Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 656803 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #75 on: November 19, 2014, 05:53:03 PM »
As they saw a wall of fire conjure in front of them, Neo got frustrated and began to complain to the voice, "Okay. Show yo' fucking self, take a look at our asses and see who's actually the one got owned bad by yo' fuckin' master."

"Neo, please. This is the reason why we got into this situation. Just let us take care of it." Rattus told him off, making the blonde magus shut up.

"Um...Please do not harm us, stranger. Neo-san and Rattus-san are heavily injured, we were just defending ourselves." Yukina pleaded.

"Yeah, that's right. We're just trying to help her, and she gave us this nasty-ass attitude instead!" Neo explained, still frustrated.

"And before that, she even threatened us with the use of force, while still trying to give aid." Rattus added.

"So yeah, she attacked first and sent out her dawgs, man." Neo continued. "It's all self-defense, damn it!"

Faust let loose a hearty laugh.

"I find it quite amusing that you think I care what your 'reasons' were for fighting my master. The only thing I care about is what I see. And what I see is my master passed out, tied up on the concrete, while you three jokesters are scampering away. Now, I'll ask you. why should I treat you with mercy?"

Faust tapped his foot, waiting for their answer.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 06:14:12 PM by Sakura »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #76 on: November 19, 2014, 06:00:29 PM »
Faust let loose a hearty laugh.

"I find it quite amusing that you think I care what your 'reasons' were for fighting my master. The only thing I care about is what I see. And what I see is my master passed out, tied up on the concrete, while you three jokesters are scampering away. Now, I'll ask you. why should I treat you with mercy?"
Faust tapped his foot, waiting for their answer.

"Because we tried to help her." Rattus said. "But she gave us sardony."

"Yeah, and if you don't care about that reason, you will be an asshole." Neo added. "I mean, really, if you don't fuckin' care about our 'reasons', you might as well as ice e'erybody in this fuckin' city for no reason! I mean, you don't care about reasons, right?" He spitted out his saliva aside in disgust. "We're here, badly fucked up and bleeding like a bunch of bitches and yo' complaining about yo' master being tied up and passed out? She isn't even wounded! Give me a fuckin' break, dipshit! You might as well as attack for no reason at all!"
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 06:04:36 PM by Ivan The Mouse »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #77 on: November 19, 2014, 06:12:10 PM »
"Because we tried to help her." Rattus said. "But she gave us sardony."
Faust clicked his tongue.
"Yeah, and if you don't care about that reason, you will be an asshole." Neo added. "I mean, really, if you don't fuckin' care about our 'reasons', you might as well as ice e'erybody in this fuckin' city!" He spitted out his saliva aside in disgust. "We're here, badly fucked up and bleeding like a bunch of bitches and yo' complaining about yo' master being tied up and passed out? She isn't even wounded! Give me a fuckin' break, dipshit! You might as well as attack for no reason at all!"
"Well, people tend to fail time and time again."

Faust muttered a word in a strange language with a quick movement of his hand. As he completed his incantation, a large magical sphere instantly formed with the three at the epicenter; heavily increasing the gravity, forcing them to their knees.

"However, in my experience, people will often make the correct choice after thinking their actions over. So I will ask a second time, why should I give you mercy?" Faust asked, his brow furrowing.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 06:27:25 PM by Sakura »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #78 on: November 19, 2014, 09:33:28 PM »
As Hamara left the room he noticed odd warmth in the air, warmth that was not present when he arrived.

However he paid it no mind, instead his attention was brought to a group of his siblings. However there was one thing out.

 Among them was an abomination. Her appearance was unimportant, her weapons were unimportant, and her location was unimportant.

She has fallen too far to be an acceptable existence to overlook, like that woman inside was.  This one was no longer something that can be considered human, even calling her one of his sisters would be more than any insult.

“My brothers, step away from that one.” He instructed, making the policemen look at him. And with that the police officers moved away from her without questioning him in the slightest.

And then he addressed her, “Thou are fallen, no longer human thou remain in the world. Such a thing is a crime in of itself. However, in memory of what thou once were I shall hear thine final words and commit them to memory.”

The light around him flicked, motes of pure white light hovered all around him. White light, as if they were stars that have descended to the earth itself, its beauty enraptured all the men that saw it.

Unmatchable, unparalleled, it was the light of creation itself.

“Speak, for even if thou do not thy will feel the might of creation.”


That man felt dangerous. For a split moment she thought of her Keeper, The Red King, who still likely ruled Emain Ablach and smote anyone who dared to oppose him with his Midday Radiance. But she was sure the man was someone different. Caring about last words of his enemies was something alien to her former 'liege'. Anyway, mere superficial resemblance to him did not endear Hamara to her, let alone his crazy talk about her existence being a crime.

And, those cops seemed to be brainwashed or under thrall of the man. Lovely.

He wanted last words? Commit them to his memory? He would got what he wished for.

"Sod off, you posh wanker" she blurted out a profanity in defiance, showing him a two finger salute. And then she reached quickly for her Dawnspear just in case. Mordred was armed and prepared for the worst.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #79 on: November 19, 2014, 10:39:34 PM »

Hamara closed his eyes as the woman said he words and drew her weapon.

“Very well, the words ‘Sod off, you posh wanker’ will be remembered.” He said without a trace of irritation.

And like that white light flared around him. More motes appeared and coalesced into a form, a large spear that hovered above Hamara’s head, with two others forming immediately after. And with that three Truth Illuminating God Spears hovered in the air.

This was Hamara’s true power, the reason he was given the name ‘The Saint that Stands in the Fields of Creation.’ The sacred Rite of Creation, it allows one to create and bring into existence a light that was only present at the time of genesis, a light that first illuminated the original forms of all beings that will ever exist.

This light is infused with the images of all things that exist at the moment of Genesis, and Hamara due to his nature inscribes it with the image of a pure human. Because of this, this light cleanses anything that does not adhere to this image, becoming more and more powerful the further one is away from mankind.

The light illuminated the truth. Even normal humans that exist today have drifted away from that truth, but they are not different enough that the light, at low concentrations, would cause them harm.

Hamara’s eyes opened, and with that the spears of cleansing light shot at Mordred at superhuman speeds, bent on skewering her and cleansing her existence.

He did not say any more, for there were no more words that needed to be said to one that has fallen this far.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 10:53:10 PM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #80 on: November 19, 2014, 11:05:14 PM »

Though the man's spears of light were incredibly fast, Mordred had sharp enough instincts to try to avoid them as soon as they were shot at her. She narrowly avoided them jumping back, one of them nearly brushing against her body. It was close, but she managed to save her hide. Fuck! If nobody was there to help her against that lunatic, she would have no other choice than use her Dawnspear, and as her current wielder she understood drawbacks of that cursed weapon.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 11:06:40 PM by Kat »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #81 on: November 20, 2014, 12:49:49 AM »

The smoke from the explosion was only just clearing as his hand punctured a book, cracking its spine. In less then a second the book was drawn back and thrown at Caedia with enough force to embed itself in the stone wall.

Caedia didn't even have time to brace herself before the book impacted her with enough force to fracture her ribs. "...!" A flash of surprise and pain crossed her face for an instant before she regained her composure. The pain was still sharp but it wasn't an issue. On the other hand the creature, for no human could ever use a mere book as a weapon like that, was much more powerful than her. The sheer difference in strength was frightening and almost nostalgic.

The fact that she had grown complacent was not surprising to Caedia. It had been so long since the last struggle that had taken all she had to win. Ages since she had fought something so much more than herself. The barely won fight against the Dragon, the frantic struggle against the Reaper, and slaying Daimon two times within the heart of his sanctum. These were the the battles she had won by the skin of her teeth. After that had been the near effortless slaughter of any other creature that got in her way but this monster in the shape of a man was a reminder of what it meant to fight for her life.

Running was not an option. It was most likely faster than her and it was definitely stronger than her but to lay down and die would be the worst thing imaginable. In one fluid action she reattached her bow to the strap on her back, unsheathed her sword, and rushed at her enemy even as her body groaned in protest. Caedia moved as fast as she possibly could. Given how ineffective the Sixfold Bolt was on it the creature either had a resistance to magic or very quick regeneration therefore she would aim to behead it and then set the body ablaze. If it had a resistance to magic it would die and if it had regeneration it would die. The moment she was close enough the Arisen would kill the creature or die.

Despite the fact that failure most likely meant death there was a surety of purpose in the movement she made. The time for turning back was long over. One foot after the next no matter what lies ahead. That was what it meant to live.


The castle standing before Wiseman was certainly an impressive sight. There was a bit of fondness the warlock had for the foreboding structure. In a world of towering metal buildings that entered the domain of the sky the sight of a castle was welcome and a reminder of home. Of course, the cries and moans of the dying who were impaled upon the forest of stakes that surrounded the castle was a bit annoying and the stench of the rotting dead was distasteful, but that was unimportant now.

As an adviser to three kings Wiseman had learned that there was always a need to outfit your servants with powerful equipment and with magnus he could provide this service for the ruler of this place. He had already collected a few elements, weapons, and tools within the magnus on his person. The sorcerer walked up to the relatively simple black door that lead into the building and knocked three times.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 01:09:07 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #82 on: November 20, 2014, 01:57:44 AM »

Forest cried out the moment her leg was nearly sheared off at the kneecap.  Cold blood ran down her leg and onto the roof top as her vision blurred.  Numbness and ice was starting to fill her veins and her limbs were starting to feel as if they were made of lead. 

She had taken too much damage too fast and was too low on blood.

Red was clouding her vision as her fangs lengthened, throbbing as they sharpened to fine points.  Her attacker, between her hit to his jewels and the sword he got hit with in the shoulder, fell flat on the roof.  Grimacing, she pressed her hand against her leg, holding it together and hobbled towards the fallen calico man.

Still holding her leg with her left hand, she frowned as she realized that pulling him to his feet to feed wasn't going to be an option.  She needed to get through to him; she couldn't explain it, but she had to know why he was so persistent in killing her.  Plus he pissed her off and injured her rather badly.  It wasn't an insult she was going to take, and if she had to badger him over the head that she wasn't some evil monster until he realized it then she was going to do that.

So, the best thing she could do, and keep pressure on her bad leg, was straddle him.  Taking her free hand, she gently turned his head so the pulse of the artery in his throat was visible before bowing her head.  His scent, like steel and forge smoke, filled her nostrils and almost made her dizzy as she lightly flicked her tongue over the thundering pulse.  He tasted metallic.  Exotic almost, and before she realized it she gently sank her fangs into this throat.


Saber frowned as the pale man left.  What was worse was the effect he had on the other policemen in the room; again, they were literally spellbound and not even her charisma could have gotten through to him.  This one, she thought to herself, Is trouble.

She heard screaming and shouting coming from outside.  Scowling, she pushed prana through her body and shot out of the building like a rocket to see the zealot attacking a blond woman with an incredibly powerful attack.  Excalibur whispered as it was pulled from its makeshift sheath as Saber cloaked it with the Wind King.  Strands of her long, blond hair were flying about as she moved to defend the victim.

Until she saw a face that was a mirror of her own.

". . . It cannot be," she whispered, seeing that her "son" was there before her.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #83 on: November 20, 2014, 01:58:45 AM »
Lucas ground his teeth and pushed, caving in the ground underneath him as he blurred back into motion. The immortal's mind cranked into overtime, analyzing the woman's defenses, searching for why she hadn't been thrown back by his attack, why she could still stand under her own power.

The resident surged forward, cratering the ground with each step as Caedia drew her sword. While the Arisen bore considerable speed and power, it simply wasn't enough to match him, and they both knew it. Even as her sword pierced through his chest, Lucas's eyes shone with the promise of victory. A guttural, raspy sound forced its way out of his throat, letting out his rarely-used voice.

"Too slow."

His fist shot forward with unnatural strength, the blade stuck in his body slowing his blow down to the point where it would send Caedia flying, but not enough to crush her organs.

He had been walking for some time.

The world constantly tore at his existence, but ceaselessly propped it up. He was something that could and could not exist, fire and shadow wrapped up in the form of a man. He was alone, as far as there was no one near him that could understand what he was. To most he was just a cowboy, someone who wandered through the world, and that was what he was content to be.

It was what walked next to him that was the source of Wanderer's concern and, at this point, slight irritation. The sickness next to him - the last great triumph of his brother, molded by man in his image - that took the form of a young boy had decided, for various reasons of varying length and importance, to claim Wanderer as his uncle, and to walk with him.

He wouldn't have minded if it had been a normal child that had attached itself to him, but the sickness was different in the extreme, enough so that even his supernatural patience was wearing thin. Wanderer, by his nature, did not stay with companions long, but this boy had been doggedly following his steps until he relented.

The sickness had been quiet for some time, but now, as they passed by a building with a cheery label proclaiming itself as a Tim Horton's, Wanderer was almost concerned. Peering in at the couple eating behind the glass, a young African man and a white-haired girl, Wanderer glanced over to the boy.

"You've been quiet, PARIAH," He gestured to the restaurant, a lamppost flickering on only to burst, the coincidence revealing the his massive, writhing shadow. Then, as the light died, it was gone.

"This is how humans eat food. Do you want to try some?"

Wanderer asked simply out of courtesy, a human motion that had, at times, escaped him.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 03:43:50 PM by Mooncake »
Spoiler for Hiden:


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #84 on: November 20, 2014, 02:11:09 AM »

Crest was there, there was nothing. It was him, alone, nothing else was there. It was empty, an endless place and yet at the same time it did not exist.


His will surged though the nothingness, keeping it from swallowing the man known as Crest.


Crest tried to see what was there, but it was pointless, there was nothing to be seen. It was empty, but it was not cold. Rather there was an absence of anything like temperature.


He tried to move, but it was pointless. For there was no space, no time, any action he wanted to make could not be made, for it was impossible for something to act in the emptiness.


The only thing, the only existence that was truly present here, was what brought him here. The one intention that led Crest to reject his own existence, but even so, this was different from all other times.


And with the will filling the nothingness, the nothingness filled Crest. But yet Truth remained.

The explosion and flames died down around the black from of Crest. And as the flames did, Crest fell to his knees. Suddenly the man was there again, the blackness gone, replaced by the form of the human known as Crest.

His eyes were blank as his mind reformed, his shallow intention to survive, a weak and vague will, almost caused him to be consumed. But Crest did not want to die, and so he did a risky move.

He tried to remember, where he was born, what he has done with his life, his skills, his will, his hopes, his dreams. And finnaly Crest was truly back.

“I-I am Crest.” He whispered in a soft tone. And with that he reaffirmed his existence.

He stood up, his machete in his right hand, as he looked to the combat before him. The woman abandoned range in favor of melee.

But Crest could tell, simply the look in that mans… no that beasts eyes that there was no chance for her victory. In all regards Crest should have been happy.

But Crest realized the woman shot because of the man, not because of him. And once, just for once, Crest wanted to believe in someone. That someone did not want to kill him. For just once in his life.

‘Rejection of Limits!’ Black smoke flowed into his body, it would be dangerous, but he could do it like this once today.

‘Rejection of Matter!’ The black smoke covered his machete, extending far past its normal length, making it resemble a normal blade in size.

And then Crest burst forward, with speed far beyond what he should be able. And the blade of nothingness descended onto Lucas’ neck as his blow struck the woman.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 04:49:53 AM by Knick »

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #85 on: November 20, 2014, 02:26:51 AM »
"This is how humans eat food. Do you want to try some?"

The child soundlessly moved towards the building that his uncle had gestured towards and pressed his face against the glass for a moment before moving back. An inquisitive look passed over the child's face that quickly changed into a pout. "No."

Then PARIAH simply moved behind his uncle and began the task of climbing his family member. When he had reached the back of the wanderer he asked, "Can I eat them? I promise to be quiet this time."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #86 on: November 20, 2014, 02:44:47 AM »
Mr. Tar

Henry Barthow barely reacted as the pale man left of his own vollition, with his final declarations. The panic in his mind was subsiding, but being replaced with a gnawing scrutiny. The man was obviously not an angel, but what he was, what he claimed to be, were plunging the furnace of the demon's Primum into a cold pit with the implications.

He should have barked in some manner of discontent at his and Saber's colleagues for acting like dumbstruck idiots. But he knew these men, and he knew how commanding Saber could be. If every 'human' would be so compliant to the man's mere presence, it was frightening to consider what he could influence them to do if he actually demanded their obedience. That was the truth. Whatever the man actually was, he was dangerous - and likely even more so to him.

Henry raised a hand to his forehead to relieve the migraine he was causing himself to feel. Slowly, he turned to Saber and opened his mouth to speak but...

The rising hostility levels outside (now jumping through the roof as someone no doubt prepared to attack) did not escape his notice, nor did the commotion that he was hearing. Before he had even taken a step, however, Saber had burst off outside in one of her superhuman dashes.

Clicking his tongue, he ran after her.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 02:47:04 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #87 on: November 20, 2014, 02:46:36 AM »
Forest cried out the moment her leg was nearly sheared off at the kneecap.  Cold blood ran down her leg and onto the roof top as her vision blurred.  Numbness and ice was starting to fill her veins and her limbs were starting to feel as if they were made of lead. 

She had taken too much damage too fast and was too low on blood.

Red was clouding her vision as her fangs lengthened, throbbing as they sharpened to fine points.  Her attacker, between her hit to his jewels and the sword he got hit with in the shoulder, fell flat on the roof.  Grimacing, she pressed her hand against her leg, holding it together and hobbled towards the fallen calico man.

Still holding her leg with her left hand, she frowned as she realized that pulling him to his feet to feed wasn't going to be an option.  She needed to get through to him; she couldn't explain it, but she had to know why he was so persistent in killing her.  Plus he pissed her off and injured her rather badly.  It wasn't an insult she was going to take, and if she had to badger him over the head that she wasn't some evil monster until he realized it then she was going to do that.

So, the best thing she could do, and keep pressure on her bad leg, was straddle him.  Taking her free hand, she gently turned his head so the pulse of the artery in his throat was visible before bowing her head.  His scent, like steel and forge smoke, filled her nostrils and almost made her dizzy as she lightly flicked her tongue over the thundering pulse.  He tasted metallic.  Exotic almost, and before she realized it she gently sank her fangs into this throat.

Henderson turns away at the sight of the now even bloodier blond straddling the person who, until just now, had seemingly been trying to kill her.

"So that's how they're going at it these days," Henderson notes as he makes his way back into the building. Disregarding the elevator, Henderson instead hops up onto the stairwell railings before grinding down them with the skill and finesse of an olympic athlete, still smoking that blunt he'd wrapped in the elevator, before disengaging from the railing at the perfect moment for his momentum to carry him through the ruined lobby and out the shattered window as he withdraws another shell from his pockets and loads it into Betty. There's enough momentum left over that he only needs to take a few steps to put himself back in his faithful Buick.

"Hmm...where was I going before that brat with the cutlery turned up..."

Still trying to figure this out, Henderson starts the engine on his Buick and peels out, managing a perfect U-turn as he races through the city, still with no regard for the speed limit has the smoke from his blunt begins to gather.

Then three spears of light slam into the road a fair distance, followed shortly by a young girl leaping out into the street, looking terrified of...something.

At this point, several disjointed thoughts flash through Henderson.

As bad of an influence as Henderson may have been on Jimmy back during the time of the First Grand Theft Gnome, he felt he'd had the kid's best interests in mind, forcing him to stay home during school nights, and even driving him to the highschool prom when no one else would.

And that had to be the best joint I've ever had, but I made sure that Jimmy got a hit too. That kid needed it, too...

While this stream of thought goes off somewhere else, Henderson reaches down for a panel he'd installed himself, one that he hadn't used since his days as a professional stunt driver. With the push of a button, the passenger side door opens so that the outside of the door is resting against the side of the engine block, just barely kept from touching the wheel well. With another push of a button, the rails under the passenger seat are disengaged as a secondary set slide up into place, before the seat is extended out of the vehicle proper.

Steeling himself as the cloud of weed smoke flies out of the open door, Henderson counts down as he nears the girl before braking sharply as he turns the wheel, sending the car into a controlled spin out. As predicted, the seat slams into the girl with a whump, the centrifugal force keeping her pinned to the seat as Henders taps another button to pull the seat in and close the door as he corrects the spin, slamming the accelerator as soon as the Buick is pointed straight down the road.

"My 'pologies," Henderson says to the girl as he continues his blatant disregard for traffic laws, "For th' mess. Figured you were somewhere you didn't want to be, and I kin always use some help. Tell me lass, would ya happen to know anythin' 'bout some yellow gnome-stealing sods?"
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 04:38:46 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #88 on: November 20, 2014, 02:50:34 AM »

Rebeca was first shaken out by her panic by the massive surge of voices. It was so out of place and so sudden she winced, completely not expecting such a thing to suddenly enter her senses.

She blinked a bit as she adjusted and turned to the source, what she saw surprised her. It was a small boy.

She blinked again… no, that’s wrong, it was not a small boy. It was a man, no a woman, no an elder, no a solider. Different people, different thoughts boiled on the surface of the boys mind, they were all different, but yet they are all the same. How was something possible.

But she barely even noticed that anymore as something else caught her noise, a small buzz, almost like static. It was drowned out by the voices of the boy, but something about it wanted her to know more. It was different; it was nothing she had ever heard before.

So she did something stupid, she decreased the volume of her music.

And like that the boy’s voices hit her even harder, echoing in her skill, and with it came pain. But this pain was barable, it was just more voices, but the voices could be understood. But even she doubted she could bear it for long.

His thoughts became more apparent, as well as the thoughts of the voices accompanying him. But that is not what interested her; instead it was that other sound she wanted to know about.

If she had listened more to the boy it would have been obvious that it was almost if someone poured their minds into that boy. The boy himself though was different. He was something else, his mind was different, almost like a web, a net, and then she would have heard his voice itself. That he wanted to eat, but not a meal like actual people, but the people around him. He was a predator, something else, something not right.

Perhaps it was her luck they she did not hear that, but what she focused on instead was something else.

She focused on the noise, but she did not go deeper. She just wanted to know what the noise was. As she focused she could no longer hear the other voices. They were still there of course, echoing though her mind, but her mind focused so she could not hear them. It would give her a headache later though.

Finally she isolated the noise and listened.

B̡̂ͨͪͭͤ̐̂͛̉ͯ̑̅̽̋ͮ͐҉̡̡̦̹̭́l̴ͫ̍̆͑̔̇́̌̉҉̺̞̻̝͉̱̩̙̰̭̣̱̖̜͈̕ͅo̷̴͕̣̩̻͉̞̺̱͚̺̮̟͈ͦͬͣ̂̉̎̈́͆̅̍͆̒̃͆ͥ̃̾̽͊́̕o̸͙̮̪̦̲̬̩͎̭̼͈̯̮̻̤͂̒̉̆̊́ͅͅd̶͉͖̰̭͕͉̮̬̘̈́̀̂ͮ̅ͨͨ̏ͣ̊̈́̚̕,̨̛͙̱͔̦̜͍̥̬̩̗̬͎͔͔͖̻̤̂̀̃ͯ̆̔̉̓̃̾̆͋̈ͬͥ̌̂̓ͮ ̸̨̪̥͚̖͖̳̭̙͙͎̗̙͎͓͚̊ͣͣ̃ͨͅf͑̓͊̒̽͊͑̆ͩ͌ͯͥ͒ͫ̔̈̑̍ͪ́҉̷̣͎̦̲̰̫̮̗͓̦͔̦̪̠̤͕̯͡ͅi͚̲̠̳̲͙̰̭͙̜̘͚ͤ̅̑̾̌ͥͮͧͧͯ̐̍͋ͪ̀͑͆̽́̚͘r̷̸̝̞͚͙̜͕̼̯̘͔̬̼̻̤̾̌̊ͪ̆̊̚e̠͉͖͈̺͓̯͔͖̤͍̯̜͉̬̐͑̏ͥ͋ͧ͂̈́̏̆̃̄͊͗̍̈̇̀͡͡ͅ,̴̸̶̢̳͉̜̣͈̫̫̲̻̥̮͎̱̹͖͍͎̊̔̌̍ͭ͂̊ͬͬ̑̄̆͂͗͗ͮ̿ͅ ̶̶̢̞̠̳̩͖̦͍̤̬̞̦̟͕̟̠̖̗ͥͤͩ̋ͫ͋̂ͪͧ̑ͭͨͣͪş̡̡͈͕͎̥̥̗͈͖͎̯͚̪̰̩̹̺̖̮̍̓̔̍ͣͭͮ͋̍͂̉̄ͣ̃́t͇̪̩̳̘̱͍͖̞͕̠̥͍̠̗̤̳̜̀͂ͭ̎͋͜͢͡ͅe̵̷͙̻͚̯͙̘͈͙̤̝͕̘̙̟͊̄̌ͦ͂̈́̊̓̊͟͝͠ͅę̷̷̝̘͎̥̙̬̳͋̔̍̆ͨ̇̃̈́͛̎ͬͤͨ̏̚͡ľ͊̆̂̃͌͂͋ͣ̊̃̀͏̞͎͈̞͚̺͎̟̫̺͎̮̜͇,̢̬̥͖̝̮͌̇̚̚̕ ̸̗͈̺̲̠̆̆̉͆̍͜͞f̵̨̡̘̹̘̮͍͔̮̦̱͇̬̤͎̘̘͖͌̂̎̓ͪ̋̽̈́̾ͅĺ̴͔̼̯̳͍̯̟̜̭͎̩̩̱͚̜̏͌͐̐͑ͫͮ̌̐̊̽̎̀̚̕ͅe̿ͣͨ͋̎̔̇ͣ͒͊́̊̋͆̾͏̛҉̹̫̣͍̬̞̗̜͙̱͜s̴̡̡̥̰̪̙̾͑̽̍͝h̶̭̠̼ͨͮ͌̂̑͆̂͑̅̏̒ͯ̆ͬͮ͌͠,̼̝̟͈̩̼͕̘̍͂͑̌̌̔̿ͦ͆̚͟͡͠ ̷̴̛̹̫̜̆̈ͩ͒̍͒ͯ͞b̌ͪ̓͒ͫͭ̒̑ͫ̈̓ͪ͒ͫ̂͏̷҉̞͍̙̤̪̣̺̣̬̰̳̘o̷̵̶͍̰͇̩͖͕̿ͮ̑ͮ̾ͣ̍͑̎̊ͭ͗ͣͩ̔͘n̡̡̩͉̪̥̥̲̩̠͚̺̳̤̖̖̱̰̲͈ͫ̈̎ͤ͐͂̽̾̎̌̿̈́̿̂̇ͭ͌́ḛ̭̞̪͖̘͕̫̊ͧ̓͛̌̓͋̈́ͥͩ̀̚͘͟ͅ,̃̿̿ͮ҉̕͏̶͇̼̗̣̪̘̣̣̠̳͈̝̣͕̪͚͚́ ̼̲̦͚͎͔̻̲͇̲͈̫̼̘͖̘͖̱̒ͯ̃̀̚͡t̵̢̗͙͈̟͚̻̯̟̳̯͔͓͖͓̼͔́̇́̏ͧ̈́̍ͬ̋̔͘͟͟ͅͅǫ̷̨̢̫̖̖̖̻̲͎̥̘̯̦̤̲̙̬̠͕̠̊́̒́̅ͨ̃̀͋̿̿̄ͭ̅̔ͤͤ̚͠r̡͂ͯ̎̀̍̾̔̉͗̿̑͐ͥ̄ͩ͆͠҉͓͎̮͇̲̜̲̟̜͓̦͈͈̼̟m̳̱͉̯̼̗̙̥͓̏̎̎ͬ͂ͥ̍ͦͯ͑̚̕͢eͭ̈́͗̓ͩ͐͒̈ͧ̉̒̃͋̇͌͛͂͊̿҉̸̵̸̛̘̯̺n̡̢͆̃͑ͧ̔̍͂ͫ͊̿ͥͭ͑̃̀ͩ҉̮̜̻̤̝͓̯̹̬͕̖͔̦̗̩̙ͅͅt̢̄̋ͮ̈̇ͣ̆̏̿̉̚҉̷̴̪̭͎̘͙̯̳̗̗̦̫̻̟͎͓̪͘,̧̛̤̝͚̹̖̩̤̺̻͙̮̳͔̭ͥͨ̿ͭ̽̄͜͝ ̡̗͉̦̙̻̗͕̥͉͎͖̘̪͌̄͂̔͐̅̉̍̌̐͊͌́h̼͎̹̥̝̮̙̟̪̘͖̮̮ͭ̇͋͌̍̾͝â̹̬̻̖͖̣̯̩͍͖̠̦͒̎ͧͮ͆͐ͧͦ̽ͤͤ̇͘͘t̲̝̥̫̼͈͉̟͎̖̯̅̌ͧͬͦ̎́͢͞ͅe̸ͪ̓̑̐ͣ̐͒̍ͧ͢҉͙̪̝̲̬̤͉̹̹̦̺̙̫͈͕̰͝,̷̧͇͓̱̗̓ͧͮ̀͑̂̓̌̈́ͥ̄̚͜͟ ̴̶̸̯̼̯̮͍̰̟̠̳̺̦̭͕͓̠̩̹̘ͧ̂̅ͫ̈ͮ̉͆ͫ̋͂̾̑̓̏ͅr̫̤̻͉̲̤̟͈͉̂̃͗ͥ̋ͨ̏͆̂ͫ͋͊͒ͪͪ͡͡a̸ͣ̿̓ͣ̅̿͐̓̌͆̄̓ͮ̚͏̸̦͖̭̝̼̘̯̣̳͖͓̣̯͟ͅg̸̜̼̫̳̝̹̻͚͔͕̼͉͉̓̏̏͌ͬ̎̔̿ͯͧ͢͞é̗̩̟̬̣̺͕̤̝͖̇̉̀̾̓ͥ̊̃ͦ̔̕ͅ,̶̋ͤ́̈ͯ́̿̏͐̏̒̉̚͡͏͈͔͓͍̘̱̺̱̪ ̷̷̛͔̬͔̥̭̼͈͓̜̬̖̬̣̲̝̌ͪͨ͛͐̐̅͊́̾̅ͫ̄̔̂ͨ̂͞ͅf̵͖̻̖̩̲̪͖̻̙̞̹̟̭̏ͥͣͭ̆ͤͬ́̑́͡͞͞ḙ̤̝̤̜̜̄̎ͣ̄̇̆̈́̈́ͮͨ̑͢͝ͅă̑̌̌̎͂̉ͤͧ͒́̉̋̈̊҉̭̪͚̤̱͉͖̝̮̼͖̹͠ͅŗͦͫͣ̒͂̋͏̗̲̗͎̜̪,̷̢̗͕͖̱̥̱̯́̃ͣͬ̓͛ͨ͑ͮͧ̑̿̇͌ͭͯ̚̕͟͞ ̧͉̦̠̠̺̱̞͇͙͙͓̠̤͕̪̑̓̎͜r̈́̋ͣͩ͋̆̇̚̚͜͏̮̭̫̖̘̺͖͕͙̟̤͘ê̛̟̱̜̬̫̪̘̼̱̳̭̼̲̩̪͉̫̪̤̊ͬ̌̓̓̏̋͆͆ͨ͜͞ŝ̢̧͓͔̟͈͕̩̗͔͓͖̖̩̭̩̮̙͒̏ͦͭ̓͂͋͛ͯͅĕ̷̡̪̤̣͓̳̺̥̥͎͎͕̦̠̹̫̜̂ͯ̈͋ͬ̋̉̓ͦ̆̇ͧ̿́̚͢͢ͅͅn̸̢̛̤̣̝̼̥̗͙̥̋̎̐͌̊̍ͬ̋ͨ̈̐͑̄̐ͤͥ̄͑͜͞ͅt̷̨̮̭̼̳͔͔̣̝̱̼͙̱͎̭̤͍͓͎ͤ̄̒̎̆̌̒̾̄͟mͯ̍̆͆̐҉̵̥̪̹̹͖͕̰̞̟̙̗͇̞̞̖̱̣e̡̙̝͙̺͓̰̻͚̯ͦ̌͌̒̆̓ͣͣ̔ͪͭ̄́͡͝n̡̞͇̣̗̗͕̺̩̣͓ͪ͌ͫͯ̅̔̊̀̚͜͡ͅͅtͯ̈́ͣ̑ͯ͐̐͐͌̆̏̔҉̲͚̥̤̫̼͉͉͕.ͤ̋ͮ̑͘͏̵̺̤̩̣̹͓̙̯̫͔̗͖̝͖ͅ
̿ͮ̈ͧ͆͗͊̅ͮ҉̕͡҉̟͚̬̟͙̭͇͈͈̻͍̮̠L̡̩̹͓̜̿̒̇̂̄̈͐̈́̉͆̌̃͊̒͗̎͂ͤ̀͢͟͟ȯ̸̸̧͇̖̤͙̖̦̪͔̲̦͒ͪ̑ͯͣ̈ͫ̾̂s̸̷̨͉̦͓̰͓̙̮̾ͬͭ̍͗̂̈̓ͧ̐̋ͫͦ̀ͮͨ̌̍̀͞ş̷̟̩̲͔͎ͨ͌̎̄̏̅ͯͭ̉̽̾̓ͥ̚ͅ,̀̎͆̊̔̄̂̅͌̒̎̈ͥͯͮͤͦ̀͟҉̠̜̠͎͙͞ ̴̷̛̟̰̪͈͋́̈́̇ͬͤ͐͂͋͑ͬ̍ͭ̕͠ͅv͔̟̦̳̹̪̝͙̱̤̓̃ͫͯ͂̋̍̽͐̅͗̀̚͘͡i̹̼͉͈̜͚͕̦̬̲̱̤͖̙̞̥͙̖̠͌ͯ̑͒̒ͧ̆̾͐ͬ͒͐͗ͤͧ̀͢͡c͖̻̯͙͐͊̌ͪͪͦ͡ţ̶̢̏̀ͣͬ͊̋̿ͯ̿͛̉̂̆̈̑̌̈́̂҉͇̱͖̺̼̻̬o̵͌͊͋ͥ͊̉́̓ͯ͞͏̸̢̹̤̙͚͙ͅͅr̸̴̛̘̙̹͖̪̖̘̠͗ͧ̏ͣ̅̚̕̕ẙ̃͊ͫͪͧ͏̢̛̝̝͕̠̘̱̰̬̖̮̩̬͉̯̝́͞,̨̢̠̤̙̜̊̋́̏̿͂̏ͤ̓ͪ͛̍̉ͣͬ̐ͧ͟͡ ̵̷̢͋́̾̿̔͡͏̻̰̻͈d̷̶̡͇̞̺͎̗̤̹̘̪̫̭̟̫͍̺͎̼̙̍̈ͪͦ̍͑ȩ̇̓̃ͪ̐̑҉̷̢̭̭͈̗̗͇̰̣͚s̛͓͈̮̫̖̞͂ͨ̋͂̒́ṭ̻͕̮̼̮̪̤ͬ͆̌̂̔͑ͩ͐̂̑̋̈́̀͘rͧ͌̉̌̂ͦͦ͢͏̧͝҉̭̖͕͈ũ̴̲͔̗̞̜͍̑͆̀ͣ͠c̵̹̜͉̯̞̝̖̥͌̈̾̋̔̀͡t̔̈̃͂ͫ́̽̀ͮ̓͋͌̚͏͏̴̛͇̻̼̮͔̫̮̜̗̘̣̩̤̜̲̜̫i̵̧͙͕͚̮̮̞͕̦̹̜͉͕̋ͯ̈́̏̏̂̔̿̀̎͗̈̔ͪ̔ͨ̄ͪ͛͜͞o̵͈͎̝͕̻͗͛ͧ̽͊͗̃͗͆̓́̿́̚̚͝n̢̪̜͙̪͈̪̞̞̣͖̹̣̞̙̝͈̳̱̔ͩ̏͊ͯͦ̊̔̽̾̀͜͡͠ͅ,ͪͭ̇͆̆͐҉̨̛̖͚̳͓̬̝̤͖̟͈̰̠̻͝͠ͅ ͨ̐ͩ̄ͤ̈̐̌͏̵͖͓͔͉̘̤͡p̢̨̱͚̺̦̩̱̙̦̹̬̱̩̩̣ͫͩ̅͂̈̃͌ͨͅa̢̨̛̳̻͕̘ͬͩ͂̈̃̄͗̍ͣ̍͊̃͗́͗́̚͘i̴̷̟͕̺̬̬͈͕̤͈̣̗͎̪͔͕̱ͬ̇̏͊ͣͨ͌́͢͞ͅnͯ̍ͣ̽ͤ͑̚҉̸̢̹̯̥̯̤͢͢,̢̡͙̘͚̙͙͕̖̺͕̝͍͇̖͓̪̏̊ͨ̑ͪ͛̐̌ͯ͛̆̑̅̆͋͂͘ ̧̛̠̖̱̳̩̯͓̲̫͕͙͍͔̮̩̳̤̑͗͋̀̒̕͜͠ṟ̩̻̠͔̜̺͕̮͛̍͐̽͗ͨ͐͒ͯͪ͑͗ͬ̓͛̚͜ͅȩ̛̣̼̩͙͔͈̲̺̻͕͓̘͓͙̤̞̟̮̒̌̋̑̆͐̊ͮͦ̾̓ͪ̋̏̆͡l̩̺̟̤̮̊̈̋̄͒͐́ͨ͂ͣ̍͂͗̕e̢̖̖̲̯̮̹͎͕̰̮͇̒̑ͫͮ̄͢͠ͅä̶̵̩̮̩͙̺̻̱ͥ̔̓̌́ͬ̀͘͡ͅͅs̶̡͈̜͇̖̪͖͕̠͍̬̤̫̳̤͓̆͑̋̌̔̂̿̽͌̆̕͟ḛ̣͔̝̹͇̻̻̫̗̥͉̖͌̆̈́̅ͬ̉̓̈ͨ̑̓͆̚͝,̵̶̨̠̥̳͖͔̰̫̙͇̹̬̼͔͍͔̰͙̪̌̆̏̍͗̈̋ͭ̏ ̖̯̰̲͚͉̩͚̳̲͎͍͙̠̞̦̣̐͐ͮ̐ͨ͢͠ͅg̴̣̪̬̤̝̮̻͕͙̯̤͕ͫ͛́̓̓̆̋̆̈͟͡l̴̫͔͈̫͎̥̪̤̤̟̭̹̗̩̰͛̿ͯ͛̋͞o̶͎̬̤̝̯͈͎̝̮͔͐͐͌͐ͣ̒̂̍̍̋̈́̚̕͘͝ͅrͤ̾̋̏͑͗̉̋̆̋́̀͆̓́̃̚̚̕͏̥̼̝̪̜̳̘̝̣̳̰̲͍̟͘y̡̳͕̙̮̹͎̥̙̱̱͉̖̲̬̣̑ͥͭ̆ͥ͑̑̅̊ͮͧ̌͌̉͆̀̚͜,̷̸̴͙̱͇̳̙̣͎̻͓͙̱̙̣ͩ̇̎̀̇̉ͦͩ̆̆̇̏͛ͭ̆̉̈́̀͠ͅ ͐ͨͤͩ҉̸́͏͓͓̼̹̜̠͚̼̹̙̼̫̞̰͎̖̱͉̕j̵͖͍̮̫̝͈̫̦ͧ̃̈́͆̈ͭ̒̎͌̈́̓̈ͦ̋ͯ̈̚͢͝ͅơ̷̮̲͇̗̱̞̪̼ͩ̔̊͑̉̇̿̀̂͌͛̈́ͮͪ͝y̴̶̿̔ͤ̆͌̍̏̿͗̈́͊ͧ͆̿̆ͮͦ̏͘͏҉͕̥̗̠̺̞͎̖̙̳̹ͅ.̨̝̝̼͍̔̅̅ͩͩ̈́͋ͣ͂́͞͞ ̸͉̺̰̮̤̅̑ͥ̿ͯ̀͞͞

In the real world, away from the realm of thoughts, Rebeca Sylven opened her mouth.

And the scream she relased was the most terrifying thing any human there had ever heard.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #89 on: November 20, 2014, 03:36:09 AM »

Finally, blistered fingers managed to yank the metal spike out of Law's chest, his lung resealing with ectoplasm as the young man took a ragged, gasping breath. Gazing at the bloody chunk of metal for a second, he frowned, then threw it down the alleyway, listening to it clatter against the pavement as he tried to steady his breathing.

That hurt. A lot.

At least those creatures didn't seem to want you while you were alive.

The spirit did. Fucking christ that thing looked tortured. I think I'm gonna hurl.

Don't. It'll just freeze on your lips and clothes.

Pulling himself to his feet, and using the wall as support, Lawrence started walking down the alley towards where the dead-girl had sprinted. He had half a mind to find that rod and return it to whoever'd gifted him the thing in the same manner, but reason won out over rage. It wasn't like he'd died again or anything. A ghost of a smile flickered on his lips. Hell, he'd now have another scar he could show off if he somehow got laid. His loping pace quickly ate up the distance between him and the building, as light flashed and a crazed looking man in heelies wheeled out of it.

"I hope they didn't destroy the fucking heater..."