Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59663 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1200 on: October 20, 2020, 02:11:35 PM »

"YES!" he suddenly yelped, like a dog who was barking mindlessly for a treat.  Then he put his hand to his lips and coughed.  "I mean if you are offering then i'll gladly accept.  Its not like I need it or anything.  I mean instagram is a thing and there IS a lot of porn of you online so you know.... I don't need it.  Really, i'm just indulging here so you know..."

Even through all the nervousness, the comment about vampire nobility not lusting after her was odd to him.  Between her and Valarie, it seemed like the vampire ruling class were pretty thirsty.  Were the others so disciplined that they never made a pass at her?  The thought passed as he realized he would find out sooner or later.  He had all the time in the world now, literally.

He leaned in closer to her, hoping that his master did not have similar super hearing as the two vampires.  Just to make sure, he whispered in a voice so low he normally wouldn't even be able to tell what he was saying were he not the person speaking.  "So you mean like pictures or...."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1201 on: October 21, 2020, 03:41:24 AM »

"Well, it would be pretty impressive if you could get a lie past me."  Forest folded her arms over her small chest and tilted her head.

Instead of impish teasing, her voice actually had a note of curiosity to it.

She tilted her head in a very avian like fashion and studied him.  "Maybe you need to get some sort of item that gives you a glamor.  So you could have, I guess, a third identity to play with without worry."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1202 on: October 22, 2020, 03:00:06 AM »

Taro grabbed a trench coat and slipped into it, covering up his lean but broad muscular frame.  "I am a far more ambitious liar than that," he said, straightening the buttons on his coat as he turned around and leveled his crimson eyes with Forest's indigo ones.    "Even a mindreader believes the lies she tells herself.  Ground your lies in truth and sprinkle them with the victim's own ego and you can tell a lie that someone will defend even if you tell them the truth.  Thats the lie I want to tell to the world.  A glamor won't accomplish that for me."

Slow steps filled the wrecked room, his face coming inches from Forest's.  A familiar grin stretched his lips to the corner of his face.  "Deprived, cruel, vulgar, misplaced, leecherous, stupid, shallow, heartless, a monster, killer, childish.  I am some of those things and none of those things.  The cruel jester who enjoys every minute of his performance and who snuck tickets into the pockets of everyone he ever met.  That is Yoko Taro."

He bent over and picked up his mask before rising again.  He held the globe head next to his face, its smile mirroring his own.  "Tell me Forest, which Taro did you like?  Which one do you want to love?  Which mask should we display to the world on our date?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1203 on: October 22, 2020, 08:08:42 PM »

Please, would someone remove him from the cycle of reincarnation so he wouldn't have to watch this? Was asking for it some kind of offense? He was sure it was, at the very least it was presumptuous, but he couldn't put it any less bluntly.

Yusho ignored them. He stepped past them and loomed over the wretched dead in line behind Emilia. If he made an effort, would he see anything in those eyes? It wouldn't matter even if he did.

"Forgive me," he said, before he unleashed the smoldering anger that had been struggling in his gut since a little while ago; the burn, taking his veins and blessed flesh as its own fuel, roiled through until the Dragon-blood felt as though his hand was boiling.

He thrust it forward, and an intense burst of flame blew from his palm, swallowing the ghouls in a heartbeat.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1204 on: October 23, 2020, 04:47:56 PM »

The vampire started running, still maintaining a good pace even if she started feeling a bit hungry after that fight. Damn, she really needed a drink. Better to indulge soon than worry later.

"I like bars. More personal touch. I might see people as a source of blood quite often, but I also like the small talk, the atmosphere, if you catch my drift. So I guess I'll head out to look for one before we meet again. Unless you want to tag along." She shrugged. The vampire figured she maybe didn't share her taste for the mundane. Hanging out with mortals, at least to a point, was how she kept her grip on the reality.


"Ah." Sakura's cheeks flushed pink. She felt so young and inexperienced all of a sudden. "I'll pass. Doesn't really seem my style."

Plus, the idea of drinking from random broads made her stomach feel a little bit queasy. She'd rather do it with people she trusted, or to hire a demon or drink deeply from Valerie's neck... She found herself licking her rather pronounced fangs. "I'll see you around then. I'll want a rematch later!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1205 on: October 24, 2020, 12:35:36 AM »

"Sure but I won't accept a request unless you state clearly and loudly what you desire... Huh"

Oh no you don't...

The pinkette clasped her hand together and then a Crimson mist spread out to stop the flaming arrow. The fire made the the blood boil and eventually vaporize however the ghouls behind her were spared.

"How dare you?" She stepped in front of the monk and furiously glared at him. "They are alive just as we are, they have feelings, they're just mentally challenged at the moment but that doesn't matter I'll help them get better. Did you think you were saving them or some bullshit? Who gives you the right to decide that?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1206 on: October 24, 2020, 03:44:52 PM »

Roman stood straight up in more than one place.  He raised his finger to the sky to say something.  Before he could open his mouth, he watched Yusho completely attempt to obliterate the monsters in front of him, only to be stopped by Emilia.  It was at moments like this that Roman couldn't help but appreciate what he had.  He may be unsatisfied with his own weakness as a normal person, but at least he wasn't a helpless zombie like those things.  How much could they reasonably improve with vampiric support?  Their madness didn't even seem to come with strength judging from how they bowed to Emilia's even slight displeasure.

Yes, weak things like that should die, not as a conquest, but as a kindness.  However, he wouldn't say anything right now.  Partially because he was waiting for the thing between his legs to shrink again and partially because he didn't think it was his place to comment here.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 03:48:59 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1207 on: October 24, 2020, 04:35:01 PM »

"You call this living? What gives you the right to withhold them to your will, waiting for a change that might never come? What will they be when you're done with them, your simpering dolls you parasite?" Distant thunder echoed from his throat. Emilia had angered the sky in his bones, and now the sky roared back. Even the lingering injury in his torso was for now muffled. "Bite your tongue and let me put them out of their misery. I will answer to the Vampire King, but not you."

His right foot slid back, and he raised his arms, one high and one low, as sun-gold essence seeped from his pores. The zeroth step of his exorcist dance said this: creatures of darkness, begone.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 04:36:39 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1208 on: October 24, 2020, 04:53:57 PM »

"Emilia... No parasite.... Emilia kind...Protect us."

The response didn't come from the vampire idol but instead from one of the Ghouls behind her. His raspy voice sounded like he'd swallowed sand yet his intent was unmistakable as he stepped in front of Emilia." You not hurt her
.. Monk. Now I protect."

"No Alfred get back don't do it!" Despite her plea the Ghoul didn't step back, he was no puppet after all. A chatter of sounds broke out behind her, the other Ghouls were in agreement and gave their support, all of them getting ready to fight.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1209 on: October 27, 2020, 12:24:18 AM »

Yusho took one step forward, and it was like ice rooted him in place. His crackling eye pointed at the shaking ghoul and the entire cohort as they broke into murmurs, and his face from the forehead to his jaw clenched around it. The heat of the sparks was singing his cheeks.

It wasn't enough to let these people be tortured with restlessness, regardless of whatever crimes they may have done in life, these vampires, this woman, had to play with their feelings like this. Was he supposed to believe it? This was all a misunderstood tragedy by those who predated on men and offered curses in the guise of blessings? Even if it was, what kind of defilement were these supposed new lives built on? If he eliminated them, who would say he was justified even when it was the truth? The people in front of him couldn't tell the difference between a right making up for a wrong and two wrongs making a right.

Yusho took a steadying step back. He would look like a heartless wretch even to his own student. But this was what Roman had willingly walked into. Roman was a vampire now too, and the work of two days couldn't beat out of him the loathsome thinking that would led him to this den of darkness.

Yusho did not belong here. Yusho was alone before this shameless trickery, regardless of what Valerie had promised him before. He was not going to stay.

Spinning on his heel, only wind whistling in his ears, he sent a blank stare at Roman before propelling himself into the air, rising with a great breeze. The thickness of the mist did not part, but his feet found it as a foothold, and further up and away he dashed, until he had vanished entirely, over the maze of hedges and the mist itself.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2020, 12:25:18 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1210 on: October 29, 2020, 02:26:37 AM »

Roman squinted.  This was getting hard to watch.  Although he knew his situation wasn't as bad as the creatures, he couldn't help but relate to them.  After all, just a little while ago, he was just getting his ass kicked by that man.  Moreover, they were weak, just like he was, just like he felt.  The young man could see it in their eyes, a self awareness at how hopeless their situation was.

The pairs eyes met and Roman wasn't sure what he saw.  It looked like pain.  Considering how much he seemed to be annoyed at his sexual openess.... it probably was at least partially motivated by him.  The young man looked upward, then back at Emilia and frowned.

"So I just have to ask?" he asked.  Despite the cheekiness of the words themselves, Roman's voice seemed rather low and his speech pattern slow, like someone who just lost something important and was grieving over it.  "Do you do poses?"

If the consequence for hitting on the idol is losing my monk master, I might as well get the prize.  Probably should have seen this coming with the whole monk thing....

Then Roman looked at the ghouls.  Sorry Yusho.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2020, 02:33:38 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1211 on: October 29, 2020, 09:27:49 PM »

"Bye Bye Monk guy, you're always welcome back, Valerie might be here tomorow!" She shouted after him. It was rather interesting how he was walking on the mist, that man wasn't just some ordinary monk. "You've found an amusing teacher Roman... Now you lot!"

She turned around and addressed the Ghouls. "That was a very dangerous thing you did, I can't protect you guys if you just rush someone who control flames buuut you did do it to protect so I can't be too mad..
Walk's over tho boys. You can keep roaming the maze tho..." The Ghouls happily nodded and shuffled away into mist.

"Heh Roman..." Emilia was suddenly in front of him again, only mere inches apart. "Are you sure some poses are enough for you? I mean you kinda look like Val blue balled you hard, I'd hate to make you go even harder now without relief. Seriously Val goes too far sometimes with the teasing..."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1212 on: October 30, 2020, 01:22:12 AM »

Roman stared at her, his greedy eyeballs flowing up and down, soaking in every curve and bouncy slappable bit.  The supple legs and breasts to her flat belly asking to be rubed.  The second she said that, he wondered how it would feel to touch her.

"What?" he asked, slack jawed.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1213 on: October 30, 2020, 02:35:54 AM »

"Ughh stop acting like you've never seen a hot girl before..." She said with clear annoyance and what happened next shouldn't come as a surprise


Her finger flicked his forehead once and sent him back although she caught him by the hand before he tumbled too away though and begun dragging him towards the castle at a quick pace. Before her advance the maze seemingly split itself allowing them a straight path in är record time.

"Just how far did you get with Val, and don't be all shy and shit. I can at least tell she played with you and then left you like that..."

They were past the entrance hall of the large Gothic style castle that was illuminated by glowing pumpkins. Bats could be seen flying back and forty in the dark corners of the huge hall. Before long she dragged him into what looked like a room meant for relaxation with lots of couches and a TV, she pulled him down onto one of them and sat next to him.

"... But as a vampire lord you need to be able to give proper responses even if the King is tempting you with the royal burden..."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1214 on: October 30, 2020, 02:53:52 AM »

The flick to the head struck with a wallop.  Rather than finding the sensation of his back against the ground, he felt the smooth feeling of Emilia's dainty hand wrapped around his own  He tried to break free, but her grip was too strong.  His arm merely flailed helplessly while the rest of his body was dragged along.

"Its... no its just your an idol so I mean.... your ok with this?  I mean did I hear you say your willing to have sex with me?"

And before he knew it, his ass was on the couch and a hot girl was peering into his eyes.  The couches were a lot more comfortable than the last time he was in this situation and there was a darker atmosphere to the place.  And yet it somehow made it feel even more inviting.

"So... you were serious?"

Roman's mind immediately started racing.  She was asking questions about the king.. and her... ass.  That wonderful round but firm thing.  It fit so wonderfully in his hands and with a big plump shape that swallowed his fingers.  One day he would smack it and she would tremble.

"I..." he froze then glared at Emilia.

"You... i'm not that kind of guy.  I don't care how famous you are or how much i've jacked off to you.  If Val hasn't told you then I won't.  A guy shouldn't talk about a girl's sex life like that.  I sure as hell wouldn't like it.  If you want to know you can figure it out yourself."