Author Topic: Elizabeth's Domain  (Read 138544 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1455 on: May 01, 2020, 12:17:24 AM »
Arena 4

They sighed, angelic in appearance despite their wounds and blood, as they looked upon the opponent who had given them victory. "There's all kinds of stuff that stick people to each other, Orcus. That make them choose things! Do you think accepting what you were made to be... makes you free?" But despite those words they didn't appear dissatisfied in the slightest. In fact, the smile on their face was as bright as ever! Although it was beginning to change the longer they considered the primal.

A mischievous glint passed through their eyes for a moment. There might have even been something familiar in the strange satisfaction that swept over their features. Some shadow of pride. As the winner, Uria turned away. Yet one last remark slipped from them, words for Orcus alone.

"I can see why he used you."

« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 06:30:18 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1456 on: May 01, 2020, 02:07:31 AM »
Arena 4

He laughed, and the thrum of satisfaction cooled, mixing with a deep air of severity, veiling an immensity of thoughts. "I wonder... Do you stay awake thinking, why their treasured fun isn't always good enough reason to change?"

Orcus closed his eyes, waving with a chuckle as they went. He watched them until the edge of the field, when he raised his voice one more time.

"I'll consent to be in your tapestry of bonds, curious little brightling! Don't wear out my gifts."
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 05:39:12 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1457 on: May 01, 2020, 03:46:41 AM »

Arena 1

The more he punched, the more clear his mind became.  Strange, the old man found his own mind wandering off once again.  It seemed detached.  A spark lit around his body for a brief moment, his chi flickering with power.  But that power, he couldn't let it rise, not like that.  His sharp eyes glared at Mira, taking in those angry eyes.

But when he opened his eyes to her again, he found himself on the floor, with a girl who had found herself at the very edge of anger, where frustration lay dormant.  He did all he could, yet she still rejected him.  He was as selfish as he could be, yet she still rejected his honest feelings.  Fist after fist crashed into his face, her words seemingly delivering the final blow.

"But you think you can just come along and take their place?!"

Sethrol's head shot right to left with each punch, his ears ringing from the shock.  It was a torturous thought, to think his hearing would decline, or maybe even fall to these punches, those painful words. He wondered if maybe that would be the last thing he heard.  He closed his eyes, unable to take in the sight of that little girl from before, the little girl who couldn't even cry in front of him.  Maybe, if he detached himself, improved himself, she would learn to love and respect him.  Thats how normal fathers did it right, look cool to earn your kids respect, provide?

Kids.... they are too much work.  They have all those complicated needs, feelings that need to be monitored, life lessons that needed to be passed onto and for what, they might not even use them correctly.  Hell, students didn't even use them correctly.  For a brief moment, he remembered him, Zhang Liu.  That man came to mind, flashing into his head for an instant.  Yeah, people, connecting with people is too hard, too much work, too taxing...

Then, he felt it.  A single tear landed on his cheek.

Light returned to Sethrol's eyes and the pale white flushed face of Mira entered his view.  "Your... tears..." he mumbled, grabbing her wrists.  His eyes widened, glinting with all the shine of the sun itself, all the while his lips twisted into a quivering frown.  "Haha... I see your tears. Hahahaha..... Mira.  Is... is that what you look like when your crying?  I.... I'm sorry.  You know... children fail when they cannot learn or make sense of the wisdom given to them by adults.  An adult fails when he forgets the value of his own experience and closes off from the wisdom found in front of him."

It was so clear all of the sudden....

Two large arms wrapped around Mira, his heart pressing against her own.  In that moment, feeling so close to her, he felt his heart sink into the floor, beyond the arena where it would never come back.  "I can't take anyone's place, he said, squeezing her body even tighter. I just want you to make room in your heart for one more old man.  Can you do that for me Mira?  Because you know, even if you reject me, I'll always be here for you from now on."

Tears began to roll down his cheeks.  Without even noticing it, chi began to flow through Sethrol's body once more.  The power was palpable, somehow covering Mira as well.  It was as if it was protecting her too.  "Always."

In that moment, Sethrol the Calm let go of something else, the fear of burden itself.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 03:50:01 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1458 on: May 01, 2020, 03:50:34 AM »

The sun sank into the lava, geysers of molten liquid spewing into the sky all around them.  The island that housed their battle seemed to shrink.  Indeed the aen't had managed to make his presence known with the sheer volume of strength.  However, his presence, his willpower, his sheer desire to achieve his goals, it all meant nothing if he couldn't see past the sun.  Ambition meant nothing if you are swallowed by it, especially if the one you hold is not even your own.

And so, the woman turned her back, flicking her hair as the fire exploded and the island rumbled, as if to signal the poor man's final wail.  "A shame.  I guess I will be eliminated," she said.  "I suppose I'll have to try another time."

But then it happened, the Vulcano beneath Zeke erupted, blasting him with a torrent of water.  The area exploded with steam.  Unbeknownst to Seras, the stream was one of healing and mana, filling the dark man with enough magic to hold on.

Zeke - Arena 8

And yet, the healing did not bring his presence back. There was only silence.

"Woah... did she kill him?" "Unbelievable, he could have at least put up more of a fight before kicking the bucket." "Urgh... guess I lose 50 bucks... maaaan..."

Among the crowd spectators, some even grew worried. If she killed him, then she'd be disqualified as the first rounder. For a dojo head, this would just be pathetic.

That's when someone among the crowd turned pale blue. Trembling, his eyes turned wide and shaken with fear. "H-hey... what the hell..." And soon, more shocked faces emerged among the crowd. Those who noticed, those who froze up just as they were about to give away their hard earned cash in the betting areas, and a small inconsequential man of little importance, a burning burd perched on his shoulder. While everybody stared down with shock, only he smiled.

"Kahahah! That's right! I told you didn't I? That kid really will pull through for us in the end!"

While everybody stared with shock and horror, a lone ashen man smiled confidently. "Pardon me, but I'll be keeping my money. Look behind her."

A frightened dojo citizen sweated all over looking at its smile. This couldn't be.

It was only a moment after the audience noticed that it revealed itself. Its body cracked and warped grotesquely all over. Black sludge rippled like tendrils through every crack and gap in his corpse. His arms seemed mangled and twisted, yet twice their size and covered with darkness. But as its dark halo spread with six blackened wings, the void's smile turned into a childish giggle right behind Seras. Floating right above, tentacles had just rippled out of his eyes and squirmed tirelessly, yet he looked as happy as a cooing baby.

"Heeheheheheeeeeeeee~! <3"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1459 on: May 01, 2020, 12:51:54 PM »

Arena 6

Nanako had certainly had fun with the fight so far, but the girl's slipperiness was starting to wear on her. She wasn't even hitting back now, just dodging! Even the cute way those panties struggled to contain the girl's package barely did anything for her at this point. Spectral wings burst from Nanako's back as well, launching her into the air with nary a move on her part.

"Those are cute on you, but are you sure it isn't too tight down there?" the squirrel girl called out, skillfully feinting a quick grab at her legs, only for her hand to dart in to latch onto that hefty sack instead!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 04:01:33 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • Panda
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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1460 on: May 01, 2020, 01:08:11 PM »

Arena 5

Neil's eyes sharpened for a moment as Wendy charged in as well, only to widen slightly as the arena outright caved in under their feet. Shaking it off just as fast, the werewolf's eyes shone with cruel light as he saw the cloud of dust waiting for them below.

The werewolf fell much faster than Wendy, landing like a beast amidst scattered corpse dust and viscera. The squelch of broken bodies under his paws were the only warning of his arrival; Yet, silent as a predator, he darted back into the dust. Swiftly, swiftly and skillfully, Neil maneuvered under Wendy's landing zone with nary a shift in the clouds to give him away. His muscles were coiled tight, bulging with barely restrained power and fury, the werewolf growling under his breath as the wolfheads flowing around him slavered in anticipation. In hunger.

Then the moment was upon him, and he rocketed up from the clouds with a gunshot crack. Mercilessly, gleaming claws like machetes arced in from every angle, equal parts skilled feinting and vicious slashing. Tearing at vulnerable tendons in her ankles, elbows, and the backs of her knees, clawing at her hamstrings, and ripping at the small of her back, with only skin to protect the bone instead of muscle.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 05:01:37 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1461 on: May 01, 2020, 02:39:21 PM »

Arena 1

The more he punched, the more clear his mind became.  Strange, the old man found his own mind wandering off once again.  It seemed detached.  A spark lit around his body for a brief moment, his chi flickering with power.  But that power, he couldn't let it rise, not like that.  His sharp eyes glared at Mira, taking in those angry eyes.

But when he opened his eyes to her again, he found himself on the floor, with a girl who had found herself at the very edge of anger, where frustration lay dormant.  He did all he could, yet she still rejected him.  He was as selfish as he could be, yet she still rejected his honest feelings.  Fist after fist crashed into his face, her words seemingly delivering the final blow.

"But you think you can just come along and take their place?!"

Sethrol's head shot right to left with each punch, his ears ringing from the shock.  It was a torturous thought, to think his hearing would decline, or maybe even fall to these punches, those painful words. He wondered if maybe that would be the last thing he heard.  He closed his eyes, unable to take in the sight of that little girl from before, the little girl who couldn't even cry in front of him.  Maybe, if he detached himself, improved himself, she would learn to love and respect him.  Thats how normal fathers did it right, look cool to earn your kids respect, provide?

Kids.... they are too much work.  They have all those complicated needs, feelings that need to be monitored, life lessons that needed to be passed onto and for what, they might not even use them correctly.  Hell, students didn't even use them correctly.  For a brief moment, he remembered him, Zhang Liu.  That man came to mind, flashing into his head for an instant.  Yeah, people, connecting with people is too hard, too much work, too taxing...

Then, he felt it.  A single tear landed on his cheek.

Light returned to Sethrol's eyes and the pale white flushed face of Mira entered his view.  "Your... tears..." he mumbled, grabbing her wrists.  His eyes widened, glinting with all the shine of the sun itself, all the while his lips twisted into a quivering frown.  "Haha... I see your tears. Hahahaha..... Mira.  Is... is that what you look like when your crying?  I.... I'm sorry.  You know... children fail when they cannot learn or make sense of the wisdom given to them by adults.  An adult fails when he forgets the value of his own experience and closes off from the wisdom found in front of him."

It was so clear all of the sudden....

Two large arms wrapped around Mira, his heart pressing against her own.  In that moment, feeling so close to her, he felt his heart sink into the floor, beyond the arena where it would never come back.  "I can't take anyone's place, he said, squeezing her body even tighter. I just want you to make room in your heart for one more old man.  Can you do that for me Mira?  Because you know, even if you reject me, I'll always be here for you from now on."

Tears began to roll down his cheeks.  Without even noticing it, chi began to flow through Sethrol's body once more.  The power was palpable, somehow covering Mira as well.  It was as if it was protecting her too.  "Always."

In that moment, Sethrol the Calm let go of something else, the fear of burden itself.


Arena 1

His words found nothing but fury, at first. She kept striking, and hitting, faster as if she could silence Sethrol before he could finish and thereby silence her eyes. Her damned eyes, showing that weakness now of all times in front of everyone, in front of them-!

"I'm sorry."

Mira's fist froze in place, her arm reared back in preparation for a knockout punch, and gave her old teacher the opportunity he needed to put his arms around her. "... stop..." she said, whispering as the treacherous tears fell all the more freely down onto the old man below. She made to push away, but his strength.

This was the First Art. Her old teacher wasn't holding back anymore. He could sense her pain, as she could feel the warmth of his sincerity. "... just stop it, sensei...!"

While he? He could feel now, with a clarity that had all so long eluded him, the corruption lurking in Mira's bones. It was more than just the obvious demon charms - the true sickness within.

As Sethrol lost himself in his newfound mastery of the senses, Mira slowly lowered her arm down to her side.

"... just stop."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1462 on: May 01, 2020, 08:17:17 PM »

"Cur. If I didn't have a date with Mira later in this tournament, I'd put you down right here and now." She let his hand slam into her neck, grabbing his wrist moments later. Her other leg spun around, and she slammed her knee right into his ribs. "People's lives-they have meaning, beyond your little bubble. Friends, family, even strangers- everybody's the main character of their own story!"

She squeezed his wrist, threatening to break his bones. "Don't be so conceited!"

Vega - Arena 8

What you have isn't love. Love is a beautiful, mutual thing-and in your world, there isn't room for others.

The kick slammed ruthlessly into his chest. This time, decisively, the rider could not escape the beast’s horns. No, it wasn’t the kick’s untethered strength that stopped his heart. And thus, the man’s vision fades.

This whole time, he had never looked at his opponent in the eye. Not until now. But the one he was staring at wasn’t the cruel demon. No. It was nothing more than a ghost from the past.

This is the story of the only woman he ever loved.

Spoiler for Hiden:

“What a beautiful sun. Let’s stay here just a little while. Just a little longer. Vega…”

A cold hand clasped around a child’s warm fingers. The voice was loving. Filled with warm, beautiful words. Yet that beauty couldn’t block his tears. Despite that, the woman smiled. She truly was beautiful. As white and pure as snow.

“I love you.”

Yet this tale did not start under the apple tree, basking in the beautiful sun. When it began, the pages were tainted by thunder and the raging waters of a flood. The downpour was as violent as it was cruel on that day. The fateful day when he was born. Unwilling to raise another child, his father had left him to drown in the river. A cold, cruel fate.

The cruelty of the storm.

“Kh- Vega! Vegaaaaa! Aaaaah! …Ack!” The one fighting that fate on that day was none other than a woman. A lone, frail, poor thing who had known nothing but coldness and poverty. A woman, thrown away as nothing more than used scraps, and a child who had been thrown away as nothing more than a hindrance. But that was hardly unexpected. At that time, it wasn’t uncommon for those too weak to survive to meet such an end. The water filling the baby’s lungs and the coldness assailing his soul were all just nature running its course.

“Stupid whore… Did she seriously give that brat a name? Hah! Whatever, good riddance!” The nobleman just watched as the two were swallowed by the waters.

However, a woman’s conviction isn’t as easily shaken as a few waves. A mother’s pride wouldn’t let it happen. The river slammed against her face, but the moment she grabbed her child, she fought tooth and nail to keep him away from the waves. “Vega!! Ack… Ah! Thank you… Thank you! Thank you, God!” And once the waves drowned her words, only the sounds of the two struggling against the world could be spoken. Yet when she heard her child breathe again, wordlessly, the fire in her eyes burned with resolve.

He would live.

His mother risked her own life to save him from drowning, upon which his alcoholic father left them both. She became employed by a farm, but she and Vega lived in poverty in the stables. Five years later, the man that had arranged her employment demanded sexual favors from her, and upon her refusal, sabotaged their means to get food. No matter how hard the times he and his mother fell on, she refused to discard of what little dignity they had left.

"Remember this, Vega. You are special. A chosen existence. You will shine, I know you will."

Her son would work tirelessly too, covered in dirt and ash to the point he would get picked on and called names. He'd get hit and beaten again and again, it was nothing short of discrimination. But he didn't care. At the time, he shouldered everything just so he could help his mother. Many times, they would even be left to starve for days on end. And every time, she would tend to him and his bruises.

Even on that day.

The golden-haired child… Vega… was the first to notice. “There’s…! There’s a hole in your cup…  and mine too!”

A child’s world is innocent. In a way, he was used to the harshness of the world. But he’d never have imagined the depths of society’s darkness could go this far. They had not gotten any food for a week. Even the scraps he managed to steal weren't enough for the two of them. Vega had not eaten for days, and tried his hardest to make sure his mother had food. His eyes, even now a child’s eyes, were hurt. But he couldn’t let his mother take on the whole burden. That day, he stormed off to the soup kitchens himself. “Mister! Someone put holes in my cup. Mothers too! It wasn’t me or my mother.”

Of course, even back then, the child could hear the snickers and the mocking jeers. He simply didn’t pay them mind. Vega couldn’t have understood back then.

“Oh really? Well well well, who in the world did it? … Be sure to tell me if you find out kiddo. What a waste, I can’t give you your portion like that.”

No, it wasn’t that Vega didn’t understand. It was simply an innocent kid’s faith in others. His mother looked on from behind, realizing the truth behind the mocking snickers and whispered words. All they had was each other. It was simply the reality of this world. Nothing could change that. Because of that, they could only fight.

"O-oh! What if we used this instead?" The hopeful child didn't give up either and instead brought a bucket. This only made the rest hoot even louder, that man included. The only ones who weren't laughing were Vega and his mother. "Are you retarded kid? That's the animal's pail! Don't be a fool! We don't want them to smell like gravy and stew, do we?" The world is simply unfair. Injustice, discrimination, mockery, all of these things just make it an uglier place for everybody.

For a child, the society of that time could be merciless and unforgiving. "Oi oi oi! C'mon! Scram you damn brat! Can't you see you've got people waiting in line? Shoo!"

But the kid wouldn't give up against this world! He hurried back to his mother. "I'm okay. I wasn't that hungry anyway." It was the only thing left to do at that moment. Vega smiled at her sadly. Thinking, trying to come up with a solution. "I got it!" Vega did something unthinkable. Of course, for a child confronted with an unthinkable situation, unthinkable cruelty... this had been the only solution. "We can use this!" And at that moment, even his mother's expression changed. She was shocked.

"We've got our shoes! We can get him to pour the soup here!"

That was the first time, and the only time she ever raised a hand against him. The slap didn't hurt. It was actually strange, how little strength it had. Even at the time, Vega couldn't understand. A moment later, she coughed and turned away.


And this time, it was his mother that shouldered onwards. To fight. And in order to fight, she would do the unthinkable. That woman, her pride, her entire being acted on that moment. So she cupped her hands in front of that man. She held them and spoke.

"Please... could I have some soup? In these hands, would you kindly?"

Suddenly, no one was laughing anymore.
Even that man looked at her, utterly dumbfounded. "Go ahead, please. Right here. In these hands."

Vega's eyes were wide in horror. He was the first... and the only one to speak. "MOTHER! STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Tears were streaming from his face, this sight was the kind that would be burned into his brain for the rest of his life. And yet, even despite the pain, that woman endured it without a sound. Her heart and soul were resolute. She was... beautiful.

"No matter what the people or the status are, we cannot forget our dignity. What about tomorrow? And the day next? We must protect our pride." Her posture didn't crumble for a second, even when the boiling food seared her hands, she walked to her son with the same kindness as ever. But all the horrified Vega could see were her burning hands. "Eat this. Grow big and strong... to protect your mother...."

On that day, he realized the ugliness of this world. And just how beautiful a person could be.


Vega's mother continued to work and work. She had put her body, her soul, her pride, and even her mind on the line. And one year later, she even gave her life. She caught a disease called tetanus and died at the age of 23. However, Vega knew the truth. His mother couldn't die from something like that. The germs that came in through her burns were severe, but he was certain she could have lived.

The reason she died was due to her broken pride.

Imagine having to carry your mother's dying body at the age of six. Even for anyone, this kind of weight is too much for such a small body to bear. But she had asked him to see the sun one last time. So despite everything, he walked forward. A six year old boy, no more than a child.

“What a beautiful sun. Let’s stay here just a little while. Just a little longer. Vega…”

A cold hand clasped around a child’s warm fingers. The voice was loving. Filled with warm, beautiful words. Yet that beauty couldn’t block his tears. Despite that, the woman smiled. She truly was beautiful. As white and pure as snow. 

"What are you saying... mother... don't say such silly things. You'll be fine. You'll be fine... please... I'll find somebody to fix you... you'll get better..." Tears streamed down the child's face. Even then, his mother touched his face lovingly and wiped them away.

"It'll be fine. You are strong. My son... my beautiful son. You are the greatest one... the brightest star in the world... don't cry. You are a king. A king of kings. Your life will be great. I'm sure your road will be filled with glory."

"...don't. Please don't... don't leave me alone..."

And so, she finally drew her last breath. Her final words. Her will. "So beautiful."

All that was left was a lone child. A victim of this twisted, broken world. This world is warped, ugly, and imperfect. If only it could be changed. Someone must change and fix this rotten society. And so, as Vega grew older and stronger, he swore to himself-

"To find that man and get revenge! And all of those rats and pigs, commoners who looked down on us just because it wasn't clear who my father was! You all abandoned my mother. You disposed of us because it reminded you of how warped and ugly you all are! And you nobles, who refused to help us and save my mother, simply because we lacked the money. I will never forgive any of you! YOU'RE ALL GUILTY!!"

His beauty, his power, his resolve all burned like a sun. A sun that would surely end up consuming his soul, and the lives of all those who wronged him.


And from that day onwards, he decided he would only look into his own [SELF]. This way, he would never have to lose anyone important. He would become so strong, taking anything from him would be considered utter madness!

Vega smiled. Suddenly, he kicked his red cape from under Vanilla's chest. It wrapped around her field of vision, and blocked him from the audience for a moment.

The others couldn't tell, even Valilla wouldn't realize until it was too late.

With this technique, he created an opening - to cut his own hand, and leap down from her hold. The next thing everyone knew, he was already plummeting towards the flowery ground, arms spread and a smile as beautiful and glorious as the sun. He wouldn't lose under that filthy demon's terms.


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1463 on: May 01, 2020, 09:01:46 PM »


A man turned around to greet Seras, his entire body obscured by shadow.  She remembered how big he was, how powerful he was and even how wise he was, but nothing beyond that.  In a sense, the memory of him was just as abstract as the very concept of a master in of itself.

"Jasmine.  We train together every day for the same amount of time.  Why is she stronger than me?  No matter what I do, I can never beat her in a fight."

The man ran his hand along his chin.

"Maybe you need to train harder?"

"But I can't!  I can't train harder master.  I've spent weeks training every single day as long as I can as much as I can.  I can never catch up.  Even worse, she's getting further and further away.  We... we can't even do duels together.  I went to another dojo and asked another master.  Talent... do you think she is just more talented than me?"

"Jasmine has her own reasons for becoming strong, her own way of doing things.  Its not just her drive but... how do I put this.... her individuality?  When someone embraces what makes themselves different from others, they often attain a strength far beyond their peers."

"So... she's just better than me?"

Arena 2

The woman continued walking, even as the island shook and rumbled, even as the geyser erupted.  However, the second she heard the sound of air meeting the ground, the natural presence of a man glaring at her from behind, her entire body jumped.  The dojo master refused to turn around, refused to acknowledge the man behind her, refused to acknowledge the merits of a fool who cheated fate.  There was only her back.  Those muscles bulging from her back, the perfectly straight posture, the refusal to acknowledge what laid before her, it was as if she was saying,

You never saw past the sun, so it doesn't count.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 09:08:27 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1464 on: May 02, 2020, 04:22:45 AM »

Pain, suffering, isolation: the simple pain of living life alone.  No that wasn't it, it was the feeling of having people who engage in the simple touch of day to day interaction.  It was the stress of dealing with flawed people, flawed parents, one better than him, one worse.  Squeezing tighter, Sethrol bit his lip, feeling the salty taste of tears spilling into his mouth.

"You know I can't Mira," he whispered.  "Do you think I can leave you alone after seeing those tears?  You said you didn't know anything about love right?  When your little girl cries in front of you, the first feeling that takes over is this sensation, impulse maybe, to end her suffering at all cost.  If someone is hurting her, they must be crushed.  If something is scaring her, it must disappear.  When the tears keep falling.... and you can't stop it, there are few things that make a man feel more helpless.  Thats why...."

The old man grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled back, staring at her right in the eye.  His pupil's shimmered from the tears still sitting atop his flushed now rosy cheeks.
 "its easier to look away, belive in anything that can give you any sense of reassurance, like your own strength."

He knew she wouldn't want to hear anything more, but that's why he had to speak.  "Mira people were watching.  People saw you get taken advantage of in public.  When I heard about that I....  I couldn't lie to myself anymore.  I want to know how you feel towards her.  Will I ever be able to enjoy a cup of tea with you in my dojo again?  Will I ever be able to watch over you again as you train?  Mira.... Please...."


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1465 on: May 02, 2020, 04:59:12 AM »

Arena 6

Nanako had certainly had fun with the fight so far, but the girl's slipperiness was starting to wear on her. She wasn't even hitting back now, just dodging! Even the cute way those panties struggled to contain the girl's package barely did anything for her at this point. Spectral wings burst from Nanako's back as well, launching her into the air with nary a move on her part.

"Those are cute on you, but are you sure it isn't too tight down there?" the squirrel girl called out, skillfully feinting a quick grab at her legs, only for her hand to dart in to latch onto that hefty sack instead!


Arena 6

Coconut continued to ascend, easily dodging Nanako's attack. "What, are you stupid or something?" She lifted her legs up into the air, out of Nanako's reach.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1466 on: May 02, 2020, 05:19:19 AM »

Arena 5

Neil's eyes sharpened for a moment as Wendy charged in as well, only to widen slightly as the arena outright caved in under their feet. Shaking it off just as fast, the werewolf's eyes shone with cruel light as he saw the cloud of dust waiting for them below.


Arena 5

The Wendigo slid down into the pit of her own creation, surrounded by the cacophonous collapse of bones and stone underneath her feet, leaving her knee deep within the mess. Her eyes gleamed purple as she finally began to approach her prey, and a low chuckle began to echo through the chamber.

"Ehehehehe-ehehehehehehe..." She opened her palms and extended her arms as if she were about to hug him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1467 on: May 02, 2020, 06:30:21 PM »

"You rotten little cur-" Vanilla exclaimed. She immediately spun around in the air, facing her palm downwards. The barely contained power within her palm crackled. Sparks of magical energy rushed up her arm, and she unleashed the blast in a wave. The power may have been diffuse, but with that much time spent charging it, she was sure it would be enough to finish him off. Her tail snaked up, tearing the cape off of her head.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1468 on: May 02, 2020, 06:44:49 PM »


A man turned around to greet Seras, his entire body obscured by shadow.  She remembered how big he was, how powerful he was and even how wise he was, but nothing beyond that.  In a sense, the memory of him was just as abstract as the very concept of a master in of itself.

"Jasmine.  We train together every day for the same amount of time.  Why is she stronger than me?  No matter what I do, I can never beat her in a fight."

The man ran his hand along his chin.

"Maybe you need to train harder?"

"But I can't!  I can't train harder master.  I've spent weeks training every single day as long as I can as much as I can.  I can never catch up.  Even worse, she's getting further and further away.  We... we can't even do duels together.  I went to another dojo and asked another master.  Talent... do you think she is just more talented than me?"

"Jasmine has her own reasons for becoming strong, her own way of doing things.  Its not just her drive but... how do I put this.... her individuality?  When someone embraces what makes themselves different from others, they often attain a strength far beyond their peers."

"So... she's just better than me?"

Arena 2

The woman continued walking, even as the island shook and rumbled, even as the geyser erupted.  However, the second she heard the sound of air meeting the ground, the natural presence of a man glaring at her from behind, her entire body jumped.  The dojo master refused to turn around, refused to acknowledge the man behind her, refused to acknowledge the merits of a fool who cheated fate.  There was only her back.  Those muscles bulging from her back, the perfectly straight posture, the refusal to acknowledge what laid before her, it was as if she was saying,

You never saw past the sun, so it doesn't count.

Zeke Arena 2

"Heheeee... heheheheeeeeeee~ <3 So strong! So strong! Ahhhn~! Let's play! PlAy! plAY! PLay!" It giggled like a child, its skin cracking and revealing a bottomless night. Whatever that thing was, it was clear what it meant. An unchangeable, immutable, all-consuming darkness was being born.

That darkness came shooting down on the woman, in the form of dozens of clones. Fists, kicks, misdirections, falsehoods. No, they were all real. Living things, darknesses carelessly thhorwn away like trash for the sake of its ambition. It wasn't the darkness that was coming to her.

But light.

The sad, broken, deluded man shot straight to Seras's side to punch her. Faster, stronger than before! Yet there was nothing in that heart of his. Nothing more than the beastly hunger for victory. For more!

The reason Zeke fought. His pride as a primordial existance. Overcoming the man who subjugated the night, his father. And the promise to the one he loved. Zeke had completely forgotten about all of these.

He did not do so consciously.

Yet, subconsciously, the dark man must have realized. Pride. Desire. Love. While he claimed he was a free and carefree existance, he was burdened by so many things. Even the moment he met his opponent, he thought and overthought and focused on past or future circumstances. He had forgotten his creed. To focus on the present.

No matter how intense, his current will was half baked. Incomplete. So it'd be best if he toppled it all down and turned a fresh page.

But he wouldn't stop with a single strike. Forgetting everything, throwing away everything, he hurled a flurry of punches to topple her with everything he had. No, more than everything he had. For the first time since he had come to this world, Zeke raises his fist in earnest!

I fight, therefore I am!

"Pugno... ergo... sum!"


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Re: Elizabeth's Domain
« Reply #1469 on: May 03, 2020, 03:39:23 AM »

Arena 5

The werewolf stood knee deep in the dead, the crashing rubble overtaking whatever noise came from the crowds. As he rose to his full height, fur stained crimson like a mad macabre masterpiece, Neil looked over at his foe, her laughter cutting through the cacophony like knives through pliant flesh. The corpses around him burned in his mere presence, his focus sharpening to his foe once more as he burst into motion.

Down here, there would be no where left to run, so he didn't bother. Instead, he charged right in, cutting through the viscera like a cutter through a stormy sea, rage pulsing harder and harder in his veins as if trying to burst free of his flesh. The hunter's focused narrowed down to just his foe, watching how she moved, how she welcomed him like the gates of hell, yawning wide open to let him in.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses