Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97413 times)


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Medaka's body seemed to be filled with energy, a glint in her eye foreshadowing her next explosive action.  "I thought you would never ask," she said.  Not giving the girl enough time to protest, she rushed Anastasia at full speed, grabbing her by the hand and leaping out of the window, landing on the roof nearby. 

She wasn't too worried about her damaged windows, she was thinking about replacing them for newer ones to keep out the bugs in the summer.  It would be a fun project.


"What the?!" That was the only thing he could say as Sakura leaped into his shadow.  He stood there, face completely blank, before a sudden warmth filled him with energy.  It wasn't long since he touched Jeanne's breasts so he remembered the feeling of those bouncy things pressed against his body.  If anything, Sakura was wearing less.  He could tell just from the touch.

He turned around, only to see her tonned body covered only by a sports bra and that underwear-pants hybrid they called short shorts.  Completely taken off guard, he found his eyes drawn to her boobs like a powerful magnet.  He tried to move his gaze away, only to have it drawn toward towards her midriff, where he got a look at her toned belly.  It wasn't as nice as Rin's, but it still looked pretty damn good.

"Sakura!" he finally said, forcing his gaze to her face.  "Ok well, ill start by saying you look wonderful but i'm not sure you should wear that for a basket ball game."

More importantly, it could potentially mess up his plan.  Though, with a body like that, maybe not?


Sakura hopped about, displaying her limberness and the bouncyness of her boobs. "I don't see why these clothes would hold me back, Joe." She said with a smirk.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He felt himself harden almost instantly, his shaft pushing against his pants for the umpteenth time today.  For the sake of his own sanity, he attempted to stop Sakura's weaponized bouncing by grabbing hold of her shoulders and keeping her in place.  "Uhh.... its a...ummm unfair advantage," he said.  "It makes it hard to look at the ball.  Besides, id rather not have people staring while we play."

He glanced at the basketball court, which was separated by a wall of thin glass.  He didn't want some guy hitting on her while they were playing, especially if he was hotter than him!


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He felt himself harden almost instantly, his shaft pushing against his pants for the umpteenth time today.  For the sake of his own sanity, he attempted to stop Sakura's weaponized bouncing by grabbing hold of her shoulders and keeping her in place.  "Uhh.... its a...ummm unfair advantage," he said.  "It makes it hard to look at the ball.  Besides, id rather not have people staring while we play."

He glanced at the basketball court, which was separated by a wall of thin glass.  He didn't want some guy hitting on her while they were playing, especially if he was hotter than him!

Sakura Matou

"Awwww...." Sakura sounded sad and began to fidget. She blushed. "I wanted to show myself off to you, though... Do you not like it?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Now that he got her to stop, he realized that he was touching her shoulders.  After all, the only thing covering her torso was that piece of whatever they called a sports bra.  He took a deep breath, reflexively squeezing her shoulder as he tried his best to expel the obvious from his mind.

Nice try Sakura... Nice try.

He let his hands drop to his side and said, "Yes, I like it.  This outfit really shows off your....figure.  But thats why its best that you change into something more modest.  I'm sure im not the only one interested in a body like that.  Besides, we are here to play basket ball, not,,, show off."

Plus I have nothing to show!

Every word he spoke hurt him in one way or another.  To think that he would be advocating to hide that body behind something.  His teenage and college self would be sickened by his words.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2017, 07:02:21 PM by yinsukin »


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Now that he got her to stop, he realized that he was touching her shoulders.  After all, the only thing covering her torso was that piece of whatever they called a sports bra.  He took a deep breath, reflexively squeezing her shoulder as he tried his best to expel the obvious from his mind.

Nice try Sakura... Nice try.

He let his hands drop to his side and said, "Yes, I like it.  This outfit really shows off your....figure.  But thats why its best that you change into something more modest.  I'm sure im not the only one interested in a body like that.  Besides, we are here to play basket ball, not,,, show off."

Plus I have nothing to show!

Every word he spoke hurt him in one way or another.  To think that he would be advocating to hide that body behind something.  His teenage and college self would be sickened by his words.

Sakura Matou

"But I don't mind people looking at me right now. Come on, let's play! It'll be more fun this way." It didn't seem like Sakura wanted to change again, and she began dragging Joe into the court.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe ended up letting Sakura carry him along.  "Grah, whatever," he said, a bit conflicted in the end.  He freed himself from her hand and wandered over to a large metal basket that contained a pile of basket balls.  After testing one or two of them by pressing the rubber, he began dribbling towards Sakura.  Now that he was focused on something else, that little bulge in his pants faded.

"Alright," he said, doing a bounce pass to Sakura.  "How about we warm up by going to 20?"


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"Or you can warm up by doing 20 pushups." The armored blond servant materialized behind Joe having returned from her boring her boring assignment she'd stumbled upon having fun, by themselves. This was unforgivable, utterly unforgivable. She caught the man in a hug from behind. "Taking off to play ball without me, such a sin must be punished most severely! She then leaned forward to whisper to him. "I haven't seen Sakura dress like that in a while...."


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Joe ended up letting Sakura carry him along. "Grah, whatever," he said, a bit conflicted in the end. He freed himself from her hand and wandered over to a large metal basket that contained a pile of basket balls. After testing one or two of them by pressing the rubber, he began dribbling towards Sakura. Now that he was focused on something else, that little bulge in his pants faded.

"Alright," he said, doing a bounce pass to Sakura. "How about we warm up by going to 20?"


"Or you can warm up by doing 20 pushups." The armored blond servant materialized behind Joe having returned from her boring her boring assignment she'd stumbled upon having fun, by themselves. This was unforgivable, utterly unforgivable. She caught the man in a hug from behind. "Taking off to play ball without me, such a sin must be punished most severely! She then leaned forward to whisper to him. "I haven't seen Sakura dress like that in a while...."

Sakura Matou

Sakura caught the pass and held the basketball tightly. All she knew about this game was you bounce the ball when you moved and scord points by getting it into the basket. "To twenty?" She asked, but then Jeanne appeared behind Joe. "Oh!" Sakura suddenly blushed and felt a bit self concious. It finally hit her that they were totally in public! She wasn't going to go back on it now though!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Just as the man pulled back, Sera walked forward, restoring the tension between their personal space.  "I-I don't mind chatting, but you do know i'm underaged right?" she asked, wondering what kind of response he would give.  He was being awfully nice, but he was probably just trying to get in her pants.


The half-vampire half-angel's brows rose nonplussed. Heh, so they were playing this game. For a moment, his build loomed over her, and the next second he delivered a restrained finger flick to her forehead.

"I've got more to worry about then how to get your skirt off, dumbass," he said, chuckling. "Come on, my treat."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"WAH!" Joe shouted, his entire body springing up like he had just seen a ghost.  He turned to Jeanne before looking at Sakura, then looking back at Jeanne. "W-wait, were you there the whole time?!"

If me and Sakura ever have sex, ill have to ask her if Jeanne is nearby.... he thought to himself before she whispered in his ear.  "I haven't seen Sakura dress like that in a while...."  He shuttered, his gaze once again wandering onto her body, prompted by a simple suggestion.  This time, he glanced at her legs, which for once were in full view thanks to those shorts.  He could even see her rear pushing those shorts to its limits, forming its own curve under the cloth.

He pulled his head away in a sudden jolt, to avoid listening to any more of her temptations.  Just then, another thought occurred, Damn it!  I picked this because I thought id actually be able to be competitive against Sakura with this!  Shes ruining my plans!

His gaze shifted back and forth, scanning as much of the rec center as he could for possible options.  Then, a confident grin came to his face.  "Hey Jeanne, I think I have a good rematch idea so I can get you back for the apartment."

This might work out after all! he thought to himself.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 12:08:31 AM by yinsukin »


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"Hmm hmm..." Jeanne cleared her throat and then tried out her best Joe impression. "That's an unfair advantage, it's make it hard to look at the ball.... since about then." She took a step closer not allowing him to escape that easily.

"Do tell me about that. Although I don't quite remember doing anything there that would justify you getting back at me. I could be wrong though, my memory isn't the greatest hehe..."


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Sakura Matou

"Ahahahaha!" Sakura laughed at Jeanne's impression of Joe. She crouched down a bit, ready to catch the ball again. "Whose team will she be on though? There are only two teams right?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sera let loose a little grunt, rubbing her forehead in the aftermath of that flick.  "W-wha?  Fine.  Lead the way."

He walked them down to a bar nearby.  Along the way, he filled her in on the nature of this city.  They called it the nexus, a sort of center of sorts that drew in people from every dimension possible.  All sorts of people existed here and by extension, all sorts of wonderful souls.  The explanation took the entire walk however, leaving her with a dumbfounded look when they arrived.

He was so charismatic, able to sell the both of them as adults without the bar staff bothering them.  They didn't even ask for her ID!  Hell, he even got her a spot at the seat right in front of the bar tender.  Of course, he got her a soda rather than a beer, which meant that maybe he wasn't trying to seduce her after all.

Aww...  I always wanted to fuck an actor... she thought, before a sudden jolt prompted her to ask a question.  "S-so are you an actor or....ummm.."  She pressed her fingers together.  "Why do you dress like that?"


Joe let out a groan, his posture deflating as she went through her impression.  Sakura even laughed at him, proving shes not THAT innocent.  "Well, its true... they are big and distracting..."

He shook his head and told himself, Whatever!  Shes a girl.  She wouldn't understand!

Then, he glanced at Sakura and said,  "Yeah, there are two teams.  But, Jeanne is going to be on her own.  She's her own team.  What we need to do is get more players.  I don't think we can beat her with just the two of us."

Once again, he found himself looking at her outfit.  Normally, it would be a little nerve wracking to invite strangers to join them, but maybe it would be more appealing to have her ask them.  Plus, that way, he could give her the real present.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 01:20:56 AM by yinsukin »


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The dog would've flushed to the point it turned red at the sudden petting, and for a while she was completely flabbergasted. Then, she howled with such malice a man might break in two by hearing her.

"͡͡҉̛̛D̴̡O҉̸Ņ̨'̶͟͜T҉̢ ̴͜F̕͢Á̷͟C̢̕͘Ķ̨͘̕͝I͏̸͢͡N̶̴G͡ ̡̛Ţ̸͟͠͝O̴̷̴U̢͘͢͞C̢͠H̷̕͜͝ ̨͘͢Ḿ̢E̶̢͘͘͟!͜͏"̢͜

Despite that, her tail was wagging pleasantly. She looked like she'd almost tear his heart out, but she wasn't moving or doing anything really, just wagging there in complete submission.

Hmph. How rude, how dare he touch her without her permission. Well, it was fine now. He may pet.


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"Mine are bigger though..." Jeanne went over to the metal basket and picked up a basket. He small hands made it impossible for her to grab it with one hand as she soon found out by dropping it on the floor.

Making an annoyed she bent over and picked the ball up almost glaring daggers at it for making her look so stupid. She then her attention back to them. "All team against me? I don't even know how to play."
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 04:21:32 AM by Bern »