Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 29625 times)


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"A more durable material? That would depend on what type of material you're talking about. I'll see what I can do though, that's the least I can promise." Oh right she didn't mention all of her talents might as well get that out of the way.

"I'm also good at... getting rid off problems" She added with a sweet voice, a voice so sweet it would kill you from sugary overdose.


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Auspicious Breeze

She wasn't the smartest girl out there, but she wasn't that dumb! She was pretty observant if nothing else, so Breeze was just grateful for Mary backing her up here when it got obvious these two people thought she was an idiot. Pouting a bit, she tilted her head and looked between the two purple-haired girls. The red haired boy's comment made her perk up. "Oh, you've met Oka? She was nice! And there was a big strong girl I arm wrestled with who was also called Sakura..."

Umbra of Chaos

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The priestess nodded as her brow furrowed in thought. "Yes, I think we should start with your tailoring skills. Power is power, but the master is more interested in acts of creation than destruction. However, if needed your skills as a problem solver would be quickly put to use."

She looked over the party and smiled. "I take it you appreciate being eyed at?"
« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 08:09:51 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Medaka Kurokami

It was strange.  The atmosphere was beyond serious.  They both knew how hard this endeavor would be.  Yet the blue haired girl's lips slowly curled into a smile.  Those sharp eyes taking on a look of determination.

"Of course!" she said, squeezing the girl's hand a bit.

But just as her determination boiled over, it began to sizzle out, climaxing in a sigh.  "I suggest we head out at once.  I hate to admit it, but I have been on the losing side of nearly every physical encounter I have been involved in.  If we are to succeed, we need a plan."


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Sakura and Shirou

The two of them looked at Breeze with utter bemusement, wondering what the hell she was talking about. Sakura, being good at hiding her feelings, was mostly able to avoid giving any indication of her thoughts, but the look on Shirou's face made it clear that he thought she was a moron.

Deciding to be polite, Sakura was about to answer her extremely-stupid question, only to be interrupted by the other girl who, to their astonishment, went on to actually claim that a "sakura" was, in fact, a species, of which the girl presumably thought she was a member. This time, even Sakura couldn't hide her astonishment, a look of surprise and confusion coming over her face. An entire species named after her, made up of people who, presumably, all looked similar to her? Was she in one of Rider's fantasies or something?

Before she could react, though, the girl contined to speak, giving her a funny look before questioning Sakura's decision to marry her beloved Senpai. Sakura gave the girl an annoyed look in response, unhappy at hearing anyone question her Senpai's suitability as a husband and confused as to why she would have an issue with the idea. Was it some weird cultural restriction where this "Mary" girl was from, perhaps?

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked, obviously a little annoyed and very confused. "He's perfect in every way, why wouldn't I have married him? And what's wrong with marrying a senpai, anyway?"

"And what do you mean about Sakura being a species?" she added, even more confused. "Are there more of you? And do you all look like me?"

Shirou, meanwhile, turned to the other girl, now wedged into the alternate Sakura's thighs, a look of total bemusement on his face.

"Y..yes, there do seem to be a lot of girls who look like Sakura around", he said. "I bought a pet from one a few months ago. And Rider says that she's seen a few more Sakuras around, too", he replied.


"Why would you... you don't marry Senpais. Where I'm from it's actually illegal. Why would you want to dilute our glorious seed?" Mary theatrically threw her arms open. "Being a senpai is the greatest joy a human can have! Marriage is for Sakuras!"

She didn't sound like she was talking down to either of them. She simply genuinely believed that this was the case and that it was the natural state of things. "And of course we all look similar. Did you get brainwashed or something?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Finally, Nero could divert her attention to the thrill of the ride. She solemnly swore to herself, she would make the other blonde squeal in joy and break down her stuck-up facade- she knew that this ride was more than she would expect!

"Oh, thats what you think? Dont underestimate this city's rides!"


"Surely you are jesting, I have ridden horses that are faster than some of these." She shook her head at the silly and got onto the wagon without further complaints however and soon eough the thing begun picking up speed slowly as it went up and up and up, this was going to take a while.

She let out a yawn at how slow it was being, maybe this had been a mistake.

Olga Marie

Olga was practically shaking in her boots, to the point that the ride was rattling and she'd dented the metal a little bit that she was holding onto. "Hahaha, yeah, I'm jesting. This is nothing!" Olga knew that this thing was physically incapable of hurting her, but fears died hard. She'd never liked the idea of them and wanted to try it to conquer her fears, but...

She reached out and grabbed the two girl's hands. "You don't mind, um, right?" A faint blush came up on her face. The entire time the car had been climbing higher and higher, until they were ridiculously high in the air. And then, it dropped, at almost a 90 degree angle, and the girls went soaring down to the ground faster and faster.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

"Oh!" Breeze bounced on her heels as a thought occurred. Her fingers clenched into fists of excitement. "Maybe some Sakuras ended up here a long time ago and mixed with non-Sakuras...? And then over time they forgot what it means to be Sakura?"

Hearing that stuff from Mary made the new senpai feel better about it all. They just understood the boundaries of their relationship so well already!


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The gunslinger continued along her way, flipping the pistol round between her fingers like a coin, when a sudden spike of mana caught her attention. She could feel it like a cool breeze through her hair, a haunting smell in the air, little motes of light flittering off of them, only it wasn't so little. In any sense of the word, between the sheer amount of power that was there and the area it was spread over. Letting out a low whistle, the gunslinger made her way closer, only for the way the power was spread out to make it a bit hard to pinpoint. There was a curious girl amongst the boring crowd surrounding her, however, with green eyes, hair, and a matching dress. Glancing over, Charlotte figured she was as good a start as any, the crowd offering them a wide berth as they caught the mad glint in the blonde's eyes.

"Well howdy there," the gunslinger said with a smile, flipping up the pistol shell and catching it before dissipating it, "What brings ya round here?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"Heading out at once, huh? You're paradoxicallly in a bit of hurry for someone who really needs a plan. But I guess you're in that hurry to get to the proper planning stage. If our enemy doesn't plan to attack us first or leave somewhere, then we have all the time we need to formulate the offensive and gather allies." Every time a loss, huh? That fact could be factored in as well. "I actually think the fact that you keeping losing fights against him will work in your advantage. He might be prone to underestimate you, and you could potentially hit him hard when he expects it the least."

But speaking of hitting hard. "As I said before, you've progressed a lot? I trust that you have an ace in sleeve against him compared to your previous fights? You can reveal it somewhere else to me."

The mage stood up and was ready to head out somewhere else where they could talk in more detail about the strategy.


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"It's half the reason I wear this!" She was proud of it, the thing she had made throug her own hard work and it showed in everything she did. Her voice, her posture everyhing about it just screamed it ou loud for the world to hear, and the world itself was her stage. Her playing ground where she could test them all and see who was worthy.

"Like I said without hearing what's it about I can't actually promise anything." And just like that the bubble of confidence was popped and she was brought down to her normal level.


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The pirate sadly didn't listen, and was too busy stuffing himself again. He was just gleefully chomping and nomming and eating everything in his path, stuffing chicken and sausages in his face all at once. He did, however, raise a toast of turkey leg in her honor while chewing.

"To more merryment!"


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Marcus's eyes became heavy with a thick shadow, a his lips wandering into a wry smile.  His hands squeezed her breasts tightly, not caring at all for her personal sensitivity, just a greedy squeeze to satisfy his own desire.  Her breasts were a nice and plump, tight perhaps from all of that power she held.  It was a body worth beating, blood worth painting on his feet.

"Of course you arrogant bitch.  They are always stacked against me.  Thats what makes the idea of beating you so fun.  I'll rip off those stupid arms with my bare hands and fuck your limbless body with my throbbing cock.  Then you'll curse your nature as a destroyer and weep to be more kind."

His words were honest, perhaps too honest.  But he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this.  There was a simple catharsis in letting go of the morals that he had built up over the years for the sake of raw bestial pleasure.  Since he came here he had been itching to fight a monster.  Not those pussy things they called werewolves, but a real full blown monster.  A creature taking on human form that contained limitless power and skill.  That was the monster he wished to conquer.

"Oh and another thing," he said, running his hand along her back and down to her round ass.  "Nice body."


The huntress's irises pulsated with mad glee, pregnant with an inhuman sort of hunger. She grinned wolfishly before pushing him away, running a lithe finger over his chest. Weep to be more kind? Ha! What a child. But that's what would make all of this so much more fun.

"Why thanks. Keeping it moist with virgin blood takes an awful lot of work."She cooed before turning away, taking slender steps while generously leaving room for wriggle, if only to tease her pet.

"It should be nearby..." She let the battered dirt run through her fingers while she crouched over the serpent's prints. She wasn't blind to the change of the environment, and her instincts told her the beast must be hiding somewhere. Ahh, yes, it was the prey that ran first that was the tastiest to bite into.

The demon licked her lips, as if awaiting something far greater. Her eyes immediately crawled over the landscape, pointing to where the tracks would lead with wild interest.

"So, how shall we proceed?" She asked Marcus with a well natured grin.


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She would have been screaming her lungs out now, after it had descended really towards the ground only to make a sharp turn and then going through not one, not two but three consecutive loops. It was like the designer was an utter sadist who wanted all the people going to spill the contents of their stomachs in the corners. It was unappealing to her, she didn't get a rush from this, no exhilaration nor any fear. Just a slight annoyance from being tossed left and right with no control.

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded her head. "The Master's purpose is to end the cycle of suffering in this world. He has gathered us for this purpose, to free us from those who would enforce such a twisted system. He seeks to use this place between worlds as an ark of sorts for that purpose. Your creative talents could be useful for crafting suitable clothing for him and his servitors, and your other skills could be put to use in ending the needless cruelty of this place."

Cherry Lover

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Shirou gave the enthusiastic girl a kind smile.

"Yes, she did seem very nice, although I've only met her once", he said. "I don't know of any Sakura who was that strong, though."


Sakura looked at her lookalike with confusion, wondering what the hell she was talking about. It seemed like a "Senpai" was, to her, some kind of special role filled by what she referred to as "humans", presumably the ordinary, non "Sakura" people living in her world, and this one, but why would they make it illegal to marry wonderful people like Shirou? The more she heard of it, the weirder Mary's world sounded.

"I don't understand. Why wouldn't you marry the person you love?" she said, glancing lovingly at Shirou as she spoke.

Then, she turned to the other girl, a kind smile on her face.

"That's an interesting theory, but it couldn't be true", she replied. "I'm not originally from this world, and none of my family look like me, at least not to the extent that Mary does."

With that, she turned back to Mary.

"Could you explain more about your world, please?" she said, politely. "That might help us understand what is going on."