It's because the thing that'd give you something to do is being blocked by not having finished Generation 1 yet, which requires help if we're going to get through it.
Well, yeah, but we're stuck on that for some time to come, probably, especially if we can't find time this week.
Plus there's probably a few things I haven't shown you that you have potential to do yet, such as starting to work on you transformation journal or starting to make weapons or other items.
Well, the transformation journal is possible, I guess. Making weapons and stuff isn't, really, because that means ranking up skills and I don't have the AP for that. Plus, it's not really fun to just spend all day collecting materials....
[quore]There's also the guild castle which has a dungeon that is potentially worth exploring. It's probably a bit on the tougher side, but it's potentially worth exploring as well. [/quote]
Well, I can't find a "guild castle" at the moment. Clicking on the stone gives me nothing....
The main thing is that the stuff you'd be doing on your own right now is being blocked by the Gen 1 finale not being done yet- once that's finished, the game will start being more fun again. 
Yeah, but we never seem to get the chance to
do that....