Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88661 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #585 on: October 11, 2019, 03:33:02 AM »

Emiya sighed as he quickened his pace.

Again, this is why I need to get the three of them separated.  If it keeps up like this Rin or Sakura just might kill them all.  Rin in her anger and Sakura in her belief she needs to be punished.  Poor Tsumiko is the innocent here and she didn't ask for this.  None of them asked for this.

"I don't think she would.  She'd complain and rant, but in the end she couldn't go through with it," he said, his face twisting with self-loathing.  "After all, she forgave me."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #586 on: October 11, 2019, 03:36:19 AM »

"Heh. Right." Sakura answered dejectedly. She thought back to that climactic fight in the cavern, underneath the mountain. She thought back and remembered how Rin and her had been fighting to the death.

"I can't tell you where she is. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #587 on: October 11, 2019, 03:42:10 AM »

"I betrayed her to Caster, kidnapped her to provoke Emiya Shirou into a fight, and left her tied up and helpless with Shinji and Gilgamesh running around," he said, his voice flat.

Emiya clenched his fists and said, "I think I did that multiple times, but probably not as many as having to fight Berserker to the death so they could replenish Saber's prana.  I know I killed him.  Me.  It didn't change anything, but I still kept trying."

He looked back at Sakura and said, "You gave me enough of a hint.  Now I'm just going to make some bartenders' nights miserable.  Damn, I should have worn my mantle and tail." 

He did grin a little at that.  "The Red Ranger has to keep up his appearance you know.  People can't learn that the mild-mannered repair man is the vigilante who hunts monsters at night."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #588 on: October 14, 2019, 11:46:33 PM »
Rih Tohsaka

The purple haired woman turned to the interloper and gave him a dour look. She scanned his body, glaring at him as if he was the lowest of the lowlives on earth.

"And why are you bothering me, good sir." She answered after a full minute of glaring.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #589 on: October 15, 2019, 02:27:00 AM »
Horrigan and Haluth:

8:20 P.M.
With a final blare of its horn, the small cargo ship Orschwire came to a stop at the dock. Within minutes, the port crew were unloading the crates filled with expensive commodities intended for the more affluent members of the Pine Gardens district. The normality of the scene was disrupted by a pair of rather unusual individuals walking down the ramp from the boat.

There was nothing subtle about either of them: one was a seven-foot-tall hooded pile of rags, the other a bear of a man with a minigun strapped to his left arm. In the latter's right hand was a large suitcase that looked comically small next to his large frame.

Frank hated sailing. A combination of his heavy armor and near-nonexistent body fat ensures that, if he were to fall into deep water, he'd sink like a boulder. The journey was over, though. Now was the easiest part...

The super mutant gripped the suitcase handle tighter once he stepped onto dry land. A quick once-over of the port was all that was needed to locate his next destination: Warehouse 16. That's where the contact was to take the goods. "This way," he grunted to his companion before walking towards the building.

Haluth, for her part, was busy taking in the sights. She was fascinated by all the machinery in motion, the workers busying about their work. But when her master started to move, she followed. She still tried to take quick glances around her, though...

When Horrigan suddenly stopped by a door, the Deathclaw girl nearly walked into him. Thankfully, she caught herself - he would have been mad if she did. Her master's massive frame turned to face her, his eye pieces bearing down onto her. "Wait here," he spoke, "Don't move."

With that, he opened the door, squeezing in his large body through the entryway. At least Haluth can enjoy watching the people go about their work again.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #590 on: October 16, 2019, 12:00:44 PM »

When one lives in this place that they have, they often lose a lot of wonder when it comes to the more unusual things of this realm. This was no different with Silana, who had long lost such lustre, but in its place, was a delusion that she was the most special of them all, even if she was tame by comparison. Such were the thoughts that dominated her as she worked on picking through the boxes. Whether it was through providence, or Silana's own day-dreaming, she missed the utterly unmistakeable figures of the American supersoldier and his pet murder-beast.

Her thoughts were rather dominated by her saving the world, as she unleashed her bandaged cursed right arm and other impossibilities that had little to do with her true capabilities... which is to say, nothing like her fantasies.

"Heh heh..." Drool trailed past her lips, her eyes glazed over vacantly as she carried over a box past Warehouse 16, past the Deathclaw, and towards a gaggle of other boxes workers were stacking up. "Beware Black Recall... the hero is here... money... gold... all of it. I can feel evil in the air. No doubt they're after me. But that's fine, I am ready for it all." She muttered to herself, heedless of the valuable and rather expensive contents that were jiggling in the box she was carrying.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #591 on: October 17, 2019, 04:32:00 AM »
Rih Tohsaka

The purple haired woman turned to the interloper and gave him a dour look. She scanned his body, glaring at him as if he was the lowest of the lowlives on earth.

"And why are you bothering me, good sir." She answered after a full minute of glaring.


He did not seem to be troubled by her glare, nor did he lose patience. He just met her look until she spoke up, as long as she did. Only then, did he tilt his head innocently.

"Why are you bothered?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #592 on: October 17, 2019, 09:30:56 PM »
Rih Tohsaka

The purple haired woman turned to the interloper and gave him a dour look. She scanned his body, glaring at him as if he was the lowest of the lowlives on earth.

"And why are you bothering me, good sir." She answered after a full minute of glaring.


He did not seem to be troubled by her glare, nor did he lose patience. He just met her look until she spoke up, as long as she did. Only then, did he tilt his head innocently.

"Why are you bothered?"


Rin turned her head away, downing a full bottle of whiskey with a single movement before turning her head away. A gold brick materialized in her hand before she slammed it down upon the bar and stood up to leave.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #593 on: October 19, 2019, 06:11:35 PM »

"-that's fine, I am ready for it all."

Through the bustle and hubbub, Haluth picked that up. Her face snapped to the direction she heard it come from, eyes eventually resting upon a woman carrying a box. Was master's contact going to double cross them? Are these people here actually enemies?

Glancing back at the door, the she-claw wasn't sure what to do. Master ordered her to stay here, and he doesn't like it when she goes against his wishes. But master also values initia-intitch- What was that word again? Initiation, that's right! If she takes the initiation, he might even praise her!

And so, Haluth decided to take the initiation, abandoning her post to stalk the woman.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #594 on: October 19, 2019, 09:29:59 PM »

His eyes narrowed for a moment as she turned her back to him. Hoh? So she really could not remember. Could I have been mistaken? No, her anima...

"You're an interesting person. To think I'd find someone so similar to that boy in a lousy tavern... fascinating." He poured himself another cup of tea, smiling.

"If you will not join me then at least heed a warning... from a friend. That body of yours will bring you nothing but misery." He swept a hand over the teacup, the tea leaves shifting like stars inside.

Despite his placid demeanor, there was no threat behind his ominous words. After all, they were no prediction, but a prophecy of a future one must not reach. A future he did not anyone to wish to reach no matter what.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 11:49:53 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #595 on: October 20, 2019, 06:13:05 PM »

"Fuck you." She said simply, turning her head away from the dangerous man. She'd have to talk to Sakura about him later, decide what to do about him. It seemed like he'd been stalking them for a while, and in her experience that was never a good sign.

The girl walked off towards the bathroom, intent on leaving right now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #596 on: October 21, 2019, 02:16:22 AM »

He blinked wide-eyed as the girl stormed off... to the washroom. For a moment, he just stared incredulously. Until a bird of flame appeared from the corner of his vision, cackling madly. "KAHAHAHAH! Smooth one Lamespeare! Did you think that'd have gone any differently?"

He closed his eyes with a patient smile. The following conversation rand through nothing but his mind, weaving an imaginary dream.

"Not really. It's a shame though... I did warn her. If you can blame me for something, it isn't complacency."

Despite his smile, he seemed sad for a moment. Come to think of it, he didn't really feel like drinking tea. But it seemed his nightmare didn't find it reason enough not to look for something humorous in all this.

"Pfffft! That's a good one! You just left your old body so you wouldn't have to work hard in the first place! And now you're trying to have a total stranger bear your burdens again, just because she reminds you of - SQUAAACK!"

His hand had already grabbed the fire bird's beak, shutting it with a hateful glare. No, something was different. His eyes-

"This isn't the old world doomed to be a slave to fate. People have hope. Now please, you're hurting my ears."

That seemed to have done the trick. Outraged, the bird pulled out from its grip, this time just meekly taking to the bottom of the table and pecking at a cookie crumb.

"F-fine. Jeez. Still, are you really going to try to get her into all this? You know, time isn't exactly in our favor?"

Lawrence smiled. And so, his short dream ended.

"You won't be able to run from everything you find unpleasant. I just hope you can find what you seek. Don't die on me... I do hate bad investments." His eyes were still closed, though he was awake as ever. Talking to himself all alone, he seemed to have no intention of stopping her. "I will certainly save you."
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 02:20:49 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #597 on: October 22, 2019, 02:44:48 PM »

"-that's fine, I am ready for it all."

Through the bustle and hubbub, Haluth picked that up. Her face snapped to the direction she heard it come from, eyes eventually resting upon a woman carrying a box. Was master's contact going to double cross them? Are these people here actually enemies?

Glancing back at the door, the she-claw wasn't sure what to do. Master ordered her to stay here, and he doesn't like it when she goes against his wishes. But master also values initia-intitch- What was that word again? Initiation, that's right! If she takes the initiation, he might even praise her!

And so, Haluth decided to take the initiation, abandoning her post to stalk the woman.


Meanwhile, Silana was unaware of her recent stalker. Her mind was already drawn elsewhere as the tedium of work had left her rather mentally inert, dragged to her own little world. Her job was just that boring, inglorious, and trivial. Anyone on the dime and penny can do what she does, and then some more.

"He won't see it coming..." She promised in her muttering, imagining some foe she will triumph over. Perhaps a demon lord that she'll vanquish, or some alien overlord that she'll foil. Get a big name, all of that. "But I have no fear, for I was chosen for this...!" Silana muttered some more. "He's big... he's strong, but I have an ace up my sleeves. Yeah... my secret power. He won't see it coming, that brute..." The bigger they were, the harder they fall, she thought, already picturing the alien to be a purple guy with some golden gauntlet that she'll somehow triumph over in her mind in a place called imaginary land.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #598 on: October 24, 2019, 02:48:55 PM »

Meanwhile, Silana was unaware of her recent stalker. Her mind was already drawn elsewhere as the tedium of work had left her rather mentally inert, dragged to her own little world. Her job was just that boring, inglorious, and trivial. Anyone on the dime and penny can do what she does, and then some more.

"He won't see it coming..." She promised in her muttering, imagining some foe she will triumph over. Perhaps a demon lord that she'll vanquish, or some alien overlord that she'll foil. Get a big name, all of that. "But I have no fear, for I was chosen for this...!" Silana muttered some more. "He's big... he's strong, but I have an ace up my sleeves. Yeah... my secret power. He won't see it coming, that brute..." The bigger they were, the harder they fall, she thought, already picturing the alien to be a purple guy with some golden gauntlet that she'll somehow triumph over in her mind in a place called imaginary land.


Now the she-claw was certain - this woman was going to attack Master! Haluth quickly checked her surroundings, making sure the other workers had their backs conveniently turned. Then she pounced on the unsuspecting woman...

A pair of clawed, scaly hands shot out from the pile of rags, one wrapping around the woman's face, the other around her stomach. Once her target was secured, the towering Haluth started to quickly drag her prey into a secluded space between Warehouse 16 and 17.


With considerable effort to not just demolish the doorway, the supermutant Frank Horrigan squeezed through the opening. He quickly realized once outside that Haluth wasn't at her post...

Damn that creature.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #599 on: October 27, 2019, 02:41:12 AM »

He opened his eyes, with an almost surprised look. His head cocked innocently at her rage, but the cold chill in his spine remained. The fingers in his hand itched.

His smile was almost too precious, absolutely dazzling. "Ah, forgive me! Aou are adorable even when you're glaring at me like that~! But I meant no offense."

But suddenly, his visage twisted into a rictus, a cruel expression masking rage and disdain. Her accusation reminded him of someone he hated more than anyone else in the world.

"I am a ruler, not a slaver. I would never strip someone's freedom from them, least of all a woman. If one was as vile to do something like that in my presence, then let them be fed to the swine and the cattle! That is the only fate for scum like that." He raised a finger and relaxed, sighing before taking another sip.

"Even so, I do not wish to be bound. I value my own freedom as much as you do yours. In that sense, I suppose we are the same. A puppet king is no king at all."



She took a half step back while averting her gaze as a faint rosy blush made itself clear.


Lulu grabbed the hems of her dress and bowed deeply to him.

"I'm truly sorry for insinuating that, I like you do not wish to be enslave but it goes the other way as well. That is by far the ost horrible practice you can partake in. No what I was speaking of was bond, an agreement, a pact you may even say." Then she looked up at him hopefully.

"Hehehe... my own kind would ridicule me if they saw me now... It seems I've forgotten how protective mortals can be in their homes and I am really really sorry for my behavior earlier. But will you play listen earnestly to my proposal?"