Author Topic: The Slums  (Read 36303 times)


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #285 on: August 25, 2019, 06:47:08 AM »

The girl stared at Lora for a moment before silently handing her back the phone. "Have a good day."

The girl quickly began walking again at a brisk pace, faster than a human could and turned the corner, clearly attempting to get away. Or to lure Lora somewhere.
Mothra (as Lora):

While the strange woman walked away, Lora turned and went in the opposite direction. At least, until she came across an alleyway. Quickly ducking in, she took stock of the environment - coast is clear! Insectoid wings emerged from her back, folding around her form until her body was obscured. A moment passed, then her wings shot wide open in a blinding flash of light! Mothra's Kaiju Form, her true form, came into being.

The Mahou Kaiju shot straight up into the air, only to swiftly turn ninety degrees, hugging the rooftop of the building. She was heading the same direction she last saw the mystery woman heading, trying her best to fly out sight. It wasn't long until she relocated her target - Mothra immediately slowed down to match her pace, staying up and behind her using the very rooftops to hide.


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #286 on: August 27, 2019, 01:50:10 AM »

The woman ran away, fast. She sprinted between the alleys, keeping herself aware of anybody following her. It was only after five minutes did she seem to relax her guard, leaning against the wall. She let her hood down, revealing long silvery hair flowing down her back.

"The mistress would have my hide if I got caught." She muttered to herself, slamming her fist into a wall. It shattered with the impact, dust and rubble raining down on top of her.


[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Slums
« Reply #287 on: August 27, 2019, 04:07:40 AM »

"Would be easier if someone was willing to form sentences," he rumbled to Suerte, eyeing the door that closed behind them for a moment. "But we'll figure it out."

It was a scene of intentional, supernatural carnage. He's seen a million of them in his lifetime, but the ones he remembered were all unique, and so was this one. The rider crouched by the wet, suspect floor, then by the corpses, by the crater in the wall, surveying the scars of murderous intent around them and every way things could flow in and out of the room. His senses were sharpened by experience and millennia-old knowledge of weaponry and destruction - not in another thousand years would he fail to identify the way in which a body had been thrashed so long as long as something resembling conventional tools had been used.

But while he ran over these thing more by instinct than intent, his thoughts turned to the oddities of the crime. It was a message, or a declaration, for there was no way such a flagrant scene could remain so perfectly whole even now. Someone had really gone out of their way to make art out of what might have been a simple hit.

He appreciated poetic retribution, but the aesthetic that seeed to be used here was lost on him. Justice instead looked to Suerte and the glint that seemed either like confusion or recognition in her eye.

"What do you make of these two?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #288 on: August 27, 2019, 09:01:34 PM »

Suerte giggled at his comment, placing a hand over her lips.  Her hands gathered behind her back, pushing her chest forward.  Turning her head away, she said, "Well... these two worked for someone I was having a job interview for."

She folded her arms, detaching from Justice's arm.  Unless she takes it back, Justice should be luckier for a few hours.  However, that does leave her a little more valnurable if they get seperated or if something particularly catastrophic occurs.  "They were a little touchy but they didn't deserve all that."

That is what she said, but in truth she felt a deep catharsis at having them die right after rejecting her.  Especially considering she might have been able to prevent this.


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #289 on: August 29, 2019, 07:17:19 AM »

The woman ran away, fast. She sprinted between the alleys, keeping herself aware of anybody following her. It was only after five minutes did she seem to relax her guard, leaning against the wall. She let her hood down, revealing long silvery hair flowing down her back.

"The mistress would have my hide if I got caught." She muttered to herself, slamming her fist into a wall. It shattered with the impact, dust and rubble raining down on top of her.



"Mistress, huh?" Mothra thought, peering over the edge of the rooftop.

Her body shook when the woman down below smacked the building. It might have just been years of neglect eroding the foundation of the structure...but why take the chance when alternate paths are available? Itnstead of swooping down to demand answers at scythe-point, the mahou kaiju instead reached out with her mind. Within a moment, a mental connection was created - it's a violation of another person's privacy, sure, but there is probable cause as far as she was concerned.


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #290 on: August 31, 2019, 04:51:13 AM »
The Scene of The crime

The scene of the slaughter was self evident. It didn't need to be re-stated. The corpses were mangled, and worst of all, their faces cleanly cleaved off, as if some beast gnawed it off in one chomp. As it was, it was impossible to even identify them. But going from their size and stature, they seemed to be healthy.

No, there were two oddities. For one, the wounds looked clean, something that lacked the roughness of a monster's claw or the like. The cuts on the ground were so smooth you could glide your finger on them, and in a sick way, the wounds on their bodies were just as neat. As if they were carved into some kind of artwork with a masterful stroke. But other than the various sliced surroundings and furniture, there were.... little signs of a clash. The two should be strong enough to do some damage to their surroundings, but the beast seemed to have been the only one rampaging.

Which brought him to the second oddity. There were bruises around their necks. SUbtle, but noticeable enough to tell. They were self inflicted.


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #291 on: September 03, 2019, 01:04:03 AM »

The woman ran away, fast. She sprinted between the alleys, keeping herself aware of anybody following her. It was only after five minutes did she seem to relax her guard, leaning against the wall. She let her hood down, revealing long silvery hair flowing down her back.

"The mistress would have my hide if I got caught." She muttered to herself, slamming her fist into a wall. It shattered with the impact, dust and rubble raining down on top of her.



"Mistress, huh?" Mothra thought, peering over the edge of the rooftop.

Her body shook when the woman down below smacked the building. It might have just been years of neglect eroding the foundation of the structure...but why take the chance when alternate paths are available? Itnstead of swooping down to demand answers at scythe-point, the mahou kaiju instead reached out with her mind. Within a moment, a mental connection was created - it's a violation of another person's privacy, sure, but there is probable cause as far as she was concerned.


Clara, you idiot! What were you thinking! Mothra heard her berating herself. You need to get these souls to Madame Eru, or she won't- or she won't give you your reward!

Mothra could sense a love bordering on fanaticism from the woman for a blond elf she was thinking about. Love that went far beyond what a normal person could feel. The intensity was painful, dangerous. She'd kill without a second thought to make this woman happy.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #292 on: September 03, 2019, 01:17:31 AM »

His eyes lidded and brows furrowed at what he found, and he looked back at Suerte. "Touchy how?" He asked.

Justice rose, pacing as he cast his attention over each disconnected detail. "This was all made very carefully for such a chaotic scene. Perhaps by a worn claw, or multiple blades. There was no actual fight. But why are their necks bruised like they tried to choke themselves? It's a terribly poor method to end your own life."

Justice thought of it for a second.

"Did the perpetrator interrupt them?" But the only reason he'd do that would be if they still had something he wanted before he ended them. Perhaps they didn't even try it of their free will, but once the 'murder artist' was done with them, it was useless to keep them alive.

His silver eyes rested on Suerte again. "What happened here was brought on by whatever they did or were. What you didn't do is not a reason to worry over," he said. Justice tilted his head to the corpses again. "What was the job?"

[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #293 on: September 03, 2019, 11:36:47 PM »

Suerte folded her arms over her chest, blocking her cleavage.  Her gaze averted Justice's cold inqury.  That wasn't to say it was unpleasent.  No, such a passionate mind was appealing in its own way, but she was starting to realize that maybe she had done something wrong.  This couldn't have been her fault could it?

"Well they threw me out of course," she said with a huff.  "They told me I was gross.  As for the job, they didn't give it to me."

Her face turned red, giving her back to Justice to hide the visual shame.  "I failed the interview so quickly they didn't even tell me the job....."

Suerte's body continued spinning until she was facing Justice again, her arms falling to her sides.  "You think it was a some sort of mind control?" she asked, pushing her lower lip up with her finger.  "I mean if I were a better mage, I could trace the magic but i'm really only good at building things."


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #294 on: September 04, 2019, 08:08:00 AM »

Clara, you idiot! What were you thinking! Mothra heard her berating herself. You need to get these souls to Madame Eru, or she won't- or she won't give you your reward!

Mothra could sense a love bordering on fanaticism from the woman for a blond elf she was thinking about. Love that went far beyond what a normal person could feel. The intensity was painful, dangerous. She'd kill without a second thought to make this woman happy.

Mothra narrowed her eyes. Denying a soul's passage to the hereafter was a grievous sin, stealing it from the living even more-so. She should know...

This level of fanaticism is abnormal - either this woman is being mentally manipulated by this Madame Eru, or she was broken down and built back up. Either way, she needs to be stopped before she harms anyone else - the souls must be recovered as at any cost. Summoning her talons, she dived off the side of the building.

The mahou kaiju all but slammed onto the ground. Yet, in a flash, she bolted forward and slammed Clara to the wall, left arm pinning her there across her chest. To create further intimidation (and to box her captive in further), Mothra swung her right hand's talon into the wall next to her head!

With Clara seemingly secured, time to begin her own brand of interrogation! Mothra reconnected her mind with her prisoner's, ensuring that she can see through any lie as well as to glean additional information. "Nice little toy there,"she began, a hint of steel in her voice and eyes gleaming with animosity, "Who do you have in it?"
« Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 08:09:20 AM by MissingMandible »


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #295 on: September 04, 2019, 05:22:49 PM »

Fear. Animosity. Sadness. Determination. The homunculus was taken by surprise and slammed against the rubble of the crumbled building. She felt some of her ribs break and began coughing up blood from the force of the impact.

Damage assessment-critically injured. Escape inplausible

Mothra heard a cold and calculated voice in the girl's mind. And then, a new emotion surfaced: resignation.

Clara vomited blood up, spitting it up onto the mothgirl's face. She wrapped her arms and legs around the girl's torso, holding her tightly.

My lady gives lost souls new life. My mistress would never do, can't do any wrong! She replied. Mothra felt a sudden increase in magical energy in the woman's chest, growing exponentially. I will NEVER betray her! She'll give both of us new life, and then you'll understand!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #296 on: September 05, 2019, 02:13:01 AM »

The ancient, otherworldly cowboy looked back at Suerte placidly. His scarf shook with the rumble of his voice. "Looks like that was their loss."

Justice stopped pacing, crossing his arms.

"I use magic, but I'm not a sorcerer," he said, as though it was natural to expect the difference to not be lost on her. "There isn't much I can gather from just looking. A third party might have tried to tie a loose end, and the murderer arrived in time to stop that, before dealing with it on their own."

He shook his head and walked towards the door. "We need more context."
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 02:13:55 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #297 on: September 05, 2019, 02:45:59 PM »

Fear. Animosity. Sadness. Determination. The homunculus was taken by surprise and slammed against the rubble of the crumbled building. She felt some of her ribs break and began coughing up blood from the force of the impact.

Damage assessment-critically injured. Escape inplausible

Mothra heard a cold and calculated voice in the girl's mind. And then, a new emotion surfaced: resignation.

Clara vomited blood up, spitting it up onto the mothgirl's face. She wrapped her arms and legs around the girl's torso, holding her tightly.

My lady gives lost souls new life. My mistress would never do, can't do any wrong! She replied. Mothra felt a sudden increase in magical energy in the woman's chest, growing exponentially. I will NEVER betray her! She'll give both of us new life, and then you'll understand!


The kaiju girl gave a startled squeak when her captive doused her face with blood, confusion only increasing when the woman wrapped around her. Then, Mothra realized she was going to blow herself up...

Mothra took a few steps back, leaving her free talon embedded in the wall. Face twisting in strain, she tried to wrench her left arm free while trying to push the other woman with her right. Despite being weaker than her, the other woman just had too many points of contact, especially since she had the mahou kaiju's left arm trapped between their chests. With her opponent's magical energy rising, Mothra started to panic!

It was no longer the time to think, it was time to just act. Survival instincts kicking in, Mothra surged forward again and slammed into the wall. Her free hand shot out, grabbing hold of the embedded talon's handle and yanked it free. She then drove the pointed in right into the blonde's skull...
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 04:59:39 PM by Sinib »


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #298 on: September 05, 2019, 05:05:43 PM »

Fear. Animosity. Sadness. Determination. The homunculus was taken by surprise and slammed against the rubble of the crumbled building. She felt some of her ribs break and began coughing up blood from the force of the impact.

Damage assessment-critically injured. Escape inplausible

Mothra heard a cold and calculated voice in the girl's mind. And then, a new emotion surfaced: resignation.

Clara vomited blood up, spitting it up onto the mothgirl's face. She wrapped her arms and legs around the girl's torso, holding her tightly.

My lady gives lost souls new life. My mistress would never do, can't do any wrong! She replied. Mothra felt a sudden increase in magical energy in the woman's chest, growing exponentially. I will NEVER betray her! She'll give both of us new life, and then you'll understand!


The kaiju girl gave a startled squeak when her captive doused her face with blood, confusion only increasing when the woman wrapped around her. Then, Mothra realized she was going to blow herself up...

Mothra took a few steps back, leaving her free talon embedded in the wall. Face twisting in strain, she tried to wrench her left arm free while trying to push the other woman with her right. Despite being weaker than her, the other woman just had too many points of contact, especially since she had the mahou kaiju's left arm trapped between their chests. With her opponent's magical energy rising, Mothra started to panic!

It was no longer the time to think, it was time to just act. Survival instincts kicking in, Mothra surged forward again and slammed into the wall. Her free hand shot out, grabbing hold of the embedded talon's handle and yanked it free. She then drove the pointed in right into the blonde's skull...


This was it...

Clara had failed. She'd failed. She'd failed. Failedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailedfailed!

She wasn't going to be able to detonate in time. Even her last ditch efforts had failed. She was worthless! Worthless to her mistress! Her queen!

Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks as the hand plunged into her skull, destroying her fragile brain held inside. As the hand cut through her like a hot blade through butter, the spell that she'd been gestating inside of her went out of control, blowing out her back. With her own viscera and gore splattered on the rubble behind them, Clara's eyes turned dull as she returned to her lifeless sleep once again, wondering if Eru would revive her once more...

The last thought Mothra read was the girl's memory of a smiling elf's face with a distinctive purple gem embedded in her forehead.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 05:09:26 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The Slums
« Reply #299 on: September 05, 2019, 10:21:12 PM »

Suerte turned her head, watching Justice walk away.  Then, it returned to the scene of the crime.  Standing before the blood bath, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.  A chill ran through her body, a shiver through her spine, down her legs.  Yet there was another feeling, one just as strong.  Part of her wondered if she should have just taken the job for free.  Maybe they wouldn't have died.  She could have saved their lives and gotten her thrill.  Now she was just doing the first one.

Turning back to Justice, she jumped when she saw he was already by the entrance.  She bolted to his side, placing her arms behind her back as she stared up at him from below.  "And how are we going to do that?"