Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 595814 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2130 on: March 26, 2015, 10:08:45 PM »

Even though Roxas stepped through a magical door in Sora heart, he arrvied in the Nexus by way of the dark portal.  As Roxas stepped out of the portal, he noticed a girl standing still looking a bit spooked. He took off his hood so he would not seem suspicious. He walked up to her calmly.

"Hey are you ok?  Did something happen?"
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 10:13:15 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2131 on: March 26, 2015, 10:19:18 PM »

Even though Roxas stepped through a magical door in Sora heart, he arrvied in the Nexus by way of the dark portal.  As Roxas stepped out of the portal, he noticed a girl standing still looking a bit spooked. He took off his hood so he would not seem suspicious. He walked up to her calmly.

"Hey are you ok?  Did something happen?"

"EEP!" Noel screeched and blew her whistle once more.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2132 on: March 26, 2015, 10:24:39 PM »
As Roxas approached the girl, she shrieked and blew her whistle.  Startled, he threw his hands up in the air, indicating that he was not a threat.  He pleaded with her to understand his intentions.

"Wait! Hold on!  I'm not trying to hurt you!"
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 10:25:10 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2133 on: March 27, 2015, 12:29:21 AM »
As Roxas approached the girl, she shrieked and blew her whistle.  Startled, he threw his hands up in the air, indicating that he was not a threat.  He pleaded with her to understand his intentions.

"Wait! Hold on!  I'm not trying to hurt you!"

Unfortunately, Noel had her eyes closed, and contiuned to blow her whistle. She quickly ran out of breath, and finally stopped. "Hah-Don't-hah-do anything-hah bad please..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2134 on: March 27, 2015, 12:41:39 AM »
The girl kept blowing on her whistle.    When she finally stopped she said, "Hah-Don't-hah-do anything-hah bad please..."

Roxas laughed.  This was funny to him in a cute sort of way.  He was also relived she didn't attack him.  Still why was she blowing a whistle and why is she freaking out?  It didn't make sense to him.

After he finished laughing he said, "No im not going to do anything bad.  I just got here after all.  My name is Roxas.  Who are you?"
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 12:47:46 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2135 on: March 27, 2015, 12:50:22 AM »
Noeru Varmmion!!!
The girl kept blowing on her whistle.    When she finally stopped she said, "Hah-Don't-hah-do anything-hah bad please..."

Roxas laughed.  This was funny to him in a cute sort of way.  He was also relived she didn't attack him.  Still why was she blowing a whistle and why is she freaking out?  It didn't make sense to him.

After he finished laughing he said, "No im not going to do anything bad.  I just got here after all.  My name is Roxas.  Who are you?"

Noel looked up when he began to laugh at her. "H-hey, why are you laughing at me!" She began to protest. "Oh, you just got here? Uhh, oh, um do you need any assistance?" She adopted a somewhat formal tone of voice, clearly trying to be serious.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2136 on: March 27, 2015, 01:06:21 AM »
Noeru Varmmion!!!
The girl kept blowing on her whistle.    When she finally stopped she said, "Hah-Don't-hah-do anything-hah bad please..."

Roxas laughed.  This was funny to him in a cute sort of way.  He was also relived she didn't attack him.  Still why was she blowing a whistle and why is she freaking out?  It didn't make sense to him.

After he finished laughing he said, "No im not going to do anything bad.  I just got here after all.  My name is Roxas.  Who are you?"

Noel looked up when he began to laugh at her. "H-hey, why are you laughing at me!" She began to protest. "Oh, you just got here? Uhh, oh, um do you need any assistance?" She adopted a somewhat formal tone of voice, clearly trying to be serious.

After she cried out at him to stop he felt a little bad.  She clearly took offence to him laughing and he should be more polite.

Roxas was used to traveling between worlds but he didnt think it was possible for him to leave Sora's heart.  After merging with Sora he felt complete.  This new development left him feeling lost.  He had so many questions.  What is this place?  How did all this happen?  What should I do now?  Trying not to spend too much time thinking, he answered her question.

"Im not sure.  i don't even know where I am.  Even if i were to know where I am, what do I do?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 01:07:38 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2137 on: March 27, 2015, 01:12:04 AM »
Noeru Varmmion!!!
The girl kept blowing on her whistle.    When she finally stopped she said, "Hah-Don't-hah-do anything-hah bad please..."

Roxas laughed.  This was funny to him in a cute sort of way.  He was also relived she didn't attack him.  Still why was she blowing a whistle and why is she freaking out?  It didn't make sense to him.

After he finished laughing he said, "No im not going to do anything bad.  I just got here after all.  My name is Roxas.  Who are you?"

Noel looked up when he began to laugh at her. "H-hey, why are you laughing at me!" She began to protest. "Oh, you just got here? Uhh, oh, um do you need any assistance?" She adopted a somewhat formal tone of voice, clearly trying to be serious.

After she cried out at him to stop he felt a little bad.  She clearly took offence to him laughing and he should be more polite.

Roxas was used to traveling between worlds but he didnt think it was possible for him to leave Sora's heart.  After merging with Sora he felt complete.  This new development left him feeling lost.  He had so many questions.  What is this place?  How did all this happen?  What should I do now?  Trying not to spend too much time thinking, he answered her question.

"Im not sure.  i don't even know where I am.  Even if i were to know where I am, what do I do?

Noel took him by the hand and began leading him to the police station. "Come with me, ok? I'll take you to a place where your questions will be answered." She told him in a soothing voice, obviously practiced. "Two in one day? What is this." She muttered unter her breath inaudibly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2138 on: March 27, 2015, 01:18:15 AM »
The girl grabbed Roxas's arm and began leading him to the police station.  "Wait! What? Where are you taking me? he said with a startled tone in his voice.  He heard her mumble something under her breath but he couldn't make it out.  Still, he went along with her since she wasn't being aggressive.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 11:24:26 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2139 on: March 27, 2015, 01:54:35 AM »

Sakura grabbed onto both of Shirou’s arms, her expression panicked. She yelled at him, saying he wasn’t allowed to just leave after being found again and demanding an explanation for his altered appearance. The freelance magus was shocked. He didn’t remember many details about his old kohai anymore, but she had certainly never been this forceful.

Shirou opened his mouth to explain the effects of projection overuse to her, but held his tongue. He had always had to keep his magic heritage from some people, and the purplehead before him had been one such person. But meeting her here in the Nexus now, having rode in on a pegasus with a younger him, she was probably already aware of magic at large.

“Using magic beyond one’s own ability affects the body. I use projection magic regularly, and it’s made me look like this.” He didn’t bother mentioning Archer. She had never met Rin’s Servant.

“There’s a girl I’m…” Shirou was about to say he was responsible for her, but the truth was he and Mia had no real connection. “...I promised to help. She’s lost in the city, and I have to find her,” he said, looking into Sakura’s stubborn purple eyes.


Rebeca led Aki by the hand over to the side and out of the way of the gym entrance, her face tight with anxiety. She started to explain herself, something about being able to hear, but she stammered to a halt. She looked down and clenched her fists at her sides, shivering even. The girl was obviously terrified of revealing what it was she had tried to hide earlier that morning.

Aki leaned her back against the wall, getting herself comfortable but said nothing, waiting for Rebeca to get ahold of herself and continue.
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YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2140 on: March 27, 2015, 04:02:45 PM »

Sakura gazed at Shirou, waiting expectantly for him to respond. He opened his mouth and closed it again without saying anything. She heard Rider begin to berate her for her impatience and suggest something about finding a better time to meet this Shirou because her Senpai needed a prana transfer, but Sakura was far too worked up to listen to her reasoning and mostly ignored her.

Senpai can wait just a little bit longer, I just need a bit of time, just a bit longer! She rationalized. He'll be fine! Definetly!

Shirou opened his mouth once more and finally began to explain what had happened to him. Sakura listened intently to him, banishing her other thoughts to the back of her mind once more, gripping his as tightly as ever, as if both their lives depended on it as she gazed at him with unblinking purple eyes.

“Using magic beyond one’s own ability affects the body. I use projection magic regularly, and it’s made me look like this.” He informed her of his predicament in a calm manner.

Outwardly Sakura seemed to relax a bit. She loosened her iron grip a tad and she finally broke her stare, looking at him in a more normal manner now. On the inside however, his revelation had sent her reeling. It's because of projection magic? It can do that? And his skin is the same color as his arm was back then... But that doesn't make any sense, why would Senpai's skin become the same Archer's? Why doesn't anything make sense! How can- "Archer be Senpai!" She finished out loud, practically yelling it at Shirou. "Oh! Um-" She was at a loss for words.

Before Sakura was able to compose herself, her Shirou began to speak as well. Torn between which one she should pay attention to, she continually looked back and fourth between them as he spoke.

"Sakura, it's okay. I'm here now. This other has chosen his own path. I however have choose to protect you, who is dear to me, so you don't have to be afraid anymore." He began. "I'm sorry I took so long Sakura... I'll never leave your side again." He promised her, making her heart leap.

"Senpai-" She began to say as he approached her, but before she could decide what to say he suddenly collapsed, falling to his knees.

"Damn, I was hoping I could hold on for a little longer..."

"Senpai!" She yelled in a stricken voice. She immediately released the other one and ran over to hers, grabbing him. "Senpai!" She yelled once more which fumbling around in her dress for her knife. Having found it, she haphazardly cut her hand, leaving a deep gash in it. Letting out an agonized yelp as red blood began to stream from the self-inflicted wound. Sakura gritted her teeth, This is all my fault! My selfishness caused this! I can at bear at least this much!

She opened Shirou's mouth and pushed her hand into his mouth to allow the prana to help him.

What if it's too late! She agonized to herself. What if I lose him because I'm foolish!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2141 on: March 27, 2015, 05:15:31 PM »

Before he could even react, the girl took a dashing run for it and escaped, seemingly terrified of something. It took him a bit to realize that it was infact himself the cause of her distress. And so, the enormous warrior trapped in metal stood alone, crouching and laying against a wall.

"I couldn't blame you, young one. " Vanguard muttered, a tint of sadness seeping from his voice. Yes, he had most definitely turned unsightly. And to burden her of such ugliness, he would not forgive himself.

Still, why does she resemble her so much?

After a while, the knight rose once again and decided to carry on forward, determined on finding that woman and an answer to his questions. He needed to at least make her know that he was sorry for troubling her, that he didn't mean to scare her. Then he saw a book on the floor.

Huh, It couldn't be...

But it was, without a doubt, a book belonging to that woman. It seemed she must have dropped it while running. With haste, he dashed like the devil's wind all while taking the notebook, rushing to find Noel's tracks and give back what she had lost.

Then he found her, standing with a boy of sorts. "Miss Noel, is this yours by any chance?" He asked, his voice echoing with hope to at least reach her as he held out the book to her.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2142 on: March 28, 2015, 02:11:05 AM »
Shirou (HF)

As my mind begins to fade, I can feel something warm and salty enter my mouth. I'm not sure what it is but, I can feel a metallic tasting liquid slide down my mouth and into my throat. As soon as it does, I can feel myself gain consciousness again.


I say her name, as recall the situation that just happened. As open my eyes, I can see the woman I love holding on to me, crying that I'm okay. I let out a sigh having forced Sakura into such a situation.

"I'm sorry, Sakura... I should have told you just how desperate the shape I was in. It looks like you hurt yourself in order to help me."

I feel terrible forcing Sakura to act as she did. But, at least now I can feel my circuits and body are relieved again. I might even be able to project swords again at this point. I let out sigh, that everything is okay, in the arms of the woman I love.

"Sakura, this other me has his own mission and path to follow. Let's leave him be as he does so. As for us, lets head home. We have a lot of catching up to do."
Even I have something I must protect.

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2143 on: March 28, 2015, 05:54:59 AM »
"Erm, well, she's a bit... tied up at the moment", said Shirou to the person on the end of the phone, presumably her sister based on the ringtone.

Sakura groaned into her gag at Shirou's terrible pun. She was bound and naked on the floor of the bedroom, painful-looking clamps on each nipple and several vibrators inserted inside her, keeping her constantly and frustratingly aroused without ever quite providing enough of a sensation to allow her to come to orgasm. She had been being tormented in this manner for some time, and was now very frustrated at the lack of an orgasm. Shirou liked to push her to the limit before he gave her release but, despite how horrible it felt right now, she knew from experience that the orgasm he would eventually give her would be worth the wait.

"What do you mean, 'Rider is missing'?" he said, clearly somewhat irritated at the sudden interruption to what had been a very enjoyable session with his beloved. "You did what?"

Seeing that something was clearly wrong, Sakura summoned up a shadow tendril and cut through the ropes binding her hands and feet, before reaching up to remove the gag and the various devices Shirou had been using to tease and torment her.

Sakura stood up, her body still bound with the standard Shibari bondage technique that Shirou had learnt to use, and walked towards her husband.

"Darling, what's wrong?" she asked, the arousal still clear in her voice.

"It's Rider, she's disappeared. Rin thinks she's transported her to another world...".

"What?" Sakura roared, grabbing the phone. She was irritated at having her fun interrupted, and highly frustrated due to the long period of orgasm denial she had experienced. She really was not in the mood for this.

"You did what, Nee-san?" she shouted.

"Well, I was doing an experiment, and it exploded, and Rider vanished. I think I sent her to another world...", her sister said, sheepishly.

"You moron!" Sakura shouted. "Can you bring her back?"

"Erm, maybe. I need your connection to be able to track her, though...", her sister replied, still sheepish.

"OK, we'll be back soon...", Sakura said, sighing, still very horny and extremely irritated with her sister.

"Shirou, we need to go back home, Nee-san needs us to help bring back Rider", she said calmly, despite the anger bubbling inside her. "Can you help me undo these knots?"

Shirou sighed before moved towards his wife and began to do as she had asked, ignoring the painfully-throbbing erection that wanted him to continue where he had left off. Once she had been untied, they quickly got theirselves dressed, and quickly packed their things and tidied the house so that no-one would realise they had left in such a hurry.

Damn, how are we going to get everything back home? she thought.

They had driven here and, whilst Sakura could in principle transport a car, it would be more effort than she would like and, besides, given that the exit point was in Rin's living room it would not be a great idea....

Admittedly, it would serve her right..., she thought for a moment, before dismissing the idea.

Actually, I'll just use a bounded field to make people ignore it, someone can just come up here and collect it later.

"Dieser Ort ist normal. Nichts ist falsch. Es ist, um ignoriert zu werden", she chanted.

It was only a quick and simple bounded field, the car was, of course, still entirely visible, but it would just provide enough of a nudge to persuade anyone who might arrive before Rin could collect it that it was not out of place. After all, it wasn't entirely unreasonable for there to be a car parked there, the spell would simply discourage people from questioning why it had not moved just yet.

"Schwarzkasten", Sakura chanted, and a small shadow appeared.

She still didn't really like travelling this way, but it was simply too convinient to ignore, especially when they were in a hurry to get back.

"Wachsen. Aufbewahren".

With that, the shadow grew larger, before consuming her, Shirou and their luggage. For a moment, everything went dark, before they arrived in what seemed to be a corridor. Of course, in reality, it was simply Sakura's mental image, designed to assist her in finding which of her many shadow familiars she wished to emerge at.

She walked down the corridor for a few moments, until she saw the door signposted "Nee-san's house".

"This one, Shirou", she said with a smile, and the two of them walked through the door and emerged into the familiar surroundings of her sister's living room.

"Nee-san, we're here!" Sakura shouted, clearly annoyed.

Rin walked into the room, obviously extremely upset by what she had done, and worried about what would happen.

"What the hell happened?" said Sakura, angrily.

"I was performing an experiment whilst Rider and Kiyoshi were playing outside. Something went wrong, and then Kiyoshi came running to me saying that Rider had vanished. I don't know where she's gone, but I think I can trace her with the help of your contract...", she said.

Sakura glared at her, before sighing.

"Well, OK, let's get moving. Rider can't survive for more than a few days without prana, and I don't want her to die...", she said, clearly upset at the thought of losing one of her oldest friends.

"OK, I'll go and get things ready, I'll call you when I'm done", she said, turning to leave.

Just as she reached the door, she turned around once more.

"And, I'm sorry, Sakura. I do hope Rider is OK...", she said with genuine remorse.

Sakura, feeling somewhat unclean, decided to have a shower whilst she was waiting, before she and Shirou returned home (using her shadow magic once more) and packed theirselves each a small bag, containing some clothing, some of the old-fashioned paper money that they happened to have lying around and any equipment they might need, such as phones and anyhing they needed to use to fight. Then, they returned to Rin's house and, going to the location where she stored her jewels, "borrowed" a few of the unused ones, for bartering in case the location they were going to did not accept their paper money, as many shops did not in the modern era. Of course, Sakura would "ask" for permission before leaving, she wasn't going to steal from her sister, but, given that this whole thing was Rin's fault and that Sakura had provided her sister with plenty of funding over the years in any case, she felt it was only fair.

Finally, they heard her calling them, and proceeded down to the basement where she performed her magical experiments.

"OK, I've re-created the experiment. Sakura, I need you to hold this", Rin said, passing her a jewel. "It'll allow me to amplify your connection to Rider and send you to whatever world she's in".

Then, she turned to Shirou.

"And, you, take this. It'll allow me to keep track of you two, so I can bring you back or send more things to you", she said, passing him another jewel.

"OK, are you all ready to go?"

"Yes, Nee-san", said Sakura. "Oh, by the way, I borrowed a few of your unused jewels in case we need something more universal to use as currency. I'll pay you back later, hope you don't mind", she said.

"Yes, I kind-of do mind", Rin retorted. "Those are my gems, I need them for my magecraft."

"Yes, and I mind you sending my servant off to another world...", Sakura responded, angrily.

"Erm, yeah, well, on the other hand, you are my cute little sister, I guess I can spare a few gems for you...", Rin responded, sheepishly.

"Yeah, I thought so", she said with the sort of grin that would usually have been more associated with her older sister.

"OK, hold on to each other, this is going to be a bit rough, and if you get separated you might not end up in the same place...", Rin said.

With that, she began to chant in her standard Tohsaka-brand "German". After a few moments, there was a flash, and Sakura and Shirou felt theirselves being violently shaken around as they were dragged into the new world. In the commotion, Sakura lost her grip on Shirou's hand, and could feel him drifting away from her.

"Shirou!" she shouted, but she couldn't grab hold of him in time, and they drifted apart as she felt herself arriving in the new world. Still, she was pretty certain Shirou had ended up in the same place, at least, even if finding him would be difficult.

With a flash, Sakura found herself in a city that looked somewhat like Toyko.

Huh, where am I?

Sakura looked around for her husband, but he was nowhere to be found. Worse, her connection to Rider seemed to be faulty. She could tell that Rider was here and still alive, to her great relief, but she couldn't pinpoint her location, and there seemed to be no mana flowing between the two of them. It was as if Rider's end of the connection had been severed somehow.

Hmm, what happened to Rider, then? I think she's OK, at least.

She looked around a bit more, before noticing a guy in a suit of black armour walking along the pavement.

That's weird....

Before she could approach him to ask what was going on, though, she saw a car come speeding around the corner and slam into him, before going into a spin and stopping directly in front of the man.

Oh, God! she thought, running towards the stricken man.

As she did so, she noticed a woman with strangely-familiar white hair getting out of the car from the other side. Sakura approached approached the two of them, intending to do what she could for the man and to berate the woman for her recklessness and lack of care for others.

As she approached, she could feel the magical energy flowing from the woman.

Is she healing him?

“Oh, this is bad...”, the woman said.

Sakura came closer before speaking up.

"Excuse me, do you need any hel... I..Ilya?" she said as she noticed the woman's familiar features.

Hmm, no, she's much bigger, like an adult Ilya might look.

Still, she was clearly an Einsbern and, most likely, a homonculus of the same lineage as Ilya herself. Sakura was intrigued, and a little saddened by the reminder of the young girl whose sacrifice had allowed her to feel true happiness.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2144 on: March 28, 2015, 02:11:08 PM »

The dragon let them land safely on the ground, and of that, Lorenzo was thankful. Whoever he was, he had saved them, and of that, he would be grateful to the end of his days. And that arrow... the moment he had witnessed it, a brim of hope filled his heart. For the smallest second, Lorenzo thought it was over.

And then the ominous feeling filled his head once more, a chill piercing his spine deeper than any blade.

No, that thing destroyed his ship in an instant. He was not something that could be qualified a human any longer. What they had faced today was nothing short of the devil. And because of that, because of that, there was no way he had been defeated so easily. No, he was still alive. And Lorenzo knew that from this day forward, his days would be counted for as long as that demon drew breath.

The pirate's eyes widened, and all while shaking, he gripped Medaka's hand tightly. Then he fell on his knees and began to cry, shaking harder and harder as his nails dug into the ground, scratching erratically as his breath grew heavier and more irregular. Tears rolled down his eyes and what seemed to be sobs choked on his sore throat.

 And yet... Lorenzo was smiling. Yes, what seemed to be at first the cry of a man in despair now slowly advanced to the laughing howl of a madman. Golden irises sinking like a blooming abyss,  Lorenzo's visage twisted and distorted in hilarity.

"We live! Hahahahaha! We did it, we live! We live!" the pirate cried frantically. Suddenly, without warning, he leapt in joy and hugged Medaka, holding her tightly. His heart did not lie: Lorenzo was now as frightned as he could be.

"We won." He muttered  before sobbing once again.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 02:11:55 PM by francobull3 »