Funny, considering Raul never went loud because you and Mike complained so much about it.
And yes, Jack is a monster, that's what a fucking vampire is. Do you honestly think that Jack acts human because he's a nice guy, or because that's what he's used to acting like? Or is there a grey ground between the two, and is Jack starting to slide more to the monstrous side of the equation? For that matter, really, Jack's desecration is little worse than that of an embalmer, or a medical student. He's just feeding. He could be feeding off a gaggle of NPC's that have showed up but to him that's crossing a line in the sand, because no matter what he's had happen to him, he's tried (And through lots of luck succeeded) at not killing when he feeds.
If Satoshi thinks that feeding from the dead is worse than feeding from the living, then for all his talk of 'Vampire Friends' he's really a fucking enormous hypocritical asshole with a morality more akin to that of a despot than that of any sort of hero.