Author Topic: Rules *Mandatory Reading*  (Read 5213 times)


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Rules *Mandatory Reading*
« on: April 03, 2018, 12:45:35 AM »

1.) Treat Other Players With Respect. Golden Rule here. Treat others how they want to be treated. If you have a problem with another player, do not spout insults at them. Bring your qualm to them in a polite manner. If that does not work, please alert the GMs.

Remember: Your narrative will not necessarily survive interaction with other characters, and vice-versa. This is unavoidable, but respect other players and expect respect from them. Rolling with the action is often a better way to write a cool story than opposing a development because you didn't plan for it.

2.) Thou Shall Not Meta Game Or Godmode. If you have knowledge that your character could not possibly have, don't give it to them without a reasonable explanation. There will not be any Godmoding here either. You will get smote, and smote hard.

3.) Do Not Control Another Person's Character. This means if you say, "Character X punched Character B." You would stop right there and give the other player time to respond. DO NOT say, "Character X punched Character B, and Character B went down like the little bitch he is." You give the other player a chance to respond. Hell, Character B could be a master martial artist who could block the punch and pull the other character in an arm lock in retaliation while Character X is just some Normal Dude.

4.) Don't Be an Asshole. Exactly what it sounds like. You're not allowed to go after someone because you don't like them or are having a fight with them. You're not allowed to go into an interaction with the intent of killing or maiming somebody else's character to the point of unplayability. If you can logically avoid doing so, don't do it. Basically, try to play nice.

However, this rule is not meant to serve as an overarching plot armour. If your character acts like a moron and jumps in front of Excalibur, they will almost certainly die. If your character provokes a stronger character into beating the snot out of them, they will suffer the natural consequences of doing so, including serious injuries if it ends up resulting in them.

5.) Show, Don't Tell. Or rather demonstrate, don't explain. Some times info dumps are needed, but if your character is a smart ass bad ass, show them being a smart ass bad ass. Don't just say they are, back up your claims, and that also means no having other characters who don't know the one character suddenly talk about your character being the smart bad ass without reason to do so. We want this to be a fairly well written RPG.

6.) For the Love of God, Please Try To Make Your Posts Readable. It’s no fun if one’s posts aren’t able to be read. Use proper capitalization, spacing, and punctuation in your posts whenever possible. If there are constant infractions, GM action will be taken. This should be a fairly well written RP that others can read like a story if they wanted.

7.) Give other players time to respond. Now sometimes two players will go on a tangent with themselves. It's expected and can be fun, and if their interaction is separate from most everyone its fine. Plus it would be expected in a love scene between two characters. Now if there is an event and other people are trying to catch up slow down. Like if a group of players are fighting something, and one of them has trouble catching up, give them time to respond.

However this should be a fairly consistent RP; therefore we urge people to post at least within a 48 hour time frame from the last post. If people exceed this time limit then warnings may be given and if this behavior persists it may result in the loss of rights to the 4th slot; or even one of the initial base three depending on how severe it is. However, during times of heavy action (large fights) this time window is lowered to 24 hours from the last post. This is due to fights feeling disjointed if too much time passes without any action and it's much easier for players to lose interest that way.

8.) This is an Adult RP. Adult things will happen, such as relationships and sex. There will be erotic content in this RP. If you're not comfortable with that, do not join or just say so and anything that could happen with your characters will happen "off screen".

9.) Three Characters Characters are Allowed Per Player. Depending on how this RP goes, the character cap may be upped.

Another extra PC sheet is possible provided the player proves themselves capable of fielding another and maintain a commitment to the RP. This may be revoked if they fail to continue to meet these two standards. If at some point you wish to play another character but your roster is already maxed out, or you want to temporarily retire a character you are not doing much with, you can ask the GMs/Mods to Bench that character. If at any time in the future you want to play them again, you do not have to undergo the character approval process, and you can just ask a GM/Mod to take them out of the benched characters (and presumably exchange them with another character you currently have approved.)

10.)Alternate Selves. Since this is a Multi-Dimensional RP, multiple versions of one character will be allowed, but only one per player and only three versions of one character allowed at a time.

11.) Power Levels. Characters in this RP are only allowed to be so powerful, but this is not enforced with an exact cap due to the diversity of abilities that can appear in CE. Context is more important to determine this: characters with capabilities that can easily distort the setting, such as all Legendary ranks or easily accessed Divine magic, are overpowered, but many of the Servants from Fate or similarly powerful superhumans are still acceptable.

12.) The Player Knows Their Character Best. If a player has a character that has an ability to read others such as their desires and base selves and wishes to use it, they need to get in touch with the player who’s character their character wants to read. Say Character 66 can know a person’s most secret, hidden desires. They read Character 69- 66’s player has to go to 69’s player to find out what their deep, hidden desire is. They just cannot guess it outright.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 01:58:13 AM by SINIB »