Some time later
There was a good reason why the werewolf didn't track down Lorenzo and others. She didn't have exactly a choice in this matter. Distracted by quite a loathsome stench, she attention focused on something else than the old bag of bones that so unceremoniously dumped her. Why those guys kept crawling out of the mwoodwork even as she routinely murdered each such creature whenever encountered?
She met that kind of a corrupted monster in this city first by the bay. Some kind of oceanic mutant emerged from the sea, driving her deeper into the rage that never completely left her. Splattered by a giant wolf, the monster died ignominiously. Obviously, she refused to even touch that kind of meat, and other creatures free from such taint left corpses of such beings alone. Anyway, she had no means of uncovering the source of the infestation. So every occassional encounter just soured her mood with the knowledge that all she could react. Thankfully, she didn't bump into them every fucking day.
"Now, I'm really annoyed." Salmons, known as Ellie under her human identity, muttered under breath as she walked down back home, wearing her tracksuit that she had on her before she met Lorenzo. Pedestrians instinctually avoided her as her rage boiled stronger than usual. She'd keep her rage contained, or she hoped so, but she couldn't guarantee what could happen if she had displeasure of running into something spiritually corrupted again. She swore that this city was normally so untainted in comparison to her world that she was put on edge even more by aberrations that stood out.