept?"


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She was impossibly beautiful, a true piece of art come to life. He could feel grow painfully as her perfectly shaped bounced ever so deliciously, her voice that tugged at his heart... Wait, she was attractive but not that attractive. This really smelled of magic.

With great conscious effort he denied himself the wonders of her body to meet her gaze again. He could play along with this, at least she was talking now. "Indeed, you hair is truly mesmerizing."

"The one in charge of the police is quite powerful from what  I've heard and there's quite a few decently powerful individuals mingling with the masses if you are to believe the rumors." He wouldn't succumb to a dizzy spell of this level.


The girl continued to smile and licked her lips. Good. It's more fun when they resist. The succubus flew over and squeezed her breasts together in front of him, emphasizing her magnificent cleavage. "Really now? Can you tell me more about these police? Are they like adventurers or the army? Or more like the sheriff?" Elizabeth continued layering on her magic, teasing him more and more with her magic. Her words would sound like pure sweetness, his body would long for her, to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her. The question was, how long could his mind hold up? She reached out to tickle underneath his chin.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 07:55:29 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"I am myself! A great lover of freedom, an enemy to slavery, liberation itself is my passion. Unlike you I shine! Whether it's with a million others or alone in the void I'm wonderful. I am someone who loves herself, fulfills herself, and brings unspeakable joy to herself! I also like sweets." Running her hands through the other girl's blue hair now.

"To put it simply, I am free."


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"Aren't you a hard working one. Hehe, it's kinda cute." He messed with her hair like a kitten before handing her the bag. "But there's a time and place for everything. No need to rush things. Just because I've praised you doesn't mean you should let it get to your head, and right now is the time to relax a little. I mean, if we're doing this, and we ARE doing this, why not get to know each other a bit better first?"

Umbra of Chaos

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She took a moment to think it over before nodding. Rebecca picked up a piece of sushi and popped it into her mouth before looking back at him. "Sure, why not? Where do you wanna start?"


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"I see," Medaka said, staring at the ground.  "It pains me to say it, but we have more in common than I first thought.  It may be why I initially disliked you."

She paused again, kicking a pebble across the sidewalk.  She didn't seem to mind the girl touching her hair.

"I believe I enjoy helping people," she said finally.  "I think it truly makes me happy.  I do not think I can separate myself from that.  So I guess that makes me no different than you.  I am simply doing what I enjoy, with no regard for other people's feelings."

An image flashed into her mind, the one of Shinobu pinning her to the wall at the mall.  At last, she finally felt the weight of the elder vampire's scolding.

Umbra of Chaos

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Set nodded her head sagely. "I see. But do you like helping people or do you like being the one who helps people? Do you want to be an unseen force, fluttering about and making other people's lives better? Without a hint of acknowledgement or praise? Or do you really want to be a hero? Someone whose aid is repaid with admiration, and love, and all those things that people throw at you because you're more than them?"
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 08:29:57 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Free?" Medaka said, parroting her words.  Her family was rather wealthy back in the day, so it was something that she craved.  However, since she had come here, she had been free.  There was never a single action she took that she did not choose herself.

Then why wasn't she happy?

"Set, with all due respect, I find it hard to believe that I would find such happiness from freedom alone.  However, the idea of being immortalized in thousands of hearts is quite striking."

Umbra of Chaos

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"Ohh? You shouldn't find it so hard to believe. Look at me! But you are right. You can't be me. You're so, so sick, Medaka. You could never be me. But you can be like me." Her hands covered the taller girl's eyes.

"Medaka, do you want their happiness or their acknowledgement? Do you want to help others or do you simply wish to never be alone?"


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"Well, I was wondering how long you had been here? For a young girl like yourself, I can't imagine the Nexus being an easy place to live in. I know the first few days were the most difficult for me." He told her frankly. He could still remember having to dig himself out of that malformed gate. Had the dimensional rupture been any greater, his spine would have been severed from the waist down.

"It is a tragedy, really, that people would be stripped from their homes and thrown into such a cruel world." He added as he toyed with an oyster before drinking it in one go.