Author Topic: Vampire District  (Read 59696 times)


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #300 on: August 01, 2019, 03:46:12 AM »
Duke Taro

"Well thats what it means to be a vampire" he said, looking down at her hand for a second before shaking it.  Just as he was about to speak, that thought entered his mind.


"Then again," he said, his smile and confident voice betraying his thoughts.  "we have plenty of those around here.  I do need aid though, someone to help keep me organized and to help put some fear of god into someone if needed.  These games can get so repetitive..."

Whats your status Forest? Scott sent.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #301 on: August 01, 2019, 03:49:57 AM »

Forest grinned as Duke Taro shook her hand until his mental outburst hit her.

Her eyes widened and then she chuckled.  "That you sort of accidentally shot someone because you didn't know how to squeeze a trigger and saw brains for the first time?  Please, that's old hat," she said with a wave of her free hand.

She nodded at his words and replied, "Well, I can see where you need help to keep organized; even your thoughts are bloody random and I can be a bit intimidating if I need to be."

She heard Scott's mental voice and replied, I think I just got a job from him.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #302 on: August 01, 2019, 04:00:40 AM »

A job?!  That is... Let me text Jarald, we need to call him back... he sent.

"Does that mean you were spying on me?" he asked, suddenly turning around and rushing over to her.  He stood above her once again, the intent to kill radiating from his very being.

The guard in the back suddenly moved, leaning forward as if ready to dash.  All he was waiting for was a command to act.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #303 on: August 01, 2019, 04:06:09 AM »

The blonde shook her head and answered, "No, I wasn't spying, you were projecting.  You're a vampire, yeah?  You have some bit of physic ability, right?"

She tapped the middle of her forehead and said, "If no one taught you how to screen your thoughts when your something like us you're kind of like a radio that doesn't shut off.  You broadcast to those who can pick up the frequency, like me."

"And I shield like woah because I am bloody tired of just walking around and suddenly I get full on XXX rated thoughts about things I don't want to see XXX rated.  However, sometimes it's loud enough that I hear it anyway.  Trust me, I didn't want to see your cherry reaction to your first head shot."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #304 on: August 01, 2019, 04:05:42 PM »
Duke Taro

"Oh!" he said, his pitch suddenly raising once again.  "! guess thats a good point!  No I don't have any psychic powers.  Not a single ounce of them."

Hey once your done securing your job get out.  We will need to talk afterwards.

The man backflipped back into his chair once more, putting his legs up on his desk.  "Oh and by the way, that wasn't my first headshot.  I am one of the elder vampires, easily one of the oldest next to our queen Valarie.  I've killed before its just...."

He shuttered.  "I am so squeamish!  The sight of brains and guts, ah!  Its too much!"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #305 on: August 02, 2019, 02:53:45 AM »

Should I let my age out?  No, a lady has to keep some secrets after all, Forest thought with a tiny frown.

Forest held up her finger and asked, "Was that your first headshot with a gun?  That's a wee bit different.  I remember the first wanker I took out with a gun, but this was an old flintlock where you had to stuff the little ball, powder, and everything in after each shot."

She chuckled darkly and said, "One thing I'll give men, they're bloody inventive at creating ways to kill each other."

Forest sent back, I would figured as much.  However, I can't just jet.

Then she laughed again and said, "That's one thing, I'm not squeamish.  Then again, I come from a barbarian people so I was taking heads at the age of twelve."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #306 on: August 02, 2019, 03:09:17 AM »
Duke Taro

"It was... my second time actually, making the exact same shot," he said, thinking back to the memory.  One of his men had told him of the target and warned him that the guts would be everywhere.  The nice chap was even kind enough to offer to do it himself.  However the Duke declined and that flash in his head played out.  Really it wasn't as satisfying as he thought.  Other methods were far more gratifying.

"Barbarian people huh?" he asked reminiscing.  Another image flashed in his mind, lifting a poor soul over his head in the dead of night and ripping him in half.  The crimson liquid of the victim's body poured over Taro's own, catching the moonlight as it trickled down his forehead.  "It was a fun but campy time.  These days killing like that is... well its so tame now!  There was a simplicity and mercy to ripping someone's heart out.  Nowadays we use nasty chemical gas or something.  Lord almighty.  Sometimes.....

I feel as though humanity has degraded a bit."

Thats fine, Scott sent back.  Just be careful and remember that Jarald can back you up anytime.

The Duke flashed her a genuine smile.  "Go on.  Tell me.  What is your favorite way to kill a man?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #307 on: August 02, 2019, 03:17:34 AM »

The blonde vampire felt a chill at Duke Taro's words and heard Scott's voice in her head. 

She sent to the other spy, Right now I'm just trying to get him comfortable around me.  Small talk, chit chat, you know basic job interview whatnots.

She wrapped her left hand over her right fist and rested the lower part of her face against her hands.  Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully.  If Duke Taro was paying attention, he would have seen her indigo eyes flashing in thought as she frowned.  Finally she looked up at him and lowered her hands from her face.

"Well, it depends on how pissed I am at the time and if I need to be careful or not.  However, I like pummeling things.   Trading blows with fists, feet, and fury.  If I can find an equal . . . then there's this rush when you see them make a mistake and then dart in for the kill," she said with a tiny smirk.

She shook her head and said, "Honestly, I don't like killing humans.  It feels like kicking a handicapped puppy, you know?  However, some wanker incubus, werewolf, or even another vampire who's decided that consent isn't a thing . . . There's something delightfully primal driving my fist through their chest, picking their heart out, and leaving them as an offer to the Morrigan."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #308 on: August 02, 2019, 03:36:09 AM »
Duke Taro

The man let out a hearty laugh, the bellowing filling the entire room as his reeled over from the sheer strength of his joy at her response. "Haha! wonderful! wonderful! That is a way fitting of a barbarian vampire such as yourself.  Humans seem to think barbarians are dumb, but I think they are actually pretty elegant.  Such a wonderful way to end another creature's life!"

The skinny man looked down at the legs of his desk.  Some of his papers had fallen. "I suppose since you are new I will tell you something,"  he said, slowly reaching towards the papers, leaning down in his comfy position in his chair to pick them up, never moving his legs.  "Humans here are not as helpless as you would think.  There are some far more powerful than monsters.  There are monsters far weaker than the average human.  This city is nothing if not diverse.  You might end up liking this place if that is how you feel."

There was no response from Scott.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #309 on: August 02, 2019, 03:42:18 AM »

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I've crossed a few mortal spell casters in my day who made my skin crawl.  Like literally because sod necromancers," Forest said with a scowl.

She shook her head and said, "Things were kind of derivative back home as well.  Supernatural ability doesn't mean jack if one doesn't learn how to use it.  Raw talent only gets one so far,  you've got to hone that talent.

"Not to mention, what someone isn't who they are.  I've met saintly vampires and demonic humans.  It's just how everyone chooses in the end."


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #310 on: August 02, 2019, 03:47:25 AM »

"Fair enough," he said, nodding his head in response.  "Then tell me.  In your world, did you consider yourself a hero or villain?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #311 on: August 02, 2019, 03:50:12 AM »

Forest laughed at his question and then held up her hand.

"Ah, most would have considered me a pain in the arse honestly.  I have this habit of not leaving things alone.  I see something that bothers me, I generally try to stop it and sod all else.  Which annoyed the Vampire Council and whatnot," she said with a chuckle.

She stopped laughing and something like sadness passed in her eyes.  "My closest friend would chide me about being too good," she said in a soft voice with a sad smile.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #312 on: August 02, 2019, 03:54:09 AM »
Duke Taro

"VAMPIRE COUNSIL!" he suddenly screamed.  "Wait no not us..."

The Duke placed his feet on the ground after placing the rest of his papers on the desk.  Naturally, they were pushed off by the sudden breeze generated by his movement.  He stared at her and said, "So this council, were they your friends or enemies?"


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #313 on: August 02, 2019, 03:58:17 AM »

She tilted her head in a most avian like fashion and tapped a finger against her lip.

"We had an agreeable arrangement.  I wasn't their favorite person, but I was useful.  Big Bad Thing we can't handle?  Well, let's just tell Forest and she'll handle it for us.  I guess I was a useful annoyance.  They thought I was annoying to deal with, I thought them too steeped in bollocks, but we'd work together when needed," she answered.


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Re: Vampire District
« Reply #314 on: August 02, 2019, 04:04:44 AM »
Duke Taro

"Hmmm...." he mumbled, thinking aloud.  "I wonder if that makes you a hero or villain.  I mean I wonder if that organization was considered just.  Would you have taken it down if it weren't just?""

The man leaned forward in his chair, intently listening to Forest's response.