Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88498 times)


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Pine Garden
« on: March 31, 2019, 07:26:57 PM »
Pine Garden

One of the richer districts in the nexus, not because of the general prosperity of the area, but due to some of the people who live there. Nothing better exemplifies the difference in wealth and status than this district. It's split up into two distinct sections, The Hillside and the Valley.

On the Hillside is where all the wealth and power in the area is clustered. It's an exorbitant and borderline disgusting display of "prosperity". Mansion upon sparkling mansion blots the entire hill, the influence of the people living here casting a shadow both metaphorically and literally on the people living below in squalor. The average Nexus resident could only dream to live here as the property prices are higher than they'll ever make in their entire lives.

After a recent disaster known as the Blight, a large chunk of the Valley has been left devastated. What was once a sprawling collection of middle class urban residential areas have mostly been reduced to smoldering ruins for the lowest situated parts in the valley. Those living a bit further up still have functioning infrastructure to support them tho. Down where the concentration of Blight was at it's strongest, the water itself has turned toxic and the vegetation has died, there's even rumors of strange beasts being spotted.

The Harrington Estate

A Millenia old mansion belonging to the Harrington family. It's located close to the center of the Hillside and is currently owned by Chief of Pine Garden, Lady Amanda Harrington. It's pristine walls present a symbol of respect, or at least they used to be until the rumors about the current spread.

Despite what it's inviting appreance may tell you, approaching uninvited could spell disaster for you. Ever since it was raised, layers upon layers of protective measures have been added and the current mansion you see today is in fact not even there really. The actual mansion is hidden inside of a seperate pocket dimension with the house you see from outside merely being a projected image of what it looks like, the only physically existing object is the door which is the gateway in. The interiors themselves have been reinforced too in order to withstand all but the mightiest of blows as well as filled with numerous deadly traps that will bathe any intruder in the wrath of the elements.


Since the Nobles are surrounded by such extravagant wealth in every concievable form, money itself has almost entirely lost value as a means of transaction between them. All that matters are the percieved prestige you posses and the exchange of favours. Favours can be almost anything from the smallest of things to lifedebts and most of them can be traded freely within this domain

Naturally down in the Valley things are a lot different. Regular old capitalism rules the day, although the gang activity is fairly high here. Some believe the gangs are merely pawns of the nobles above, that they influence them and pit them against each other for their amusement. Such thoughts however are better not spoken in public as the eyes and ears of the Nobility reach far and wide.

Or so it used to be. The Blight has changed the dynamics quite a lot. The gangs practically collapsed as their Noble backers pulled out upon seeing the Blight take form. The Valley is now in danger of being written off as a failed investment. If that were to happen the money flow down would stop all together, but so would the influence of the Nobles. Perhaps the Valley will become its own autonomous state in the future, one much poorer than before yet free from the tyranny of those up high.

Another thing of note are the "New Nobles". Despite their 'name' these people are not actually Nobility yet they live on the Hillside. They're merely people who have acquired huge wealth recently and essentially bought their way in. It should come to no surprise that the older families look down on them and in some cases see them as even worse trash than the rabble down below, for they have dared to rise above their stations.


While you might think the Chief is the one with final say in this district, that's not the case here even though you'd actually be right ordinarily. As it stands, the true power in this District is held by the Council of Nobles. They make all the decisions and the Chief is the one who executes them. Traditionally, the most powerful Noble is the Chairman of the Council, they hold the most sway and is therefore also the Chief.

However that tradition has been challenged recently as Lord Russel's faction have gained enough power to take direct control, yet have chosen not to do so. This created a whole lot of confusion as well as uncertainty in the Council that still persist to this day. Furthermore, the rumor that the current Chief is Lord Nelson's pet only serves to make this situation even more volatile, whether it's true or not.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2020, 03:33:50 AM by Bern »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2019, 06:36:00 PM »

3 AM

The exiled empress inhaled the cool night air, letting the silver shine of the moon reflect off her golden hair and unblemished skin as she pranced through the Valley in a red cocktail dress. She showed no sign of fear or caution while exploring the dark alleys, the only sign of her ability her effortless avoidance of every crevace between the cobblestones, not once getting tripped up by her heels.

"Ah, this is it. I so missed this, it was getting unbearably stuffy up there... Now, what treasures might i find in this box?"

Having said that, she peeked into one of the many dark alleys off the beaten path; wether it be an evildoer to fight or a lone drunk to embrace, the passionate flame in the night would welcome whatever would greet her on the other side of it.


What she found exceeded her expectations indeed, her lips forming a smile of surprised delight as her eyes fell on *something different* within the shadows.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2019, 07:06:00 PM »

A dark haze spread through the alleyways, the very air coated in magic that could only come from the darkness itself.  Red eyes peered from the darkness, waiting to seek out new pray.  Tonight's meal was... a busty blond girl?

Emerging from the shadows, those red eyes gave way to a simple girl.  Staring at the blond she said, "You know what, i'm not even in the mood to eat you tonight.  You can go home if you want."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2019, 07:31:48 PM »

As soon as the blonde's guard went up, it was lowered again. What she found was an utterly adorable specimen of a girl!
Completely ignoring the martial words, she jumped onto the demon like a kitten on a new toy.

"My, how lovely! I did not expect finding such a treat today, umu! You said you wanted to eat? Come with me, come with me, i shall prepare a banquet the likes you've never seen! Pancakes and honey, wine and fruits, the most wonderful bread and fish, and all the garum you could ever want!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2019, 07:40:35 PM »

The demon looked around.  She had remembered to cast the spell right?  The darkness had spread, blocking out even the sunlight reflected by the moon.  Yes, they were surrounded by darkness, her darkness.  Why wasn't she scared?

Feeling the woman's warmth, wrapped around her, the demon stared at the body caging her in its embrace.  "Aren't you scared of me?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2019, 07:47:00 PM »


The fallen tyrant looked back at the demoness, her smile as bright as the sun.

"Why would I be scared of you?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2019, 08:03:19 PM »

The young demon paused, her body shaking a little bit.  "What?  Why would you be scared?  What kind of question is that?!  I am a godforsaken demon!  Its only natural for you humans to be scared!"

Aruna pushed the blond away.  It was strange how warm her smile was.  It was oddly inviting.  "Besides, I don't eat human food."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2019, 08:47:01 PM »

"A demon, huh? I think i recall some of those "christian" people call me that sometime, but i don't really know much about it... I always just thought it was an insult of theirs..."

Curiously, the empress of roses eyed the demoness.

"So this is what they meant? A lot more pleasing to the eye than i thought from their tone... Umu, i see they just could not ignore my beauty in the end! So then, what do you eat?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2019, 09:20:14 PM »

The demon was dumbstruck, dumbfounded, flabbergasted even.  This was either the nicest woman in the world or the dumbest.  Wait.  How was she not scared?  Did she say her people called her a demon too?

"Wait your a demon too?" she asked.  "Odd.  You don't feel like one.  Also, if you are one, shouldn't you know that I consume souls?  I was going to eat yours just a second ago, or at least the stressed part of it."

« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 09:27:40 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2019, 09:40:58 PM »

"Hm? Am I?"

The busty blonde looked at herself from head to toe, comparing to the horned girl.

"I don't think so? I am of the line of Augustus, indeed."

After a second of hesitation, she jumped.

"Consuming my soul? Lass, you really should'nt do that! And on our first meeting, no less!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2019, 09:48:02 PM »

I shouldn't do that?  The words repeated in her mind.  Her jaw was hanging from her head, completely in awe of this woman.  That is all she wants to say after saying I would eat her soul?

"I....Who are you?" she asked.  It was the only thing she could think to say at this point.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2019, 09:56:38 PM »

Grinning from one ear to the other, the puny tyrant proceeded to perform an exaggerated bow.

"I thought you would never ask!
It is I, last of the line of Augustus, spawn of the line of Ahenobarbus, known the Empress of Roses and the Tyrant of Love,
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, in the flesh!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2019, 10:01:35 PM »

Aruna's head dipped.  All of it made total sense.  She was an idiot.

Whatever, at least that means she is harmless.

The demon's head rose, walking towards the posing blond girl.  "Aren't you a bit too... modern day to be Nero?  I was alive when Nero was you know.  I'm pretty sure Nero was a guy."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2019, 10:16:16 PM »

"Hmu, did you ever meet me at the time? I feel like i would have remembered a beaut like you... But, well, mayhaps it was during one of my.... worse episodes."

The legendary hedonist cupped her legend-worthy mamilla, demonstrating her femininity.

"I crossdressed at times, but that that was enough for the annals of history to ignore these is a bit depressing.... Well, i have a second chance to correct the record at least in this place, maybe?"

"Modern-day, you say... Well, do you know what a Servant is? in short, the earth has me again!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2019, 11:49:29 PM »

Aruna's eyes followed Nero's hands to her breasts, realizing for the first time just how stacked she was naturally.  How did an entire society not realize she was a woman.... thats odd...

Deciding to ignore the question at this point and said, "Well, in this city, I do not think anyone would care.  I have been a man and a woman, so I do not care.  As for being a servant.  I would be one if I had a master.  Unfortunately, right now I have none."