Author Topic: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page  (Read 501433 times)


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4410 on: January 28, 2014, 08:42:21 AM »
Shuya is beyond saving. Nothing short of rewinding the timeline could save him. The Embrace don't work if someone's head is smashed into paste.

I know and that's fine. Just let him rot. While typing this post I was laughing because of how Shuya got Shoruuken'd.

The Other Two, if Jack's OK with decending further into inhuman monster territory (As in into 'Dangerously close to snapping and killing everyone in sight every time someone pulls out a knife on him"), are probably savable... if they're willing to lose essentially all magical ability and become Kindred.

I would say it's up to other PCs at this point, and mainly Jack. They're both deader than dead right now. I wouldn't mind if you decide to make them Jack's childer but I'm not going to go and say 'do it'. It's up to you, and how the others feel about it.

Of course, this is implying that either Jack or Ryuu survive this

I don't see Ruu living that long even if he survives that fight. (Which is unlikely)

Daiki, really, at this point, one way or another, Ryuu will be either rendered disabled but kill Jack, or Jack will win and kill Ryuu but end up probably devouring whatever warm thing with a pulse he first sees because of all the blood he's spending in this battle.

Do what you must.

There are two snacks waiting for him
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 08:50:42 AM by Daiki »

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4411 on: January 28, 2014, 09:01:50 AM »
Daiki - I'm sorry. Ruu just made the mother of all mistakes.
He made sure his head was both unguarded, and in one place.
Jack is still in many ways, the loser of this fight. Because, let's go through a list of injuries he suffered. Even with Resiliance to keep him held together.

- Broken vertebra
-Majority of his internal organs heavily damaged/liquified
-Both legs broken
-Left arm snapped from escaping crush hold
-4 cracked ribs
-Ruptures in the abdominal wall letting said liquified guts spill out all over the place.
-Bite marks and some minor damage to his teeth due to having to chew through the wrist, and several small bones.

Yeah. Jack, within I'm guessing about ~20 seconds, basically took several mack trucks in head on collisions, and then a little more.

He was roughly 1 box of lethal damage away from rolling into torpor. Holy fuck is Resiliance a life saver.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4412 on: January 28, 2014, 09:25:07 AM »
Not what I meant arch.

hey Daiki, mind if Satoshi saves Nessa Isa and Shuya?


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4413 on: January 28, 2014, 10:05:09 AM »
Nah, that's good for now.

Will roll other characters regardless of what happens (Embrace or not).
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:06:28 AM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4414 on: January 28, 2014, 10:19:14 AM »
So wait, you are ok with it or not? That reply is a touch confusing


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4415 on: January 28, 2014, 10:24:21 AM »
Let them be.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4416 on: January 28, 2014, 10:30:08 AM »
So no then?

well that sucks all the fun out and doesn't make any sense but ok


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4417 on: January 28, 2014, 10:50:46 AM »
No, bringing them back as if nothing had happened after I killed them myself wouldn't make any sense at all. Them be ghost or undead is perfectly viable in the context. On the other hand full out resurrection is out of question.

Few corpses is a good opportunity to see how the other characters react to a situation involving death. That's part of the fun too.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 10:51:18 AM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4418 on: January 28, 2014, 10:58:14 AM »
They are your characters daiki. However this forces me to contrive a reason for my characters not to save them since he can do so.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4419 on: January 28, 2014, 12:27:02 PM »


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4420 on: January 28, 2014, 12:59:16 PM »
Satoshi can heal anyone so long as brain death has not occurred back to full health. While Shuya has been injured beyond his abilities Isa and nessa are only missing intern organs and therefore can be saved if Satoshi reaches them in time.

Shuya would be a separate event involving a long process and some time travel shenanigans and a lot of help but it's possible.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4421 on: January 28, 2014, 01:06:34 PM »
Well, I would imagine brain death occurs pretty quickly once you have your heart ripped-out. All that needs to happen is for Toshi to be delayed slightly.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4422 on: January 28, 2014, 01:53:05 PM »
Purty much. The twins are pretty dead, sadly- the only way I can realistically see them coming back is via the Embrace, by the time anyone actually gets to them it will be far too late. Because the blood loss would be too great, and I see them dying pretty quickly.

And as Mike mentioned, realistically, even if you did somehow miraculously bring back Isa/Nessa's heart (which would make me call BS- Tom too can pull off pretty miraculous healing in true form, as could someone with the right amount of experience with Ruby like Rin, but I highly doubt either could save Isa and Nessa at this point), the brain damage would be too great from the lack of oxygen to her brain. Both twins would likely lose brain functioning, and that's a pretty awful state to bring them back in.

Plus as Daiki himself pretty much showed by doing this in the first place and his own words, he's cool with his characters being dead. He wouldn'tve killed them himself if that wasn't the case. I found it pretty shocking too, but that's Daiki's choice to make in the matter, and that choice should be respected. It does create quite a bit of tension, what with the Ruu and Jack fight, as I genuinely don't know how the fight will turn out (though it seems it's likely to be Jack's win. Poor Ruu, even if he did just kill three people, two innocent).

 But don't force healing onto other characters where it's both contrived and unrealistic. It removes any sense of consequence and weight to what just happened, at least to the twins, and I honestly don't think it serves the story well to cheapen the deaths for those whose deaths are not already cheap (and by that, I mean those who can just shrug off death and come back).

...Also, still waiting on Mooncake before I go. ^^" I need an idea of Lucas's current position and how he was affected by both Shirou and the wards before I can move with my characters, particularly Tom.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 01:55:53 PM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4423 on: January 28, 2014, 01:54:39 PM »
Sorry I didn't reply until now. I was actually waiting for Alice until she said she was waiting for me >.>

Welp, time to get to writing.

E: I underestimated how arrogant Lucas is >.>
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 02:11:22 PM by Mooncake »
Spoiler for Hiden:

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #4424 on: January 28, 2014, 01:55:27 PM »
Purty much. The twins are pretty dead, sadly- the only way I can realistically see them coming back is via the Embrace, by the time anyone actually gets to them it will be far too late. Because the blood loss would be too great, and I see them dying pretty quickly.

Yeah, I can't imagine you'd live very long from having your heart ripped-out....

And as Mike mentioned, realistically, even if you did somehow miraculously bring back Isa's heart (which would make me call BS- Tom too can pull off pretty miraculous healing in true form, as could someone with the right amount of experience with Ruby like Rin, but I highly doubt either could save Isa and Nessa at this point), the brain damage would be too great from the lack of oxygen to her brain. Both twins would likely lose brain functioning, and that's a pretty awful state to bring them back in.

Yeah, this is true. Even if he could bring them back, they would surely have signficant brain damage.

Plus as Daiki himself pretty much showed by doing this in the first place and his own words, he's cool with his characters being dead. He wouldn'tve killed them himself if that wasn't the case. I found it pretty shocking too, but that's Daiki's choice to make in the matter, and that choice should be respected. It does create quite a bit of tension, what with the Ruu and Jack fight, as I genuinely don't know how the fight will turn out (though it seems it's likely to be Jack's win. Poor Ruu, even if he did just kill three people, two innocent).

 But don't force healing onto other characters where it's both contrived and unrealistic. It removes any sense of consequence and weight to what just happened, at least to the twins, and I honestly don't think it serves the story well to cheapen the deaths for those whose deaths are not already cheap.

Well, the issue here isn't so much that Lantz intends to force healing on Daiki as it is that Lantz is complaining about the fact that he has to contrive a reason not to....