No, my problem is that it keeps fucking happening. It happened several times last month, and once it caused me a serious problem with my post, and now I am basically unable to ever get any sort of conversation going with anyone because when I wake up every day they have made 3 posts each and left the conversation with me behind. It never happens the other way, either, so everyone else is just fine
Sure, Ryoko might be "more interesting", but Kiyoshi is just completely ignored regardless of what he does or says because everyone else runs off into the future and his conversations are forgotten about. If I was awake when you guys are and could reply to your posts that wouldn't happen because Kiyoshi would be kept involved in the conversation. True, the Ryoko stuff would take priority, but Kiyoshi was involved in a conversation with Archer before that even happened and it just got dropped because you guys can't be bothered to wait for me or to let me get involved in any way.
I wouldn't mind if it was an occasional thing in response to situations like this, but it's not. It happens all the damn time. Whenever I try to set anything up or get anything going it just gets one response and then someone else starts something and goes off on a tangent whilst I'm asleep. Then, when I wake up, I'm faced with 15 posts to deal with and a massive time difference between the end of my last post and the end of everyone elses', which means I end up needing to spread my post over a long period, making it really difficult to write and also causing the conversation I started earlier to be completely forgotten.
My problem is not that people ignore Kiyoshi some of the time, it's that even when Kiyoshi does or says something that would legitimately get responses it is usually overshadowed by someone else doing the same, whereas when I make an effort to change the conversation it gets one post in response and then everyone else goes back to the original thing whilst I'm in bed, causing the topic involving Kiyoshi to die. That's especially true when I'm interacting with Elf, since she's rarely on when I am and she doesn't really seem to like waiting for others to post....
And, further, because I always have about 10 posts to reply to I am always miles behind, which means I can't really make anything happen. I just want to actually have a chance to get involved for once, and for the last few months no-one has been making any effort to do that. Every single major event that happens I just get left out of because you guys rush off on your own and don't let me react. The Angra thing a month back is the most problematic example of that, but it's systematic and it's starting to get really annoying.