Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138551 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1380 on: April 25, 2020, 03:59:26 PM »

Forest could feel that phantom-Thorra once again. Her mind was being prodded towards doing exactly what Forest had suggested, and it felt like Thorra's hands where right atop hers, teaching her how to drive their shared body too. She felt the woman's breasts press up against her back and heard her whispering in her ear.

"Go-you can do it! I'll take over if we're about to crash!"


Forest smirked as she felt Thorra on her back, her hands atop hers.  It was an interesting feeling, someone teaching her something.  So, it's a bit like riding a motorbike then, the blonde thought with a nod to herself.

Centuries of gymnastics and dance training came to use as Forest banked and easily spun in the air, laughing as she propelled herself up with the hammer.

Aloud, she said to Thorra, "I'm a bit sad I didn't know this was going to happen today.  I could have made a fantastic playlist of songs to listen to while doing this!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1381 on: April 25, 2020, 04:11:49 PM »

Arena 7

"So........ Who exactly are you? It is not every day I see elves dressed up as wannabe pop stars. You cannot be very popular or she would have blabbered to me about you already..." Valerie regarded the woman opposite her with puzzlement. She recognized some of the contestants here and most of the ones she didn't looked like they'd bash your head in on a dime and then there was this girl...

She wasn't sensing any killing intent from her which meant that she wasn't here for the sake of the fighting, everything about her screamed that she didn't like to do it for the sake it. It might not have been obvious to the regular eye, but the vampire King had such vast experience, she almost staggered herself if she thought too hard about it.

Then she casually moved closer with both hands in the pockets of her shorts. Her composure was relaxed, with not an ounce of killing intent or deceit to it. To a casual observer she'd appear to have completely dropped guard, or perhaps she was simply that confident in her own skill. Yet her movements were far too fluid to be that of a regular person. Every step she took was as elegant as the finest of dances and when her feet met the ground there wasn't the faintest trace of sound to be heard.

She could sneak without making a show of doing it, a clear sign of danger that contrasted her otherwise laid back approach. Would her opponent attack the vampire when she approached like this? It would be a smart move but it would also be one without honor. That was the true challenge she was putting forth to the twin tailed wannabe Elven pop star. What was the essence of her character?

Would it shine brightly before them and light the way, or would it descend upon the world like a calamity?

"You sure you are in the right place? I could guide you to an audition, you see I have quite the collection of potential connections to share if you are so inclined."


"Please, don't belittle me-I'm a fighter as good as any other, even without my nation." She replied. Her large ears twitched with each step Valerie took-even when standing still, without any sound interfering, the sounds of her footsteps were minuscule, barely perceptible even to her enhanced hearing.

Noire gulped. This woman was not somebody she could take lightly.

Without any extra movements of her own, she began to step back as soon as Valerie came within her range. She moved with an unearthly grace, retreating at the same rate Valerie advanced. Even as she did so, she lowered her sword, but not her guard. She was ready if Valerie suddenly made an aggressive move. "Please, draw your weapon. I don't want to fight you like this." The glow on her skin dimmed a bit as she readied herself for combat and put all her focus into winning the match.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 05:24:04 PM by Sinib »

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1382 on: April 25, 2020, 05:26:05 PM »
Vega Vs Vanilla

Arena 8 - Spectator Side

While cheers, bets and stares of shock and awe made the stadium quake with anticipation, two girls with white hair and skin pure as porcelain looked down on the match below.

While everyone smiled and grinned and laughed like normal people enjoying bread and circus, only these two didn't smile. Their eyes stared down with an emotion they scarcely showed in front of Vega.


It was a rainy night in the slums of the Nexus city. It was a time they didn't like remembering much. Back then, they didn't have names, only numbers.

01275 and 21409

Because they weren't born from ciconias, but in tubes. Because they weren't human like the men in coats and cloaks, they didn't have the right to carry happiness, sadness, not even a name.

Because they should have never been born in this world. Dolls are only made to be broken. And yet, one day, they escaped. Was it love? Or fear? Or perhaps simply fate.

On that rainy night, they met him.

"Kh..." That man had appeared from the sky, and without warning had fended off men who were ready to capture them again. This had been the first time anyone fought to defend them. They had never seen something fight with so much ferocity. And yet, that wasn't what struck them the most.

Because even after he fought so hard, even when covered in the blood of these hunters, he managed to turn back and smile at them. For dolls that never knew love or hatred, who only knew how to survive... something like this was incomprehensible. It wasn't the smile of something that wanted to use someone, or the smile of someone enjoying their broken state.

It was a beautiful smile.

"...Why?" Asked number 01275. She asked that man, who had fought and bled for seemingly no gain at all. The man who was breathing heavily, yet not without an air of dignity to him.

"I'm not so callous to let beautiful flowers be trampled on by rabble. And you two... remind me of someone."

And from that day on, these dolls became human.

Atya and Vatya.

This was a tale of a few months later. At the time, they didn't understand it. That man's heart, the true meaning of his actions. Yet still...

"What are you doing, Master?"

Vega was, surprisingly enough, sculpting a doll. It was quite crude, it must have been his first attempt. The craftsmanship was adequate, but the carving was amateurish. He still had much to learn.

"Oh, I didn't notice you there. Have you finished your reading exercises already?" He asked her kindly.


She couldn't help but stare. Even though it seemed pointless, and his technique was an amateur's, there was a kind of passion she hadn't seen in a long time. His eyes looked as intense as that night's. She could never forget them.

"I thought this house was growing lonely. It would be good to make it a bit more lively, hm? Like a family..."

He had met earlier that week with a strange man.
There was so much she didn't understand that day, but the one thing she felt that day was a sense of unease. That man's eyes were just like the ones of the people who would operate on her and sister. She did not like those eyes.

Yet Vega invited that man more often than once. Every time, she felt like he was sinking deeper and deeper in a darkness she couldn't understand.

Yet Vega's smile was as beautiful as ever.

"She is my precious -"

Atya and Vatya stared down at the Arena. The smaller one simply watched with concern. But it was the older one that steeled herself and held her hand decisively.

Because that man's eyes were the same as back then, she knew just how serious he was. And so she spoke.

"He won't lose. That man isn't someone who will lose to anyone."

That was the simple truth of it.


"Yes, she told me enough." He put his violin down and stared at the archdemon with eyes as fierce as a star.


With a daint finger, he grabbed the claw hanging on his side and twirled it, and like a magician he put it on and took a fighting stance all at once. As if with that single motion, he had already transformed.


"I didn't think I would dance with one as beautiful as you..." He lowered his body as elegantly as a beast, ready to pounce at any moment. In the eye of his mind, a ghost from the past embraced him.


« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 05:39:01 PM by devil_lance »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1383 on: April 25, 2020, 05:27:04 PM »

Arena 7

The blonde vampire stopped moving and just leaned closer instead, her hands still in her pockets but now she she was regarding her opponent with more keen interest than before.

"Just what is it you hope to accomplish by doing that? You cannot hope to become the foundation of the world if you lack the conviction to harm me here and now.

Then she suddenly held a finger up. "I have one condition. You are not allowed to use anything but your body to attack me. In return I will not move from this spot, wield a weapon of my own and i will even let you make the first move for free." Doing it like this would ease the girl's conscious about 'accidentally' harming her. That and the vampire wasn't really interested in pulling out her weapon yet.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1384 on: April 25, 2020, 07:42:30 PM »

Arena 7

The blonde vampire stopped moving and just leaned closer instead, her hands still in her pockets but now she she was regarding her opponent with more keen interest than before.

"Just what is it you hope to accomplish by doing that? You cannot hope to become the foundation of the world if you lack the conviction to harm me here and now.

Then she suddenly held a finger up. "I have one condition. You are not allowed to use anything but your body to attack me. In return I will not move from this spot, wield a weapon of my own and i will even let you make the first move for free." Doing it like this would ease the girl's conscious about 'accidentally' harming her. That and the vampire wasn't really interested in pulling out her weapon yet.


Noire furrowed her brow. This woman-she was underestimating her. Making a fool out of her! How was she supposed to use this to make her big debut if her opponent wasn't going to play along!

She took a deep breath to compose herself. Calm down, Noire. Everything's fine. Ignore how tingly everything is feeling, and you'll manage. Just think about how to do this. Use your experience to your advantage.

Her red eyes gleamed at Valerie, taking in her smooth, athletic physique. Despite the lack of obvious muscle or strength, Noire knew the woman she was dealing with wasn't just acting superior. She had the strength and experience to back it up. However, it wouldn't look good for her to ignore such a blatant challenge. "Fine. Fistfighting isn't usually my style, but I'll make an exception today." She stowed her sword on her back and channeled the magic in her body. It rushed through her like a torrent, overwhelming her for a moment. Casting a spell to enhance her skill, and then one to enhance her strength, she rushed towards Val. With an explosive burst of force, she spun around into a roundhouse kick. Her leg streaked through the air straight towards Valerie's neck with the precision and skill of an expert.


[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1385 on: April 25, 2020, 08:03:27 PM »

Arena 4

Neil had to admit, the venue of their fight almost had some charm to it. Just a few fallen weapons here and there and the picture would have been completed neatly. As things were though, the moment Wendy's eyes locked with his, the werewolf locked with hers, not backing down an inch. Neil shifted his weight from one foot to the other, lowering his stance slightly to something more primal, hands low, one foot in front of the other, muscles coiled tight with tension.

For a moment, looking at her, Neil could've sworn he saw a beast he'd hunted long before, with a buck's head, gangly limbs, a skeletal torso, and a gore-stained maw. His gaze narrowed, and the vision passed, leaving just the woman before him.

The air was alight around him, embers dancing along charring bones as they crunched underfoot. More sparks flitted from between his lips as he ground his teeth together. Quicksilver mists seemed to emanate from him like an aura, before coalescing into ravenous, slavering, disembodied wolf-heads. Shining spit trailed from many mouths as Neil started pacing a slow circle around Wendy, ready and waiting for the match to start.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1386 on: April 25, 2020, 08:34:29 PM »

Arena 6

Nanako couldn't help a smile as she found herself in a familiar wrestling ring. From what she'd seen, the squirrel girl had half expected equally familiar oil or a mudpit, but the classics certainly had their place too. Coconut's outfit, on the other hand, seemed more about drawing attention to her prodigious package than anything else, even drawing Nanako's eyes for a good few moments before the sword flashed into view. The squirrel girl cocked an eyebrow as the girl spoke, subtly a step back for a bit more room.

"Seems like you could've left the sword at home, really," Nanako shot back, stretching her arms up and striking a pose, arching out her back and doing wonderful things for her curves as she kept her eyes trained on her foe, "With what you're already packing down there."
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 08:41:30 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1387 on: April 25, 2020, 08:40:57 PM »

Arena 6

Nanako couldn't help a smile as she found herself in a familiar wrestling ring. From what she'd seen, the squirrel girl had half expected equally familiar oil or a mudpit, but the classics certainly had their place too. Coconut's outfit, on the other hand, seemed more about drawing attention to her prodigious package than anything else, even drawing Nanako's eyes for a good few moments before the sword flashed into view. The squirrel girl cocked an eyebrow as the girl spoke, subtly a step back for a bit more room.

"Yeah, and Lily isn't here to get in the way this time," Nanako shot back, stretching her arms up and striking a pose, arching out her back and doing wonderful things for her curves as she kept her eyes trained on her foe, "Seems like you could've left the sword at home, though, with what you're already packing down there."


"If you're focusing on my package, you're going to lose!" She exclaimed. Coconut rushed forwards towards Nanako, raising her sword above her head. "Coconut-" She sliced down with it, and a vertical wave of powerful magic burst forth from the tip of the sword, hurtling towards Nanako at fantastical speeds. "-BEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMM!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1388 on: April 25, 2020, 09:22:30 PM »
Vega Vs Vanilla

Arena 8 - Spectator Side

While cheers, bets and stares of shock and awe made the stadium quake with anticipation, two girls with white hair and skin pure as porcelain looked down on the match below.

While everyone smiled and grinned and laughed like normal people enjoying bread and circus, only these two didn't smile. Their eyes stared down with an emotion they scarcely showed in front of Vega.


It was a rainy night in the slums of the Nexus city. It was a time they didn't like remembering much. Back then, they didn't have names, only numbers.

01275 and 21409

Because they weren't born from ciconias, but in tubes. Because they weren't human like the men in coats and cloaks, they didn't have the right to carry happiness, sadness, not even a name.

Because they should have never been born in this world. Dolls are only made to be broken. And yet, one day, they escaped. Was it love? Or fear? Or perhaps simply fate.

On that rainy night, they met him.

"Kh..." That man had appeared from the sky, and without warning had fended off men who were ready to capture them again. This had been the first time anyone fought to defend them. They had never seen something fight with so much ferocity. And yet, that wasn't what struck them the most.

Because even after he fought so hard, even when covered in the blood of these hunters, he managed to turn back and smile at them. For dolls that never knew love or hatred, who only knew how to survive... something like this was incomprehensible. It wasn't the smile of something that wanted to use someone, or the smile of someone enjoying their broken state.

It was a beautiful smile.

"...Why?" Asked number 01275. She asked that man, who had fought and bled for seemingly no gain at all. The man who was breathing heavily, yet not without an air of dignity to him.

"I'm not so callous to let beautiful flowers be trampled on by rabble. And you two... remind me of someone."

And from that day on, these dolls became human.

Atya and Vatya.

This was a tale of a few months later. At the time, they didn't understand it. That man's heart, the true meaning of his actions. Yet still...

"What are you doing, Master?"

Vega was, surprisingly enough, sculpting a doll. It was quite crude, it must have been his first attempt. The craftsmanship was adequate, but the carving was amateurish. He still had much to learn.

"Oh, I didn't notice you there. Have you finished your reading exercises already?" He asked her kindly.


She couldn't help but stare. Even though it seemed pointless, and his technique was an amateur's, there was a kind of passion she hadn't seen in a long time. His eyes looked as intense as that night's. She could never forget them.

"I thought this house was growing lonely. It would be good to make it a bit more lively, hm? Like a family..."

He had met earlier that week with a strange man.
There was so much she didn't understand that day, but the one thing she felt that day was a sense of unease. That man's eyes were just like the ones of the people who would operate on her and sister. She did not like those eyes.

Yet Vega invited that man more often than once. Every time, she felt like he was sinking deeper and deeper in a darkness she couldn't understand.

Yet Vega's smile was as beautiful as ever.

"She is my precious -"

Atya and Vatya stared down at the Arena. The smaller one simply watched with concern. But it was the older one that steeled herself and held her hand decisively.

Because that man's eyes were the same as back then, she knew just how serious he was. And so she spoke.

"He won't lose. That man isn't someone who will lose to anyone."

That was the simple truth of it.


"Yes, she told me enough." He put his violin down and stared at the archdemon with eyes as fierce as a star.


With a daint finger, he grabbed the claw hanging on his side and twirled it, and like a magician he put it on and took a fighting stance all at once. As if with that single motion, he had already transformed.


"I didn't think I would dance with one as beautiful as you..." He lowered his body as elegantly as a beast, ready to pounce at any moment. In the eye of his mind, a ghost from the past embraced him.




As soon as the countdown hit zero, Vanilla charged straight at him.

She was fast, and closed the distance between them in an instant. The immense woman loomed over him, but her demeanor seemed almost casual. "I heard you fought my cute little Mira." A fist came careening towards his gut. "Let's see how you handle me!" Her red eyes gleamed with excitement, even arousal. "Try to keep up!"
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 09:24:55 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1389 on: April 25, 2020, 09:23:58 PM »

Arena 7


The sound of some of neck bones cracking cut trough the arena like a sharp knife through butter. However, the damage was not as lasting as it may seam as the cracks had already healed before her opponent had lowered her leg.

"I never said anything about magic."


Her mouth surged forward with a surprising burst of speed that completely defied her appearance and her teeth sank into the twin tailed girl's ankle and what followed was the most exquisite rush of euphoria that was completely unlike sexual pleasure yet oh so fiendishly similar. Valerie Didn't take more than a tiny gulp though before she withdrew to let the coat of fresh crimson blood cover her now highly visible fangs.

"Wonderful. What a unique taste you have, there is so many flavors mixing it is so, sooo delighting. I think I have a new favorite."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1390 on: April 25, 2020, 10:29:33 PM »

Arena 4

Neil had to admit, the venue of their fight almost had some charm to it. Just a few fallen weapons here and there and the picture would have been completed neatly. As things were though, the moment Wendy's eyes locked with his, the werewolf locked with hers, not backing down an inch. Neil shifted his weight from one foot to the other, lowering his stance slightly to something more primal, hands low, one foot in front of the other, muscles coiled tight with tension.

For a moment, looking at her, Neil could've sworn he saw a beast he'd hunted long before, with a buck's head, gangly limbs, a skeletal torso, and a gore-stained maw. His gaze narrowed, and the vision passed, leaving just the woman before him.

The air was alight around him, embers dancing along charring bones as they crunched underfoot. More sparks flitted from between his lips as he ground his teeth together. Quicksilver mists seemed to emanate from him like an aura, before coalescing into ravenous, slavering, disembodied wolf-heads. Shining spit trailed from many mouths as Neil started pacing a slow circle around Wendy, ready and waiting for the match to start.


Like a starving beast, Wendy burst towards him with a roar. It was deafening, easily loud enough to shatter eardrums. The very ground beneath his feet shuddered at her approach, clattering bones and the heavy steps showing hints of her truly monstrous strength.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Kyahahahahahaha!" Intermixed with her ravenous hunger, there was arousal. Hidden beneath that arousal was her very same hunger. Her mouth opened wide, too wide. Her jaw looked hidious, and it showed off a full set of razor sharp incisors, glistening with saliva and stained pink with blood.

"Don't die too easily, weakling!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1391 on: April 25, 2020, 11:01:44 PM »
Joe Joeson, man of action

Jesus he is huge...

"Are you sure I count as a challenge?" he asked, wincing at this overwhelming display of power and flamboyance.  "Lets just have a good fight.  I worked pretty hard to get here today and I have some people back at home I don't want to disappoint."

As Joe reached for his gun, a single thought came to his mind. I wonder if the me from before would consider this cool...


The hulking man simply ignored his words. He was far too busy admiring his own form, and took another pose, squatting down and kissing his bulging, oily skin. "YES BUFF. YOU'RE GOING TO CRUSH THIS TOURNEMENT!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1392 on: April 25, 2020, 11:22:39 PM »

Arena 7


The sound of some of neck bones cracking cut trough the arena like a sharp knife through butter. However, the damage was not as lasting as it may seam as the cracks had already healed before her opponent had lowered her leg.

"I never said anything about magic."


Her mouth surged forward with a surprising burst of speed that completely defied her appearance and her teeth sank into the twin tailed girl's ankle and what followed was the most exquisite rush of euphoria that was completely unlike sexual pleasure yet oh so fiendishly similar. Valerie Didn't take more than a tiny gulp though before she withdrew to let the coat of fresh crimson blood cover her now highly visible fangs.

"Wonderful. What a unique taste you have, there is so many flavors mixing it is so, sooo delighting. I think I have a new favorite."


She felt the woman's bones cracking against her leg. Her neck shattered under her enhanced strength, and for a moment, she was afraid that she'd killed her.

But, before she could do much more than wince, she felt the bones returning to place and within but a moment, it was as if it had never happened. Before she could pull her leg away, the vampire queen's teeth had sunk into her leg.

It felt absolutely incredible beyond words. She felt her new appendage shift, hardening and oozing arousal, yet still restrained within her clothing. As soon as Valerie withdrew her fangs, she immediately pulled down her legs and took a defensive stance. She was panting, and her skirt had a slight tent to it. With her skin glowing brightly, she racked her mind to try to distract the fact she'd almost come on national television.

"I-well-um... You never said my magic was prohibited! It's as much a part of my body as my leg!"

With her new body, she was pretty sure she wasn't entirely incorrect.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 11:23:37 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1393 on: April 25, 2020, 11:40:40 PM »

Arena 7

"Mouuuu..." The blonde Vampire, great king of the vampires and honorable disciple Yamada did something completely unexpected in that moment. Something she hadn't done in decades perhaps even centuries, she pouted.

Sniff you big meanie sniff...."  And for the first time in living memory something trailed down her cheeks that wasn't blood, it was another cleared liquid, her tears.

How could you? I obviously meant no magic too you, you big dummy!" Her cheeks flushed as she tried looking anywhere but her embarrassingly stupid opponent. What a stupid stupid girl.

"You better apologize properly or I will not bite you again!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1394 on: April 26, 2020, 12:06:18 AM »

Forest could feel that phantom-Thorra once again. Her mind was being prodded towards doing exactly what Forest had suggested, and it felt like Thorra's hands where right atop hers, teaching her how to drive their shared body too. She felt the woman's breasts press up against her back and heard her whispering in her ear.

"Go-you can do it! I'll take over if we're about to crash!"


Forest smirked as she felt Thorra on her back, her hands atop hers.  It was an interesting feeling, someone teaching her something.  So, it's a bit like riding a motorbike then, the blonde thought with a nod to herself.

Centuries of gymnastics and dance training came to use as Forest banked and easily spun in the air, laughing as she propelled herself up with the hammer.

Aloud, she said to Thorra, "I'm a bit sad I didn't know this was going to happen today.  I could have made a fantastic playlist of songs to listen to while doing this!"


"Who says that we can't do this again?" Forest's own voice responded with a hearty laugh. "I'm glad I met you today, Forest! I was honestly feeling a bit depressed, not having a friend to keep me company!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end