Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138045 times)


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1095 on: March 07, 2020, 12:24:30 AM »

"Indeed." He was already sitting before they even got in. Just appreciating the cool taste of an iced cocktail.

He was smiling at the two, no... at Lulu, with the cutest smile in the whole city. The kind of smile that'd seriously make someone fall straight into hell for. She was in trouble. "I must say, I've never been in a place like this. I only heard rumors of it, but to actually be surrounded by it... it is quite refreshing. Ah, and I don't mean just the drink."

He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the drink. Some of female and male customers were even staring at him, some amazed and others dazzled. They whispered soft murmurs, shocked to see a real celebrity here and now.

He acknowledged a few with smiles and waves, then turned to the server. "Could I have a refill, darling?"

He honestly looked and sounded like he fit right in.

Pleasure Palace

The red skinned woman across the bar from him winked. "Sure thing, hun~" She answered, pouring him another glass.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1096 on: March 07, 2020, 03:19:11 AM »

"That Celt can't stand me and the feeling's mostly mutual.  I just happen to be more of an adult about it," Emiya said with a snort. 

"So, no, I have never slept with Lancer nor will I ever sleep with Lancer, doujinshi withstanding."

He did frown and said, "Not Gilgamesh though?  That would make more sense in a fujuoshi stand point."


Coconut shook her head. "No no no, the best ones are where Shirou doms you!" She exclaimed, pulling out a phone from her pocket. She began typing stuff into it, looking up porn to show him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1097 on: March 07, 2020, 05:34:39 AM »

"Well I mean, the way he calls you 'Faker~' is pretty ahh... yeah." Hannah's voice impressions were pretty spot on, because Archer had to do a double take to remember that the King of Heroes wasn't actually present when she said it.

The older succubus gently smacked Coconut upside the head at that. "You need to remember your audience, Cocopuffs! That's not going to appeal to him at all! I think."

Not that she wouldn't savor the look on his face...


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1098 on: March 07, 2020, 08:04:29 PM »

Yes Coco needed to be punished and she would be the one to do it. But not like this, not like this at all. Her new dick throbbed now almost painfully and a clear liquid flowed freely down from it's tip, coating the whole length in a glistening sheen.

As good as it felt to have have big butt rubb against her fresh cock like that she needed more right now. "I definitely need to get better at giving those, it feels way better than I thought but you..."

She gripped Malicia's hips and flipped them around violently and pushed the taller sacubbus onto her hand and knees with a monstrous strength. Her grip was demanding and would not let the succubus escape. A hand came down on the back of Malicia's head and forced her face down into the bed.

"This is where she belongs, bent over like the little bitch she is. Me her breeding chamber? I'll show that little slut what that really looks like."
« Last Edit: March 08, 2020, 01:23:13 AM by Bern »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1099 on: March 07, 2020, 11:32:57 PM »

"Begone you catty thot!" She pushed away the cat girl by the head and turned to Eru with an annoyed glare. "Stop harassing me like this, we came to use the arena not indulge in base hedonism."

Then within the blink of an eye she appeared next to Vega instead.

"Maybe we should go to the Dojo instead, I'm sure they would appreciate the spectacle of an Angel like me going savage more than these people."
« Last Edit: March 08, 2020, 01:23:43 AM by Bern »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1100 on: March 08, 2020, 01:11:42 AM »

Vega raised a bemused eyebrow at the angel. With his glass poured and now refilled, he just twirled it around smugly.

"Hm? I don't know, I do like base hedonism. Isn't that why you brought me here?" He blinked at her, feigning innocence and surprise. "One should never truly battle without a fine drink savored and a finer woman bed. I thought you angels knew this much."

He took a sip of his drink. He turned to Elizabeth expectantly. It was just common sense to entertain the entertainment.

"How about we have a crossover then? This faction against theirs. Us two against your fighters and theirs. A gala of sweat, tears and passion to teach them what a true performance looks like. Oh, its not war, don't get me wrong, but these knuckleheade fighters would welcome the challenge. It would just be a game. And perhaps we could even have a little fun."

He sounded like he was joking. He had to be. No one just proposes something so crazy as anything more than jest! Surely...

"Ah, no, nevermind. I am merely letting the alcohol talk."
« Last Edit: March 08, 2020, 01:32:33 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1101 on: March 08, 2020, 02:56:43 AM »

Emiya frowned so hard at Coconut that he felt his left eye twitch as the succubus looked for something on her phone.

Then that voice said his "nickname" of the former Servant.  Instinctively he looked around for the arrogant blond only to realize that the voice had come out of Hannah's perfectly formed lips.  She then chided the succubus.

He shook his head and asked, "How did you do that?"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1102 on: March 09, 2020, 09:13:51 PM »

Yes Coco needed to be punished and she would be the one to do it. But not like this, not like this at all. Her new dick throbbed now almost painfully and a clear liquid flowed freely down from it's tip, coating the whole length in a glistening sheen.

As good as it felt to have have big butt rubb against her fresh cock like that she needed more right now. "I definitely need to get better at giving those, it feels way better than I thought but you..."

She gripped Malicia's hips and flipped them around violently and pushed the taller sacubbus onto her hand and knees with a monstrous strength. Her grip was demanding and would not let the succubus escape. A hand came down on the back of Malicia's head and forced her face down into the bed.

"This is where she belongs, bent over like the little bitch she is. Me her breeding chamber? I'll show that little slut what that really looks like."


"Ah!" The busty, blue-haired woman exclaimed. Her own cock throbbed hard, hanging beneath her wide hips as she trembled, water welling up in her eyes as the powerful little girl loomed over her. She clenched her hands, displaying her full, volumous butt for Lily to violate, tail swishing back and forth.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1103 on: March 09, 2020, 11:06:44 PM »

"Hmmph." Elizabeth turned her head away at that suggestion, reaching out and pulling her pet cat into her lap, sliding her cock into her moistening slit and stracting her behind the ears. "I have no interest in the affairs of fools." She replied. "My arena is the finest in the entire Nexus, and those fools know nothing about true gladiatoral combat."

"Nyaaa, myaster~" The catgirl moaned, squirming on Elizabeth's lap. "Sho thick~"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1104 on: March 10, 2020, 03:42:39 AM »

"My Vega is thicker than that." She smirked as she realized what the thrusting truly meant. She quickly grabbed hold of Vega's glass and in in instant it popped in above Liz' head, except upside down which made all the contents spill over onto the Succubi and the cat girl.

" "Now how's that for hedonism huh?" Her attention snapped back to Vega and she grabbed him by the collar. "What's that supposed to mean? Bed a woman? You have one right here and I was gonna grind you into dust you kniw, but I guess if you win our fateful showdown  I'll be nice and let you be on top. You should feel honored."
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 04:18:47 PM by Bern »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1105 on: March 10, 2020, 03:56:22 AM »


"Ah!" The busty, blue-haired woman exclaimed. Her own cock throbbed hard, hanging beneath her wide hips as she trembled, water welling up in her eyes as the powerful little girl loomed over her. She clenched her hands, displaying her full, volumous butt for Lily to violate, tail swishing back and forth.


Her mind was completely honing in her purpose, yes her purpose to fuck and breed Coco. She spread her legs and shuffled backwards a bit to get in position. The grilled her rock hard length pressed it against the opening and pushed in hard as she could.

What followed was the most feminine yelp the redhead had ever made as she came instantly and collapsed on top of the larger demon. She was panting loudly but seemed mostly out of it, however her cock had remained hard inside of Malicia even after it had fired off load after load into her of ripe elemental juice.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 03:57:27 AM by Bern »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1106 on: March 10, 2020, 04:10:43 AM »

Malicia yelped as she felt all fifteen inches of Lily plunge deep into her, slammjng directly into her cervix with the first, and only, thrust. She felt the telltale twitching instantly, she felt it expand inside her, and she clamped down on it regardless, making sure to put in that extra little bit of work to makr Lily feel even better.

After all, Lily's pleasure directly equated to her own. The small woman collapsed down onto her back, idly gripping her shoulders as she came, and came, and came, filling Mal up with thick, hot, elemental cum. She let out a soft moan, but she couldn't say this had satisfied her. More importantly, Lily needed to learn so, so much more. If shr thought this would fly with a customer, she'd be relegated to working the floor very quickly.

Feeling tingly from all the energy Lily had dumped inside her, Malicia forced her way up, dumping Lily out of her with a wet smacking sound. She stood over Lily, looking down at her and leaking cum onto her face.

She grabbed the tip of the still cumming cock between her toes, squeezing it roughly and applying heavy pressure. "So, we'll start with lesson one. Maintain control until I give you permission to come."

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1107 on: March 10, 2020, 04:36:17 AM »

"Ahhh-Hey!" Lily sat up quickly and blinked from the sudden intense flare of stimulation originating from her new limb. "Watch it l, that's really sensitive you big bully-" The small readhead looked to be on the verge of tearing up with tears welling up in her eyes, eyes that were looking up at Mal peladingly. Of course it was all an act. But the surface levels details of a shy girl being embarrassed over her first time was all there, down to a faint blush of her cheek and the way her gaze kept darting away to avoid eye contact.

"I had no idea it felt like that for guys, now I for really bad for all the teasing I've done-"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1108 on: March 10, 2020, 04:41:26 AM »

For once, a malevolent smirk crossed the demon's serene features. She pressed her big toe against the slit, rubbing around the sensitive head of her cock before grabbing it the shaft with both her feet, pumping it up and down like a piston.

"Now you can learn how to really get them going, and just exactly where to stop so they don't come, and just look at you pleadingly, begging you for release."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1109 on: March 10, 2020, 05:39:47 PM »

The redhead's panting had picked up again and she was slouching over with her gaze completely honed in on the hypnotizing movements of those delicate feet. "This... That's dangerous-"

Her soft complaints were accompanied by a further rise in heat, steam now visibly rose from her body and the whole room became like a sauna. Had the sheets beneath them been normal, they would have surely caught fire by now. She hadn't been this worked up since Vanilla had almost fucker her through the bed, her dick twitched at the mere memory of it.