Frankly, the Mary Sue Litmus test is just an excuse for people to try to force their idea of how fanfics should work (OCs are absent or unimportant) on everyone else. I couldn't care less if Toshi fails it, frankly, because it's a dumb test made based on one person's opinion.
It's not just the test. Let's run down the list shall we?
Subject of a prophecy? Check.
Kid of two canon characters who shouldn't be able to have a kid? Check.
Three bullshit swords? Check.
Always perfect and right apparently? Check again.
Looks 18 but actually 2000 years old through bullshit? Check.
Knows magic that is apparently from the Age of Gods? Check.
Surrounded by hot women that apparently want to jump his bones? Cheeeeck.
Immortal and invincible? Check.
Had a fucking pet lion? Check.
No actual relevant weaknesses in story that he can't just get over in five seconds? Check.
Apparently loved by everyone? Check.
Also a Dragon? Check.
Mike, do you want me to keep going on on this one, because I will. I fucking will.
Mike stop, Arch's attempts at bullying, abuse and what clearly seems like an attempt to isolate my characters so I quit (yet another form of bullying) should not be replied to.
No, I don't want you to quit, I want you to stop being so shitty at writing, RP'ing, and recognizing critique. A tall order considering how you usually are, but this seems to be the only way to actually get you to fucking listen at all.