Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59641 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1215 on: October 30, 2020, 03:52:21 PM »


There was a draft of wind followed by a very familiar voice-

"That was very sweet of you Roman but I have little Emilia over there bent over my desk at least twice a week." It was The Vampire King and.... She was sitting right next to Roman, the poor guys was now squeezed in between two girls.

"My King I..." Emilia started but got interrupted by the blonde.

"Oh hush Emilia, Do not think I am not aware of what you were planning. However.... Leave us now, it is my turn." Emilia gulped audibly before melting away in a swirl of shadows leaving the two of them alone.

Valerie then leaned in closer so her soft body was almost touching Roman's. "Nice to see you made it here Roman, how have you been?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1216 on: October 30, 2020, 08:14:26 PM »

That was a lot, he thought after the words left his mouth.  Roman wanted to apologize, qualify his statements, say anything to lessen the blow but before he could muster up the words, the pairs eyes were drawn to a familiar face.

He turned right, only to be met with the beautiful blonde face that was Valarie.  His head shifted from side to side, anxiously watching the two's reactions.  Roman turned to Emilia and reached out his hand.

"Wait hold on!  Don't leave yet."

Damn everyone is just leaving.... he thought, wondering what exactly he was going to say.  Probably something stupid like, can I still have pictures?  Really, he wanted to make sure she didn't hate him.

Roman sighed, turning back to Valarie and said,  "Its been rough," he said, staring at her.  "But more importantly.  How many people did you turn?!  I thought me and Sakura were the only ones!  At least recently. "

Of all the things he could have talked about, it was strange that he brought this up.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2020, 11:54:31 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1217 on: November 01, 2020, 02:46:04 AM »

"I have not, Emilia is approaching a thousand years now, Is that not right my cute idol?"

The pink Idol reformed from the shadows next to Roman having seemingly heeded his plea for her to stay. Although she looked quite embarrassed now with her face completely flushed the same shade of pink as her outfit.

"He-hey! You can't just reveal my true age to a f-fan. Th-that's cheating Val! I'm a pure teenager and nothing else definitely not older than 17, no way no how hmpff..." She huffed and looked away in annoyance.

"Disregarding my silly little Idol, there are a few older nobles as well however, Sakura is the only one close to your age." Valerie continued while ignoring the antics of the Idol. "There is only one other woman on my council but Alice might be a bit more accepting of your advances, and she is as top heavy as Sakura I think..."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1218 on: November 01, 2020, 04:34:43 PM »

Roman's head turned to the other side, staring at Emila's pink face.  The girl was acting so aggressive and forward before but she melted the second Valarie opened her mouth.  Even her simplist words had so much weight, so much power.  Was that from her physical power or just her influence?

"My advances?"

This girl was kinky.  No this whole group was kinky.  Sucking him off in the car, fucking her minion, encouraging him to have sex with her other nobleman; this was all so much information to take in.  What would she have said if he did spill things to Emilia?  Would she have been mad at him or happy?  Up until now he had made assumptions about his place on her food chain, but Yusho made him realize that maybe the world isn't so black and white.  Valarie was making him realize that he knew nothing about vampires.

"What am I to you anyway?  How many people did you fuck before me?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1219 on: November 01, 2020, 09:11:22 PM »

The blonde bit the inside of her cheek and sighed.  Then she smiled and tilted her head as she studied him.

"So, your given name is Yoko then?  You don't look Japanese . . .  Yoko.  I . . . like that." 

Then her expression softened as she looked back at the couch.  "The one who stroked my hair as I came back to Earth and held me as I fell asleep in his arms."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1220 on: November 01, 2020, 10:44:49 PM »

The duke laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.  "So the pretty one then?" he said, his crimson eyes leveling as his wide smile shrinked into a grin.  "Although I suppose each mask adores you in its own way.  But the pretty one is the one whom you wanted to see when we let our bodies touch."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1221 on: November 01, 2020, 10:51:18 PM »

"Well, the other mask is . . . physically off-putting.  It's bloody creepy!" Forest gestured to the moon-face countenance in Taro's hands.

"Or would be bloody creepy to try to kiss and do . . . those other things you did, which you definitely needed your mouth for."  Her cheeks turned bright red as she looked away from him.  "And it's less pretty and more 'handsome'."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1222 on: November 01, 2020, 10:58:16 PM »

Taro's fangs emerged from his upper lips.  "Well then I suppose I can wear the mask of the caring aristocrat if that is what you so desire," he said, tossing the mask over his shoulder.  The globe like head sat perfectly on his chair, staring over the desk with its eyes.  "Where would you like to go?  There are lots of lovely places in this district, but there is also the other districts.  I suppose it would be easier not to be recognized there, but I imagine the others in this district wouldn't recognize this mask."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1223 on: November 02, 2020, 02:06:52 AM »

"Well, the only real places I have been is at Lady Elizabeth's and Columbia other than here," Forest said with a shrug.

She moved closer to him and asked, "Where would you like to take me?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1224 on: November 02, 2020, 03:13:46 AM »

The fledgeling vampiress continued on her way, meandering through the snaking walkways of the misty gothic surroundings.

It was very much like she was living in one of the fairy tales which she had grown up reading. Towering spires, long, ornate bridges, as well as spinning minarets. It was all dominated by the mist which clung to everything, and protected the vampires from the hated sun during the day. She smiled, and headed to her next destination. If her information was correct, the woman who lived at her destination was one of Valerie's top advisors, and she wished to introduce herself to her.

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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1225 on: November 03, 2020, 02:02:25 AM »

Roman's head turned to the other side, staring at Emila's pink face.  The girl was acting so aggressive and forward before but she melted the second Valarie opened her mouth.  Even her simplist words had so much weight, so much power.  Was that from her physical power or just her influence?

"My advances?"

This girl was kinky.  No this whole group was kinky.  Sucking him off in the car, fucking her minion, encouraging him to have sex with her other nobleman; this was all so much information to take in.  What would she have said if he did spill things to Emilia?  Would she have been mad at him or happy?  Up until now he had made assumptions about his place on her food chain, but Yusho made him realize that maybe the world isn't so black and white.  Valarie was making him realize that he knew nothing about vampires.

"What am I to you anyway?  How many people did you fuck before me?"


"How many pieces of bread have you eaten?" She answered his second with a question of her own. "I fuck all my cute minions, and that's going to include you if you like it.."

"Val..." Emilia complained softly as her King talked about her promiscuity, and her eyes sharpened. "Do you have to brag about all the people you're bagging, they're gonna start calling you the slutty queen at this rate-"

Valerie blurred in behind Emilia, and grabbed hold of her. "You say that as if you were not trying to steal him from me before I had even claimed his first. How naughty of you..."  Valerie shifted her hold and grabbed Emilia's  thighs, then she spread them apart which revealed the younger vampire's pink panties.

"This little Idol Vampire here likes stepping on her fans did you know that Roman? She acts all nice and cutesy, but really all she wants to do is tie you up and play with you until you break."

"N-no stop it V-Val.." Emilia sounded embarrassed from the accusation but even so she wasn't putting up any struggle as Valerie manhandled her.

"I cannot blame you though, his dick was quite big even before I turned him, And circumstances made it impossible for me at the time to see how the change treated him..."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1226 on: November 03, 2020, 07:22:44 PM »

The fledgeling vampiress continued on her way, meandering through the snaking walkways of the misty gothic surroundings.

It was very much like she was living in one of the fairy tales which she had grown up reading. Towering spires, long, ornate bridges, as well as spinning minarets. It was all dominated by the mist which clung to everything, and protected the vampires from the hated sun during the day. She smiled, and headed to her next destination. If her information was correct, the woman who lived at her destination was one of Valerie's top advisors, and she wished to introduce herself to her.

Residency of Duchess Alice

Unlike the Royal Castle, The mansion of Duchess Alice was surrounded by an inviting garden with meticulously cared for roses that shone with an almost unnatural crimson hue. The bats that was so commonly seen flying around also claimed this place at home sitting atop pumpkin shaped lanterns that bathed everything in an inviting orange glow.

The area being much smaller meant you could immediately spot the Mansion itself upon entering the area since there was nothing obstructing your view. It did follow the same horror house movie aesthetic that was so popular in this place however this place was clearly high class and maintained, And with the four floors it made for one big building that perfectly showed of the important status of the woman who lived here.

Before Sakura had any time to move towards the house a distinctly feminine voice greeted her.

"Oh my you must be the new one Her Majesty mentioned... I'm Lady Alice, but please feel free to call me Alice in private company. "

Alice had been aware of her arrival for a short while now, it was easily noticeable by the smell of Valerie that clung to the girl since her recent embrace, that's why the blonde had sensed her arrival in advance, and that's why'd she'd been waiting here.

The Duchess curtsied as was proper of a noble lady, however she wasn't wearing her famous set of armor today, no instead she was dressed up in an almost scandalous teacher outfit that looked like it came straight out of an anime. She was wearing a white shirt with a blue blazer on top that really strained to contained to huge chest, as if it was a size too small. Her lower half was barely covered by a  similarly colored skirt that barely went halfway down her thighs, at least her plump legs were covered by black pantyhose.

Being a Combat Instructor at one of the schools in Campus Town even if part time, came with some rather odd quirks if you were female. She didn't really mind them though as it was really good for PR, and this outfit combined with her long blonde hair and her piercing crimson eyes, made a striking image indeed.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1227 on: November 04, 2020, 01:39:11 AM »

Jesus Christ.

Reflected in the widening eyes of Roman were Emilia's pink panties.  The two would be able to see how the change treated him far before he took off his pants as a stretching noise filled the room.  The underwear had a hole in it from his dick bursting through it, so with it growing before their eyes, they would be able to see the head pressing against his pants.

Lust clouded his mind but the feintest bit of logic slipped through.  After all, he had something to say.  Then, rage clouded his mind.  "Wait.... so then you were.... you were just trying to take advantage of me.... and I.... I fell for it.  This was all a game for you wasn't it?"

Roman stood up and stared at Emilia.  "So I was just a-" he stopped himself.  Thats right he knew from the start.  To these immortal vampires, he was just a toy to be used and tossed aside when they became bored.  "Right.... All of your minions huh?"

Roman's face drooped into a sullen frown before he grabbed onto Emilia's succulent thighs.  He never realized just how nice she felt.  Even so, as he looked into her eyes, all he could think of was how nice it would feel to have Valarie's thick ass grinding against his dick before he went inside of her.  For the first time, staring at her with his dick hard made him look at her and consider the choice to jack off to her worthless.

If this was the life of the vampire, then maybe he should just embrace the consequences of his actions and join the party.  Yusho's words echoed through his mind.  "Do you want to be known for the sake of being known, or do you just want to feel superior so you can finally live your life!"

Roman gathered all of his strength and attempted to shove Emilia to the side.  Even so, she didn't budge.  "I'm not your toy and I won't be tossed aside," he said, taking off his shirt and throwing it aside.  The newly developed pecs reflected the dim light of the room ever so slightly and roman was reminded that he now had actual muscle.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 01:45:48 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1228 on: November 04, 2020, 01:49:54 AM »

"There is the gothic paradise of Halloween town, but i'd rather not impede on our king's conquest," he said, grabbing Forest's hand in his own and walking her out of the office.  "Pine gardian has beautiful date spots, but reaks of the privlaged that I want to escape from.  Swole city has a similar aura, but replace rich snobs with fitness junkies and it makes it hard to relax.  They do have some nice beaches.  DC is nice, but the eyes of the goddess make it hard to relax as well, at least for someone like me."

Taro stopped at the hole in the wall that they exited.  "Can I take you somewhere.... quieter more personal?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #1229 on: November 04, 2020, 02:23:50 AM »

"Just shut up Roman you are being overly dramatic. I have never tossed anyone aside and I will not start with you, not unless you become an exceptional bad boy. But more importantly... Never call my precious children 'toys' again or I will impale you upon the tallest castle tower." Valerie let go off Emilia and rushed Roman in the blink of an eye back onto the couch, and reclaimed her previous position next to him.

"You are one of us Roman, a member of the Nobility. What you just saw was part of the sexual games we play." Valerie said seriously.

Yeah..." Emilia re-emerged on his other side and continued. "I saw how pent up you were and... And I thought I'd help you let go of some steam. I wasn't gonna tie you up or anything I swear." She put a hand a hand on his thigh right next to his stiff length. "May I?.... May I have the honor of taking your first load as one of us?"

"Lucky you, I have never seen sweet little Emilia beg for cock quite like that before."