Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96385 times)


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"Ack!" she yelped, her clothes chocking her as she was thrust upward.  She actually didn't mind being treated like this, so long as she didn't die.  Besides, he didn't look too bad with those fangs and that stare. 

"I am," she said, shuttering in fear.  "I am even better than the best healer.  Life and death are just states of being.  That is what I was trying to show you."

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura smiled back at the girl.

"Really?" she asked, her childhood making her still unused to praise from anyone other than her kind-hearted Senpai. "Thank you! It was nothing, honestly, it's just how my magic works."

Shirou turned to her and smiled.

"Yes, but you trained hard to get that good at it", he said, kindly, praising her and shoring up her still-fragile confidence. "You deserve the credit."

Then he turned to the other girl.

"I can observe people from a long distance using my magic, it's my speciality, but I cannot listen to people from such a range, so your help would be much appreciated", he said.

"Hopefully Sakura's familiar will do the job, though, if you can't detect it then hopefully our target can't."

Sakura smiled again, glad that she could be useful to her beloved Senpai.

"Yes, I'll send it in now. I'll try to keep a bit of a distance this time, too, but we do need to move reasonably close because she's inside", Sakura said, sending the familiar on its way.

"As for getting closer, we should find a good vantage point. It will be hard to watch over her from a distance whilst she's inside, though...", the girl added.


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Oh wow. He didn't think she'd go for that. He meant, even for someone like him, that presence was so overwhelming it was nothing but trouble, he wasn't even sure if sending scouts over there was a sound idea in the first place.

But there was a saying that went: Great men are made of terrible ideas! Besides, he'd probably bump into whatever was causing that surge of mana, or whatever. Maybe it was a secret artefact or treasure! Or maybe a deadly trap. Either way, it'd probably be fun.

"Woah, that's a great idea! Just gimme a sec though." He snapped his fingers in approval, only to slip away and dash to the corner of his ship. He opened a barrel and  scrambled through its contents, revealing a literal pile of bones he was sorting through one by one, sometimes even sizing and trying them like puzzle pieces before throwing them away.

"Mhhh, lessee..." He mumbled while trying to see if a humerus was about the right proportion.

Cherry Lover

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Rider continued to moan with pleasure, the vines molesting her as she watched the show unfold in front of her. The thorns ripping into her pussy disappeared but, in compensation, the changeling began to violently shake her tormented breasts, causing her to let out pained moans as she addressed her once more.

"I..I'm a little tied up right now, you know", she responded to Emily's question, panting louder and louder as she approached her peak..

Before she could reach it, though, the Empress got there, orgasming loudly and spraying her juices all over the bound Rider. The humiliation of it, added to the pleasure she'd already felt, sent her over the edge, and she too orgasmed, letting out a loud, long moan of pleasure as she did.


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Sakura's shot while closer than her own had been, appeared even more disappointing to look at. It was probably because she had been so close but been robbed victory at the last moment. Her master did look really embarassed thugh, turning away from them to hide what must be a blush.

"I'd say you succeded in that but.... Isn't there something you're forgetting?....." She gave a pause for drama's and then continued. ".... How were you planning on putting me out of my comfort zone?" She moved closer and flicked his forehead lightly. "I just can't wait for it."


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Joe sighed and said, "Well its a bit anticlimactic, but its a better shot than Jeanne.  But yeah that was the plan.  Your a cute girl, so we shouldn't have any problems recruiting some boys to join our team."

Besides, I've never played a game of pickup in a rec center, let alone with strangers... he thought.  It would have been even easier if they had done it in his neighborhood where he sort of knew people, but here it was a lot scarier.  He couldn't help but deliberately eye her outfit, lowering his eyes in a hallow attempt at being stern.  "See?  This is why I wanted you to wear something else," he said walking over to grab the ball.  He turned around, dribbling the ball a few times just to get warmed up a little.  "Being cute is good, but we don't want them to think your easy, unless you are feeling confident."

Correction.  He didn't want someone smoother than him taking Sakura's attention.  Especially with how much she seemed to be getting off to flirting with him.  That could be bad with strangers.  Besides, Jeanne wasn't too far off.  He wasn't trying to show off with the game, but he was absolutely trying to show off with his charisma.  A positive attitude and good social skills were all he really had over her.  He wasn't sure about Jeanne though.  He wasn't sure if the confidence came from her power or charisma.  Maybe it was both.

Turning to Jeanne, he ended up shaking his head at her over dramatic teasing, walking towards her with a confident stride and a steady dribble.  She gave his forehead a quick flick, making him drop the ball.  It rolled over towards Sakura but stopped in the middle of the distance between the two.  "Cmon Jeanne, we both know I didn't plan on you showing up," he said, walking over to the ball and bending over to pick it up.  As his body rose, a modest grin formed on his face.  "But I think kicking your ass would be a good start."

I probably should feel bad for competing with a girl who doesn't seem like she has even heard on this game, but to hell with that!  Competing with her got my apartment blown up, so ill ride this to the end!


  • Moon Cancer
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"Just train somewhere outside, okay? You're probably the kind of person who doesn't know their strength." The wizard chided her companion before going out to shop for stuff she needed. She would need elements and substances keyed to each aspect of magic. Preferably not dangerous, but with Medaka's recovery capabilities it didn't matter that much. She'd just go for most optimal combination to prepare those tests. Such ingredients were best found in small stores rather than large outlets.


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"Oh, well there's so much to talk about! I managed a four hour lecture for weeks just on the basic applications of the mana sigil system to the city-state! There's so much to talk about but you're right, we need to find a place to stay. Maybe some house for the poor? I don't see any way for us to acquire fund..." She took a moment to think, trying to consider how they might go about doing this.


"I'm sure we'll be able to find something. I'll be fine just subsisting off your mana, so don't worry about me." The purple haired girl said as she evaporated into spiritrons. Parvati was looking around for any sort of place they could hole up in for rapidly approaching night. "I'll go scout around for you, Master."

"It sounds like you love magic. Maybe you could lecture me on it, I know a thing or two about it myself!" The girl wasn't terribly interested in it, but if her master was such a nerd about it, she'd be happy to support her in her endeavor.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A young girl made her way down the streets of the Nexus, oblivious to the dangers of the Nexus at night. She was enjoying the freedoms being here gave. Here, nobody would tell her to eat her grains, nobody told her to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and she could do the work of a real hero here! It was almost like she wasn't in training anymore!

Well, not really, but it was nice in a way. All the random enemies were laughably easy.

"It's strange the animals aren't carrying gold, though..." Fran remarked to herself. What was up with that?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe sighed and said, "Well its a bit anticlimactic, but its a better shot than Jeanne.  But yeah that was the plan.  Your a cute girl, so we shouldn't have any problems recruiting some boys to join our team."

Besides, I've never played a game of pickup in a rec center, let alone with strangers... he thought.  It would have been even easier if they had done it in his neighborhood where he sort of knew people, but here it was a lot scarier.  He couldn't help but deliberately eye her outfit, lowering his eyes in a hallow attempt at being stern.  "See?  This is why I wanted you to wear something else," he said walking over to grab the ball.  He turned around, dribbling the ball a few times just to get warmed up a little.  "Being cute is good, but we don't want them to think your easy, unless you are feeling confident."

Correction.  He didn't want someone smoother than him taking Sakura's attention.  Especially with how much she seemed to be getting off to flirting with him.  That could be bad with strangers.  Besides, Jeanne wasn't too far off.  He wasn't trying to show off with the game, but he was absolutely trying to show off with his charisma.  A positive attitude and good social skills were all he really had over her.  He wasn't sure about Jeanne though.  He wasn't sure if the confidence came from her power or charisma.  Maybe it was both.

Turning to Jeanne, he ended up shaking his head at her over dramatic teasing, walking towards her with a confident stride and a steady dribble.  She gave his forehead a quick flick, making him drop the ball.  It rolled over towards Sakura but stopped in the middle of the distance between the two.  "Cmon Jeanne, we both know I didn't plan on you showing up," he said, walking over to the ball and bending over to pick it up.  As his body rose, a modest grin formed on his face.  "But I think kicking your ass would be a good start."

I probably should feel bad for competing with a girl who doesn't seem like she has even heard on this game, but to hell with that!  Competing with her got my apartment blown up, so ill ride this to the end!

Sakura Matou
"I'm-I'm f-fine. Don't worry about me." Sakura protested his obviously fake attempt to make her dress herself more. "You don't have to worry about it." Sakura nonetheless pulled out a tank top and threw that on over her bra. Being out and talking to people in essentially underwear was just too much for her. She wasn't showing off to them, she was showing off to Joe. She eyed Jeanne, waiting to see how her servant would respond to this provocation. She was really impressed with him, not being intimidated by her at all.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:46:44 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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And she gave the other girl a simple, blunt response. "No. That is an faulty method that does not guarantee quality and wastes time. Their use should be found out beforehand. Then we can use any methods I deem fit to retrieve them."


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The vampire flapped her hand and imitated her lip movements condescendingly while she talked. Jeez, what a bore. Just how was she supposed to make pocket change? Well, she could do it herself, yes, but she tended to lose control and all. It made things messy, and super awkward. Besides, why should she do all the work? Her plan was very sound, and probably better than whatever that numb skull could think of. As a really wise man said once, there is nothing like a sewer orgy.

Well, yes, okay. Maybe it would be more subtle to just infect someone the normal fashion. She was a dead apostle, this sort of thing was simple walk in the park when it concerned her, and that's why it was boring. Whoever said not to toy with your food was a dumbass, you need some excitement in your life to keep going.

But she was so stubborn. Hmph. She'd need help for this one. "Fiiiine. Jeez, you know what, I think I liked the other doll better. At least he knew how to have some fun. You suck at this Ori." She crossed her arms and pouted. But in a sudden, her pout turned into a sly understanding smile.

 "Ahhh, I see. Of course, of course! I getcha, I getcha. Sorry, hehe, I should've considered your feelings for a second there." Despite what should sound like a genuine apology, her tone and posture sounded like anything but that, almost like she figured something out and was mocking Orianna for it.


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The former hero king sat on the cardboard remains of his box, eyes closed with a deep frown.  While he was out scavenging for food, some asshole trampled on it or something.  In the end, he didn't even find anything edible and thus returned to his "home" with less than nothing.  But just as he accepted his fate, something caught his attention.

The wonderful smell of bacon.

He opened his eyes, only to see a girl passing by without a care in the world.  It was strange too, especially considering how bad the crime got here at night.  A small drop of altruism spread across his body, filling his heart with the need to protect that girl.  Meanwhile, the desperate man inside of him craved breakfest and would do anything to obtain it.  In both cases, his next course of action was clear.

"Ma'am!" he shouted, waving frantically as he shot up.  He ran after the little girl, knowing he would look a bit strange.  "I need to tell you something important.  Hear me out young lady!"


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The former hero king sat on the cardboard remains of his box, eyes closed with a deep frown.  While he was out scavenging for food, some asshole trampled on it or something.  In the end, he didn't even find anything edible and thus returned to his "home" with less than nothing.  But just as he accepted his fate, something caught his attention.

The wonderful smell of bacon.

He opened his eyes, only to see a girl passing by without a care in the world.  It was strange too, especially considering how bad the crime got here at night.  A small drop of altruism spread across his body, filling his heart with the need to protect that girl.  Meanwhile, the desperate man inside of him craved breakfest and would do anything to obtain it.  In both cases, his next course of action was clear.

"Ma'am!" he shouted, waving frantically as he shot up.  He ran after the little girl, knowing he would look a bit strange.  "I need to tell you something important.  Hear me out young lady!"


Great. Some crazy looking bearded homeless guy was running up to talk to her. She reached for her spear just in case he tried to molest her or something. "What do you want?" She asked him cautiously. It could be a trick.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It probably not a good idea to ask her about the bacon straight away.  So instead he said, "Its dangerous to be out here at this time.  You should not walk around so carelessly.  It is a good way to get robbed.  When you walk, make sure that it appears you have a clear purpose for being where you are, or you will seem to be some hapless tourist."