Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98254 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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Joe let out an enormous sigh, his body relaxing in a way as Sakura's warm lips gently caressed his own.  His mind was in complete disarray now, far from anything logical.  There was only the fresh memory of her breasts on his arm and her lips hugging his own.  He faced her smile with a worried frown.  Her words touched him, but they could not soothe his doubt.

"Thats the problem," he said, glancing down at the floor.  "I can't take care of you in any way.  You have given me so much but I just can't give anything back.  If I gave myself to you, id just be a doll living with.... well someone as great as you."

I say that, but would it be so bad?  I wouldn't have to worry about food, or a job and i'm sure i could go out a lot more with those superwomen around...


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Joe let out an enormous sigh, his body relaxing in a way as Sakura's warm lips gently caressed his own. His mind was in complete disarray now, far from anything logical. There was only the fresh memory of her breasts on his arm and her lips hugging his own. He faced her smile with a worried frown. Her words touched him, but they could not soothe his doubt.

"Thats the problem," he said, glancing down at the floor. "I can't take care of you in any way. You have given me so much but I just can't give anything back. If I gave myself to you, id just be a doll living with.... well someone as great as you."

I say that, but would it be so bad? I wouldn't have to worry about food, or a job and i'm sure i could go out a lot more with those superwomen around...

Sakura Matou

"That's not true! You're a great man! You're cute, funny, and smart! You can make a difference in the city! Just because you're a normal human doesn't make you useless!" Sakura was frowning even more than Joe. She was really upset at how little he thought of himself and wasn't hiding it at all. She grabbed him in a hug. "Just being my friend like this is such a big deal to me." Sakura pressed her face up to his chest and buried herself in it. "If you don't like being an accountant why don't you work for a charity that helps the poor? I'm sure you'd do a great job with your personality!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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Sakura wasn't holding back anymore.  She buried her head in his chest, taking shelter in his body.  "Its not that simple Sakura," he groaned.  "I do like the money it gives me and finding a good charity here is hard.  But don't worry, its not what you think.  I was actually thinking about applying to the police department as an accountant.  I could at least work for an organization that does good things."

He began rubbing her head.  "I just meant in comparison to you, I have nothing.  I am no mage.  I am not rich.  I don't have any superpowered, super hot servants.  I just am Joe, ordinary guy with ordinary abilities."


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Sakura wasn't holding back anymore. She buried her head in his chest, taking shelter in his body. "Its not that simple Sakura," he groaned. "I do like the money it gives me and finding a good charity here is hard. But don't worry, its not what you think. I was actually thinking about applying to the police department as an accountant. I could at least work for an organization that does good things."

He began rubbing her head. "I just meant in comparison to you, I have nothing. I am no mage. I am not rich. I don't have any superpowered, super hot servants. I just am Joe, ordinary guy with ordinary abilities."

Sakura Matou

"That doesn't matter! You're unique! Special! And that sounds like a great idea! I'd be happy to be a character reference." Sakura kissed him again, tears in her eyes. She was getting really worked up. She'd already resolved to pull some strings for him, secretly of course. He deserved it and she knew he'd be a great fit.

"Let's go eat." She said finally with a smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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Joe finally wrapped his arms around her, squeezing tightly as he said, "Sakura please don't cry over me.  I don't want to see you cry."

That was another lie.  A warm feeling overcame him, a sense of resolve.  The only people who ever called him special was his mom.  Though he never considered his optimism comparable to the superpowers that allowed people to get to the top of society in the city.  "Yeah lets go eat."

He grabbed some plates and utensils, expecting Sakura to set the actual food.  He was actually ready to eat now. Plus anything to get his mind off of Sakura's body was a good thing.


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Joe finally wrapped his arms around her, squeezing tightly as he said, "Sakura please don't cry over me. I don't want to see you cry."

That was another lie. A warm feeling overcame him, a sense of resolve. The only people who ever called him special was his mom. Though he never considered his optimism comparable to the superpowers that allowed people to get to the top of society in the city. "Yeah lets go eat."

He grabbed some plates and utensils, expecting Sakura to set the actual food. He was actually ready to eat now. Plus anything to get his mind off of Sakura's body was a good thing.

Sakura Matou

"Mmm." Sakura grabbed all the food in one go with the help of a small shadow person. The dining room was nice and cozy, unlike how large and opulent everything else was. It was indicitive of the fact she didn't have very many friends or people in her life other than Jeanne. She set the food down on the table, and then the shadowly person did a little bow, sinking into the floor and back into her shadow. Sakura's stomach grumbled as she began to make her sandwich. The places were directly across from each other.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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Despite how big the mansion was, the dining room was actually pretty modest.  It had a cozy lived in quality to it.  As he pulled up a chair, he noticed the shadow creature serving him his food.  It was actually sort of weird how easy he got used to the creature once he learned what it was.

"You know, I complained a lot about being normal, but honestly, after meeting Rin, I realized how stressful supernatural abilities can be," he said, mostly trying to explain himself a bit more.


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Despite how big the mansion was, the dining room was actually pretty modest. It had a cozy lived in quality to it. As he pulled up a chair, he noticed the shadow creature serving him his food. It was actually sort of weird how easy he got used to the creature once he learned what it was.

"You know, I complained a lot about being normal, but honestly, after meeting Rin, I realized how stressful supernatural abilities can be," he said, mostly trying to explain himself a bit more.

Sakura Matou

"Mmmmm... yeah learning magic is hard. I sacrificed my entire childhood to learn it. I didn't have any friends because of it." Sakura said quietly. "Plus it hurt so much-ah, this probably isn't the best time to talk about this, is it?" Sakura smiled and took a bite from her sandwich. It was really tasty.

"I could, well, make you some magic tools, if you want. I'm sort of a specialist but I'm sure they'd be useful."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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"In my family, we always talked about our problems over dinner," he said with a smile.  "It is why I hated dinner!"  He also took a bite from his sandwich.  He wished he picked a better recipe.  "I wouldn't mind some magic tools, especially after those guys broke into my house."

He purposefully ignored the part about the pain.  If she didn't want to talk about it, there was no need to push her, at least not now.  "Still, I can't accept so much from you.  At some point, ill basically owe you my life!"


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"In my family, we always talked about our problems over dinner," he said with a smile. "It is why I hated dinner!" He also took a bite from his sandwich. He wished he picked a better recipe. "I wouldn't mind some magic tools, especially after those guys broke into my house."

He purposefully ignored the part about the pain. If she didn't want to talk about it, there was no need to push her, at least not now. "Still, I can't accept so much from you. At some point, ill basically owe you my life!"

Sakura Matou

"Oh, you'd be helping me. I have plenty of old tools I made while learning from my teacher. They're just collecting dust." Sakura giggled. "They're literally just sitting in a box, I'm sure he'd be livid if he was still alive."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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Joe's entire body jumped a bit at that retort.  "I would be helping you?  How?" he asked.  He did also take note of the teacher comment, but that other bit was more interesting to him.


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Joe's entire body jumped a bit at that retort. "I would be helping you? How?" he asked. He did also take note of the teacher comment, but that other bit was more interesting to him.


Sakura laughed again. "They'd be useful, they're just taking up space right now. At least take a look. The less I have of them the more space I have for other stuff."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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"Oh..." he said before taking another bite of his food.  Now that he was really getting into his food, it was starting to taste a lot better.  "Well you know, both you and Rin seem to have really strict teachers. Do you still practice new spells and stuff these days?"

Damn, I was hoping it was some dangerous artifact she didn't want in the house or something, like in those movies...

Cherry Lover

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The servant gasped for air as the vines wrapped around her throat, her body reacting naturally to the sensation of being deprived of air despite her nature as a servant. Meanwhile, the thorns continued to dig in to her breasts and thighs, causing her to let out strangled moans of pain.

The pain and pleasure of the vines combined to bring Rider's arousal higher and higher, her juices flowing freely as she gasped for air. Meanwhile, she observed the other girl, watching as Emily groped her and the vines crept towards her.

"Y..yes", she moaned, blissfully, as she watched the sight unfold in front of her.


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"Oh..." he said before taking another bite of his food. Now that he was really getting into his food, it was starting to taste a lot better. "Well you know, both you and Rin seem to have really strict teachers. Do you still practice new spells and stuff these days?"

Damn, I was hoping it was some dangerous artifact she didn't want in the house or something, like in those movies...


Sakura shook her head. "No, Rin's teacher was an idiot. He barely taught her anything. Faust was kind and fatherly. He treated me like his real daughter, like his heir. He taught me everything he could." Sakura had a nostalgic smile on her face. "I don't think he was really that strict. And yes, I spend some time every day practicing my magic. I want to get better and better!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end