Author Topic: Service with a smile (lemon)  (Read 2991 times)


  • Black King of the round table
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Service with a smile (lemon)
« on: October 30, 2013, 12:35:29 PM »
I sigh, looking at my new room. Luvia is a great boss, but honestly, I think she spends far too much on jobs like this. I'm not James Bond- I'm in this city to kill someone, not to take down a supervillain. This is far too much. The room is a high class penthouse suite with a huge bed, two bathrooms, and a TV bigger than the football stadiums we're going to watch on it.

 Rin called last week and told me Saber's back. I can’t form a contract from so far away, so Rin offered to take care of her for the time being. I’m happy, but to be honest, I’m waiting for her to make some crazy demand to pay her back for that .

 Ah, well. No point worrying about it now. I drop my stuff off in my room, and head for the bath. It, like the rest of this place, is huge, and far too fancy for my tastes. Still, I might as well relax. I feel the hot steamy bath relaxing the muscles in my back, even before I undress.

 Even after Rin told me the truth, I didn’t believe her until I saw the damage to my own body. I’m not as bad as Archer yet, but the burns creep up my back, little by little, the more I work. The indoor bath is deserted. It’s not surprising- Luvia owns the hotel, and as per my request, empties out where I stay to reduce casualties. Only the staff remains.

 I haven't seen the maids the hotel brochure was so proud of, though. It's not like I'm interested in them or anything- I only remember them because the brochure dedicated an entire four pages to the... services... they offered. Not that I’m interested.

 Relaxing in the hot water, I go back on the events of today- or rather, I'd like to. Truth is, my thoughts keep rolling further back. I think back to what happened during the Holy Grail war. Closing my eyes I can remember her clearly. It’s been two years and I know she’s a small girl- but she was so much bigger than what her tiny frame could contain. So much bigger than everything, everyone else. She still is- even though I’ve grown some, and can clearly remember how small she was, she still seems so much bigger to me.

 I can still remember her softness, her warm voice...


Hey, wait. That's her voice. I see her before me. Her soft bare skin, just as I remember it; her eyes just as bright and- wait. Bare skin? Suddenly the bath's heat is nothing compared to how my face feels.

 Saber reaches out, laying her hands on my chest as water cascades down from her shoulders, tracing the lines of her body. I try to back away, but Saber pulls closer, pressing her lips to mine. They are sweet; as sweet as they ever were. Her hot skin, pressed to mine, relieves me of my senses, and her tongue slips easily into my mouth. My hands, possessed, grasp her, pulling her to me as if by reflex as our tongues intertwine, fighting each other.

 I lift her as we break the kiss; her eyes full of hunger, her breaths short and sharp. I nearly fall back as she presses herself to me again, stealing another kiss. My head swims, I'm lost in her eyes. Saber wraps her legs around my waist, my arms holding her to me, and takes my throbbing heat into her small hands.

 Her eyes ask, and I’m not about to say no. She knows as much. Smiling, Saber slowly lowers herself onto me. I let out a sigh as her muscles grasp me relentlessly, working to control myself as she smiles, eyes meeting mine. I love Saber, but this is a contest- if not between she and I, then against myself.

 Her inner world smothers me with her intense heat, but I fight for control, and start to work on Saber. I kiss her neck, small, quick kisses at first, slowly along her jaw, and then to her earlobe. Her breath quickens as I suck her earlobe, moving my free hand to her firm breast.

 Saber grasps my hand in hers and pushes it down, guiding me to her exposed clit. Her soft eyes demand my attention. I do as I’m told, and begin to rub her clit, all the while alternating between Saber’s neck and her lips with my kisses. Her body responds well to my attentions, writhing against me, her soft cries hardening me even further within her. Small as she is, I grasp her hips and begin moving Saber along my rock hard member. Her cries intensify, but I can barely hear them as her insides tighten around me, filling me with a fever.

 I swallow my desires just long enough to reposition Saber, taking her firm butt in my hands, and re-enter her. Bending her over, I grasp her wrist with one hand and her hip with the other, and begin to thrust, fast and hard. My desire only grows as Saber’s screams become louder and louder, and as she tightens around me we climax, our bodies burning with each others' heat.

Saber kisses me softly, her now hoarse moans the only thanks I want or need. I continue thrusting into her, more softly now. We continue our quiet passion, still joined together, and, a while later, head back up to change. I wonder what the rest of this trip has in store.