Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 51352 times)


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"Bias ah yes I do have that. The bias of having had to fight my old comrades as they rose from the grave.. then having to put them down once more. And when I thought I had reached the bottom of the dark pit, they rose again."

Throughout her speech the Godslayer kept glaring at Grigori even though she seemed consumed by her own tale, a tale of misery and suffering.


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She looked annoyed for a second as he asked her how she was doing. It was almost like she wirelessly communicated with him.... Yeah she was doing fine alright especially as he had just left as things were going great.
..  Something along the lines of that.

"It looks fine to me." Neptune pulled out another penny not minding that he'd practically stolen the first one and inserted it into the machine.

The Purple haired girl then slowly started racking up score. At first it was nothing special, the bumpers hit the ball but there was nothing spectacular to it. But slowly, almost unnoticeably there was a shift. She kept hitting the bonuses over and and the score climbed higher and higher. Before long the high score was broken but she just kept going with a smile on her face as the difficulty spike was insane... to a human that is.

Eventually only an error message could be seen on the score board.

"Whoops, looks like I broke it." She hit it once for good measure but it just made it make a sound like a dying seal.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 01:17:39 AM by Bern »


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Now that was just uncalled for. Its not like he asked to get dragged around either. Hmpfh! He crossed his arms, miffed but not quite capable of getting upse

Then she took out another coin, much to his confusion. "Hey, don't bother. I told you, this game is rig-" The burning pirate was shut up by the familiar sound of the game booting up and the clicking of the switches. No, maybe it was more accurate he was shut up by her sheer display of skill. Her score just didn't stop ramping up.

1,000,000,000, then 2,000,000,000, then 5,000,000,000 and up to 9,999,999,999 and even more to the point the machine simply couldn't handle it and broke. Forever.


It was really the only thing he could say. No, the only thing that could be said.


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Yeah, something's up.  She was livid before and now she doesn't care.

Marcus smiled at her words, placing his angs behind his head, elbows pointed outwards.  "C'mon that can't be true," he said, giving her body a quick runover.  Of course, he took the time to enjoy the sight of her lovely breasts.  "A cute girl like you must have been held like that at least once."


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"Awwww..... I wanted to play some more." Neptune looked sad for a tiny moment but that vanished almost as fast as it happened. The unpredictable mood shifts wasn't a rare sight at all though. She was quite famous for it back in her homeland after alll.

"So... where's the ship captain? Did you lose it at sea again?" Of course Neptune referenced something that hadn't happened, maybe she did it for fun or maybe just to annoy him.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Olga Marie

The teen blushed and began to fidget, the redness in her cheeks contrasting with her otherwise pale complexion. She looked at Saber helplessly, then at Trivik. Saber had really thrown her under the bus hardcore! She didn't know if this place had foodstuff, it almost certainly didn't! It'd been an abandoned warehouse until earlier today!
"Well, unfortunately, we just moved in here, and we don't have any food right now. I could give you some gold to buy some for yourself later, though!" Olga cursed Saber under her breath in dismay. She felt bad not being able to reward Trivik the way he'd asked her to. It was terrible hospitality.

The mage seemed to fold into himself when the news that there wasn't food here was broken. Even the promise of money to buy food wasn't exactly enough to make up for the newly formed hole in his heart. "A-alright."

Dejectedly, Trivek leaned against a wall. "Is there at least sleeping quarters? My dumpster, while comfortable enough, cannot compare to a night's sleep under a real roof."


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The maid seemingly didn't mind that his eyes were raping her again, because she was far to absorbed in her own thoughts. "You'd be suprised, everyone were such bullies back home...." She looekd down in sadness completely destroyed emotionally by that tragic even in the past. the event that had shaped into becoming what she was now. The most important event in her life.

It was all a lie.


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The hound was carried away like a spoiled bride about to be ravished at her honeymoon by none other than Orianna. Searching for the puppet, it took little to no time before they found the kiddo. Moving up to Orianna's shoulder, she perked her head down and sniffed. Yep, it was him.

"Youch! Someone looks in bad shape. You've been here all this time?" She asked him casually like he was an old friend.


Noticing the large dog peeking over his shoulder, the doll started stroking her head absent-mindedly.

"True, that guy was a surprise. Well, it was interesting so it's okay.... So, you can do that?"

Turning around toward the girl, Coppelius realied that she was, indeed, a doll as well. a slight frown warped his porcelaine face for but a second before he regained his composure.

"And you are...?"
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 10:10:59 PM by Break »

Umbra of Chaos

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Like normal people, Sakura didn't like doing her shopping too late. There was still a bit of the sun in the sky as she filled her basket with all kinds of stuff. Some snacks, phones, jewelry, and a few wads of cash. Most of it had only taken a little bit of negotiating and posturing. That why she had to walk around all the passed out nobodies on the ground. Right now she was squatting next to some passed out lady, checking out her garish necklace.

"Jesus, you have some real shit taste."


Perhaps she would have felt just a pang of sympathy if she had been animating humans before the other girl, but right now the mage was just annoyed. "I don't really have the patience to debate the morals of using necromancy with you. Just tell me what would offend you so badly that you'd want to kill me so I can avoid it."


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Marcus suddenly turned his head away from her, his gaze wandering away from her body.  His head actually physically turned away from her, tilting back and to the right so that he could get a better view of the evening sky.  At the vary least, its beauty was straightforward.

"Uh huh," he groaned, his response almost mumble like.  "And then what?"


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Chuckling in anticipation, the blonde bundle of libido let herself fall backward on the supporting vines, entrusting herself entirely to the whims of the clearly experienced fae.

Her nipples and clitoris perking up rock-hard by now, she took a deep breath to take in the woody aroma wafting through the air as the rose perfumes mixed with the forest air emitted by the vines.

"Hm, this is new, very nice indeed~ It reminds me of a few pets i used to keep, yet it's different in a way, less ravenous, yet more sensual~"


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"Oh, that? Well, I parked her somewhere safe. Why?"  He rested his sword on his back, wrapping his arms around them like a stick. He seemed as aloof as ever, even when taking her mood swings in mind. "Awww, I see. You miss her already eh? Well, if you want another ride you can just ask."

He held his palm out and grew a handful of flame that expanded and fell on the ground before  transforming into a  massive creature of fire, bearing two majestic wings mighty enough to have both of them soar. He hopped on top of it and gave his steed a slap on the side to invite the lass over. "Wanna hop on?"


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Jeanne Alter

The pale alter was wandering around the streets absently. She'd already released  some good anger out at the park when she'd kicked a skeleton on a bench. Now she just felt kind of listless, and it showed. Her gait was slovenly and her expression was sort of blank.

Eventually, she wound up in front of a convinence store and witnessed a rather amusing sight of a robbery. Some white-haired girl was commenting on some gaudy woman she'd knocked out's shit taste in clothing. Jeanne couldn't help but laugh a little as she nonchalantly walked in to grab a soda. She stepped over a few bodies and grabbed a two liter bottle of coke, beginning to unscrew it.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The hound was carried away like a spoiled bride about to be ravished at her honeymoon by none other than Orianna. Searching for the puppet, it took little to no time before they found the kiddo. Moving up to Orianna's shoulder, she perked her head down and sniffed. Yep, it was him.

"Youch! Someone looks in bad shape. You've been here all this time?" She asked him casually like he was an old friend.



"Tsk. Of course I can! Stupid kid, making assumptions like that will end you up on a spike." She cursed jovially before slapping the doll on the butt with her paw. "C'mon baby, introduce yourself. It's no good being rude to our friend here."

Besides, she was starting to really get a little hungry. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner she could eat.

Noticing the large dog peeking over his shoulder, the doll started stroking her head absent-mindedly.

"True, that guy was a surprise. Well, it was interesting so it's okay.... So, you can do that?"

Turning around toward the girl, Coppelius realied that she was, indeed, a doll as well. a slight frown warped his porcelaine face for but a second before he regained his composure.

"And you are...?"

"Tsk Of course I can! Stupid kid. Making assumptions like that is gonna end you on a spike." She cursed jovially, shifting around with bare canines.

She kicked the doll on the butt with her hind paw, looking at both smugly. "C'mon baby, it's no good giving our guests the silent treatment. Be a good girl and introduce yourself already." She cheered. Honestly, the sooner she got this over with the better she'd feel.

 Her hunger was starting to grow intolerable by the second, and all she could think of was her next meal.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 11:51:18 PM by francobull3 »


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"Well, it's not a matter of trust. My location is not important for my safety. I'm trained to sleep lightly and my own powers are my greatest means of defense. There's also nothing valuable I own that could entice criminals." She again explained with a matter of fact tone. The sun started settng down as they were conversing.

"Ah, good for you. The night is coming. I assume you're far more comfortable under the light of moons and stars?"