Author Topic: Character Graveyard  (Read 6921 times)


  • The God Tongue
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Character Graveyard
« on: April 02, 2018, 11:23:48 PM »
Name: Lance Jackson

Race: Cyborg Human/Archangel

Age: 35 as per his Nexus Citizen Certificate

Height: 200 cm

Weight: 100 kg


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic

Holy Power: Extremely High

Some may assume it is the sword or the holy components in his body that grant him this immense miraculous holy powers, but he says they would hardly power anything without heart, the fervent faith that is not bound by writing or dogma, but true love and compassion. He can touch a man and heal even the most grievous wounds and sicknesses(only others), though resurrection is beyond his reach and this seems to greatly exhaust him the more he uses it, as if he used his own life force in exchange.

He can also purify an area from curses and afflictions through his special exorcisms. By reciting prayers, he can even execute powerful demons, though higher ones will require more lengthy chants and some ass kicking prior. Finally, by casting magic and using the pages of his bible, he can seal an area (about the size of a building) with divine protection, ensuring that no unholy force can escape or enter the domain unless he is slain or the powerful barrier is shattered.

His strongest exorcism involves focusing holy energy into his fist in the form of a gigantic flaming fireball punch that purges evil.

Other Abilities:

Holy Cybernetic Body: Most of Lance’s body was replaced by magitech components in order to fight the front lines during the greatest magic war the world had ever known. Now empowered by the power of prayer, his skeleton is tough enough to withstand a bus crash, swim in lava, take a shower in lethal poison, eat tons of natto every morning without literally dying, generate enough heat to create a nice warm swimming pool to relax with the cuties and toast bread between his thighs.

Enhanced senses: All of Lance’s senses are incredible in their own right. He can pick up a whispered conversation in another room while chilling, sense poison particles and feel extremely slight vibrations. All of these base attributes factor into his speed, reflexes and overall ability, and don’t quite stack to make him even more monstrous, but his outright supernatural sight can observe even the tiniest of details, make use of his photographic memory, see through solid objects and read projectile trajectories as long as the shooter is visible and observe from kilometers away. His dexterity is on a whole different level, and he is a Card Castle Stacking Champion and has been for over 15 years.

None of this is due to his cybernetic enhancements. In fact, those are quite minimal to begin with.

Milkshake Mixer: By ingesting milk, frozen fruit and different condiments like chocolate and the like, he can grind them up and mix them before serving them through a compartment in his stomach, making for delicious and nutritious snacks.

Master Fighter: Lance is a greatly trained swordsman, masterfully skilled in an over the top Iaido style to the point that any cybernetic skill enhancement would have been redundant to begin with. He is also a greatly skilled hand to hand fighter, borrowing heavily from eastern martial arts that were taught to samurai, and can perform stunts that borderline on the gravity-defying impossible, as if things like swords and martial arts were second nature to him.


Uriel: An angelic sword he says he found in a dump after he woke up from a really bad hangover. Obviously, its not meant to be used by humans, but with his ridiculous strength there are very few things he can’t cut. It had other properties, but only its original wielder could use them.

Out of all of its abilities, the one he can use is to cut what can't normally be cut, and slay ghosts and other beings who couldn't be harmed with normal weaponry. Those of unholy or evil affinity will have their healing greatly reduced, the sword is practically anathema to all things dark and demonic. It is also so tough it can withstand a nuclear strike, and makes for a great tool to spread jam on toast.

In fact, it's nothing more than an ordinary wooden sword.

Holy Bible

Near Endless Supply of Roses

Motorbike: It’s actually slower than him, but he’ll be damned if it isn’t a fine piece of machinery. There’s also nothing like riding in the sunset with a cute girl strapping on his back.


Mister, do you want to be a real hero?

After World War 3, the world was overcome by devastation. Countries were now little more than barren wastelands ruled by petty warlords. There was a former soldier who wanted to make a difference and turned to God when there was nowhere else to turn to. He became a priest and would go around the nation, healing the sick, carving his own justice when there was so little left. He saved so many lives, and became a true hero.

Weakness: He has an absolute code of honor that prevents him from pointing his blade against sexy girls wearing less clothes than he does, even if he absolutely has to it would make such battles “the hardest ones he’s ever fought, even harder than the final boss”.  That or his other head does 90% of his thinking.

He is also brash and quick to follow his emotions despite his carefree attitude, and is the kind of guy that tries to shoulder everything himself instead of relying on others, which can lead to his downfall. He is also either merciful or cocky to a fault, and cares more about winning cooly than practically. Despite his overkilling style he rarely finishes off his enemies with an all too carefree attitude. But there are things even he can’t forgive. He’s just a priest after all.

Also naked aprons, hand bra jeans, socks and gloves. Actually everything in that category.

Likes: His above weakness, a good fight, his wondrous pecs, his marvelous visage, his luscious biceps, his bodicious body, kicking ass to kickass music,cheesy one liners,  people who believe in the right thing and don’t just follow some dumb code for the heck of it, having fun with hot girls, pulp action movies, japanese swords, eating and partying and having a good time all night every day, money, delivering JUSTICE!

Dislikes: Not getting to kick ass, assholes, wifebeaters, cruelty.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 10:00:01 PM by Bern »


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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2018, 01:25:03 AM »
Name: Auspicious Breeze
Race: Human (Chosen of the Unconquered Sun)
Age: 89
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185lbs


It is impossible for Auspicious Breeze to hide her divine power for long if she has to meaningfully exert herself against an opponent. First a dim outline of white and gold light begins to surround her, and the sunburst mark of the rising sun appears on her forehead. The outline grows from there until first it lights up an entire room, and from there grows until it can be seen for miles around. At the apex of her power her every movement is accompanied by a glorious outline of a giant six-armed war goddess made in her own image.

Physical Attributes (Exhausted)

Strength: Fantastic (Amazing)
Agility: Heroic (Amazing)
Durability: Fantastic (Amazing)

Other Abilities

Chosen of the Sun: Humans may only reach so far on their own; their bodies were not designed to channel the Essence of Creation. Thanks to the blessing of the King of Gods Auspicious Breeze has no such limits on her. She will live for thousands of years in her prime, and reach heights that surpass the gods. Most of her skills below are either granted or enhanced by this trait.

Combat Awareness: Auspicious Breeze is impossible to surprise in a fight. Stealth will not give an opponent an opportunity to overcome her defenses even if she doesn't know she's in danger. She can react to a threat while sleeping, or otherwise unconscious.

Celestial Bliss Trick: It isn’t just fighting that Breeze is brilliant at. She has prowess to match the greatest carnal devils and deities the world has ever seen as long as she can convince someone to let her bed them.

Divine Terror: As the Chosen of the Dawn this girl bears a reflection of the glory of the self-proclaimed and unchallenged King of Creation as he rises upon the horizon. In light of this even creatures incapable of fear, such as automatons or walking corpses, cannot ignore Auspicious Breeze's efforts at intimidation - when she bothers with them.

Exalted Healing: A Chosen's wounds heals quickly and perfectly, with no risk of lingering complications. Only the most grievous of injuries leave any hint of scarring, and the character’s healing is like a slow form of regeneration, flawlessly mending severed muscles and nerves, torn ligaments, and shattered bones. Unless a body part is completely severed or destroyed, it is restored to perfect working condition once healed.

Occult Combat: Auspicious Breeze has always been sensitive to the presence of the supernatural. She has a basic, intuitive understanding of its presence even if the details escape her. She can strike spiritual beings even when they aren’t materialized and destroy them permanently despite any immortality they might have if she kills them with her bare hands.

Resistance: As one of the Chosen she is incredibly durable against threats and woes suffered by other humans. Most diseases and poisons give up in failure against her Durability, and even the strongest cannot kill her outright. Infections die before they can take hold, and she will not bleed from her injuries unless she wants to. She can travel through any environment as if it were a pleasant spring day.

Supernal Brawler: Auspicious Breeze's body is a weapon, one honed by a lifetime in the arena and enhanced by divine favor. Her blows can make almost anything falter through hitting the right spot. She can incorporate new experiences from a fight into her style almost instantaneously, and her prowess with her fists can slay demons, spirits and gods.


Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light: The purpose of this jeweled orichalcum collar is to keep its wearer clean in every respect. Its magic means she could spend weeks living beneath a rubbish heap and emerge at the end as though she had just spent hours preparing for a grand ball. This effect extends to her clothing.

Origin: Auspicious Breeze was born on the isle of Ys, in the capital city of the empire of Ysyr. In this place there are leftover sorcerous engines from the lost First Age of Man buried deep underground, and they twist the island's inhabitants into mutants of varying degrees of strangeness. The ruling class, made up entirely of powerful sorcerer-princes, are physically distinguishable from the rest of the population because they have used rituals to obscure or remove their mutations and give themselves perfect bodies. Anyone who is not a sorcerer in the empire of Ysyr is little better than a slave, and they have no way to hide it.

Breeze doesn't remember her parents, but she imagines they must have been rather ugly. She was born a hideous little scaly thing even the other slave children (almost every child on Ys) didn't want to go near. Eventually she got old enough to throw a punch, and between her seeming knack for it and her fearsome appearance she was trained as a gladiator for the entertainment of the sorcerers. Auspicious Breeze was probably the best gladiator in the empire by her 20th birthday. She made friends, despite her appearance, but was never quite able to bridge the gap from speaking to touching unless her fist was smashing someone's jaw.

It was while being transported from Ys to one of the empire's newly conquered city-states that everything changed. Auspicious Breeze was on her way to fight in a new arena when one of the iridescent raiding ships of the Fair Folk rose from the waters of the Dreaming Sea seeking captives on whom to feast. She could have left the ship's sorceress captain and her crew to die, allowed it all to end, but she hadn't fought as long and hard as she had for all of her life before just to die here. Besides, it was wrong to let anyone suffer the fate worse than death the Fair Folk would bring.

She stood up and fought. The Unconquered Sun noticed, and blessed her as one of his champions. She beat back the fae with her own two fists, and received the gratitude and blessings of the sorceress who witnessed her power and valor. Auspicious Breeze was brought up to her right hand, no mere slave but an important and well-compensated confidant, and complex rituals gave her lovely human flesh at last. The sex was nice, too.

It didn’t last. Even her mistress’ sorcery had its limits when defeating age, and she reached them. Alone then, she did what she had to so the land’s affairs would be in order and left to wander Creation. After taking part in many battles and meeting people from all the lands of Creation she found her way to this place. It’s another place to run to.


Essence: Most of the time Auspicious Breeze can do all of the feats shown in her Physical Attributes reliably by enhancing her peak physical performance with the essence of creation. If she is forced to sustain her maximum abilities for long periods of time then she’ll wear herself out. Examples include having to fight mortal armies for hours, or a half dozen powerful enemies below her own level or a single opponent at or above her level for several minutes. Exhaustion leaves her with merely her natural Amazing Attributes until she has some time to catch her breath.

Mutant: Hidden beneath Auspicious Breeze's smooth, toned, tanned skin is an unsightly layer of dark reptilian scales. They contribute to her overall durability, but are a mark of shame and slavery in her homeland. It is only the efforts of her mistress, a sorceress of great repute, that have given her human flesh to hide it away. Cutting too deep under her skin and muscle reveals it until she can heal, and marks her as a 'freak'.

The Great Curse: Unbeknownst to Auspicious Breeze, or any other Chosen for that matter, she labors under the death curse of the creators of her world. Cast upon one of her previous incarnations when it took part in their murder, it pushes her toward ruin by the spiteful will of dead titans. The Curse expresses itself in moments of great stress and hardship, inflating the Chosen’s passions into gross displays of unrestrained and destructive excess.

Uneducated: Auspicious Breeze was an arena slave, and received no education worth speaking of in fields irrelevant to this until very recently. She has only a basic grasp of her country’s history first due to lack of opportunity, then lack of interest. She knows many languages, but her literacy and arithmetic are poor in all of them. She has an intuitive understanding of many supernatural creatures, but couldn’t tell you the names of most of them.

Likes: Cute girls, cold drinks, helping people in need, punching monsters, shopping with cute girls, showing off

Dislikes: Hot drinks, letting others see how 'dumb' she is, pushy guys, "might makes right"
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 12:09:33 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2018, 12:41:49 AM »
Name: Ezekiel?

Race: ? ? ? ? ? ?

Age: It's been 17 long years

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 120 kg

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Amazing (Incredible when using the Reaper's Eye)

Durability: Fantastic

Magic Scale: Extremely High under the right conditions, Very High on his own.

Old world's remnants: Dark organisms from another dimension that compose most of his body, and fuel his power. They are aimless consumers, but oddly enough they seem to have a habit of replicating or imitating habits and behaviours based on the hosts they take over, and cumulative add said information and evolve over time. In time, they took on the same behavior as predators and beasts of old, but they could emulate humans as well. But make no mistake, these creatures are incapable of emotion. They can take various shapes, and they can even encroach themselves in the bodies of others to take the shape of organs or the like, turning into parasites that slowly change their host into a creature of the old world.

Once they latch on the energy of an individual, they eat and eat voraciously as their appetite grows proportionately to the individual until they either die off from drowning or manage to overtake him. Without a proper host, their physical interference is weak, so they need something or someone nearby to consume in order to physically affect the environment. If not heir victims, then Zeke will do.

If they utterly drain someone from their energy (a process whose duration can vary, and is not quite instantaneous. The duration depends on the individual and the intensity of the onslaught, and is honestly better measured narrative. The one thing to not worry about is being instantly gulped unless you are literally a regular Joe.) , the body falls like an empty shell, ripe to become a new nest and puppet for the old world. However, it is a gradual process in most cases, even against the mightiest dark world organism you will find your energy being suckled slowly at the beginning, and only by maintaining contact can the vile energy forms keep draining at a faster and faster rate.

Since they eat whatever aura, energy or magic is near them, they are useful to cloak one's presence, as they will devour and remove all traces of magic residue. If they use a source of magic power, be it Zeke's own body or an external well, they can sustain themselves and even reach gargantuan sizes, enough to cloak an entire district! Note that the size doesn't equal potency, but rather the area of effect and influence, and how much the creatures can swallow at once rather than how strong or fast they can swallow. But as much as he can put a veneer over them, they're really just pots full of greed that will just eat energy, spells and spiritual matter proportionally to how much it sparks back, prioritizing the largest sources nearby when not directly controlled.)

Obviously, really large and powerful organisms are much more time consuming to breed and unleash than the regular grunts, which are usually around the incredible/fantastic range.

It isn't their raw power that is formidable, unless he wields them directly in his hands to complement his melee blows, which will then consume whatever they hit as if his fists were a giant black maw that bit you with heroic force, and swallowed the pieces whole. Small range, but formidable power and defence can be displayed when used to fight directly. Of course, he can make smaller constructs, which are subtle and difficult to immediately detect and serve as scouts or sentinels. He can even change their appearances to make clones, or illusions!

His more potent attacks involve gradually eroding energy with the said void constructs, which usually take the shapes of animals or mythical beasts he sends out from his own body, but can even turn humanoid and act independently from him. Under his direct command, or if fueled and sustained externally, they too can display magic ability, though it is usually limited unless he channels his own vessel's through them. Under him, they launch devastating attacks such as corrupted beams, blasts of fantastic lightning and similar magical attacks such as orbs, tendrils, chains etc. Said attacks usually range between the incredible and the fantastic, but if he has many organisms cast at once, he can empower them around the heroic range,though that is not nearly as fast or fluid.

Also, like most of his ranged options, he needs to shape and launch them himself, be they orbs, thunder-strikes or dark storms that seek the living through entire households and mark him of their presence.

Reaper's Eye: An eye with a golden gem-like iris. It's a prototype restoration project, as the original once belonged to an old wizard. He had a few modifications done to a sample so it could suit him better. It is a scoundrel's weapon, which allows sight all around his body, and seems to greatly enhance perception and reflexes to a full rank or see from great distances (miles away).

Starfire: The ability he inherited from his father. Ornating the black space are the stars, as bright as diamonds in the sky! He can freely summon small bursts of atomic flame (the explosions can reach the size of a small room, but the damage is mostly focused in the central focal point, which wouldn't be much larger than the size of a fist.) to complement his melee strikes, or charge up spectacular wide range explosions with a telegraphed delay, which while not utterly slow, is something that others can take advantage since they can react to his physical movement before the spell is unleashed, at least for the much larger and potent displays of control and power. He can also use these flames unorthodoxly, to propel himself or his strikes with greater force. He can fire them directly or have them erupt on the ground, but the latter two require more deliberate movement and are thus slightly more telegraphed. These flames do not merely burn, but shatter into the spirit and body with foreign energy that slowly chips away at one's vitality.

Flesh will crack and wounds will glow, assuming exposure is prolonged. If overtly exposed, one can even succumb to such an effect, as if the spirit itself was set being eaten by a wild star. Effectively, it is a Star-Aligned curse of extreme potency, and difficult to subjugate or halt. But it can be done, by a powerful healer or a mighty shield.

Dark reforming: Using darkness, he can reform anything short of annihilation, though reforming over and over will eventually exhaust him. That doesn’t mean that he can fight with fatal wounds though, though he might still laugh about it! One must differentiate this from healing however. His body is an hollow shell, it is incapable of healing. The magic is merely recreating the pieces and stitching them together, whether he wills it or not. But as long as he focuses his energy into this ability, he will quickly recover from damage, although he won't be able to focus on offence and vice versa.

For one who recreated their body with forbidden magic over and over to escape the clutch of death... is it his own body, or is he shackled by the very spells sustaining him? No, wait. In the first place... this isn't his old body. Is it?

Truth be told, while he can change his shape and form, he cannot become fully someone else (as in their look). Perhaps it is a limitation of his magic, his body's cells, or even an utterly psychological limiter. Part of it could be related to his frail sense of identity. If he changed endlessly into others over and over, he might truly forget who he is. Hence, he only fully shapeshifts into the forms of his prior vessels. Thus far, there are four.

Other Abilities:

Warped Mind: It isnt clear if it is shielded by the powers of the dragon or something else, but it near impossible to read him. It's not that mental attacks won't work, but trying to peer into his thoughts or mind will result in nothing but static.

Enhanced body: Zeke's body is a powerful thing. If it can still be called human, it is only in pure biology. When it comes to feats, he is far beyond normal, and can even twist and turn in impossible ways or shape his body unnaturally, such as turning his biomass into eyes, reveal scales as tough as iron and sharpen his claws and fangs. Being broken again and again, his body adapted to damage, as was expected of him. After all, he is meant to be nothing more than a puppet vessel.

Unorthodoxly Skilled: Ezekiel's unpredictable nature and instincts make him a surprisingly dangerous fighter. He lacks any form, and his stance is that of a man who hasn't fought a day in his life, but he shows incredible acrobatic prowess and can read his opponents pretty well.

Chink: His spirit and body was once rent by a powerful sovreign, and that attack quite literally shattered his spirit. That was in fact a blessing, as the boy who tried to hold him back in the first place is no more, and he now has full control of his body. However, he took great damage, and while he laughs it off, there is a terrible scar he conceals in his chest. If he exerts himself too much, the illusion hiding it fades, revealing a crack of pure light running across his torso. Being struck in its center by a weapon holding enough supernatural force will greatly hurt him, far more than any wound could.

Equipment: Nothing.


The answer lies on the other side.

Weakness: Magic resistance, mental attacks, psychology, himself. While his reserves don’t exhaust easily at all, he can’t fire his strongest attacks QUICKLY over and over, but even if he did fire them over and over just because his energy reserves can take it doesn’t mean his body or mind can. In essence he is a more close quarters oriented mage. Healing over and over again and escaping the jaws of death is the same as replacing what was lost with degraded, corrupted parts. Especially when done on the fly, this is practically suicidal, as it fails to account for spiritual damage and merely superficially holds his body together, while straining his mind even further. If he acts like being decapitated and healing from that was nothing, it is only because he is an excellent liar, and so used to it that he has a talent for underplaying what is basically stitching your body with parasitic eldritch worms, and the short term benefits of the potent recovery are far outweighed by the long term price he has to pay.  Like a debt he cannot afford to pay up after taking loan after loan of flesh, spiritual and brain matter, which will eventually damage him passively even with the healing taken into account.

Likes: Being loved, strength, lazing around, teasing people, sweet drinks, letting loose, getting motivated, thicc girls, pain, power, discovery.

Dislikes: His father, being chained, himself, loneliness, failure, feeling powerless, gnats, demons (especially a particular one).
« Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 04:47:18 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2018, 09:47:54 PM »
Name: Thea

Race: Human

Age: 140

Height: 5'7"

Weight: Pretty Heavy

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Amazing

Durabilty: Amazing

Psychic Ability: Very High
Thea is the last surviving member of an ancient order of psychics devoted to killing other psychics. In a perfect turn of irony she killed her entire order, and this is how she did it. Psychics of other traditions have a wide array of techniques ranging from physical enhancements to electrokinesis. They can rewrite long-term memories or project their consciousness through plantlife. She can't do any of that excessive stuff. Her talents and training were grounded in the fundamentals of the psychic arts and in honing them to mastery.

She has some basic precognitive abilities. She can react to threats as if she had fantastic reflexes, and get a general feel for outcomes in otherwise random events like games of chance. Thea isn’t very good at seeing far into the future and is often caught by surprise when she doesn’t know to check certain parts of her empire for threats.

Her most natural talent is in her telepathy. She can pick up the fleeting surface thoughts of everyone inside her range as easily as sniffing for scents, and can focus more closely on individuals to dive deeper. By focusing on one person for an extended period she can even extract secretive information and memories which the person would like to hide from her. This process grows easier the more often she does it to someone. She can also perform little mind tricks on people that make them momentarily perceive things that aren't there, or perform certain actions for her. The strong willed can resist, but if Thea has time to sit down and focus on them even the strong can be worn down. Over time they might even get brainwashed into thinking more how she’d like them to. She of course protects her own mind up to her level from both scanning and control, and can do so passively unless she forms a strong bond with the other person.

Telepathy is what came naturally, but what her order really trained Thea in was telekinesis. This most basic of outward-facing psychic powers is also the most versatile. She can lift single objects as heavy as main battle tanks and crush them from afar. As items grow lighter she begins to be able to throw them increasing distances at higher speeds. She can lift many smaller objects at once and spin them into a storm of debris or shrapnel with some concentration. Her main limit is needing everything in question to be in some kind of sensory range, though not necessarily visual. She can also create barriers of force around herself, hover in mid-air, and cushion falls from great heights.

The key to Thea’s conquest of the world was the forbidden life-stealing technique. By touching someone with her skin and holding on tight she can drain the life out of them to restore her own. Someone with an average human durability would last only a couple dozen seconds and restore her to perfect health. Stronger constitutions can survive longer. She doesn’t have to kill people with it outright, but the damage done to survivors leaves them sickly and feeble for periods of time proportionate to how long she held on. In her own world she harnessed special crystals to extend the range of this into an aura that covered large portions of the planet and allowed her to consume the lives of thousands slowly over time, but she lacks access to those away from home.

Other Abilities
Assassin: As strong as Thea is, she was up against people close to or equal to her level in some respect or another. Many of them had powers she could never grasp, and so she had to cheat. Her order taught her the arts of subterfuge, and she’s kept these in mind despite ending them. She is great at leveraging her telepathic talents and her body’s grace to hide from others and blend into crowds. All the better to approach her unwitting targets and take them out quickly.

Survivalist: Thea spent many years going weeks at a time without contact with civilization. She is a capable marksman with bows and rifles alike, can win a knife fight against a grizzly bear, and live off the land almost indefinitely if she has to. It’s a skill she keeps in practice with to stay sharp if nothing else.

Fashion: Thea is never without a nice set of clothing. She made sure everyone in her cities had at least one nice outfit so they could look presentable in front of her. She has a suitcase with a few outfits in it with her to start.

Omnidex: A relic of an ancient time, this handheld rectangular object contains all contemporary knowledge from her era and a few fragments of otherwise lost data sources. It can communicate with the oracle machines and light-archives found in ruins on her world as long as she’s in range, and send and receive messages with the few similar devices still active in the world. The power supply is seemingly limitless, but other examples have flickered and died so she doesn’t take that for granted.

Slugthrower: This crude long-barreled contraption fires solid ammunition at high speeds through a gas propulsion mechanism. It is less effective against armor than the heat-based ranged weapons used by most of her world, but is easier to maintain with the limited means available to them and thus more common. It can cover distances of close to 500 meters before accuracy drops to negligible levels.

Origin: Thea was an orphan girl left behind by a group of tech-hunters when her parents fell to the automated defenses of an ancient ruin. She should have died, but stubborn determination saw her live. She was helped along by a rudimentary talent for mind reading and hypnosis that allowed her to keep track of the local wildlife and convince it not to eat her. Then her luck ran out and she encountered some of the worst people imaginable. They indoctrinated her into their death cult, and forced her to train her powers so she could kill other psychics with them.

She got good at that. She spent decades becoming the best at it, and her fellows feared her for it. She became ostracized out of fear that she would turn her mind on them next, and unfortunately that was a self-fulfilling prophecy. The isolation gave her a chance to think for herself and to seek new options. She began to see the potential in the technology and power that her order reviled, and sought to claim it for herself. The end came when her murderous missions exposed her to a technique that could restore her lost youth. She saw her chance in concentrating her knowledge and experience into a body even better than the one she had as a young woman.

Her order died. The elites of the world died if they didn’t bend knee to her. The cities submitted to a slow draining of life over a fast and terrible death. Thea brought order to the world and ruled it for decades to come as a tyrant. Those who fought to free themselves from her were found, interrogated, and made to satisfy her needs (whichever those were at the time). A psychic cult took form around her at the same time the last remaining free peoples and psychic orders began to unite for one final hurrah.

And then, she was gone.

Concentration: As long as Thea remains focused she is deadly. Anything that disrupts her concentration such as powerful sensory attacks or extreme pain can prevent her from taking full advantage of her abilities. Her barriers might fail her, or she might not be able to push or move things like she normally does. Torture, or similarly extreme experiences, can make her mind vulnerable to direct assault. Another simple solution is restraining her thoroughly - even Thea finds arm motions useful in mustering her strongest telekinetic feats.

True Age: All of Thea's beauty and strength are taken from others. She was already a crone when she acquired the power to take life from others, and that stolen energy is all that sustains her now. If she goes more than a day without stealing the life energy from someone her age will begin to catch up with her. She can kill a single young adult and get all she needs for the day at once, or spread it out over dozens of people and leave them feeling lethargic and sickly, but do so she must. Her physical attributes are reduced to below human average if she is forced to reach close to her true age, and grow progressively worse on the way to that point.

Likes: Animals, cities, harems, nice clothes, order, technology

Dislikes: Aging, anarchists, luddites, pointless cruelty, weakness


The End

Thea found someone she thought could understand her and opened up about her dark needs. This mistake cost her what remained of her borrowed time. Only she could say if she forgave the one responsible for it at the end.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 02:37:00 AM by Aiden »


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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2018, 06:11:42 PM »
Name: Lucifer Morningstar

Race: Angel

Age: Millenia, though his current vessel is quite recent and premature compared to his last ones

Height: 164 cm

Weight: Lightweight


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Incredible (Eternal punishment is indestructible minus the eyes)

Magic: None, but he can recognize any form of magic and its effect through his holy eyes, and trace back its owner even with the faintest traces of mana.

Other Abilities:

Being a holy spirit, he cannot die of conventional means. Upon his death, even if his soul were destroyed, his memories and abilities would transfer over to a newborn soul and transform it, though the process can take a bit. This makes him theoretically immortal, but every time he dies he loses a piece of himself. Even if his body comes back, his mind has to re-experience each and every death before it can resurface. His spirit can also grab hold of animals and lesser creatures, with whom he can share memories and experiences with a thought.

Cleanse: His mind and soul are an unwavering justice that cannot be interfered upon by external forces below the level of the Gods, but his vessel is mortal. To purge impurities and poisons, he can use his angelic essence to purify his body and mind from such afflictions, though he needs to be conscious to do so.

Purity: His six wings bestowed to him by his father grant him not only flight, but the ability to fire off their unlimited feathers freely with a thought. These divine wings burn wicked and sinful races (all beings of unholy or dark nature will be punished by these feathers of justice) , hindering their ability to heal by setting their wounds alight with holy flame.

A single wing can shield him from attacks that could tear great walls asunder, their shock-waves alone can tear humans apart and crush walls with their heroic strength, and being made of powerful angelic energy no mundane weapon can harm them (each wing is a layer of heroic protection against supernatural forces). 

You can compare the wings to a gatling gun which can tear anything incredible and below to a pulp, while seriously wounding Fantastic if hit by multiple feathers. They are his refuge, his sword and shield, and his tool of salvation which can cleanse any curse or dark affliction by touch. Finally, if destroyed they will take up to 12 hours to regrow to full size.

God's poisoned arrow: By condensing two wings and drawing his blood, Esmael forms an arrow of pure light in an instant which flies forth at super-sonic speed, targeting its foe with such precision it could hit a raindrop in a storm from a mile away. It is a small projectile, barely the width of a pencil, but it can pierce straight through a fantastic foe. While it will eradicate unholy creatures of sin by setting their body and soul alight on touch, they will also cause unbearable pain to any other race wounded by them (having your arm pierced would make it feel like the entire arm had been torn off), but will not destroy them.

Innocent sin: By clasping feathers from his wings and applying them to someone’s body through direct and prolonged contact, they can absorb some of his angelic essence. There can be many different effects, from unspeakable bliss beyond the mortal realm to healing and even true resurrection, along with the massive decrease of one’s time perception for a time and control over one’s senses and mind. To creatures of sin, however, this translates to indescribable torment and ultimately not only one’s demise, but utter erasure.

Eternal punishment: A glitch in the angel’s system that resulted in an attack of corruption and pure hatred. While his six wings can reform after twelve hours, even with their immense durability they remember the damage dealt to them and cry out in pain, which turns into rage. Once they accumulate enough, he can wrap them around himself and form a cocoon of feathers, which will grow seven crimson eyes around its form. While he will remain stationary, horrific eyes will detect an enemy no matter how well concealed even if at the other side of the city, pouring down blast after blast of unholy beams each as mighty as an rpg without rest until its targets cease to be.

The only way to interrupt this assault of doom is to destroy the eyes, which will slow down the rate of fire but also empower his beams. At the last eye, the beast will unanchor itself and move freely as a behemoth of feathers as large as a house, which will slowly fire beams which can flatten skyscrapers. At that point, unless one can find another way to make him deactivate his power before reaching this point, he will be lost and his remaining eye will seal his doom once shattered.



Over the vast hills of Eden, two brothers were tasked to fight a legion of demons. Barely catching up to his older brother, a young boy panted before widening his eyes in shock. All of them laid dead around him, he had saved everyone once more.

“Haaah….haaa…. you did it big brother!” The young Asmael smiled brightly at the amazing sight. Compared to the prodigious lightbringer, he was nothing special. His brothers often just made fun of him for being a weakling who couldn’t even kill an insect, and even his father acted like he didn’t notice him. He was always a gentle soul, sitting with a sad and lonely expression. Birds usually made better company than angels, though he liked people too!

Taking pity of him, his father had given him the grace of Purity. And yet, he felt so far behind. The only one who looked at him with any regard was his brother.

His body exhausted from fighting so many, he couldn’t hide his worry and sadness for a second. Yes… there was only ever one back he looked at.

“Will I ever be as strong as you?”

The tall, white haired figure turned back with a serene smile and confronted him, giving him hope.

‘I guarantee it. You will be the one to surpass me.”


“Haaah...haaa...I did it big brother!“ He smiled proudly after having fought the horde of demons all on his own. Once again he purified an entire city all by himself.

Yes. He killed many, many demons. His brother taught him that such an act was not a sin, but a mercy. It was noble to free souls from their cells of filth. Why else would it feel so-

Wait, what? No, this had never felt good in the first place. He always thought of killing as a sad act, and disliked violence more than anything. Even after slaying tens of  millions of demons, their women, and their children, and sending all of their tortured souls to rest, he had never once felt joy. Only sadness and regret.

He had killed so many that humans and demons alike now started calling him the Archangel of Death. He felt no joy from such a name, but showing regret or sadness in such a way would disappoint his brothers. So he had to smile no matter what, no matter how painful it was. Soon, the war would come to an end…

Thinking about that, he smiled. Yeah, things would be all right soon.

Weakness: Using his strongest attack sacrifices his number of wings, eventually limiting his rate of fire and mobility. While normally calm and collected, he can be prone to fits of rage and emotion. He also hates getting his clothes dirty, to the point he’d absolutely waste time and concentration to take down threats to his cleanliness. If he spends long periods of time without The Apple (a sinful substance found in living creatures, with the highest concentrations found in humans), he becomes a broken mess.

Likes: His brother, his father, justice, humans, sleeping around, good food, headpats, purifying.

Dislikes: Impure filth, his brother, losing, being looked down on, disappointing his father, getting dirty.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 08:51:10 PM by francobull3 »

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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2019, 02:18:35 AM »
Name: Servant of Udelia Orianthi Cypher. Piece. Servant. Call it whatever you will.

Race: Piece

Age: Less than two centuries

Height: 6’1 standing upright

Weight: Rather light for its height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Rippling Dark: Piece is the thing staring back every time you look into the shadows of your house at night. It can enter someone’s shadow and appear miles away underneath your bed. At night it is a flickering mirage that can barely even be hit as it shifts from place to place. However, it does take longer to enter and exit spaces that are smaller than its own body. Squeezing in or out the shadow of a pin for example would take several seconds. While it isn’t so noticeable for dark spaces that are only a bit smaller than it a sufficiently fast and observant character could capitalize on these pauses.

Trash Bin: The light that serves as Piece’s face is also its eye. However, it also has the function of a disposal device. When the light dims its secondary use is revealed as an extradimensional hole which can fit one adult human male. Traditionally this would exile the victim from the universe and dispense them into the endless space between worlds. However the Nexus has mildly interfered. Piece does not know where anything it consumes in this fashion goes anymore, and it doesn’t particularly care either. Wherever they’re sent instead is bound to be… unpleasant.

Transformation: Piece is capable of assuming any humanoid form along with that of most beasts. There are no change to its stats regardless of its shape and it cannot use Rippling Dark or Trash Bin when not in its true form.

Insight: As the pawn of the great witch Udelia Orianthi Cypher, Piece is privileged to receive information only available to higher order beings. It only understands a bit, but that is enough for most encounters. Functionally Piece has a level of awareness equivalent to reading the sheet of a character the moment they enter its field of vision.

Eyes and Ears: The reeds whisper, the wind sings, the earth speaks, and Piece hears this all. It listens to the gossip of jewelry and the everyday chats of the walls as well. Without abilities similar to teleportation it is impossible to avoid being tracked down by it. It cannot be snuck up upon, and its ability to find lost things is second to none.

Convergence: With some peace and quiet Piece can begin putting itself together if it’s suffered some damage. This doesn’t take much time unless its head has been damaged as it lacks any vital areas besides that. In fact, it can’t even feel pain and doesn’t suffer at all in terms of physical capacity when wounded anywhere else on its body. While it can still function more or less so long as it has a head, it reverts to more bestial tendencies when it has bits missing and healing would require some work.

Origin: One of many. Piece is among the countless observers created by the great witch Udelia Orianthi Cypher to search for interesting worlds. Generally speaking its kind are simple creatures that lack personality, but its long stay in the Nexus has given Piece just a bit of flavor. It has had more time to ruminate over things and itself, and since this development is pleasing to its master it has been allowed to live longer.

Weakness: A witch’s creation has no weaknesses.

Likes: Yes, my master.

Dislikes: No, my master.