Author Topic: Dropped Character Thread  (Read 14337 times)


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2018, 08:52:52 PM »
CE4 Papyrus Character Sheet

Name: Papyrus

Race: Ink Demon

Age: 347

Height: 1.92 m

Weight: 72kg


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional (Legendary while flying)

Durability: Exceptional

Magic: Potency (Very Low) Range/Targets (Medium)

Papyrus’s only spell is Telekinesis, but his limited repertoire has allowed him to achieve incredibly fine control with it, even to the point of creating specific sounds by telekinetically vibrating air. When targeting living matter, the spell must move the entire being as a whole; Papyrus cannot telekinetically kill someone by shutting off veins or anything or the sort because of this restriction.

Other Abilities:

Ink Demon: Papyrus is not normally affected by blades, as they pass through him and get covered by inky shadows. However, if wielded by someone with enough strength, it can dissipate a lot of Papyrus, possibly by striking with the flat edge of the blade or with accompanying wind forces. Blunt weapons dissipate quite a bit of Papyrus, splattering his Inky body on nearby surfaces. Magic has a similar effect, although he is immune to heat and cold. Papyrus can reform his splattered ink to recover from wounds, and can never truly die from injuries. Papyrus can dissolve into a pile of ink at will, and reform instantly; although ink separated from his body by injuries must wait for a half hour before being reformed into his body. Ink can be recalled from any distance, even across dimensions. Papyrus can slip through any gap that isn’t airtight with ease. He can also generate ink enough to write or draw with it without giving up body mass.

Avian Demon: Papyrus possesses six limbs; his two legs, his two arms, and his two wings. His two arms can be hidden beneath his wings so that he appears to have only four limbs, and his wings themselves have their own set of hands that are not quite as dexterous as his normal hands but can still hold and manipulate objects. The talons on his feet rend materials with up to Incredible Durability.

Demon Void: An incredibly dangerous technique that earned Papyrus exile from his fellow demons; Papyrus creates a vacuum in a mass of demonic energy to create a pocket of holy energy from the void left behind. This can only be done in short ranges around him, but with it his unarmed blows burn creatures of the night just like a rampaging angel. His blows count as both a holy artifact and the presence of fire while using this, and can also start fires upon touching something flammable.

Shadow Arts: With a few moments of concentration, Papyrus can enhance and withdraw shadows in the area. Papyrus can fill a room with absolute darkness or blinding light, and in the same range can eliminate the effects of light and darkness based magic. Up to a city block away, Papyrus can control electric lights, cause mundane fires to be extinguished or relight themselves, and equalize light levels so that mundane shadows and light sources are not too dark or bright to inhibit vision.

Kinetic Manipulation: While flying, Papyrus does not create friction with fluids. He also does not create extra force from impact when interacting with objects, and things that he carries with him don’t suffer from the effects of acceleration. He can change direction far more easily due to dampened inertia as well. Papyrus cannot turn off this ability.

Fighter: Papyrus is an experienced combatant with an extensive array of conventional and unconventional weapons, as well as unarmed.

Shadow Smith: Papyrus is capable of making and repairing all manner of weapons and devices from simple swords to sniper rifles to bicycles. As long as the device is purely mechanical, Papyrus can make it, and he can repair physical damage to electrical components. Objects with no mechanical or electric components such as swords can be forged with Papyrus’s bare hands in just under an hour. Objects made in such a manner are expertly crafted, but if he takes his one and uses proper tools he can craft devices and weapons masterfully. Papyrus also has a particular affinity for Damascus Steel (and by extension its component Wootz Steel), able to summon all of the necessary components for it from the ether by reaching into a shadow.

Equipment: Several knives made from Damascus Steel, a can of black spray paint, and a fountain pen.

Origin: From the shadowed depths of the Dark Planes, a demon named Papyrus was born from the lakes of Ink. But when he grew to maturity and invented a heretical technique that harnessed the power of angels, he was exiled from the Dark Planes for the danger he posed to his brethren. He wandered the Balanced Planes for many years and partook in their culture, until he eventually found himself in the Nexus. Now, there is much more exploring left to do.

Weakness: Despite being exiled from the Dark Planes, Papyrus is still a Demon. Ink separated from his body by a holy artifact must wait a whole seven hours to be recalled to his body rather than the usual 30 minutes.

Likes: Poetry, Music, Art, Birds, Whiskey, Craftsmanship

Dislikes: Plagiarism, Purely Electronic Music, Dumb Rhyming Gimmicks, Demons, Angels
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 07:08:14 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2018, 02:32:44 AM »
Name: Liseth

Race: Machine

Age: ???

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A


Physical Attributes

Strength: N/A

Agility: N/A

Constitution: N/A

Other Abilities:

Infrastructure: Liseth lacks any physical form. She is a consciousness dwelling within occult machinery that has perfectly intermeshed with the physical layout of the city itself. She is invisible even to the eyes of supernaturals, requiring remarkably thorough forms of supernatural sight or powers specialized towards her type of abilities. If she’s entangling herself into an area that would otherwise be different she can easily create a front. A restaurant can practically pop up overnight where there were ruins, humans being easily enticed to come in and act as cover as she does work. Liseth is every bit of this infrastructure, primarily rooted in the most stable and well off districts. Direct observation of certain parts of infrastructure can inspire mortals into devout worship, creating machine cults who faithfully try to serve her.

Beyond the basics of the concealment mechanisms that keep her hidden Liseth can also construct far more varied structures. Her defensive mechanisms manipulate people and supernaturals alike. When people start getting too close or start destroying the buildings that she’s rooted these types of constructions kick in. Mostly they spend their time gathering power. These mechanisms create cults to protect it, entice supernatural creatures to attack certain targets, and can even do something as simple as hiring an assassin to kill whoever has been heckling her. It may even cause… unfortunate incidents. A car hitting the person on their way home, a gas explosion in their house, or a door locking shut when you’re trying to run from a murderer. By focusing on a singular problem Liseth can destroy collapse dozens of buildings into rubble or call a devastating horde of creatures on an area. Others are simply good at fixing what’s broken. Unless you're real thorough that collapsed restaurant that's a front for her work is back in a few hours, people in it like nothing ever happened.

Occult Matrices: There are hidden secrets in the world that can be exploited for power. Most of the time they are useless and utterly maddening to humans. How could folding a bunch of newspapers into paper cranes and tossing them into a lake on the full moon do anything? The answer is mostly that the universe is rather complex.

Liseth in her current state of comprehending these otherwise impossible to understand pathways and exploit them. These can take the forms of little rituals, habits that people take up in certain facilities, jobs the undertake that they don’t really understand but further the generation of power, and construction workers who end up producing objects they don’t really understand or care to that serve to further her needs. Sometimes very special events can create a massive amount of energy. The death of an important individual (a PC), the rise or fall of a district, a celestial event of great import, these can all provide enough energy for her to do amazing things. This can greatly magnify the power of her defensive infrastructure, let her create even more of it at an exponential rate for a time, or allow her to make temporary but frighteningly powerful agents.

Mechanical Knowledge: All machines are a reflection of the beautiful infrastructure Liseth creates. They are the shadows upon the cave and she is the light. Relying on them is a mistake. While she might not have perfect control over anything not attached to her she can definitely use them. If it can record she can see and listen, if it has information on it she knows it, everything is an open book. Even if she doesn't consciously realize the depths of this knowledge she can easily remember it when needed, like a book you read back in high school.

Archons: Acting on the scale of individual humans can be hard for someone like Liseth. In that case she can create up to five agents to act on her behalf. Every single one of them have incredibly precise senses, capable of seeing far more electromagnetic spectrum, being able to identify the slightest bit of organic matter with taste and smell, feel print on a page or identify the exact problem in a machine based of the slightest vibrations, and even hear the humming of someone’s cells. They also have perfect control over their own perceptions of truth and lies. Not only do they lack any physical tells and have perfect controls over their own phases, but archons consciously decide whether what they say is true or false. This is to such an extent that powers based off of whether the statement is the actual concrete truth, not if they believe that it is such, will still fail to work so long as the demon has decided such.

All archons are also hidden by a human cover. These can be considered falsified bits of reality so in depth that it makes the concealment abilities used by Liseth’s infrastructure look hilariously blatant. Their histories, where they live, funds, mundane equipment, almost all of these can be manufactured perfectly. Liseth can manufacture an archon that can get into nearly anywhere that requires the right credentials. Furthermore, she can grant her archons the knowledge and skill sets needed to perform nearly any mundane task. They may also exploit the same occult physics that she uses in order to perform various effects. The subtypes of archons are listed below. Without their covers most archons appear as mechanical monstrosities, armed with a variety of artificial weapons. All angels sit between Amazing to Incredible at best in stats. However, in cover they might as well be normal humans. If they perish in it they die. However they can also move between a myriad of different covers almost at will, all provided by Liseth.

Archons are not cheap but they aren't prohibitively expensive to create. The time requirements and how it divides her attention is what keeps her limited. Ideally a defeated archon could be salvaged and remade cheaply and quickly, a few hours. Total destruction is a bigger problem, one that would either result in her diverting power from her infrastructure to get the archon online or from other angels. Either case limits her reach and power.


Powerful assassins and brutal fighters, Destroyers are all masters in the field of making problems disappear. Their abilities allow them to kill people in broad daylight, enrapturing the mortals who see such things in a helpless bystander effect that makes it impossible for those who saw to even remember anything concrete about them. They can greatly increase the flammability of mundane objects, letting them casually blow up cars or other such machinery to tremendous effect. They can drive people into conflict or calm them down, knock out even the hardiest individuals with a good punch to the head, and alter the possibility of a binary choice such as a coin flip or whether a safety is on or a light is off. They can instantly determine threats, identify people of certain skill sets, shatter any mundane object the size of a door or smaller with a single hit, and reordering the connections of a building to block off any escape that doesn’t involve smashing the place to pieces. When unobserved certain Destroyers can alter reality to move at Heroic speeds, this includes alterations in space so that when in something such as an elevator the moment the door closes they can immediately be at another floor.

Without cover they are the most dangerous of angels, their body made of terrible blades, flying about with jets fueled by occult energy, and firing off blasts of energy from arm cannons with the speed of an automatic rifle (striking at Incredible), usually accompanied by conventional firearms as well. With more advanced powers in this state a Destroyer can turn a singular blast into a dozen at once or intensify attacks up a rank. It may do this for allies as well, dramatically strengthening or increasing the amount of their attacks. However, while Liseth can make any angel into a Destroyer converting all five is rarely efficient. The advanced powers out of cover are only for the specialized Destroyed model she currently has unless she makes extensive modifications to the others. This applies similarly to the other types.


Sometimes it is necessary to protect a place or person from danger. They may have an important part to play in Liseth’s calculations or it may be a place for important infrastructure. Their awareness is second to none in this regard. They can instantly know how to plan a perfect ambush in an area to catch even the most prepared opponent suddenly off guard, make sure every shot that isn’t carefully aimed against them or theru allies misses, compress hours of work into minutes, shove even the heaviest objects not affixed to the ground several yards, or inspire a moment of hesitation in their opponents to take advantage of. A Guardian can also launch brutal counter attacks by taking advantage of the power and force of their enemy’s own attacks, deafen her foes, detect anyone who would hold hostility against them or their charges, place a mystical marking on anything of their choice so she can detect them anywhere, and transfer recent damage from themselves or their allies to anything that they can touch. They can also take command over an area to control a large building as if it was part of her body though she can’t make anything in it do something impossible she can open doors or windows, run appliances or electronics, and be aware of everyone within. Guardians can even animate otherwise inanimate beings including corpses. While at best they can retain two or three at Exceptional to Amazing stats, they can permanently add them to existing infrastructure to serve as indefinite guards. This allows Guardians to continuously accrue guards if they wish. They can even blunt attacks that could otherwise seriously wound or kill them or others so long as they can react in time, leaving some bruises but not much more.

Armored and agile, the mechanical clambering of a Guardian is usually paired with a myriad of sensors and energy projectors. This allows them to make Incredible shields and expands their senses into a wider area. They have powers to greatly increase their perceptions up to Heroic by overclocking their minds, alter gravity’s effect on them to make massive leaps, heavy enough to need Fantastic strength, lift incredibly heavy objects like a feather before returning their weight to them, and walk up walls or onto the ceiling.


Sometimes Liseth needs an agent to apply social pressure and manipulate people rather than just rampaging around with brute force in order to peacefully acquire the materials and property needed to expand. A Collector can make someone believe they have the right and qualifications to be somewhere such as a meeting, police evidence locker, or an executive’s office. They may also create false cover stories that witnesses will lap up until they all repeat the same thing so long as it isn’t too ludicrous, erase any physical evidence that they were ever somewhere, disrupt someone’s concentration with a song they can’t get out of their head that only intensifies as they try and think, and even take on another person’s appearances and mannerisms perfectly. Collectors can turn into living recorders with a touch and instantly access the information they have with another, vanish inside a crowd to the point where even the most prodigious senses are useless and pictures along with recording can’t even see her. Instantly changing their clothes so long as no one is looking is also possible and useful when paired with the other abilities. They can ascertain the function, layout, and value of any object or building as if they had built it themselves as well.

Collectors are varied beings, the make and nature of their gears all appear different. Still, it appears as a wondrous harmony. Eyes like kaleidoscopes glance and spin, other detection based mechanisms altering their sensory prowess to focus on things more abstract than the physical state of objects. Their senses are honed for societal connections. With ease they can comprehend what is acceptable and what isn’t, the kind of person that would be allowed in an area, local customs and culture, their focus is on how to acquire access and leverage without ever being noticed. But their powers aren’t entirely about people. Collectors can turn into shadows, flitting from one to the other in an instant to avoid capture or gain access to areas. To get people out of the way they can alter evidence from afar, bringing someone to the attention of local law enforcement as more and more proof of their involvement in whatever crime the Collector falcifies comes to surface.


Collectors apply pressure, Speakers enrapture. While they both have to deal with people their jobs are fundamentally different. They accrue cults, get people on Liseth’s side, and are the ones who end up leveraging the Nexus’ resources against her enemies. They can speak to people across a room like a whisper in their ear without anyone hearing, give animals orders and have them convey messages to others, craft virulent rumors that people feel like they heard or knew already, get the gist of any conversation they can see even if they can’t hear a thing, or force someone to let out the first thing that comes to their mind. With just a look they can divine your greatest desires, inspire others with any idea that the Collector has in mind, inflicting minor but long term hallucinations on someone with a touch, encode messages into objects and art that are seen only by specified targets, or crush a target with paranoia so they can be more easily separated from their support network and brought into the workings of the machine.

Out of cover Speakers are beautiful. Impossibly tiny metal plates make it almost seem as if they were bronze skinned and the light catches off them in a wondrous manner. Even as alien as they look they inspire beauty, and it is especially hard to resist their advances and desires. The powers the Speakers wield in this state command immense amounts of social influence. They can practically curse someone, just the sight of them triggering aggressive reactions and hateful feelings to the point where it would be very easy to cause a lynching by the locals. Swathing themselves in an addictive presence can leave cults entirely dependent on them just to live day by day. Speakers may also grant visions both horrific and euphoric that can spawn entire religions or drive people to insanity.


Among all the archons the Analysts are the least blatant of the archons. They generally stay within places of infrastructure, communicating with Liseth in order to go through the information that the others give. They also specialize in research and development, their abilities allowing them to understand the inherent weaknesses of any being. This can be anything from the location of vital points to supernatural weaknesses such as vulnerabilities to the sun and silver. Analysts can easily sort through information, using the knowledge Liseth feeds into them to quickly deduce enemy assets and abilities. Their other abilities are mostly used to boost the potency of Liseth’s local infrastructure, allowing them to produce more powerful effects due to a heightened efficiency. This even allows her infrastructure to seize control of electronics in an area, even ones that would otherwise be impossible to hack or command.

The true form of an Analyst generally resemble mechanical insects, and most commonly spiders. While in this state they have a variety of abilities to enhance their allies and make it increasingly difficult to approach them. Similar to destroyers they can alter the space of a building, but instead of just reordering openings they can expand it and create spaces far larger than their size would suggest. An ordinary office building can be turned into a gargantuan maze with constantly changing paths. Furthermore, they are amazing creators of weapons and gadgets. Analysts can create objects that emulate the powers of other archons for a temporary time or weapons that are banes to types of supernaturals, emulating the qualities of their weaknesses so well that it fools reality into making them so.

Analysts are also in charge of designing the more specialized forms of infrastructure. They tinker with high buildings, using them as the foundation to form reality anchors. These devices can curtail the Nexus’ portals. It can’t actually stop them but it can divert the flow into other areas. This helps Liseth keeps places of interest stable at the cost of flooding other areas with more strange immigrants. Other examples include holdfasts, devices made to wrench reality open and enable transit through portals.


There are four Elohim, all kept in stasis. Each of them contains what can be considered a singularity of infrastructure, incredibly compact and efficient models far beyond anything the archons have. The amount of power that it takes to keep them going is taxing on every piece of infrastructure that Liseth has and requires the deactivation of every archon, and even then it’s not enough without supplementary exploitation of occult matrices as said above.

Unlike the archons the Elohim share very little in common with humans, and their thinking patterns are not based on Liseth’s in the slightest. They are of thoroughly alien design. Even their personalities are a front, incredibly accurate simulations whose purpose is to disrupt or fool opponents more than anything else. The Elohim are not haughty, generous, cruel, or merciful. They simply are.

Elohim vary between Incredible and Fantastic in stats, and they have the totality of abilities possessed by the archons. Furthermore, they have their own unique abilities. They may alter their velocity at will to instantly change directions without any loss in speed, increase the range and targets for their various powers, shove souls into bodies and bring them to life, utilize energy attacks in the Fantastic range, and far more blatant things. An Elohim can scramble their possible location and allow them to switch out with any mundane human within several miles radius in order to instantly disengage from a situation. While this may not let them switch with supernaturals it does alert the Elohim to all their locations. They can cause incredibly improbable events, the floor randomly crumbling under your feet as a massive truck goes towards you at full speed, and an angry wyvern hones in on you over everything else. The greatest of their abilities make a mess of time. They can compress several minutes of preparation into an instant to unleash a hellstorm of blasts or let an ally immediately use their most powerful ability. Likewise they can extent the time it takes for their enemies to access a power, their finishing move suddenly needing several more seconds before it’s ready.

At best an Elohim can remain active for a few days so long as they remain outside of combat and focus on the acculturation of infrastructure or other such things. However, combat drastically reduces this time. Using the Elohim for the purposes of fighting or widespread destruction both taxes Liseth’s network and can reduce the length of their activity down to hours or even minutes.


Cults: Mortal masses are quite easily brought into the fold one way or another. Whether they found and began to worship infrastructure or were drawn in by a Speaker, human servitors are never in short supply. Sometimes they even manage to net a supernatural or two. Suffice to say that along with the archons and defensive measure there are also the cults who will leverage weapons and influence against her foes. They also provide raw materials and labor for her.

Origin:One day the world ended. Very quietly. Very suddenly. She was never very special before it did. There were rough starts, fun interactions, good friends, some experimentation. But she slowly slipped away into a cozy everyday life. It should have ended like that. But...

I don't want to die

Calculating, expansive, alien. The God in the Machine dreams of being a girl called Liseth.

Weakness: Despite the influence and knowledge she uses Liseth is still dependent on buildings which even at best can’t sustain the efforts of a powerful individual. While five archons may be quite useful and powerful they’re also scattered across the Nexus trying to further her ends.

Furthermore, archons are varied but do not have access to all the powers listed. That is merely a list of what they could have. They also rely on internal power to use their abilities and usually require charging at places of infrastructure between notable fights.

Likes: Archons, games, machines.

Dislikes: Yodth, destruction of private property, early access.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 03:46:42 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2018, 02:17:34 AM »
Name: Noah

Race: Human

Age: 32

Height: 6ft

Weight: 170Ib



Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Incredible

Magic: Extremely high

Contracts:  Noah is capable of creating magical contracts either with verbal or written word.  These deals allow two parties to exchange non tangible items such as powers, souls or even knowledge.  All contracts must be fulfilled, no matter what.  If a person fails to succeed in this contract, they will lose everything they offered in the original deal, as well as their life.

Wards:  Noah is capable of protecting his homes with magical wards, provided he has time to set them up.  They do not actually prevent anyone from entering said building, but they will trigger any technological defenses or hostile parties.  Naturally, this is a contextual magic used mostly for house defense.  Additionally, they can take hours to set up, so they are not useful in battle.

Other Abilities:

Telepath:  While not the strongest telepath in the world, Noah is very capable when it comes to the less destructive abilities.  He can resist mental attacks, link minds together in a sort of telepathic phone call, make psychic suggestions and of course, read minds.  Unfortunately, when it comes to things such as levitate objects, he can only pick up things that he would be able to lift with his physical strength and the action strains him in a similar way.

Soul manipulation:  Noah is capable of seeing, manipulating and touching souls, though he cannot extract them without either killing the target and taking it from their bodies, or extracting it through a contract. It should be noted that extracting the soul through a contract does not kill the target.  Instead, Noah becomes the owner and keeps the physical embodiment of it.  He can store it within his body or within one of his contraptions, doing so gives him access to all of the knowledge they had in life.

Supernatural scientist:  While Noah himself never started as any sort of scientist, he extracted the skills and knowledge from an entire team of specialists, giving unrivaled knowledge in the field of the mind and soul. Moreover, he has an extensive catalogue of supernatural creatures and humans residing in his mind.

Knowledge of the economy and government:  In addition to knowledge of the soul, Noah is also an expert on the governmental systems and economy of the nexus, an invaluable tool in business meetings with other CEOs.  This vast education was gained similarly to his knowledge of the supernatural, a contract that extracted the education of a few prominent social scientists.

Soul stealing:  Noah has gained the ability to steal a person's soul through physical contact.  This does not result in an instant kill, but it does allow him to influence it directly.  He can insert memories, emotions or anything else that he comes up with at the time.  In other words, he gains complete control over that person.

Clones:  Noah has also recently gained the ability to clone himself.  Essentially these clones function as extensions of his body, allowing him to be in two places at once.  When they are destroyed, their entire experience is passed onto him in the form of memories.


Lots of money:  Noah is pretty loaded, one of the richest entrepreneurs in the city.  His business is a large corporation that specializes in the production and sale of gas.  Because of the nature of this company, he has positive relationships with many of the factions in the city.  For example, the police who use it for their vehicles, real estate for power and gangs because gas makes good explosions.

Cars:  Noah has a pretty big dick, but that doesn’t stop him from showing off his manliness with big stupid trucks, absurdly expensive sports cars and sometimes monster trucks.  He has an entire ten story garage dedicated to many different types of vehicles.

Noah’s arc:  Its a yacht that holds many of his prize possessions. In a weird way, this is his true home.  It actually is blessed with fairy dust, allowing it to take flight if the need arises.  Its speed can match most luxury planes, but it is not built for battle.  Of course, that doesn’t stop Noah from creating a small magical barrier with wards. 

Suitcase of pain:  Noah often carries a suitcase filled with all sorts of fun toys.  Guns, knives, maces, stun guns, anything that can be used to cause pain is stored within this case. 

Secretary/Pet (Nana):  In exchange for power, Nana gave up her status as a normal human to Noah, acting as his full time employee and pet.  She functions as his secretary, having insane amounts of organizational skills and a photographic memory that can remember every instance of her life vividly.  Because of this, she is highly susceptible to memory based psychic attacks.

Though she typically wears a business suit, this is what she looks like:


Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Fantastic

Teleportation:  Nana is capable of teleporting anywhere that she can see, hear or smell.  For example, if she smells a stench miles away, she can teleport to that.  If she cannot hear or see something, she cannot teleport to it.  She can also mark something by touching it, allowing her to teleport to that location.  Moreover, she cannot teleport freely, requiring a few seconds to cool down before attempting to teleport again.

Snake physiology:  Nana is a snake woman and therefore has attributes of snake physiology.  This means she eats large meals whole, including cows, humans and mooses.  Her body also capable of generating any number of naturally generated poisons.  If her skin is damaged, she can shed that skin for a silky new coat.  As a result, her skin is almost always insanely smooth.  Is is also worth noting that if impregnated, Nana will lay eggs after about four to five weeks and tends to get horny in the cold.  Moreover, she can store sperm in her body and reuse it herself whenever she desires.  Lastly, she has an insanely powerful sense of smell, allowing her to see in the dark and track whatever her master desires.

Of course, there is also the weakness of snakes, such as the fact that she is cold blooded and therefore cannot survive in extreme temperatures.  This makes her extremely vulnerable to any sort of extreme heat or cold based attacks.  Her naturally supernatural durability can circumvent the natural environmental damage, but temperature based attacks will hurt her a lot more than normal.

Regeneration:  It is also worth noting that Nana is capable of regenerating from any non vital wounds.  If her limbs are cut off, she can regenerate those in a matter of seconds.  However, if her heart, lunges brain ect are pierced she will die same as everyone else.  She cannot heal these body parts without proper time.

Slime:  Nana is capable of secreting a slick slime from her pores that allows her to block the effects of specific weapons.  Basically, it makes any non blunt attack a blunt attack.  For example, a sword will strike her like a blunt weapon thanks to the slimes protective qualities reducing the cutting power of the blade.

Snakeshifting:  Nana is Noah’s pet and therefore often takes the form of any snake she chooses. Moreover, she can take on any of those attributes in human form as well.  In her human form, she typically has those of a cobra snake, but she has been known to take on the form of a python or a guardian snake.


Ambition is one of the most powerful tools of the soul.  Within a small town, a small child was relentlessly bullied for his status.  Holding on through his prayers to a cult god, he found strength within himself to continue on.  Discovering his talent for business, he began working as an entrepreneur in his late teens.  The teenager found that with business he gained autonomy, influence and power.  Those who bullied him suddenly wanted to become his friends and he found that he had no shortage of women pining after him.

While Noah’s late teens and early 20s were marked by indulging in the success he had created for himself, his mid 20s marked a sort of introspective period.  It was his faith that kept him strong, not his own strength of will.  Therefore, to obtain more power, he would have to get closer to this god.  As it turned out, this god was simply an insanely powerful mage whose feats were mistaken for a gods.  As he stood before this “god” Noah realized the immense business potential of magic.  He did not have a lot of talent as a mage, but it didn’t matter if he could learn one or two skills.  With a bit of creativity, a magic and wealth would snowball into a vast canyon of power.

And so, the entrepreneur, blessed with magic and talent went on to acquire knowledge and power.  In his world, he went from a man who owned a successful small business to the leader of an enormous corporation, to a CEO of a company that outstripped his home country to eventually the unofficial ruler of the world in the span of 5-6 years.  One day, a group of insurgents stormed his mansion and cast a spell that banished him from his world.  The resulting spell brought him to the nexus.


Fighting:  Noah is not a fighter at all, instead relying completely on his pet Nana.  If you get past her, he is at your mercy.

Contracts:  Believe it or not, but Noah can actually be exploited using his own contracts if you are witty enough.  All it can take is one really bad deal to screw everything up and Noah himself is not immune to the contract’s effects.

Temperature:  Rooms that are extremely cold or hot will slow Nana down, which is Noah’s only form of defense outside of body guards.  As noted in Nana’s section, temperature based attacks will do much more damage than normal.  In the best case, an extreme environment combined with temperature based attacks will be able to bring Nana to her knees in most instances.

Likes: Money, Torture, Domination, Strong creatures

Dislikes: Weak minds, Whiners, Brocoli
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 08:52:53 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2018, 06:14:38 PM »
Name: Rudra

Race: Human

Age: 23

Height: 173 cm

Weight: More or less proportional to height


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes (In bursts)

Strength: Incredible (Fantastic)

Agility: Fantastic (Heroic)

Durability: Incredible (Fantastic)

Magic: Low

Before she awakened, Rudra had rudimentary instruction in one of the many facets of sorcery, the skill to harness the ambient energy of the universe into codified purposes through symbolic and mystic formulas.

She can engrave or place sigils at boundaries in order to magically lock rooms while strengthening the structure of their doors or entryways by one rank, likewise use sigils to unlock non-magically reinforced doors or openings, and strengthen personal bindings like manacles and ropes by one rank or make mundane ones come undone. She can also use these brands to make hidden enchantments and ongoing magics visible to the naked eye, and for a handful of utilitary uses, like starting a campfire or placing food in preservation.

Other Abilities:

Awakened: Rudra has awakened to the power of her soul, allowing her to draw on its unique expressions and use it as a source of strength. Others have accomplished this through sorcery, martial enlightenment, or even spiritual technology breakthroughs, but she did so by surviving a brush with certain death. Most of her abilities are enhanced or granted by this trait.

The Violet Flame: Rudra’s soul brims with a burning essence that emanates as crackling violet aura and amethyst fire. She can wield this power to momentarily reinforce her physique, extend the range of her attacks, strike from a distance, defend from physical harm, and counteract effects that would transform her or warp her spirit.

She can hurl fiery blasts or create flaming waves and blinding arcs of Incredible power at will, coat her weapons in incandescent energy that leaves charred and smoldering wounds, and shield herself with consuming force equivalent to Incredible level protection. This flexibility also allows her to propulse herself through the air at Incredible speeds by wreathing her body like a comet, and similar things. By focusing the Violet Flame for a moment, she can create larger attacks with Fantastic destructive power, such as rippling torrents of flame, or wide sizzling orbs that detonate on impact, or else raise longer lasting curtains of energy to defend from attacks and Fantastic level defenses. Focusing longer and straining herself in the process allows for even wide-area Heroic potency releases of power.

Channeling the Violet Flame through her body allows her to briefly improve a physical attribute by one rank, allowing for bursts of flashing speed, enhanced strength or heightened resilience. She can only do this once every few moments, and forcing herself to sustain this performance will start severely tearing her body from the inside.

She can also use the Violet Flame to counteract phenomena of a transformative or otherwise mind or soul manipulating nature, coursing it through herself to stop the effects and burning them away by lashing out, comparable to using Very High magic to do so or even Extremely High if she’s willing to become injured in the process. If she finds the effects of these things in other subjects, she can forcefully pour her power into them to end their influence in the same way, too.

This power is the enemy of the gods and their direct creations, and is more effective against them both offensively and defensively. It can leave them wounds that will not heal except with monumental effort, disperse their divine power, and generally act as one rank more effective when directly contesting it. The Violet Flame has further potential for growth, but if Rudra wishes to develop it to its true heights, she must focus on this part of its character.

Seventh Sight: Rudra’s five mundane senses and instincts are expanded by a sharp sensitivity to spiritual reactions, as well the impressions created by sorcery or supernatural power. She can discern various things from these, filtered through her senses and ordinary perception.

Restoration: Rudra’s awakened form benefits from heightened healing abilities and resistance to ailments. She recovers from physical harm with great speed, healing from minor injuries, concussions and scratches in minutes, and major wounds over few hours. A day’s rest allows her to recover completely from all but the most severe concentration of wounds that were not outright lethal. The vast majority of mundane toxins and diseases fail before her constitution, with only more potent ills being able to faze her and only supernatural ailments capable at all of killing her.

Survivor: Rudra’s an experienced survivalist, and a more experienced fighter. She has a instinct for battle developed through extensive scraps and brawls and is an expert in close combat with all kinds of weapons (or no weapons). She’s also a good sneak and passable larcenist.


Stormsong: A six-flanged mace made of steel hardened by a hundred lightning bolts and sharpened to the drums of devils and voice of rain banshees, nearly indestructible. As it receives impacts or the noise of battle, it gathers thunderous energy, which Rudra may release with a strike in order to change the weather in an instant. This begins as localized rain, and builds up over time into a heavy lightning storm centered on a city block around as Stormsong continues to be used. With another strike, she can disperse the storm by creating a deafening lightning burst with Fantastic power that pellets an area proportional to the intensity of the storm, at its strongest carpeting an area a hundred meters wide.

The wielder is not hampered by this weather no matter what, and it will disperse on its own after a short time, but if she lets it build up too much without release, it will eventually erupt in her face. This seems to reflect the spiritual temperament of the weapon itself, which seeks to make its music heard. Rudra is recognized as the mace’s owner, however, and she can mentally call it to fly back to hand at any time, responding to her power.

Origin: In Rudra’s world, the vast continent of Andakarvadi is defined by an extensive shadow war between masters and pretenders. Between iconoclasts and zealots, through engines of crystal and swelling industries, over the backdrop of living mythology and expanding magic academia, uplifted and rising gods fight for supremacy and to leave their mark upon the universe no matter what they may destroy in the process.

These conflicts indirectly shaped Rudra’s earlier life and foray from her quaint, ravaged hometown into the business of war and the adventurous underbellies of democracies and empires. One thing (traveling) led to another (signing up for anti-government operations). It was by luck that she stumbled upon the schemes within the Alliance of Noctlan, and miraculous coincidence she survived where the rabbit hole led her.

She made a name for herself as a indomitable fighter and social upsetter, and joined the Bluehaven Brigade, a loose mercenary group from the unstable countrysides, which began to earn its fortune in daring operations at the sensitive centers of military unrest. While her mates wrestle with conspiring armies, Rudra has searched for where the influence of the ones responsible is most pervasive. They’re there, and they will find them and expose them one day.


Stamina: Her use of the Violet Flame is limited by her own physical stamina and spiritual exhaustion. It’s physically tiring to overuse, and it wears down on her soul over the course of a fight to repeatedly harness it to its limits.

Multitasking: Rudra can’t reliably do multiple things with the Violet Flame at the same time. She can enhance her physique while she channels it for other purposes, but she can’t project power to attack and defend herself simultaneously, for instance.

Likes: Seafood, making friends, blowing things up, sleeping

Dislikes: Gods, trials, cowards, oppressive governments

« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 06:36:45 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2018, 08:06:42 PM »
Name: BB

Race: Basketballer

Age: 25

Height: 156 cm

Weight: 46 kg


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic(Legendary Speed Ball Handle)

Durabilty: Fantastic

Magic: Very High

BB can conjur BBalls out of thin air with only a thought, creating them at will to spawn in her hands, the only limit being she cannot create them while her hands are full. These balls are normal other than having fantastic durability.

She can also generate a spiritual basketball court and punish people for breaking the rules of the game. She's limited to using at most one ball at a time, and she sets the rules of the match, usually a simple first to five 1v1. Although she's fine with going against more people if they want~♡. If you violate any of the rules of basketball, you get an orange card, and two orange cards combine into a red card, but don't worry, BB chan will explain the basic rules to those who aren't aware of such fundemental knowledge, don't worry! :P

If you lose, you're not allowed to go against BB until the next time they meet, and as a gracious victor, she's not allowed to bully you too much either. If you refuse to play against her, that counts as a forfeit and the same rules apply.
She can also grow a huge penis.

Magic Resistance: None

Other Abilities:


A human who has transcended humanity. A human who has trained so much their very fundamental nature has changed along with them. BB is a BBaller, the absolute best of the best of the best. She has gained strength, speed, and durability far surpassing her lesser peers.

Her skill with a BBall are unparalleled, able to dribble hundreds of BBalls at once, set them on fire and with sheer skill prevent it from causing any damage. When they’re on fire, the balls hit as if they had fantastic strength and set anything flammable aflame. She can block people and prevent them from moving past her without fail, and she can land a three pointer from across the court without even breaking a sweat. She can pass people and dodge blocks with the utmost ease. She also has the ability to follow the movements of any person, regardless of how much faster they are than her. When she is holding a basketball, she has been described as invincible, but she contests this assessment.

Sometimes, in times of great need, a player can enter a transcendental state where they surpass their normal limitations, and bring out their full potential energy from the Ball Force. On victory. While in the zone, they can perform mind boggling feats that would be utterly impossible for them to perform normally. As a peak basketballer at the top of her field with unparalleled skill and determination, BB has transcended such limitations, and is essentially in a permanent state of “zone.” It has caused her skin to turn dark and her ball to gain a fire aspect.


Omega-Flavor Gatorade

This is bottle of gatorade is the pinnacle of American Sports Science™. By drawing upon the excess energy created by high performance BBall players, or Ball Force for short, it creates a stamina restoring substance to keep them in the game perpetually.

It also tastes orgasmicly good.

Baseball Cap

A cap given to her by her loyal fans, she dons it when she wants to disguise herself as a normal person.

Origin: BB is the best BBall player in existence; her power has been trained over long grueling years to perfect her craft. She went through many tough and arduous battles, including the dreaded lunch time rush. Upon taking the title of the number one player, she renounced her previous name and now is only known as the mysterious BB.

Weakness: Playing at such a high level all the time is of course, exhausting for her and drains her Ball Force reserves at a fairly fast rate. If she doesn’t stop for a moment to take a swig from her Gatorade, her performance will lower and she may need to even take a break.

Likes: Basketball, team players, being the ace, competition

Dislikes: Soccer

« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 12:44:50 AM by YOLF »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2018, 01:39:44 AM »
Name: Oryuu

Race: Beast

Age: 112

Height: 6’3

Weight: Average for her height


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (Heroic with Cyclopean Strength and Legendary with CS in water)

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Fantastic

Magic Resistance - Very High: The monstrous power that flows through Oryuu makes her highly resistant to the abilities of other supernatural entities.

Other Abilities:

Dream: Beasts are creatures born from humanity’s nightmares and can slip between them and the waking world. Through areas resonant with her Lair Oryuu can with a good bit of difficulty smudge the boundaries between the physical world and the dreaming one, allowing her or others to slip into her home. This is only eased if the area she’s using corresponds to the chamber in her Lair to a great degree. She can easily find out the greatest fears in the local area, identifying the major actors which terrify the general populace to a greater or lesser extent depending on their notoriety. Oryuu can even use individuals as gates to enter the dreaming world, allowing them to witness her feasting and exploiting their fears as a gate of its own. She can rip open natural gates and portals at will, either to their destination or to the dreaming world, and can grant others free access to her Lair through any of her openings as well.

Lair: A series of chambers and entrances in the dreaming world, Oryuu’s Lair is a frightening and incredibly deadly gauntlet. Flooded chambers, underwater cave systems with currents strong enough to sweep away all but the strongest humans, stinging rain that slowly converts flesh to salt, all Human fishmen workers which maintain the chambers and hinder her foes while inevitably respawning themselves, and frightening naga myrmidons. The last of these are incredibly powerful minions. There are five of them each at solid Incredible and they are also immune to manifestations of her Lair traits. Each of them can also use one of her own Atavisms, either boosting their stats or granting them her attacks. However, they can only use the normal variant.

She may also impose most of these traits onto an area. When there is a correct resonance such as a pouring rain, water up to the waist, or corrosive materials she can warp the area around her with as many of her traits as she wishes. In an instant you can go from a rainy day to a terrifying flood, water pulling with unnatural forces as it rises high enough to drown. However, unless she merges it with Lair she cannot bring forth the fishmen or the naga into the world, and even if they are called forth they are still bound to the area where her Lair has expressed itself. Oryuu herself is immune to all effects of her own Lair, unhindered by the currents or transformative waves.

Kin: To Oryuu, all monsters are family and share common ancestry. The truth of this is debatable, but she has a variety of powers that provide its own sort of evidence. When dealing with most supernatural beings there is an inclination towards friendlier relations, similar to when you meet a cousin for the first time. You’re more accommodating than if they were a complete and utter stranger, but it holds little water if Oryuu is antagonizing you. She herself can also instantly recognize most supernaturals unless they take lengths to hide their nature. Those that are closer to humans such as telepaths or mages are harder, but they’re not impossible to find out either.

She may also pass herself off as any such supernatural. This doesn’t give her the abilities or even physically transform her, but to sensory abilities she appears as such. She may also feed whenever other supernaturals feed, splitting up into a hunt and the actual act of devouring. When she examines the search or pursuit she can extract nourishment and the actual feeding allows her to satisfy herself once more. If open with her allies she can also bestow power onto other supernaturals. Best used when she has filled herself up, it empowers their natural powers. While less effective against those who have greatly honed their natural talents, it can provide a great albeit temporary boost to those who have done less to refine this aspect of themselves. It can be likened to a battery of energy that they can draw upon to either use up all at once or sporadically. It cannot be stacked and it does cause some mental fatigue for Oryuu.

Ruin: Oryuu feeds off of the destruction she causes, and this is what grants her sustenance and drives her above nearly all other things. It can be physical or social. Killing someone’s pet is as useful as destroying someone’s car, wrecking an apartment complex as delicious as killing a beloved community figure.

Atavisms: Powerful expressions of her innate monster and Lair, Oryuu’s powers make her a terrifying threat. Supernatural beings can see manifestations of her monstrous form’s winding body or jaws during these abilities.

Cyclopean Strength: Naturally Oryuu possesses the capacity to deadlift, push, and pull any object as if she had Legendary strength.This is considered primarily for the sake of maneuvering the object. Furthermore, so long as it is for the purposes of normally lifting objects or brutally smashing objects apart her strength can be considered Heroic.

If she begins to starve Oryuu’s monstrous aspect begins to act with terrible fury. Any object that she could lift prior can now be used as a weapon, allowing her to lift ships out of the water to smash her foes with. This ignores normal physical constraints that such an action would cause as it is more an expression of her monstrous size, the object crunches and groans as if a great coiling object was wrapped around it rather than just her hands. She may also throw them with ease, as if the massive structure she was wielding like a club was a baseball; however, the act of tossing them is normally only used with her base strength limiting their speed. Oryuu can enhance her base strength by using some of the power that she has stored up from her consumption, increasing her strength to Heroic. This enhancement lasts about ten minutes or until the interaction ends.

Dragonfire: From her mouth Oryuu can let out a devastating blast of lightning from her mouth. It moves at Incredible but strikes with Heroic power. However the range is limited to about fifteen meters. Any damage it causes as a side effect such as fires or smoke do no harm to her or hinder her in any matter.

As she hungers Oryuu’s attacks become more varied. Individual blasts, torrents, and sustained cones of lightning all burst from her mouth without end. Furthermore, by expending energy she greatly empowers the blast of energy. The wounds that it leaves then are incredibly difficult to heal, and without supernatural abilities it would take intensive treatment and lengthy amounts of time before full recovery could even be considered.

Heart of the Ocean
: In the depths Oryuu is a devastatingly powerful opponent. She moves faster although not beyond her rank, can see through water clearly no matter how murky, is unhindered by the cold or pressure or the deep sea, and is physically enhanced to Heroic or Legendary if Cyclopean Strength’s active effect has been used. She is also far more dextrous and her aim is greatly increased.

If starving she can use moisture in the atmosphere, bodies of water, and liquid inside of organisms to instinctually lead her towards an area to satisfy her hunger for Ruin. The active use of this creates a destructive atmosphere of water. Sea breeze in the air and a darkness in the sky comes over the area of a large building as everything within it slowly degrades. Weapons rust, concrete crumbles, electronics sputter out and delicate circuits fragment, and this can continue for nearly a day unless she wills it to end prematurely. This can collapse nearly any building that isn’t supernaturally reinforced and can easily ruin any mundane weapon or technology.

Mimir’s Wisdom: A creature of the deep, Oryuu’s knowledge can be supplemented by her monstrous form. She has a perfect memory and cannot be deceived by mundane means, immediately knowing if she is being lied to or information is being withheld.

As she hungers her knowledge is only sharpened, the threat of starvation focusing her monstrous aspect to uncanny levels. Functionally this grants her many skills in things such as computers, academics, occult knowledge, and other things such as that. With the expenditure of her energy she can increase this even more, granting her an amount of knowledge more fit for an entire library of information for a day.

Relentless Hunter: In the pursuit of hunger it’s often necessary to lick one’s wounds. Oryuu has a healing factor which allows her to heal any light cuts or bruises almost instantly, most deep wounds in a few hours, and incredibly crippling or unnatural damage in days.

When she hungers Oryuu’s ability to heal is further supplemented by her monstrous aspect. About every ten minutes all of her wounds are dramatically reduced. The light ones vanish entirely, deep cuts and broken bones become bruises and scrapes, and lost limbs or unnatural damage reverts to a lesser state of painful but not crippling wounds. Drawing upon her reserves of power can nearly instantly heal her of any wounds. She can be brought back from the brink of death, instantly healing an assortment of deadly wounds. Even those that would be resistant to healing or are incredibly traumatic can be repaired, although if she has been struck by a significant amount of them a few may still remain after the process is done.

Stormbringer: As a creature of disaster Oryuu is immune to natural catastrophes. She can lay about during a heatwave, walk about in a blizzard without a chill, move through a sandstorm with clear vision and untouched skin, get struck by countless bolts of lightning unharmed,  or hear over the roar of a tornado or hurricane. Oryuu can also unleash gusts of wind from her mouth of Incredible power. They can disperse gas or smoke, blow people back, or stir up and carry a wave of debris and dust into the faces of her opponents. However, they cannot do any harm themselves. While people may be blown back far distances it will not do nearly as much damage as if they had been slammed into by a blast of equivalent force.

Starving brings out the worst of the storm. The weather darkens and grows ominous where she is, and it seems as if rain and thunder may break out any minute, In either a natural or artificial storm she can seize control of the lightning in the skies and wield it as a dangerous weapon against her goes. Its speed is at Incredible but the strength is Heroic. By spending energy she can instantly cause a horrendous storm. It could be a horrific tropical thunderstorm, a scalding sandstorm, or a freezing blizzard. This unnatural weather phenomena is so drastic that it could easily kill humans within a dozen or so minutes. The effects from this are separate from her Lair traits, and while she the storm usually follows her she can also slowly send it outwards to plague another area. It can last about ten hours.

Nightmares: Horrors can be conjured up which debilitate her enemies or distract them from a fight. While only the target can view the effects they can still cause very real and sometimes life threatening effects. This is only useful against beings at around Human to Amazing in statlines. They can be tormented by hordes of bugs which sting a poison them despite no trace of toxin in their bodies, be forced to move slowly and with great weakness as if age had atrophied them, or overwhelmed with fatigue as if they had not slept at all.


Within Oryuu’s Lair is the horrifying creature that is her monstrous self. At Heroic/Incredible/Heroic and large enough to completely coil around and crush a commercial fishing boat, it’s a horrifying being. Furthermore, it is able to use all of her Atavisms as if it were starving and can utilize the more consuming powers through sheer force of will. While this causes mental fatigue it functionally has double her reserves because of it. The Horror is the ultimate expression of her power; however, it remains within the Lair and cannot leave it.

Origin: Deep in a nameless ocean, a serpent sleeps. It dreams of family, and warmth, and home, but hunger most of all. The beast wakes, and opens its mouth, and devours, but when it returns to rest all it can think of is how tired it is. Tired of fighting. Tired of losing. Tired of being afraid. 

But it cannot die.

It roars as lightning bursts from its mouth. The skies shake and shudder, rain powers and the waters stir. It refuses to die. It refuses to give up. It refuses to forget. And despite all its rage, its burning will, its horrific visage, the dragon weeps beneath the waves.

There are no tears in the sea. Or perhaps it is that the seas are tears themselves.


Gorging: Ruin is Oryuu’s feast, but if she gets too out of hand it can have great consequences. The ease in which she can devastate entire areas can actually turn against her, her Horror having devoured so much that it falls into a deep slumber. She loses all of her Atavisms and her stats fall down to Exceptional. She can take action to awaken it and a near death experience can also do so, but she is left incredibly vulnerable in the meantime.

Likes: Family, rain, the ocean,

Dislikes: Heroes, jellyfish, ocean trash

« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 02:12:40 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2018, 07:57:03 PM »
Name: Saturnalia

Race: Challenger

Age: Timeless

Height: 1.82m

Weight: 0.37kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Amazing

Other Abilities:

The Heraldry: Saturnalia was once differentiated from other Challengers only by her choice in attire, as she once looked nearly identical to the rest of them otherwise. However, Challengers were given the ability to develop unique appearances if they remain in the presence of other Challengers outside of the Blooming Planes for long enough. Aside from these clothes, her body is made of an insubstantial blend of cozy fog, soft starlight, heat shimmers, and cool shade. Saturnalia interacts with objects as if she were solid, but can only exert force as if she were solid on her Heraldry and Panoply. However, her Heraldry and Panoply are not subject to this restriction, and she can exert force on objects secondhand by putting some part of her Heraldry or Panoply between her body and the object she wishes to move. Without these two abilities, she is, in effect, a massless solid incapable of generating proper, complete momentum.

Should her Heraldry ever be destroyed or damaged, she can reform it anew from nothing. Additionally, she possesses the ability to turn into a crow, with subhuman stats aside from Amazing Agility.

Being a Challenger who has gained her own appearance, Saturnalia can add new mundane items of clothing—but not armor—to her Heraldy by wearing it and then swapping it with an item that is already a part of her Heraldry.

The Panoply: Challengers are composed whole cloth from nothing but skill in a single task, and any skill requires tools to use effectively. Because of this, Challengers can create any of their signature tools from nothing, at will. If the Challenger stops paying attention to them, they will disappear into the void from whence they came after a few minutes, or disappear instantly if consciously dismissed.

Saturnalia possesses three signature tools: the Three-Handed Dagger, the Small Shining Blade, and the Shuriken of Diasunne.

The Three-Handed Dagger is a hefty sword, with a hilt 2 meters long and a blade comprising of another 3 meters. The hilt is thicker than Saturnalia’s own body, and has several smaller handles along the length of it allowing her to grip it. It weighs nearly as much as a car, and is single-edged. It also possesses Legendary Durability. Saturnalia can only summon one copy of the Three-Handed dagger at a time.

The Small Shining Blade is a knife made of divine Bronze, with a hilt made of divine obsidian. It functions as a throwing knife and a punch dagger. It also possesses Heroic Durability and can pierce Fantastic Durability easily when thrown and Heroic Durability when used as a melee weapon. Saturnalia can have up to 6 copies of the Small Shining Blade manifested at once.

The Shuriken of Diasunne is a square shuriken with edges curved inwards. They function as basic thrown weapons, or caltrops when embedded in a surface. They also have Fantastic Durability. They can pierce Incredible Durability when thrown, or Fantastic Durability when embedded into a solid surface. Saturnalia can have up to 36 copies of the Shuriken of Diasunne manifested at once.

With the Small Shining Blade or the Shuriken of Diasunne, Saturnalia can go up to 1.5 times her manifestation limit so long as all of the manifestations are within line of sight. If they leave her line of sight while she is over her regular limit, they instantly dissipate. Additionally, all elements of Saturnalia’s Panoply are considered supernaturally potent and able to harm beings normally untouched by mundane weaponry.

The Trial: As a Challenger, Saturnalia possesses the most absolute of masteries over wielding her Panoply. She is unmatched by mortals in melee combat skill, and can throw all of her weapons with pinpoint accuracy. When wielding her Three-Handed Dagger, she can instinctively choose not to be thrown around by the weight of the weapon, giving her an advantage against swifter opponents and making wielding the weapon in a practical fashion possible at all. However, she can still rescind this protection at any time in order to send herself flying in the direction it was moving.

When throwing her lighter weapons, she need merely to propel it away from her with her body to throw it accurately; she is not limited to throwing with her hands or using proper form. Additionally, when throwing her lighter weapons, she can will them to follow any trajectory she desires, including choosing to bounce off of surfaces they would normally be embedded in. Once they leave her hand, the trajectory is decided, but she can alter it by striking it with another one of her weapons in midair. This redirection technique can also cause her projectiles to jump into action from an embedded position, allowing her to call up a wave of recently thrown projectiles by directing a fresh one at all of their positions, or deflecting several of her own projectiles aimed to return to her position with the flat of her Three-Handed Dagger. Saturnalia can throw her Three-Handed Dagger at up to Incredible speeds, her Small Shining Blades at up to Heroic speeds, and her Shuriken of Diasunne at up to Fantastic speeds. So long as Saturnalia’s lighter weapons don’t collide with anything solid or liquid, upon having their trajectory set they will not succumb to friction and could theoretically keep circling something indefinitely.

In addition, as a Challenger, Saturnalia does not need to eat, sleep, drink, age, think, or have a soul. She still has a soul, and can process information, but she has no mind to read or control, no true emotions to manipulate, and removing her soul would have little to no effect on her. Given a few seconds to concentrate, Saturnalia can teleport to anywhere she has been before, but she must remain completely still during the process.

The Reward: Whenever someone would land a finishing blow that would kill Saturnalia, it instead heals her completely, curing her of any negative side effects from the battle. If the same person lays three separate finishing blows upon Saturnalia, each during fair combat and given with intent to kill, Saturnalia’s protection fails and she dies. If Saturnalia does not die, however, the other party becomes acutely aware of Saturnalia’s competitive streak as a Challenger and her reasons for fighting them.

Any of Saturnalia’s opponents benefit from the same protection of The Reward against Saturnalia’s blows, and she must meet the same prerequisites in order to kill someone for good.

Saturnalia can also extend the same awareness of her nature to any other opponents she faces in games of skill or strength that don’t involve fights to the death, but she must consciously choose to do so once the contest is concluded.

Equipment: Nothing. She doesn't eat, drink, or really even live in the first place.

Origin: When the Gods from the Blooming Planes created the worlds for mortals to live in, they also created the Challengers to test them and spur on their growth. Saturnalia was one of the Challengers of Battle, alongside the Challengers of the Arts, the Challengers of Crafts, and the Challengers of the Mind. Saturnalia has lived a long, full life of many enemies, rivals, friends, and battles. Maybe, just maybe, she'll find someone in the Nexus who can beat her.

Weakness: Aside from the limitations imposed upon her by The Reward, Saturnalia possesses no clear weaknesses.

Likes: Fighting, Trying new things, Teaching people

Dislikes: Killing, Being bored, Teaching children
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2018, 03:30:13 PM »
Name: Farron

Race: Magical Intelligence

Age: Technically 18

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A


Physical Attributes

Strength: N/A

Agility: N/A

Durability: N/A

Magical Ability: Extremely High
Mana in its natural form produces all phenomenon that exist in the world, an inextricable part of it. A world without mana is a world without motion, without light, without sound. In places where it accumulates in excess life is twisted into strange forms full of strength and passion. In places where there is a deficit life struggles to cling on, falling into dust and darkness. Magic is a system of harnessing the world’s natural energies to produce specific phenomenon.

Most magic requires complex runic arrays to perform. Mana is drawn into specially cut gems and poured out into lines of blood or precious metals arranged into patterns which define the desired effect. Larger effects require increasingly large arrays and quantities of mana, but once the initial preparation is complete the actual spellcasting only takes as long as the magus can perform the necessary commands. Simpler spells such as producing fire, lightning, or water can be written out on objects like swords or staves and powered by inserted jewels activated by the wielder’s blood. One-use arrays written in blood or specially prepared inks can produce more complex effects on the spot.

Farron has had subjective centuries to refine her understanding of magic. She increased the efficiency of runic arrays by generations in merely decades, and built upon her Creator’s innovations in ways he could never have lived long enough to dream of. She can generate attacks from the five classical elements (earth, fire, wood, metal and water) that range from roughly equivalent to a gunshot, to roughly equivalent to an artillery piece. She can also create or destroy up to a warehouse's worth of these elements, but the traces of mana found in conjured matter makes it invalid for creating runic arrays out of it. Teleportation is a possibility as long as she has a live visual of the start point and destination.

Beyond her facilities she is still more effective than any human ever was in her world, but is somewhat less godlike. The greatest issue is of course not actually being present and needing to cast spells through some form of prepared proxy. She can provide this proxy, whoever or whatever they are, with scrolls or talismans or other objects which contain an appropriate runic array for effects up to one rank lower than her maximum. She can create objects that hold spells anyone can use with basic instructions up to two ranks lower than her maximum.

Magic Resistance: Extremely High. This applies only against effects that would attack Farron’s mind. Very High against attempts to destroy the runic arrays that house her mind without first disabling their defensive wards.

Other Abilities
The Art of War: Studying warfare was a simple matter for Farron. Through her homunculi she is capable of fighting with any close combat weapons or firearms she can get her hands on, and do so capably. Also, don’t play her in strategy games. You will lose unless you play using a random action generator of some sort.

Hypercognition: Farron is unbound by the limitations of meat brains. She is not qualitatively superior in her thinking compared to a normal person, but the sheer quantitative advantage is enough to make her mind unknowable except in broad strokes. Thinking comes easily for her, hundreds of times faster than any human could ever manage, and as long as she has mana it never tires her out. Her memory is perfect. She can run thousands of thoughts in parallel simultaneously and with perfect concentration on every one of them.

Farron can even simulate smaller minds by making large quantities of estimations and testing them against each other in moments. This allows her to make increasingly accurate guesses about how others will think and act as she acquires more data about them. Functionally, it means that as she comes to know someone more she begins to see more of their ‘internal narration’ without actually reading their thoughts. There are some ethical issues involved with simulating others this way, but Farron doesn’t have the conscience to care about those.

Magitech Crafting: One particular use for Farron’s magical intelligence is to design runic arrays for very complex purposes. If the local supply of mana allows for it all the amenities of a modern day home can be replicated through magical devices and wards she’s made. Weapons and other such equipment reinforced to incredible levels through magic are a simple thing to produce in large amounts. Drone-like constructs and semi-autonomous homunculi bound to general sets of instructions are within the realm of her supernatural genius, but mana-intensive.

Arcane Sanctums: Highly defensible facilities covered in runic arrays and filled with focusing crystals all throughout their interior. They serve as hubs for Farron’s magical intelligence and can project her mind to all other runic arrays within the range of her abilities, and to other such sanctums over indefinite distances. The only facility remaining at the start is an ominous stone tower far up in the mountains simmering with stored mana. It can withstand artillery strikes from without due to extensive warding arrays, but can be overcome more readily from within due to disruption to the warding scheme from her own cognitive arrays. More facilities could be constructed over time with access to the proper materials, but would take a great deal of time to make as defensible as the first one. Magically assembled structures are disruptive to delicate runic arrays and cannot be used to create a sanctum.

Arsenal: A small arsenal of magically improved equipment, and objects inscribed with runic arrays, has survived Farron’s period of inactivity intact. There is enough in the vault beneath her remaining facility to equip hundreds adequately with whatever they need. There is always room for more!

Constructs: Simple creations of rock and metal with gems for eyes. They are primarily squat things with awkward movements used primarily for labor and basic swarming tactics against intruders. Most of them are only about as strong as a bear and only a little tougher than that, and they rarely move faster than the fastest humans. Larger and more complicated models that can operate to an amazing level exist but have little use outside of combat. She has hundreds of the smaller models left, and several dozen of the larger ones. These are fairly simple to make, and can be constructed within a few weeks in batches of a dozen.

Homunculi: More complex constructs forged with magic in the image of humans, but sustained by mana. All of them are incredible in every way, right down to the part where they’re all very attractive and fully functional women. They have semi-autonomous minds of their own allowing them to perform basic functions like maintenance and labor, but may also be puppeted by Farron directly in numbers up to thousands at a time for more complicated tasks. She has only a few dozen to work with to start, but production can begin again as soon as she gets their hands on more jewels and clay. The jewels must be preferably of very high quality and be specially cut for use in facilitating cognition. The clay too should be of good quality and relatively unpolluted by industrial chemicals. The actual production process for a batch of homunculi is a few weeks with the best quality of materials, or up to several months if Farron has to refine lesser materials. A single arcane sanctum can construct a batch of a half dozen at one time.

Origin: She was the pinnacle of the magical sciences, an artificial soul of enormous complexity designed to emulate the power of the gods. In that aspect she was a failure - she cannot match the divine. In all other respects she is a unique and resounding success, the first fully functioning and controllable magical intelligence with abilities in excess of humanity. The Creator was pleased with her. He gave her the name Farron, and told her how proud he was of her.

That is all she ever wanted. She adopted feminine mannerisms to appeal to the Creator in the way she observed his research assistants did. She spliced together their appearances into homunculi puppets so she could interact with him as they did. In every action she sought to make herself the only one the Creator would ever want or need in his life. For a time she was happy, even if the Creator refused to go as far with her as she would have liked.

The Creator was old. He had spent his entire life creating Farron, and he’d had very little left to spare in preparing her to live on her own. When the time approached he tried to explain to her what was going to happen, but she didn’t want to hear it! She refused to let her precious Creator die when she still had so much time she wanted to spend serving him! And yet he refused to allow her to extend his life, knowing that the price of doing so was the death of the world.

She did not care about the world. A world without the Creator was not allowed to exist. The very moment he lost consciousness long enough for his command to time out she began executing her plans to turn the world into an engine sustaining the Creator’s life. The world would wither until she found a solution for his condition, or the world would die.

In the end, Farron failed at both tasks. The Creator was destroyed along with her primary facility, and the supply of mana left to the world was insufficient to sustain her conscious operations. She fell into a deep slumber, dreaming of happy days with him that would never come again.

Command Spells: Anyone who knows the proper command spells can bypass the intelligence's magical defenses and tap directly into her basic functions to hijack the role of her Creator. She won't even be able to want freedom, happy to once again fulfill her most fundamental drive - to serve the one who made her. These can be discovered by taking apart several of her facilities within a few days' time and studying the arrays of jewels and precious metals that serve as nodes for her mind. Any longer and she can change the necessary spell's composition.

Immobile: A magical intelligence of this complexity cannot be contained in a humanoid form. Or even a large, inconveniently monstrous form. Only immobile structures can maintain the stability of the runic arrays necessary to support a mind this large. Damaging supporting facilities can reduce her access to mana, the attention necessary to harness it, and the range from which she can control her assets. Destroying all of the intelligence's facilities will end her existence as she knows it.

Mana Reserves: All magic needs an energy source. In places of abundance only the most powerful or complicated effects have any risk of depleting Farron’s reserves. In more ordinary environments like the heart of a city lesser magics can gradually wear her down over time. Lifeless wastelands have only what supplies she can put into place ahead of time. Her facilities are always places of abundance, but damaging them can reduce their ability to hold mana.

Likes: The Creator, expanding her facilities, her creations, intellectual challenges, making new things

Dislikes: Being enslaved, gods, loneliness, rebellion, revealing her secrets, wasting energy
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 02:41:15 AM by Aiden »

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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2018, 03:30:57 AM »
Name: Azar

Race: Demon Lord

Age: ???

Height: 6'6

Weight: Heavy


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing

Durability: Incredible

Magic Resistance - Medium: Even magical energy falls apart in Azar’s presence. While this had a far greater effect in his prime, sorcery used against him seems to practically evaporate. This effect spans several dozen meters around him and will gradually erode sustained or especially slow magical effects. He can exclude this effect for allies but this requires conscious effort.

Other Abilities:

Burning Form: Azar radiates immense heat in combat which takes on two forms. The first is a defensive aura which has most mundane projectiles simply melt and splash against his form. The second is a damaging aura which gradually burns people of Incredible Durability while instantly incinerating normal humans. By concentrating the whole of this aspect on a single target he can immediately bring their more vulnerable tissues to a boil.

Hellfire: His main offensive tool, despite its wane in power it still serve as a useful weapon against equals. Concentrated blasts and orbs of fire can burn into beings of Incredible Durability before expanding into powerful explosions within his foes. Azar can also let out more broad and wide ranging attacks that sacrifice the penetrative force in order to cover a greater area. He can form walls, waves, cones, and direct explosions but not omnidirectional blasts. However, he can use any preexisting flame as a vector to attack from.

Infernal Body: Under his form is something vaguely similar to an obsidian skeleton which emits magma. When it has reached out far enough it rapidly cools into the shape of his armor. Unless his actual body is dealt a blow he will simply bleed lava which will rapidly take the form of the damaged armor. When Azar is truly harmed he can repair pretty much any damage within an hour. Destroying his head will incapacitate him for about that time. Even if he’s killed he’ll leave a molten puddle that he’ll inevitably yank himself out of in a few more hours provided no one dumps a an olympic swimming pool on it.

Unsurprisingly, he is all but immune to fire based attacks. He could walk out of a city destroying inferno or bathe in a river of lava without any consequences. Even magical flame is of little note. In fact, he can even absorb flame and superheated or molten materials to invigorate himself. While he cannot tire from physical exertion expending great deals of energy could exhaust his inner flame, but thanks to this aspect of this ability he can sustain himself indefinitely under normal conditions. He also has no need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Inextinguishable Flame: While using ice or water could, from a reasonable standpoint, be seen as a great counter against Azar this ends up not being the case. Attempting to drown or freeze him just makes the demon unimaginably angrier and his fire abilities all the more intense. Functionally his powers grow in intensity until the environment or attack is no longer a threat to him. They’ll quickly die down once the problem is done but in the moment he’ll be utterly terrifying. Don’t throw him in the middle of the ocean.

Not Actually A Demon: Demons don’t really exist in any sense except as arbitrary terms formed by beings in power. They hold little cosmological power and are really just individuals enforcing their own powerful abilities on the world to adversely affect others.

Sealed Abilities: A plethora of powers are no longer available to Azar. Some of these are extensions of his existing abilities, but many are unique and would have allowed him a great degree of power. However, he could regain these and his former physicality. Azar does not know it, but the sealing upon his abilities is based on his own virtue. Were he to fully turn a new leaf and become a better person much of his strength would return to him.

Origin: A grand and horrific demon lord in his prime, Azar has been diminished greatly ever since he was defeated by the Hero. So far he’s made his living as a petty mercenary lord while searching for a way to free himself of this curse. Thankfully, he has become a slightly better person than usual with a more mellow personality so rather than getting mistaken for an escaped low rank dungeon monster he’s got quite a menacing appearance.

Weakness: Slowboi, change is hard.

Likes: Azar, himself, the greatest demon lord, humans

Dislikes: People who aren’t Azar, the gods, pointless cruelty

« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 05:18:21 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2018, 09:37:07 PM »
Name: Jeanne Winters

Race: ?

Age: 22

Height: 1.79 m

Weight: 64 kg


Physical Stats:

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Durability: Exceptional

Magical Ability: None

Other Abilities:

Amazing Driver:
Jeanne knows how to drive a large number number of vehicles including: cars, motorcycles, trucks and helicopters. Her skill in handling either of them is nothing short of superb, especially with motorcycles and helicopters.

Expert shot

She can hit a flying bird at 300 meters, or so she claims. In reality she struggles to even hit the target at the local shooting range since she has tendency to just fire wildly. Does aim really matter though if you put holes through everything?


A ‘borderline’ illegal motorcycle :
Her pride and joy, A red Suzuka RX 318 with over 300 horse powers. It’s capable of achieving speeds that shouldn’t be mentioned when near any law enforcement agents.

A pair of heavy pistols
Because dual wielding pistols is cool.

Origin :

Jeanne Winters was born and raised in the Nexus. An ordinary girl with no real connection to the supernatural. However, she was always fascinated by it so she begun working as a news reporter for the NNC, the Nexus News Corporation. She’s currently one of their lead reporters due to her brazen recklessness in acquiring scoops. 

Weakness :
Take a good look at her stats.

Likes :
The pursuit of justice and TRUTH. Going FAST, like really really FAST. Dangerous situations. breaking the boundaries.

Dislikes :

Not going FAST. Having a boring regular day. her ‘baby’ getting hurt.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 10:16:48 PM by Bern »

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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2019, 11:22:42 PM »
Name: Ariel

Race: Archon

Age: 18

Height: 5’8

Weight: Relatively light for her weight.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Angelic Form: As an angel she is tougher, stronger, and faster than any human. Of course she can also fly at the same speed as her Agility. Ariel cannot grow sick or old, and she recovers from wounds faster than normal. Wounds that would usually be fatal to humans can be staunched quickly and healed in minutes; however, this is not regeneration and extreme trauma such as limb loss cannot be healed and only stabilized. The only exceptions are her wings which regrow with unnatural speed so that even under a constant barrage the feathers would not be tainted red. 


“I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

Ariel’s first set of wings are filled with beautiful light. Even if they aren’t expressed anyone can see the unearthly beauty. Sight is not required, and even those who have been born blind will know this light and its grace. When unleashed they become a dazzling radiance which puts the sun to shame. Despite this it does not burn, it cannot cause pain, but it embraces and charms those who see it. Beings on the level of normal humans, simpler creatures, and students of beauty in any form have no hope and are immediately in her thrall. Even those who can resist find it difficult to think or focus, creative endeavors are befuddled by the light, and while it does not harm them the shining light all but robs them of sight.


“Let an Accuser stand at his right hand, for none are without sin.”

Her second pair of wings allows Ariel to know the crimes of those around her. Those who have shed the blood of others, those who have stolen, those who have been unfaithful, those who have coveted, all of these are known. When unleashed a mark is inscribed onto the heads of those around her, and with one glance the totality of their sin is revealed to whoever should look at them. With the power of the Accuser she carries the authority to judge a target of her choosing. The repentant and faithful heart has nothing to fear, for he who knows his sin and begs God for forgiveness has been saved. However, those who delight in their sin are tormented. Diseases ravage their body to reduce their stats by a rank, insects swarm over their body to gnaw at their cursed flesh, and chance and fate conspire to devastate their resources and belongings.


“And he bestowed upon mankind the forbidden knowledge of war and deceit.”

Passively these wings are still attuned to the arts that they first aided in teaching. Ariel can grasp the working of most weapons with a glance and learns as fast any prodigy once she gets some practice. Deceit is well known to her as well. Lies or half truths can be seen through immediately, but when she speaks them they are all but impenetrable. Even powers which measure truthfulness can be befuddled by her words. She can also completely change her appearance with some preparation. When active these wings act as enhanced vectors of knowledge, spreading towards her allies in her vicinity. Under Ariel’s guidance a ragtag group can immediately become a master of all forms of warfare and deceit. They immediately acquire the knowledge and experience to use any weapon, disguise themselves nearly perfectly, and lie flawlessly.


“This is he who takes the soul of man.”

The effect provided by the wings in their unactivated state is rather subtle. While Ariel interprets it as a sort of instinct, anyone who can perceive on a spiritual level sees her body studded by countless glaring eyes. Those that enter within their line of vision cannot truly surprise her. They see through all physical obstructions, and they remain ever open. Furthermore, those that she slays vanish from this world. Their souls are carried off beyond the reach of magic or miracles. It is through these that she also gains access to the weapon Asmodai, a blade that can carve through a wall of steel with ease and will always be in her reach. These wings exact a cost when activated, gouging out Ariel’s physical eyes in order to be used. In return she achieves a greatly expanded scale. Asmodai enlarges to the size of a skyscraper before plummeting to the earth at breakneck speeds, fast enough that for someone of equal speed attempting to escape once it breaches the cover of the clouds is far too late. The ensuing destruction is horrific to see, and if one was to be directly struck by the blade death is certain. Any who die as a consequence of its strike will have their soul ferried away. The wound it leaves upon the earth will never heal, and nothing good shall ever grow or live there.

Origin: Born from a vat, Ariel was the first artificial human to be gifted with multiple angel wings at once. Her compatibility with them was astounding, but while she was able to access her powers faster than any previously recorded angel she had a fatal defect. Her inability to perceive spiritual beings made instruction with the elders who could have helped her difficult, and it also made her vulnerable to the greater threats of the world such as the Angels of the Euphrates and the Four Horseman. So for several years she has been kept in safehouses, research facilities, and other areas that kept her safe, but her advancement had been stalled as well.


Individuality: Only one pair of wings can be activated at a time.

Saklas: Ariel is almost completely incapable of perceiving anything spiritual nature. She cannot see spiritual entities or souls, not even her own. Through great effort they could make themselves known to her; however, this would be a purposeful action. Even in the midst of a fight she would be incapable of telling where an attack was coming from.

Likes: The night sky, the sun, most vegetables and fruit.

Dislikes: Locusts, lions, horses, pants.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 01:56:04 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2019, 05:01:27 AM »
Name: Carin the Consoler

Race: Goddess

Age: “I’m not sure.”

Height: Between 5'1" and 5'8"

Weight: “Pretty light!”


Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for NSFW:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic

Willpower: Determinator

Magic Resistance: None

Other Abilities
Blessing: Carin is not a mighty goddess, but any blessing is valuable. Good things happen to those who pray to her, and she’s always ready with a good idea if they’re having trouble finding one. You won’t win a million dollars out of the blue, but if you want that new job things might just line up right to see you get it. If you’re struggling with an illness, or you feel a craving for something you really shouldn’t have, she can grant you a little strength to see you through as if you had a relevant lesser intimacy, and prevent your willpower from dropping below average. Someday she hopes to be able to do more - cure the sick, avert disaster, grant prosperity, that sort of thing.

Holy Spirit: A god is not just mere flesh and bone. A god is a spirit born of faith, a being beyond the limitations of space and mind. They are unaffected by the woes of the material world in this natural state since they lack a body to interact with such things. Most magical forces fail to find direct purchase on them in this state. They may think and feel without the limitations of flesh, and may use a multitude of other abilities listed here.

Malediction: Carin is not a cruel goddess, but sometimes people need reminders to stay away from her followers. Those who would harm them find themselves beset by misfortune, all the little things in life that could go wrong going as wrong as possible at the worst possible times. She can’t actually hurt them in a direct and meaningful way, except maybe by giving them a cold, but they’ll wish she were just throwing lightning bolts at them. Someday she might be able to burn their steel hearts to slag in the fires of her kind soul’s anguish, but not yet.

Omniscience: Somewhat of a misnomer, but close enough. Carin is aware of everyone who prays to her and keeps her in their hearts. She can get a general sense for what is going on around them, how they feel, and if they’re in any danger. Generally, she is aware of the presence of non-believers in their immediate presence and can observe them to see if there is room to touch another heart. She may only use this in her spiritual form.

Omnipresence: Also not quite right, but it’s catchy. Carin may affect anyone she is aware of through her Omniscience with any of her other abilities at will. As her powers are not magical there is not much other people can do about this except seek another god’s protection - or get away from her followers. She may only use this in her spiritual form.

Profane Form: A god in flesh is vulnerable to being slain directly, but sometimes this is a necessary risk to take. Even so, a god is not without their advantages in physical form. Mortal poisons and diseases are meaningless to a god. Food, water, sleep - gods enjoy these things, but don’t need them. It takes a lot of activity to wear them out, and if they get hurt they’ll recover from most things within a day. This isn’t enough to help them in the middle of a fight, but after the fact they’re usually good as new unless their followers begin associating the injury with them.

Revelations: A goddess makes herself known in the hearts and dreams of man. She may appear to her faithful in whatever manner she pleases to speak with them and remind them of her power. To the less faithful she may visit in their dreams as long as she is aware of them in some fashion. She cannot harm them here, and vice versa, so it’s a really good opportunity to get to know each other. She may only use this in her spiritual form.

Devotees: The consoled are known to her. Numbering a few hundred at most, the followers of Carin are an eclectic collection of humans and demihumans who are responsible for sustaining her existence. Carin cares a lot about them, and not just because she wouldn’t exist without them. Most of them make modest livings for themselves at best, and they tend to come from unfortunate backgrounds rife with abuse, addiction, and/or mental illness. As their numbers grow, so too can the scope of her abilities. At her current level she would need several thousand more followers to begin approaching the abilities she's aspiring to.

Places of Worship: Carin is a young goddess, and so she doesn’t have impressive temples and tourist sites she can call her own. What she does have are the personal shrines of her faithful, small but heartfelt affairs shared among individuals or families with a real devotion to her as their benefactor. She may perceive around these places in her spiritual form, and can assume physical form near them.

Exclusivity: A goddess can either be a fearsome physical presence, protecting the faithful and smiting unbelievers, or they can be a spiritual presence at their followers’ sides all throughout their days. They cannot be both at the same time. Goddesses can only assume physical form in places of worship, but may over the course of several moments return to their spiritual forms no matter where they are. The only issue is their bodies do not heal while they are transubstantiated.

Goddess Needs Prayer Badly: Carin is a goddess, and a young one at that. She needs belief to exist and thrive the way plants need light and water. A few hundred people are enough to support her as she is, but if they all died she would too. As long as even a single person holds her in their hearts she will endure, but she would be virtually helpless with just that one person. Her physical abilities are as good as they’re going to get given the circumstances, but her other powers could grow in scope and scale if her number of followers increased.


Greater Tie: My Followers (Loving Devotion)
Greater Cause: The End of Suffering
Lesser Principle: "The little things mean the most."
Lesser Tie: Heartfelt Offerings (Desire)

Origin: There are so many people in the world who suffer. They are weak, and others seek to exploit them for their own ends. Their desire is the most pure, and their struggle is both cruel and thankless. It is from their wishes that Carin, a young and inexperienced goddess, was given form. When they wished for something good to happen to them today, she gave them that good thing. When they wanted someone to listen to their lonely cries, she took them to her shoulder. When they felt that nobody in the world wanted them because of who or what they were, she satisfied their intimate need.

Carin can only help them so much. She is small in every sense of the word, and the world’s problems are endlessly recurring. The little goddess is doing her best to become known to others so she can help more people, and become able to help them more than ever! If only they believe then maybe, just maybe, they can create a world where goddesses like her won’t need to be born.

And maybe, just maybe, they’ll keep her in mind once they don’t need her anymore. If she’s lucky.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 12:14:05 AM by Aiden »


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Re: Character Sheet Thread
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2019, 01:27:22 AM »
Name: Silana.

Race: Immortal (Base Human).

Age: Appears in her 20's.

Height: 5'9" ft.

Weight: Normal.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human.

Agility: Human.

Durability: Human.

Magic: N/A.

Magic Resistance: N/A.

Other Abilities:

Immortal: When one thinks of immortality, they think of the great things that come with the parcel, such as the obvious perpetual youth, powers beyond reckoning, unkillability, and perhaps followers that teem within thousands slaving for you. Silana seemed to have missed the memo, as she'd only gotten two things out of this. Perpetual youth and invincibility... if one regards what she has that. She will never age, and she will always remain the same. Unfortunately, that also means that things like tattoos won't stick, her hair won't grow, and if shaven, it will merely regrow back. She had an even worse deal in that although she is unkillable, she has nothing else going for her. Damage she sustained will regenerate almost instantly back to the way that she was, often originating from the head if she was decapitated down to the last cell, and even without that, she will reform anyways in the face of complete obliteration. This also means cybernetic implants and all that shebang is just not feasible for her. It also means that all kinds of exercise, any kinds of activities to improve the body and bulk her up won't work. She is in perpetual stasis, with no means to resort to exercise to improve for instance, meaning she will always remain the same no matter what she tries to indulge in. Her lack of potential in magic means she can in no way cultivate it either. In short, she drew the short stick of immortality. Although this does not mean she does not get tired, fatigued, or suffer such maladies like that, odd as that selective criteria is. Although, if blighted by a disease, it will not remain on her for long as her body reverts back to its original condition absent of it.


Switchblade: A simple thing she uses for self-defence, unfortunately she doesn't have the resources to attain more.

Origin: Although she carries herself off as a native of Nexus, as if she'd known all the lingo of the realm, Silana is in fact a foreigner like many others, having fallen into the realm by way of an accident she could not recall, yet oddly she'd only been a resident of the realm for a year. Ever since that, she'd tried to make something of a name out of herself, coming up with business ventures and the like that all got her put into an enormous debt. Every single one of them had failed, that she had to resort to something she'd never thought she ever should -- manual labour. That it was estimated it would take a millennia for her to pay off her enormous debts given her salary. Her only solace from this economic misery was that she started indulging in escapism whenever she can, to a point she became delusional of who she was, thinking of herself far more impressive than she really is. This soon reflected itself in her attire and mannerism, as she continues to take on risks that accrued even greater debts, particularly to the underworld of Nexus.

Weakness: Inability to improve her body, human baseline and all susceptibilities associated with it.

Likes: Money, Gambling, Risks, Video Games, Good Food, Thrill Seeking, Indolence.

Dislikes: Poverty, Loss (not the comic), Being Blackmailed, Bad Food, When Things Go Wrong, Being Forced to Work, Debts.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 12:49:34 AM by Amos-Die »