Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 531111 times)


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1125 on: January 30, 2015, 11:53:05 AM »

Oh no.

The Babylonian stared at the disaster she had caused with muted horror. My life is ruined, she thought, panic beginning to set in as her heartbeat accelerated.

It had been a good morning before now. She had been too excited and nervous to sleep when her savior had brought her into the city and gave her a place in the strange and somewhat ugly building. Not that she would ever tell him it was ugly. The invisible walls that let her view across the city weren’t bad at least. So she had cautiously wandered around the estate, testing out the admittedly inviting benches made of fuzzy animal skin and marveling at the metal candles that could be lit and extinguished in an instant just by poking them in the right spot. While they lacked the majesty of the flame-lights from back home, she giggled with delight at the novelty.

Anatu then stumbled across a serene yet firm woman who was practicing with a sword. The woman gave her no mind, continuing her training while the teenager watched. She hadn’t seen many of the warriors from Uruk, and wasn’t able to recall their prowess to compare to the woman here.

She had quickly grown bored of just watching and wound up mimicking her elder’s motions, stepping and swinging an imaginary weapon. The lady took interest and demonstrated a few simple motions for Anatu to practice before leading her over to where an older man was preparing and serving food.

The man’s workplace was truly a wonder, and Anatu observed him cook with as much attention as her sleepy mind could muster. Save a few tiny blue flames, there was no resemblance between this and roasting a slaughtered animal over a fire. The meals being served looked nothing like those of home, and she wasn’t yet hungry enough to be willing to partake. Still, she was truly interested in what the chef was doing over in his little corner, and when the others had finished eating and the old man left, the Babylonian went and brought out everything that she had seen the old man use to satisfy her curiosity.

That led to where she was now. Anatu had no idea what she had done wrong. She had found the little black bar that made flames flicker out from the alien fire pit, she had poured the smelly olive green liquid into the flat metal bowl-thing, and the next thing she knew fire was leaping out at her. With a loud “Eeep!” she jumped back, the pan fell to the floor, still burning.

Oh gods oh gods I just set these people’s home on fire, she thought to herself over and over while continuing to uselessly stare at the flames.


Damn. His mark had walked out of the more secluded alley before the foot traffic outside was thin enough for him to chance the grab. Now she was chatting it up with some fucking weirdo out in the open. The short man sighed in frustration and slid his hands into his pockets. This was going to take even longer now. Hopefully his opportunity would come soon, there were other things he had to prepare and he could only waste so much time here.

Standing off on the side of the sidewalk, Mark pulled out his Android phone and played with the screen a little, giving the impression of being absorbed in his phone while carefully listening to the blonde’s conversation.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1126 on: January 30, 2015, 12:58:28 PM »
"Yes, you look normal enough to me, although I know you must not be. By the way, are you looking for something? You helped me earlier, it's only fair I return the favor."


"Before we talk about it, grab my hand, I will show you something interesting" she said, holding out her hand.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 12:59:48 PM by Kat »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1127 on: January 30, 2015, 01:46:27 PM »

"Hmm? Take your hand?" Faust thought about it for a second, then nodded and a met her extended hand with his own.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1128 on: January 30, 2015, 02:34:35 PM »

Nothing changed to anyone but the man who just shaked Mordred's hand. Her Mask peeled away, she let him witness her true form, or Mien. The young woman was now clad in arm of silver and red, the air around her tinted with warmth that melted any snowflake dropping before even it reached her.

"I bet I look old fashioned enough to be mistaken for one of Servants you talked about." she paused, and then continued "That Saber girl looks like me even though I did not see her clad in an armor like me. What a trick of fate."

« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 02:35:53 PM by Kat »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1129 on: January 30, 2015, 02:48:35 PM »

After the cab driver finished loading Blackburn's things into the trunk and he'd gotten into the cab, Noel walked to the other side and sat down next to Mathew.

As the taxi began moving, Mathew fished out a book and opened it to seemingly random page. Noel leaned over and saw what was depicted just before he quickly slammed the book shut again.

"W-what in the world was that!?! It looked like a giant mutant bug monster from hell! Why do you have a book with that kind of picture?" Noel asked with fear in her eyes, clutching Bolverk as if they were safety blankets.


Faust raised his eyebrow at her revealed form. "My, you are an interesting woman, aren't you? You are correct; your attire is quite reminiscent of that which a heroic spirit of the sword might be expected to wear. Your aura–would you happen to be associated with summer, or perhaps spring? Maybe the sun as well?"
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 03:06:38 PM by Sakura »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1130 on: January 30, 2015, 03:23:47 PM »

"You are spot on with the sun and the summer. I'm fond of the spring, but did not strike any Contract with the season. And I hope this winter will come to end quickly this year" she complained, as she had a loathing for this time of year "Anyway, you mentioned a favor? I did not help much, but I did let you see my true form, so I guess I will ask for a one in exchange. Those Heroic Spirits, you can find them? I've been looking for Saber for my own reasons."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1131 on: January 30, 2015, 03:42:52 PM »

"Hmm, I can detect them if they get close, but I don't have a way to easily detect them at long range." Faust pause, puzzling it over. "You mentioned she was a police officer, correct? If we went to the police station, I could detect her, assuming she was there. I can also ask Sakura to keep an eye out for her as well. Is there a reliable way I could contact you if I encounter her later?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1132 on: January 30, 2015, 03:56:52 PM »

"I don't carry around with me anything like mobile phones because they would break quickly given how dangerous my lifestyle. I wished this city was more peaceful" she sighed. "You are a magus, don't you have any less mundane solution for that?"


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1133 on: January 30, 2015, 04:03:34 PM »
"W-what in the world was that!?! It looked like a giant mutant bug monster from hell! Why do you have a book with that kind of picture?" Noel asked with fear in her eyes, clutching Bolverk as if they were safety blankets.
"That was a Tyranid Warrior," Mathew looked up and saw fear in her eyes, "One of the many kinds of buggers that I've been fighting for days before I wound up here. I rather not talk about Tyranids right now...

"As for the book," he continued, "It is my Infantryman's Uplifting Primer. It's a field guide for everything us Guardsman might encounter, or how to set traps, or care for our weapons. It tells everything a Guardsman needs to know, basically."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 04:17:45 PM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1134 on: January 30, 2015, 04:05:14 PM »

"I can contact you through magical means, of course. But it would help if I knew where you were when I was trying to contact you, or at least where you live so I could send a message there. I could have a familiar follow you, or place a tracking spell on you, for example. I wouldn't do this without your permission, of course."


Noel continued to shudder. "You've b-been fighting them for days? I can understand–why you wouldn't want to talk about it..."

Noel fell silent for and fidgeted; she clearly had something on her mind and was trying to hide it, badly. After a while, she decided to speak up.

"So, ummm... What kind of world are you from? That is, if you don't mind me asking!" Noel stammered out, nearly shouting. The taxi driver glanced back, shook his head and continued on his course.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 04:22:33 PM by Sakura »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1135 on: January 30, 2015, 04:43:12 PM »
Corporal Mathew Blackburn:

It wasn't all to pleasant to have someone yelling in his ear. Use to it by now, what with Hell going on, but still unpleasant.

"Well, which would you prefer: Harlech, my actual homeworld, or Valanis Secondus, the planet I was stationed on until last night?"
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 04:43:52 PM by MissingMandible »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1136 on: January 30, 2015, 04:46:36 PM »

"Just to contact me, right? I'm not going to agree for that if it includes detailed scrying" Certainly she would not agree on such breach of privacy. Knowing her location was enough compromise.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1137 on: January 30, 2015, 04:46:56 PM »
"You've been to more than one planet? Wow. What's Earth like in your universe?" Noel asked much more quietly this time. "What's space like?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1138 on: January 30, 2015, 05:01:56 PM »
Corporal Mathew Blackburn:

She's an enthusiastic one, isn't she?

"I think Earth is another name for Holy Terra. Never been there myself. Never knew anyone who has, either. I do know that is where the Emperor sits upon the Golden Throne at, though. As for space, well, it certainly was something to see Harlech as nothing more than a brilliant marble."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1139 on: January 30, 2015, 05:05:30 PM »

"Ah, I've been meaning to ask you, who is the Emperor and what is this Golden Throne? Is he like the Imperator?"


"Yes, just to contact you. I definitely wouldn't abuse my knowledge to spy on you. That would be excessively rude."
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 05:16:30 PM by Sakura »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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