Name: Othinus
Race: Human
Height: 5’8
Weight: Average for her height.
Physical AttributesStrength: Fantastic
Agility: Fantastic
Durability: Fantastic
Magic Ability - Extremely High (Ymir is Divine): Othinus has mantled Odin through various mystic rituals, and it has granted her incredible magical powers as a result. This includes runes, the manipulation of fate, battle songs which aid her allies or strike down her foes, and grand feats of legend mimicking the god himself.
Runes: With one hand alone Othinus can inscribe runes to inflict devastating effects upon her enemies. A single symbol can unleash a firestorm that could turn a building to molten ruin, shatter streets with restless earth, create momentary but immensely powerful barriers, imbue weapons with this same destructive force, and even create manifestations of death which can strike down any being of Amazing or below Durability upon contact. More constructive uses may instantly grow fields, cleanse rivers and rejuvenate the soil of the land, and provide a regenerative effect to close minor wounds and reduce the severity of major ones, curing even the worst of damage if enough magic is applied. If left unbothered Othinus can continue to weave runes together or overlap those of a similar type. This allows her to release the magic all at once to set loose a barrage of spells or a sustained variant. However, she cannot carry runes around with her or move about with them. They are incredibly complex mystical formulae stabilized and empowered by her in the moment it takes her fingers to shape them, and tossing them about it is impossible.
Fate Binder: From others and her own quests Othinus has learned the ways in which one might manipulate and divert the lesser streams and tributaries of Fate. A minor ability of this allows her to win any game of chance. If she flips a coin it will land however she wishes it to, the cards she draws are the ones she desires, the dice always turn up as she wills, and other such things.
More extended rituals requires greater preparation but reward her with far more influence. Othinus can align events to work in her favor, information on things or people that she wishes to find making its way to her with ease. She can expand her own capacity to see the fates of others to look beyond mere instances. These visions are vague and difficult to understand even for her but they can tell her much about the goals and actions of others. She can also curse others with extraordinary bad luck for a short period of time. Any gamble or luck based action they take is certain to fail unless they are blessed with absurd amounts of natural luck; the world seems to conspire to harm them as buildings collapse over their heads, the ground crumbles under their feet, vehicles crash into them, and animals attack them whenever they sense the victim. In the case of especially unfortunate victims it can trigger any diseases or illnesses that they have, crippling them with strokes or relapses of cancer.
Warrior Hymns: Othinus sings songs with nine major verses. They come in sets of three, with the first being little more than a minor cantrip while the following two exponentially increasing the hymn’s power each time. By the final one Othinus’ words stretch across entire battlefields, bolstering her allies or hobbling her foes.
She can drive her allies into a berserking rage and direct them. In this state a normal man could wrestle a bear to the ground and dash its skull open upon the rocks. Other songs can make their weapons strong enough to smash or slice apart blocks of steel or soften her opponent’s until they strike like foam toys. She can make her allies inexhaustible or drown her opponents in lassitude. Just as Othinus’ can drive some to battle rage she can overcome others with a meek spirit that refuses to put up a fight. If her singing is interrupted the effect is lost entirely.
Mythic Replication: Othinus’ magic has allowed her certain abilities and feats that belong to the original god himself. While they may not all be as powerful they are certainly impactful.
Carcass of Ymir: By using the bodies of others Othinus can construct other realms. A truly powerful opponent could serve as plentiful materials for expanding them and forming structures of great power. Meanwhile an average humans or some beasts would barely serve to make a patch of earth or a wall fragment. The details of the realm she has created is included under Valhalla.
Allfather: Patriarch, creator, and father of many, Othinus is capable of using her powers to exalt another being so that they may mantle a god or greater mythological being. This requires a great amount of power necessitating a corresponding area of authority in her realm. Furthermore, the individual in question needs to have an internal compatibility that would allow them to access the power. Even with her abilities to sift through Fate’s threads Othinus has yet to find more than a handful of candidates in her world. She may threaten stripping one of their powers as a tool to control them, but their rarity makes it a difficult thing to do regardless for her.
Mead of Poetry: Containing an impossible degree of creative talent, Othinus is unsurpassed in any and all art forms. This actually requires little more than imbibing any amount of alcohol. However, there is a second facet to this. She may share this creative power with another with something as little as a kiss. This creative fervor cures things such as writer’s block, grants an unending amount of inspiration, and sparks the imagination as never before. However, due to it being influenced by her most artists who accept this boon usually become obsessed with Othinus herself.
Shapechange: Fluid in form, Othinus can take the form of nearly any animal with a bit of effort. While her stats do not change the other forms of her magic are sealed.
Lord of Ravens: Othinus’ affinity with these birds is second to none. Any raven that she sets her eyes upon immediately becomes her familiar. She may look through their eyes to spy upon others, retrieve reagents for her, and can even cast her spells through them at a far reduced potency of Medium.
Mimir’s Wisdom: By sacrificing her eye Othinus attained the power to view the fates of others. She can learn any mortal’s life story with a casual glance and even immortals are not exempt from this. If supported with Fate Binding it allows her to view even the most distant pasts, and allowed Othinus to look back to the dawn of Creation itself. It also grants a degree of certainty regarding the future. While it requires magical reinforcement to go beyond this, it allows her brief flashes of what will come to pass in combat. The length varies slightly but this precognition allows her to be aware of any immediate threats and surprises.
Sovereign of Magic: Every expression of sorcery that Othinus performs is an extension of a mystic authority emulating Odin’s own divinity. It is not so easy to nullify as any rudimentary spell. Any attempt to do so invokes a clash of wills with her, a forceful struggle of magic that can catch one by surprise if they do not suspect it. If they fail to defeat her the force of her power can send the other mage flying back and open up wounds across their body. This is also dependent on the power of the spell in question. Furthermore, even if she fails Othinus can catch glimpses of her opponents form and most definitely a taste of their magic in order to find them again. However it is not without flaw. This clash is intensely distracting, and is only suitable in one on one combat with another mage as her focus on her physical surroundings will be greatly diminished. She can choose to forego the clash but that allows the spell to be canceled out normally.
Other Abilities: Divine Body: While her soul remains the same, Othinus has acquired a body that can only be described as divine through sorcerous means. It is the source of her unnatural physicality and provides her a a charisma that is nearly physical. Physically speaking she is terribly beautiful, and even if one’s preferences do not bend towards her they can appreciate her as one would a flawless work of art. When she speaks even her whispers rattle the bones, and her raging voice can wipe away the thoughts of the unprepared.
Nameless Spear: A weapon that has no sense of self or ownership, Othinus has taken it for a time due to lacking any other alternative. It is without a doubt an extraordinary tool. Even if Othinus lacked Fantastic agility it would allow her to move at such a level, and the spear always strikes perfectly. Wielding it allows Othinus to easily outdo master fighters, block potent strikes while ignoring the force behind it, and attack with great force as if she had Fantastic strength no matter her actual strength.
Valhalla: The realm she has created from the corpses of her foes, Valhalla serves as a major foundation of her strength. Within this land all of Othinus’ physical stats are raised by one. She may also actualize one rune at a time with a thought, letting loose attacks with only a split second warning of the symbol flaring into existence. These are tied to the arrays at her throne, and they can be destroyed and deny Othinus her enhanced powers. As with the Halls she can recreate these but it requires time.
The Halls of the Einherjar is currently the only existing structure of power within the vast city other than Othinus’ throne. Here are the current warriors that Othinus has chosen from the dead and offered to serve in Valhalla. Their stats range from Amazing to Incredible, and they are all constantly training in order to become greater warriors. It is not an ideal setup as acquiring these souls requires discretion and the truly great have bound their services up to others, but it is acceptable. This is at least partly due to the powerful armaments they possess as well. The einherjar can be slain but within Valhalla true death does not exist, for Othinus made it so. So long as the runes within their halls remain intact they will return although it can take several minutes. Damage to the runes will halt this along with other functions, and while she can restore them it would take at least an hour to do so.
Unlike the einherjar, those who enter Valhalla but are not part of it do not return to life within its boundaries. However, death does not come for them either. Instead they are simply banished from its boundaries and return to the Nexus. Only Othinus, sustainer of the powers that inhabit the realm, is vulnerable for she is the one who empowers the law.
In a few minutes Odin can construct a gate to or out ot Valhalla as may any of her exalted beings. Her einherjar are bound to the realm by Fate’s design and cannot leave. Anyone wielding the Nameless Spear can also enter it similarly to her.
Origin: The gods are mighty indeed, but they are limited because of their origins. Those who stand from on high believe they see all and are blinded by that arrogance. To reach beyond them and grasp firmly the sky beyond the sky, to grip perfection itself… such a thing requires a more grounded perspective. Someone who has dragged themselves up higher and higher beyond petty deities and their minor conflicts. Only someone such as that would have the ambition, the perspective, the insight to do what others will not. Sometimes, the hand of Fate must be forced. And one day it will be severed.
Weakness: The Nameless Spear can be stolen or lost, allowing individuals access into Valhalla on their own terms along with its physical benefits. Furthermore, Othinus does not place great value upon the spear itself. If someone appropriately pathetic with a great enough will were to impress her, it’s highly likely she would just toss it at them and retrieve the weapon once they died.
Othinus is bound by both Fate and duty. Until the promised time she cannot leave her throne room to take arms within Valhalla and while there supplies part of the power that supports the realm from collapsing in on itself. Valhalla doesn't require a constant flow of energy but eventually its internal stores will run out and it will begin to fall apart which necessitates her place on the throne. While she can see any location from there direct intervention is impossible unless her sanctum has been reached or the end has come. She can leave Valhalla entirely to manipulate events on the material plane on a lesser scale than her full fledged status as the conquering god; however, even this comes with drawbacks. While she can retaliate against violence shown towards her, Othinus cannot outright attack others unless they have shown that they mean harm to her. This also means she cannot simply outright execute those who have harmed her if they show that they no longer wish to do battle. This does get more complicated in regards to representational entities such as police chiefs who can give her cause to consider an entire district her enemy.
Likes: Valhalla, ravens, most modern foods.
Dislikes: Fate, wolves, most canines really, failing a clash of wills.