Author Topic: Swole City  (Read 24132 times)


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Swole City
« on: April 18, 2019, 06:13:21 PM »
Swole City


Unhappy with your body?  Wish you were less of a fatass?!  Want stupid big SWOLE muscles?!  Then come to SWOLE CITY!

This is a typical ad for SWOLE CITY, a smaller district home to the cities greatest fitness experts, magical plastic surgeons and nutritional experts.  In many worlds upon worlds, there is no easy way to fitness and nothing any roided out fitness guru can say will be able to change that.  However, in this city, in this district, that is just not true.  Even so, everything worth striving for has a cost and that is especially true in this district.


The residents of this part of the city are mostly rich fitness junkies, professional athletes and privileged dude bros out to sculpt their bodies to perfection.  However, the district makes most of its money from insecure people who wish to change their bodies.  Potions and visits to mages with powerful transformation magic cost money, lots of money but even the average person can afford to go to a gym.

 Gyms in this district cost a bit more monthly than any other gym in the city, but the results are astounding.  With just a month of consistent training, you could build a body that takes years thanks to the magical properties of these machines.  Of course, because these machines are so powerful, they require that you follow a strict routine to avoid creating muscle imbalances.  In the past, there were those who decided only to work their arms and ended up with strange proportions.  If you work hard and stick to your routine as precisely as possible, most people can have the body of their dreams in less than two weeks.

Of course, sometimes people are not looking for aesthetics.  Sometimes people just want power.  The gyms in this district are famous for allowing those with the proper resolve to surpass their human limits.  Muscle is built by breaking down said muscle and building it back up stronger than before.  Many of the more expensive gyms use magic to speed up the repair process, with a "break room" that is infused with powerful magic.  It resets both your central nervous system and rebuilds your body.  Of course, you still need to eat to feed your muscles, so it can be dangerous to just workout, sit in the room and workout again.  However, if you can afford to burn money on a ton of food, you could, in theory, do several weeks of workouts in a single day.

Because of the vast array of powerful beings in the Nexus, many gyms are setup to work with those of supernatural strength.  There are exercise programs for most common species throughout the nexus, such as werewolves, succubi, vampires, demons, fallen gods and angels.  Although most only have the capacity to work those of incredible strength or weaker.  If one needed the power of fantastic or above, they would need to be within the inner circle of Armstrong.  The chief possesses a special gym that can help someone achieve up to legendary stats.

Supplementation, nutrition, and steroids:

In any competition, there is a culture dedicated to exploiting it.  Just as there is magical equipment, there exist special supplements, nutrition plans and magic steriods each with special effects.  To start with, supplements simply supply a person with a particular nutritional needs.  For example, protein shakes are a supplemental drink that gives a person's body access to a ton of protein and fat without having to consume a whole meal.  There are also things such as preworkout, which is just body builder coffee, allowing tired workers to trick their bodies into being ready for a workout they didn't want to do.  In swole city, there exist supplements that go beyond this, ranging from enhancing recovery, strengthen bones or skin and even maximize gains in ways never thought possible.

Going beyond supplements are special nutrition plans.  Because of the nature of supernatural creatures and the culture surrounding them, many do not actually know how to maximize their body to the fullest.  Therefore, nutritional experts exist in this district to help keep these creatures healthy.  The swole city district maintains a good relationship with other more supernaturally oriented districts by offering nutrition plans to monsters and other weird supernatural beings.  With exercise, these can have insane effects.

Lastly, there are steroids.  These are special performance-enhancing substances that are capable of providing a shortcut to aesthetic or power-related goals.  Each one grants a massive boost in gains and general performance, but comes at an equally bad cost.  Some make you bigger, faster, stronger but force you to peak physically earlier than you would normally.  Other substances will make you a sex machine but invite sexual predators and rapists.  Swole city has the most exotic collection of performance-enhancing substances in the entire nexus and the largest collection of horror stories related to them as a result.

Chief Armstrong:

Chief Armstrong cares only about one thing, being and proving he is the strongest.  There is a love for power and strength that rivals no other.  He believes in the spirit of strength, which all previous leaders of the district followed.  OF course, he also looks down on those weaker than he, and doesn't belive he should waste his time with someone who does not share his ideals, or are otherwise incapable of embarking down the path to power.  People weaker than he are lesser, but worth training.  People incapable of training or otherwise refusing to become stronger are worthless ants undeserving of his time.

Defenses:  Other than the chief himself, you can expect this part of town to operate like any other.  Seeing as it is a rich part of town, the place is decently staffed.  Elites, swat teams and cops are not too far away if any ruckus is caused.  As a result, crime is far lower than most places in the city.

Race: Human

Age: 35




Physical Attributes (Can be all stats, see muscle control)

Strength: Human-Legendary

Agility: Human-Fantastic

Durability: Human-Legendary

Magic: High

Arnold's magic isn't offensive in nature.  Instead, it is the basis for many of the gyms around town.  He is capable of enchanting items to grant special properties to the physical body of the user.  For example, he can enchant an entire track to instantly restore a person's stamina at the end of their workout.  Much of this is done by turning the item into a sort of mana converter, feeding off of the expansion of energy a person uses during their workout session to convert into mana.  Then, the energy is funneled back to them to achieve the desired effect.

Magic Resistance: Medium

Other Abilities:

Biological control:  Armstrong has complete and utter control over his own body.  He is capable of increasing his own muscle mass, size and density, offering him complete reign over his strength and durability.  He can turn on and off his fight or flight reactions, turn off his pain receptors and overload his body with a shot of adrenaline and other forms of hormonal control.  This also allows him to control his body composition, allowing him to look how he desires.  He can also freely modify his own genetics, allowing him to control his own talent so to speak.  The limits of human strength were lost to him long ago.

Regeneration:  The biological control also extends to his cellular regeneration.  By forcing his body's cells to divide and grow, he can effectively regenerate from any injury.  However, unlike traditional regeneration, this comes at a steep cost.  The first is that it drastically shortens his lifespan.  The second is that if he relies too much on it in a single battle, it can age him rapidly, even driving him to death.

POWER OF SCIENCE:  Despite his appearance, Armstrong is very intelligent.  Since about age 16, he has dedicated his life to exercise science and the study of magic.  By combining the two, he has been able to rise to the top of the fitness industry.  He can augment any exercise machines to generate improved results with either magic, or sheer innovation, allowing his monopoly on his particular brand of special gym equipment.


Exercise equipment:  Inside Armstrong's special gym is the equipment and knowledge to go even further beyond human limits.  Because of the elite nature of the gym and the intensity of the workouts, Armstrong does not allow anyone without at least incredible strength to enter.

Transforming weights:  Armstrong carries a set of transformable dumbbells in his pocket.  With the push of a button, the dumbell can gain weight and size, allowing him to injure people by throwing it at them.


Lack of skill:  While insanely powerful in his final form, he does lack formal training as a fighter.  He can hold his own in a street fight, but a master can take him down in close quarters combat.  Another option is to hit him from a range. 

Likes: SCIENCE, DA PUMP, Sex, Showing off, being on top,

Dislikes: Weak people, weak minded people, lazy shits.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 10:39:30 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2019, 05:48:26 PM »

6:00 PM

It was weird being back on the ritzy streets of 'Swole City' as some people called it. Mira walked through them without much of a care, her eyes lazily moving back and forth over all the building fronts to see if anything had changed. She kept her hands on the back of her head, long purple hair spilling down her back. She'd tied her jacket around her waist while it dried, and that left the huge tear in her tank top visible.

Also the muscle underneath it.

"Geez, I guess rich people don't bother with maps. Don't know how I ended up here." She muttered to herself, frowning. "At least I know the way back from here..."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2019, 06:09:10 PM »


Roman placed a hand over his mouth, letting out a yawn.  It had been a tiring day of doing absolutely nothing.  Simply sitting on his couch, lounging around, telling himself he needed to get a job and get in shape.  Every day he did the same thing, day in and day out expecting something to change waiting for the future.  Now it was time to make it his own.

As his head drifted back and forth, scanning the upper-class area, he couldn't help but think about how ordinary the buildings looked.  It was just like any other part of this city.  No, the scary part was the people, all in great shape.  If there was skin exposed, there was visible muscle.  It felt so overwhelming.  The fact was he was normal, completely and utterly normal.  With each step meandering along the concrete, he wondered if it really was possible to reach supernatural levels of strength here.  Well, perhaps it didn't matter.  He made a single commitment when he left the house.

He wasn't going home without doing some kind of workout.

Thats when he saw her, his eyes darting to the side.  Across the street stood a girl, her clothes roughed up, her powerful abs showing.  There were plenty of girls running around in just a sports bra but... so little of them looked that in shape.

I should probably ask her to show me where to go....

Steeling his nerves, he raised his hand and gave her a nervous wave before dashing to the cross walk, seeing if he could cut her off at the next intersection.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 08:54:48 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2019, 06:22:01 AM »

It wasn't long before Mira got the sense that she was being watched. That wasn't the strangest thing, because she was walking around with her top a bit torn and she was known in these parts besides. As soon as it went past that and into something getting closer though, her eyes immediately turned to the guy who'd been looking for other reasons. She raised an eyebrow as he waved and got closer and said, "Yo. Can I help you?"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2019, 10:13:47 PM »

Finally meeting her at the crosswalk, the man's torso fell forward, his hands resting on his knees.  He felt so out of shape, his chest heaving from the little run that he did.  " looking to....phew!"  He stood up straight and...

Holy crap.

This girl was ripped.  He could see her visible abs through her torn shirt.  Moreover, she looked like she had just been in a fight.  It was pretty common knowledge to not mess with supernaturals, especially when one was ordinary.  Then again, people here in this district were ordinary people who became extraordinary through hard work...  Maybe... maybe she was like him somewhere in there.

He shook his head and said, "I want to get strong, stronger than anyone else I know.  I heard this is the place to do it.  You look pretty good, pretty strong.  Can you show me where you workout?"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2019, 11:22:40 PM »

She looked down at him, literally thanks to his original position, taking him in and listening to his words. At first Mira didn't say anything, one of her hands resting on her hip as she stared at him with her bright blue eyes. But then after a moment she nodded. "Yeah, I can show you a place. What's your name?"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2019, 11:28:32 PM »

Roman bit his lip.  He had seen that look before.  A woman's hand on the hip was a sign of impatience, sass, a waste of time.  That moment seemed to last far beyond a few seconds.  It felt like minutes.  Then, he gained a reprieve.

"Yeah, I can show you a place. What's your name?"

"Roman," he responded, exhaling all of his anxiety in a single moment.  "Is...that a bother?  You looked like you were going somewhere important."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2019, 01:28:09 PM »

"Mira." The girl, Mira, just tilted her head in consideration, then looked down at herself for a moment. "How about this - you get me dinner, and I'll set you up with a regimen somewhere."

Girl hadn't eaten all afternoon by this point after all.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2019, 07:49:49 PM »

Roman burst out laughing, taken back by Mira's straightforward response.  "Sure sure," he said, lazily waving his hand at her in a weak shooing motion.  "If you don't mind going out with a boring old guy like me, i'll happily take you anywhere you want!"

At the very least this would be a fun outing.  If all went well, he will get to say he hung out with a hot person and finished his goal for today.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2019, 02:01:42 AM »

She raised an eyebrow, and grinned in amusement at Roman's bold proposal. "Anywhere, huh? Alright, I know this nice steak place just around the corner..."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2019, 05:04:39 PM »

This was a mistake.

The second those automatic doors slid open, a nervous pang filled his gut.  It was the kind of place where your first instinct was to look upwards, just to see how high the ceiling was.  Chandeliers hung from a ceiling high enough to accommodate an actual giant, the pattern of the lightbulbs imprinting a crystal-like pattern of light onto the wall.  The tables were lined with fine cloth, male waiters in sharp suits, females in tight dresses.  It was odd to see this kind of treatment for steak.  After all, it was just steak right?

Roman turned to Mira, gauging her reaction.  Meanwhile, a man approached, bowing.  Weird, he looked pretty ripped too.  What was this district?

"How many?" he asked.

"Two," Roman replied.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2019, 12:36:00 AM »

Mira was grinning the whole time as they walked in. She was definitely under dressed for this kind of place mind you, but she hardly seemed to notice as she whistled and looked around. "Yeah, I'm with him."

She shot one of those grins Roman's way.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2019, 08:22:25 PM »

Roman's head slowly turned, his eyes becoming sharp as they drilled into the girl.  You sly bastard! he thought, the sheer petty hatred clear from the fire in his pupils.  One day he would make her pay for this.  However, not today.  Enjoy this moment hot fit girl.... enjoy this moment....

Roman took a deep breath as he faced the waiter.  The two silently followed him to the table.  It was a small round table with a blue cover, lined with only a salt and pepper shaker, utensils wrapped in napkins and a menu. 

"May I start you off with anything to drink?"

"Water.... just water," Roman replied.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2019, 03:47:49 AM »

"Yeah, coffee would be good." She stretched a little bit, seemingly reveling in Roman's misery, and looked at the waiter with a smile. "Black as the night."

And when the waiter was done and off to get them those, she looked back at Roman. "So what made you decide you wanted to start working out?" Mira tapped the table as gently as she possibly could, which still caused a loud 'thump' sound, and tilted her head in curiosity. "You clearly don't live around here."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2019, 04:16:41 AM »

With the waiter gone, Roman let out a grumble.  However, the moment that thump went off, he stared at her finger, then back at her.  Folding his arms over his chest, he leaned back into his chair.

"Well its a stupid dream, but I want to be strong," he said, slamming his hand into the table.  "I want to be as strong as any supernatural in this city.  No I want to be stronger than all of them put together!  I figured the first step is to start working out so I can get a body like one.  I heard that in this city if you work hard enough, you can get a body that can match any vampire or warewolf in the city."