Author Topic: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.  (Read 52338 times)


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #450 on: May 14, 2013, 03:12:40 AM »
no dude they aren't. that's your misconception

thinking about the servants, not sure just yet about who they are.

Cherry Lover

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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #451 on: May 14, 2013, 03:14:19 AM »
no dude they aren't. that's your misconception

Well, OK, I'm not going to argue this. Makihisa definitely isn't kind to them, though....

thinking about the servants, not sure just yet about who they are.

Ah, OK.

I'd think at least one should be female, if not both. Also, who will summon Toshi? Shirou?


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #452 on: May 14, 2013, 03:26:38 AM »
I'd think at least one should be female, if not both. Also, who will summon Toshi? Shirou?

i would say both, and toshi isn't always a servant


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #453 on: May 14, 2013, 03:54:21 AM »
What about Archer?  (Even though I would imagine that he would be pissed seeing a world where female sexual slavery was okay.)

And if Shirou summons Saber, I don't think Saber is going to take this lying down.  She is going to be extremely pissed.

Sorry, just the idea of women as slaves really rubs me the wrong way. It just seems sexist and chauvinistic.

Now for the Genderbent idea, what about Genderbent Lancer?

Cu as a woman? 

In Celtic warrior culture, women could fight along side of men, and Celtic mythology has its own share of bad asses.  So in one alternate reality, there is Female Lancer, who has the eye for the men that her male canon counter part has for the women. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 04:03:47 AM by Elf »


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #454 on: May 14, 2013, 04:10:53 AM »
I love that idea and I'm inclined to agree with elf here, personally I can write a ton of canon bdsm for the hell of itor hell if it's not a huge issue I can reformat the darker arcs from swords and sorcery to fit with the bdsm the and we can drop this one.
as for cu fem should she claim just one of the boys or all of them?


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #455 on: May 14, 2013, 04:16:28 AM »
I see FemLancer as much of a homewrecker as her Canon counterpart was in legend.

I think she should have a turn with all of the men (and maybe at times two), and get into all sorts of trouble with the other women.  I don't want her bisexual, that would be too cliche, but a straight man loving chick would be a lot of fun. Also, I see her, in contrast to her male counterpart, a devout follower of the Morrigan, who not only was a war and death goddess, but one of passionate love/sex as well.

Fighting and fucking is FemLancer's favorite things.

Ironically though, the one cock she wants the most is Archer's, because he's the hardest to obtain.  (Doesn't stop her from having fun with Toshi though.)


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #456 on: May 14, 2013, 04:21:21 AM »
Okay awesome, now working from that point, Cu needs a  body type, with fem kirei and Gil they are stacked. Fem archer is undetermined, have suggestions?


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #457 on: May 14, 2013, 04:23:49 AM »
I see FemLancer being tall, slim and athletic.  She has the body of a martial artist, lots of clean muscle tone and definition.  Plus a nice ass and gorgeous legs.  She has small breasts, but they're perky.

As for FemaleArcher, I see her being like Jessica Biel: Curvy, not overly so, and nicely muscular.

As for FemaleArcher, she's sort of a tragic figure, even more so than her male counterpart.


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #458 on: May 14, 2013, 04:30:15 AM »
What's fem archers story having a good idea of her issues helps and as for the designs I like them and they fill in shirouko as well, Shinjiko is stacked as per Koto's art of her


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #459 on: May 14, 2013, 04:33:52 AM »
Well, you know how Archer was tried, imprisoned, and then sent to death at the end of his life?

That happened to FemArcher as well, but since she was a woman it probably wasn't as cut and dry as Archer's past.


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #460 on: May 14, 2013, 04:43:13 AM »
Tastefully dodged the R word but ok I understand. Question here is who she should get close to, thinking maybe shirouko, I think toshi would be less inclined towards sex given such. That reminds me of what about fem issei?


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #461 on: May 14, 2013, 05:00:28 AM »
Ironically?  I see FemArcher getting close to Rin.

She'd be crueler to the men around her.  Sarcastic and cynical.  She'd make Archer look like Mr. Sunshine.

She'd tease Toshi, but be a bitch about it.

As for FemaleIssei?  She'd totally want Shirou and possibly Toshi.  She'd still hate Rin.


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #462 on: May 14, 2013, 05:12:32 AM »
You mean Shirouko and toshi? She'd probably suggest a three way. And yeah fem archer getting close to Rin and shirouko makes sense  I think fem cu and her should sis around and maybe spend a night maybe with archer. I weirdly see fem cu setting up a three way with helping those two out

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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #463 on: May 14, 2013, 01:24:57 PM »
What about Archer?  (Even though I would imagine that he would be pissed seeing a world where female sexual slavery was okay.)

And if Shirou summons Saber, I don't think Saber is going to take this lying down.  She is going to be extremely pissed.

Sorry, just the idea of women as slaves really rubs me the wrong way. It just seems sexist and chauvinistic.

Yes, it is, which is why Shirou isn't supportative of it. Even so, though, such things do happen in real life (hell, half the American founding fathers owned slaves), so I don't see why worlds in which such things occur couldn't exist. I never claimed this was a good system, just that it's a system that could potentially exist.

Indeed, my general idea was for Shirou to find a way to fix it by the end of the story.

Frankly, for most of history women have been treated as little more than slaves throughout most of the world. This idea just takes it a bit further (and, as I said, it's not only women who are slaves). Further, if you actually bothered to read what I posted, I said that most of the world would have changed the rules such that women aren't all slaves, Japan is just a hold-out (because it justifies Rin and Sakura being enslaved). Hell, I wasn't even 100% clear with the new version on whether all women would be slaves.

As for Archer and Saber, I'm sure they wouldn't like the system, but nor does Shirou like the system. So, I don't see the problem. It's not like Shirou is abusing the girls, or that they would even want to be free of him. They're basically just his lovers, and he doesn't treat them as slaves at all aside from in BDSM games (which do not imply misogyny in any way, shape or form).

Also, part of what I like about ideas like this is that it allows people's real nature to come out. You don't have a government guarenteeing rights to everyone, or telling you you can't abuse people. Yet, despite the nature of the society, despite the fact that he could just rape Sakura and Rin any time, Shirou chooses not to, and treats the girls humanely and as equals.

Also, I find the idea them being legal slaves, with no legal rights, who are treated as equals by their master and then willingly give up some level of control in the bedroom because they want to a very interesting one. Because in some limited way they're being treated like they're "meant" to be treated, but it's entirely consensual and limited to situations when they want to be treated like that.

Not all worlds are perfect, and nor does me suggesting something imply I think it is a nice place to live. Enslaving girls is obviously not a good thing, but it does happen to be something that I find arousing, like I find torture arousing. Doesn't mean I want to actually do it (at least without consent).

I love that idea and I'm inclined to agree with elf here, personally I can write a ton of canon bdsm for the hell of itor hell if it's not a huge issue I can reformat the darker arcs from swords and sorcery to fit with the bdsm the and we can drop this one.

Well, thanks a bunch. This is why I don't bother suggesting ideas....

I really liked this idea, because it's BDSMy without being particularly dark (at least for the main characters), and I do also find the whole "sexual slavery" thing rather hot (although I certainly don't extend it outside of sexual acts, because I agree that people should be treated equally).

To me, whilst the setting itself is rather distasteful (because slavery is indeed wrong), the situation of the girls is perfectly fine. They're treated as equals by Shirou, they're in a relationship with a guy they love and they have each other. Hell, if you look at it by any reasonable measure they're considerably better off than in canon (which is an interesting irony in itself). Their legal status might be shit, but since when does legal status mean anything? It's how you're treated that matters, and Shirou will never do anything to harm them.

But, fine, if this is how my ideas get treated then I won't suggest anything else. We spent several days talking about it, I wasted a bunch of time suggesting ideas and thinking stuff up and then Elf says "I don't like it" and you drop that and go back to talking about something you know I do not have the slightest interest in, without making any attempt to come up with an idea to replace the one you just dropped.

I know you said you'd (maybe) turn the darker ideas in Swords and Sorcery into BDSM arcs but a) I don't get any input into that (which also means I have basically nothing to contribute to this thread), b) you'll probably end up not wanting to write it because it's too dark and c) I actually like happy stories, particularly when it comes to Sakura. What I liked about this story is that it allows for a lot of BDSM stuff (some quite hardcore), but yet Sakura and Rin are actually happy. You seem to expect adding BDSM content to be mutually exclusive with happiness, when I would prefer to have both.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 02:20:54 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Re: of flesh and fantasy poll and discussion.
« Reply #464 on: May 14, 2013, 06:40:27 PM »
You seem to expect adding BDSM content to be mutually exclusive with happiness, when I would prefer to have both.

on the contrary I can do both fine because there's plenty of content with characters like Rider, caster and to an extent drake at the least. the issue here is that the context of the world is far too serious for the situation. it's not the sort of thing that can just be written off and I do agree that saber and especially Archer would flip out which is nothing to speak of Satoshi himself.

It just seems like the idea as a whole places the story in a corner.