Author Topic: Dropped Character Thread  (Read 14336 times)


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Dropped Character Thread
« on: April 02, 2018, 09:29:23 PM »
Name: Willy

Race: Killer Whale

Age: 21

Height: 160 cm (hair makes him look taller)

Weight: 70 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic(Heroic bite)

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Magic Scale: None

Other Abilities:

Transcendental bartender: Willy is, simply put, a bartender without human peer. His cocktails have been told to cure disease and broken marriages. However, they are incapable of fixing your bad taste.

Killer Whale Style: Willy is a complete martial arts master, to the point he is able to perform a secret technique that lets you bite the crap out of your opponents. His teeth can basically gnaw through anyone. Reinforced steel is no better than a cracker to him, and his slashing teeth chew and gnash at his victims until they become bloodied mess and he's done having fun with his food. Then he eats them. His stomach also has infinite capacity, and he doesn't get any fatter no matter how much he chomps down. He's also ridiculously good at flipping people upside down, to the point he made up a game called "How many times can I punt the shark until it splatters?"

The answer is a lot of times.

Killer Whale Sonar: Orcas use echolocation to talk to each other and hunt. They will make a sound that travels through the water until sound waves hit an object. Then, the sound wave will bounce back to the orca. Using this technique, they are able to detect where objects and other orcas are in the area. They can also find out the size and shape of an object using echolocation. With that, it doesn't matter if he is blinded and he can easily see through his smoke.

Transform: The ability to transform into a humanoid small compact boy. By reverting that, he becomes an actual killer whale. He can't really walk though if he reverts, so to move around freely he'd need to swim in a body of water.

Speak of the devil: The uncanny ability to appear wherever he is being spoken or thought of despite how impossible it is.

Impossible dexterity: Willy’s dexterity is an ability all in itself. Somehow, he is able to cling to the most impossible of surfaces, be it ceilings, walls, moving vehicle rear ends or people’s fingers. But most importantly, he can cling to his hopes and dreams.

Smoker: Smoking 20 packs a day sure paid off! By smoking, he can envelop an entire building in a thick cloud of smoke. Said smoke clouds supernatural senses, sight and smell unless up close while acting as a soundproof domain that splits the inside from the outside. Then he'll need to smoke another 20 packs.

Oxygenize: Orcas can breathe underwater, it is known! Some can even harness and bend the oxygen in water to make a barrier that lets people breathe. It's pretty much it.

Killer glare: Orcas are terrifying, inhuman creatures. While their aura is not necessarily evil or scary even, it is most definitely otherworldly. A menacing look can make even seasoned men feel unnerved.

Toughness: Willy is a tough boy, to the point he won’t die when stabbed in the chest by a bunch of harpoons as long as he isn’t like, cut in half or decapitated.


The Chum Bucket: A bar he's running for his boss. It ain't his, but he got to renovate it and turn what was once a pitiful fast food joint into an incredibly successful sushi bar.

Super bartending suit: An amazingly tailored vest that can take a lotta damage and not have to worry about breaking, enough that he doesn't have to worry about not looking classy against even foes. Its purpose isn't to protect its user, but rather the suit. It is no ordinary vest, after all it was tailored with the skin of unborn penguin babies.

Heart Underpants:
His most prized possession.

Hawaii Shirts: He couldn’t quite digest those.

A cardboard box: A man’s gotta sleep somewhere.

Origin: Willy was once a spy and assassin for his totalitarian home country, the Red Sea. However, when the war was lost and he managed to escape, he found himself with little to nothing to do. So he did the one thing he could, and slept. A lot.

He woke up in a strange place, and decided to turn his life around by being a honest businessman. Mostly. And that is the plot for the unreleased movie, Free Willy 4.

Weakness: He lacks resistance against magic and is whimsical enough that he'll probably just stop mauling your friends if you ask nicely, unless you are a penguin, shark or demon.

Likes: Taking strolls, penguins, getting drunk, eating, humans, fooling around, bullying the weak, bullying the strong, kicking children around, sleeping, drinking, watching tv, mundane things, fun things, fish.

Dislikes: Demons, sharks, not getting to laze around, being called a fish, taxes, getting his tail stepped on.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 03:48:45 AM by Sinib »


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Re: Character Graveyard
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2018, 04:11:51 AM »
Name: Sakura (Saku)

Race: Human

Age: 18

Height: 5'11"

Weight: Fairly heavy, she's extremely toned.


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Amazing(Heroic Perception)

Durability: Amazing

Psychic Ability Medium
Sakura is a powerful psychic with a great deal of latent potential she has yet to tap into. She can levitate objects with telekenisis, teleport to travel instantaniously to a far away location, see glimpses of the near future, and erect basic barriers of force.

Her telekenisis is fairly strong for a human, able to lift a small car if she focuses on it, but pales in comparison to those of her pokemon. She mostly uses it to show off by levitating herself, her pokeballs, small rocks, or bend spoons.

Her teleportation is more useful. With a thought, she can teleport to any location within the Nexus, in theory. She needs to have a strong mental image of her destination in order to accurately arrive at her destination. Otherwise, she could end up high up in the sky, deep under the sea, or who knows where else.

Her future sight is fairly limited. On rare occasions, she can perfectly see the events that are about to happen in the next few seconds, and react accordingly. Normally, she just has a vauge sense of deja vu when things happen that itches at the back of her mind. She might feel like it would be a good idea to dodge, but not know from where or where to or even why, for example, or be able to complete your sentence in an uncanny manner.

Furthermore, she has some basic telepathiv abilities. She can't read minds or anything like that. Her powers are limited to simply form a psychic link with people she's emotionally close to and talk with their minds, or send basic emotions or intention.

Finally, if she focuses on creating a physical barrier, she can create a wall of force that could stop the impact of a small car going at speed.

Other Abilities:

Champion: Sakura is the champion of the pokemon league. Her pokemon are insanely powerful and her decision making skills are frankly terrifying. She has a terrifying intellect and is capable of coming up with complicated strategies on the fly. She’s also incredible at board games such as chess.

Outdoorsman Skill

Sakura has traveled all over her region in her travels, mostly on foot. She has trained her outdoorsmanship skills to a frighteningly high level, and would easily be able to survive thrown out into the wilderness with nothing on her. She can climb mountains, scale sheer cliffs, hunt, gather edible plants, build shelters, anything.



This anklet is made of rare and powerful materials, and is traditionally only given to a select few who have formed an amazing bond with their pokemon. By doing a dance, and pressing a button on it, Sakura can cause it to syncronize with a mega stone her pokemon is holding, causing it to undergo a brilliant mega-evolution. This lasts for as long as she keeps it syncronized, but it can only synup with one pokemon at a time.

It's a full set of silverwear she carries around for use of foci. Made of pure silver, they're rather useful as emegency cash in a pinch.

Recovery Items: Sakura carries a sizable stockpile of hyper potions, full heals, and revives. She also has a few herbal medicines.

Climbing Equipment: Sakura carries a fairly decent rock climbing kit, including all the essentials, such as a grapple, a harness, and of course, top quality climbing rope.

First Aid Kit: It’s just your standard run of the mill first aid kit.

Tarot Cards
A set of fortune telling cards she can use as a focus to read people's fortunes.

Gym Badges: Sakura has all eight gym badges, showing her prowess as a pokemon trainer. Having seven of them is an extremely impressive feat. It shows she has extreme skill in the art of pokemon training, and is on her way to becoming a master. She keeps them in a small wallet that also houses her trainer card, and keeps them polished perfectly.

Running Shoes

Shoes made for running.

Collapsible bike

A bicycle made for easy carrying.


Strength: Incredible
Agility: Fantastic
Wormy is a powerful Bug/Fire type pokemon, and Sakura’s most powerful, and first, pokemon. She found him as an injured and abused pokemon she in and sheltered, and the two are practically in sync at in battle. They seem to be able to predict each other’s moves in battle.

He uses his six wings to engulf his enemies in waves of fire and scalding ash, bathing any battlefield in a smothering wave of heat. He can control his own body heat output, allowing people it trusts to touch and pet him. At full output, he can release a sea of flames with damage equivalent to a very high level spell, or focus his attacks to deal very high levels of damage with his fire. He can make a harmful buzzing noise that deals high levels of damage.

Wormy also knows a few utility moves. He can also use roost to heal himself, but this requires him to perch and rest for a moment.

Strength: Amazing
Agility: Incredible(Fantastic Reflexes)
Durability: Fantastic

Sylveon is one of Sakura’s favorite pokemon, and is a kind, gentle souled beast. This does not stop it from rushing to the aid of his master when she’s fighting, however, where he will fight to the last bravely carrying out her orders. Sylveon is also highly resistant to non physical attacks, such as magic or fire and takes reduced damage(about very high resistance), and is completely immune to dragonic attacks. It is weak against metals and poisoning.

Hyper voice is an extremely powerful attack which massively amplifies the user’s voice to such an extent that it becomes a highly damaging attack that affects a large area, moving towards enemies at the speed of sound. (high)

His other moves include moonblast, which attacks using the power of the moon (High), shadow ball, sending a ball of dark shadows towards the enemy(high) and psyshock, which allows him to lift objects such as rocks and send them careening towards an enemy(high). He can also use a move that allows him to drain an enemy's life force by kissing them, recovering from damage in the process.

Strength: Amazing
Agility: Incredible(Fantastic Reflexes)
Durability: Fantastic

Milotic is a water type eel pokemon which is said to be the most beautiful pokemon on earth. It has the power to calm hostility and sooth upset emotions with its presence by letting off a pink glow, calming even the most hostile person down with her presence. Milotic can regenerate her wounds by using recover, beguile opponents by using attract, shoot a high pressure cannon of water that can cut steel, and summon up a large wave of water(high) to flood the field.

Milotic is extremely resistant to magical or spiritual attacks of all kinds, and takes reduced damage from any and all attacks of this type. As an aquatic creature, she is weak to electricity.

Strength: Fantastic(Heroic)
Agility: Amazing(Fantastic Reflexes)
Durability: Legendary
Aggron is an enormous two meter tall giant that seems to be made of dense rock and Iron plates. She holds a mega stone which, when it resonates with Sakura's mega bracelet, allows her to mega-evolve into Mega Aggron, increasing her strength and durability drastically. In addition to simply punching, kicking, whipping things with her tail, and others, she can release a terrifying roar that forces enemies without sufficent willpower to flee, endow her fists with the power of fire, ice, or electricity, and dig through the ground at incredible speeds, devouring the soil and creating a tunnel Sakura can follow behind in. Aggron is also an excellent landscaper, despite her size, able to beautify a yard at professional levels.

Aggron's bulkiness may be intimidating, but this belays a serious weakness of hers: her defense against magical attacks is relatively low, especially chi blasts. She takes significantly more damage than her durability levels might suggest.

Origin: Sakura was born to a powerful line of psychics. She grew up knowing keenly that she was innately better than everyone else, and that she had to take care as not to harm anyone with her powers. The other kids never liked her. They were always jealous of her. She didn’t care. She devoted herself to training her powers and pokemon. Hey eyes were only focused on one goal: the championship. Eventually she obtained it after beating the previous champion, her elder sister, Rin. About a year later she ended up in the Nexus.

Weaknesses: Sakura herself is both the greatest strength and weakness of her team. She's a brilliant commander, but is also a mere human. Her physical abilities may be top of the line among humans, but stronger people and pokemon far outclass her.

Furthermore, she needs to release her pokemon to begin battle, and is absolutely unwilling to allow any of her friends to die. Truely extreme danger is something she has zero interest in being in, and will attempt to flee as fast as possible in such a situation, barring truly exceptional circumstances.

Likes: Pink, Volcarona, her crush, Ghost-type pokemon, beating gym leaders, bullying people(but not too much), beating gym leaders, surpassing new challenges, exploring

Dislikes: Gross things, people being obnoxious towards her for being strong, people asking for favors

« Last Edit: December 30, 2018, 04:12:03 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2018, 05:39:44 AM »
Name: Azira

Race: Curse

Age: 10,000+ (although most of this was spent mindless)

Height: 5’9

Weight: Average for her height


Spoiler for Hiden:
Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Incredible

Magic - Extremely High: To Azira, curses and forbidden magic come naturally. Simply tapping into her powers releases a foul and destructive aura, enough to instantly slay or reanimate any mundane human in her immediate vicinity. It requires conscious thought for her to not do such a thing. Once one reaches Amazing durability and above it is more of a lesser inconvenience or a disconcerting sensation from the levels of twisted power. This also especially effective against other forms of magic as a pure expression of her own, naturally deflecting sorcery of High levels and below along with reducing the effectiveness of magic up to her level by a noticeable amount. It also allows her to float at the speed of her agility.

In actual combat, her direct uses of power have enough strength to quickly reduce buildings to crumbling ruins. It is also simple for her to weave curses into them. Initially this has a rather lackluster effect, requiring a multitude of strikes for any powerful curses to be unleashed. By sacrificing the direct offensive potential of her spells she can transform more of it into the curse, allowing her to make attacks that do no direct damage but quickly build up great amounts of her curse or anything in between. She can unleash debilitating hexes that sap some of the strength or speed from her opponents or eat away at their bodies. Others can steadily smother the senses or inevitably imbue her foes with a powerful death curse so that they explode with horrendous force and deadly shrapnel once they expire or immediately turn into a shadowy beast. These creatures are generally on par with their source but are temporary existences with a lifespan of minutes. Unlike her other curses their strength is always great due to the fact that they feed off of the energy let off by dying beings. Due to the difficult in striking her enemies with them Azira usually spreads out her power, conjuring a dozen lesser lances of darkness to fire at her opponents or weakening the potency of an explosive blast of dark fire in order to greatly expand its area of effect. Howerver, her combat curses are all generally limited to a short timespan, a handful of minutes at most.

With preparations she can set up a greater variety of traps and call up deadly forces. Several minutes would allow her to cover a building with a variety of traps. Curses on objects could lower a physical stat for a whole rank for a few minutes, release the full force of one of her attack spells on the victim, immobilize, or simply alert Azira and her allies to their presence. It is also possible for her to reanimate corpses or conjure forth phantoms if the body has been destroyed. So long as some notable trace or connection remains, Azira may summon some remnant to fight. Generally they are of equal power to their original selves; however, they may only maintain themselves upon areas that she has cursed or in Azira's immediate presence. Otherwise they gradually fall apart over the course of an hour or two. It takes but a moment to bring back human and exceptional beings, but this grows more difficult as her target’s physicality grows. Incredible beings can take upwards of thirty minutes, Fantastic an hour or three, and Heroic several hours depending on the specimen.

There are more esoteric powers that she may also use. Azira can tear out the heart of another and use a dark ritual, letting her take on their form for a period of time at the cost of her own powers. By lashing the skin off another being she can allow others to transform into hybrid beings, creating werewolves and other such entities. If she has trapped an enemy she can lather them in her power, filling them with her energy over the course of about an hour to greatly increase the potency of her curses and allowing her to cast them instantly using the power that has infiltrated the person’s form. Horrific damage can be done, organs instantly exploding in bursts of power, bones and skins tearing themselves out and off of the body, or a gentle smothering of life force. She can also greatly amplify her crippling curses, resulting in permanent reductions to physical stats and magical abilities so long as the curse remains unbroken. This can even result in physical changes or deformities.

Finally, Azira may call forth the aspect of a dragon. This echo of her creator requires several seconds to summon, but if successful it will form a large summoning circle that the head of the beast will emerge from. Easily as large as a building, it exhales a massive cloud of deadly smog that brings an end to all those within its area of effect. By no means slow (a Fantastic agi character already in motion would be able to escape its range but not one who moved right as it fired) and potent enough that even a character with Heroic Durability would be severely injured with a few seconds of exposure, the massive buildup is a suitable warning for such devastation. That which it comes into contact with turns to dust and any energies in the area, even mana, shall vanish within this smog. Those that have been slain by such a thing cannot be resurrected even by Azira herself, the fine dust left cannot be manipulated by magic or other supernatural powers, and it gives a strange sense of foreboding when you are left in the aftermath. A sense of finality. However, its powerful nature makes it impossible for her to use it several times in a fight much less in succession.

Other Abilities:

Living Curse: Almost as close as you can get to pure evil, Azira is a phenomena formed by the dying words of a powerful Fell Dragon. While normal weapons can damage her form, it merely reveals the fluctuating dark energy that makes up her actual body. Mundane weapons, regardless of potency, can do little to truly kill her, although it does make her incapable of inflicting direct physical harm on others. It would take her about a minute or two to regrow a new physical form.

Only mystical and holy weapons, magic, or other supernatural powers can actually disrupt her true body. Significant damage can destroy it entirely, but that will simply lead to her having to reform in about an hour. She has no soul and her body is not a real one, if one were to examine her existence she would be a curse upon the world that had spread to the Nexus, enacting its influence by generating an inexhaustible physical form to directly act. This makes it incredibly difficult to affect her mentally as well, her state of mind constantly affirmed as the interface of the curse.

Her nature also serves as potent boost to her charisma when interacting with monsters or evil entities. The ancient and powerful nature of her curse attracts and enthralls such beings, allowing her to find and tame even the fiercest of beasts or gain the true and undying loyalty of a horde of traitors and backstabbers. At some point she has even been worshipped as a god by such beings.

Monstrous Will: Even despite that, Azira has maintained her current personality across countless years. Neither the urging of the curse or the course of countless millennia could erode her sense of self, and there are few supernatural powers that could hope to do the same.


Sage’s Sword:

Spoiler for Hiden:
Twisted into an obscene mockery by Azira’s powers, this once holy blade serves as her primary weapon. Able to summon it from nowhere, its power is most notable as a weapon of sealing. For a time, it was even able to suppress her own prodigious powers. Being directly impaled by the blade can restrict supernatural powers, forcing a werewolf back into human form or stopping a mage from casting magic. It can even trap spiritual entities within it. However, she is quite lacking in sword skill and thus mostly just throws it at people. Furthermore, her selfish use of it paired with the corruption makes it possible to escape the blade unless she is directly holding it, and she cannot unsummon it away while it contains a spirit.

Origin: The curse of the dragon eventually incarnated itself into the flesh of a human with a natural propensity towards dark magic. Yet she was not consumed by it. Azira grabbed ahold of the curse, made it her own, and while she was still bound to some of its whims and desires her own sense of self and wishes could not be unmade. Over the years she grew increasingly powerful, molding this power to her will as much as it continued to bind her. In time, she became somewhat of an evil overlord. Just a bit.

Weakness: Holy weaponry directly created by a benevolent deity treats Azira’s form as if she was one rank lower in durability. Furthermore, it will also cause her body to inevitably burn up. This forces her to cast off even more pieces of herself or otherwise perish. Directly blessed areas and artifacts can also reduce her physical stats and magical rank by one degree.

If her form is destroyed, a powerful magic user of equal skill in the manner of curses is available, or a divine artifact or exceptionally holy individual is at hand, her curses can be broken.

Likes: Magic, horses, loyal subjects, undead, power in general.

Dislikes: Dragons, being sealed for a hundred years, heroes, a specific hero.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 12:09:49 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2018, 09:17:54 PM »
Name: Acarestus

Race: Challenger

Age: Timeless

Height: 1.82m

Weight: Weightless, but his Heraldry and Panoply clock in at around 0.45kg


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Amazing

Magic: None

Other Abilities:

The Heraldry: Acarestus is differentiated from other Challengers by his choice in attire, and looks nearly identical to the rest of them otherwise. Aside from these, his body is made of an insubstantial blend of cozy fog, soft starlight, heat shimmers, and cool shade. Acarestus interacts with objects as if he were solid, but can only exert force as if he were solid on his Heraldry and Panoply. However, his Heraldry and Panoply are not subject to this restriction, and he can exert force on objects secondhand by putting some part of his Heraldry or Panoply between his body and the object he wishes to move. Without these two abilities, he is, in effect, a massless solid incapable of generating proper, complete momentum.

Should his Heraldry ever be destroyed or damaged, he can reform it anew from nothing. He can also transform into a fiery red butterfly and back with nothing but a thought, with all subhuman stats.

The Panoply: Challengers are composed whole cloth from nothing but skill in a single task, and any skill requires tools to use effectively. Because of this, Challengers can create any of their signature tools from nothing, at will. If the Challenger stops paying attention to them, they will disappear into the nothing from whence they came after a few minutes.

Acarestus possesses only a single signature tool, and it is his Thorn of Diasunne. The Thorn of Diasunne is two barbed metal arrowheads attached back to back by a silk-like cord. The arrowheads have four sides that come together into a sharp point like a thin pyramid, and each edge ends in a barb on the end where the cord is attached. The edges do not dull, and nothing short of a direct hit from a sniper round would have the concentrated force to break it. The cord can withstand a force of Fantastic strength pulling on it, and it would require a blade capable of cutting through objects of Heroic durability to cut the cord without the proper leverage. However, if one were to grasp it in their hands or pin it to a solid surface, any blade capable of bypassing Incredible durability would do. If one of the arrow heads becomes impaled in something, Acarestus can will it to stay, making it impossible to remove without first severing the cord. Acarestus can also will the cord to change its length, effectively pulling things together or allowing them to move apart at Human speeds. The arrowheads can pierce up to Fantastic durability with ease, and slowly wear through objects of Heroic durability. Acarestus can also will certain sections of the cord or even a copy’s entire length to become rigid, locking the cord in its current position. However, when this is done, a blade trying to cut it always counts as having proper leverage.

Acarestus can manifest any number of copies of his Thorn of Diasunne at once, and the Thorns of Diasunne are considered to be supernaturally potent weapons able to harm beings normally untouched by mundane weaponry. However, he can only concentrate on roughly sixty copies that he is not wielding at once, and the ones he wields can stay manifested as long as he continues to use them and interact with them.

The Trial: As a Challenger, Acarestus possesses the most absolute of masteries over wielding his Panoply. He can aim them exactly where he wishes with no effort. He can use the barbs on one copy to grab hold of the cord of another, wielding it secondhand without any loss in proficiency. He can wield a chain of five at most before hitting his limit. He can utterly immobilize a person in a spiderweb of Panoply weapons in the blink of an eye, utilize them for mobility, and throw or swing them as fast as he can move himself. He also has an absolutely uncanny ability of learning an opponent’s fighting style, to the point where he can see through even the greatest of feints and deceptions by his fellow Challengers, whose skill is supernaturally overcharged.

In addition, Challengers are not beings of judgement, but judgement only works so well on them. He can only be killed if someone defeats him in fair combat three times with the intent to kill him and a strong belief that he must die. Otherwise, Acarestus just reforms after about half an hour.

In addition, as a Challenger, Acarestus does not need to eat, sleep, drink, age, think, or have a soul. He still has a soul, and can process information, but he has no mind to read or control, no true emotions to manipulate, and removing his soul would have little to no effect on him. Given a few seconds to concentrate, Acarestus can teleport to anywhere he has been before, but he must remain completely still during the process.

Its Own Reward: Whether it is familiar to them or not, once his opponents finish a fight with him, they understand what it means to be a Challenger.

Anyone defeated by Acarestus cannot suffer from their defeat. This means that any wounds they gained while fighting him will cause no further complications until they have been healed, and even if their defeat was crushing they feel like they learned something instead of feeling inadequate. In addition, whether they share it or not, they understand that Acarestus's lust for battle is for the thrill of danger and competition, not because of killing intent. Those who sympathize with this desire are likely to approach him again for another challenge.

Anyone victorious over Acarestus feels the thrill of a challenging fight just as he does. They understand if his challenge had no ill will behind it, and they respect him as a fellow fighter. Even if his defeat was crushing, the victor finds themselves having enjoyed the fight.

Equipment: Nothing. He doesn't eat, drink, or even really live in the first place.

Origin: Back when the gods created the world and humans to live in it, they created the Challengers to spur on the growth of humans, to test their strength and give them the desire to grow. Acarestus was one of the Challengers of Battle, alongside the Challengers of the Arts, the Challengers of Crafts, and the Challengers of the Mind. Acarestus has lived a long, full life of many enemies, rivals, friends, and battles. Maybe, just maybe, he'll find someone in the Nexus that can beat him.

Weakness: Just as Judgement prevents Acarestus from being killed, Judgement prevents Acarestus from killing others. He is physically incapable of killing someone until he has defeated them three times in fair combat whilst trying and failing to change their ways for the better. Once these conditions have been fulfilled, Acarestus needs only a strong belief that they must die in order to lay the finishing blow.

Likes: Fighting, Cheese, Sausages

Dislikes: Killing, Bananas
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 08:55:39 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2018, 02:37:47 AM »
Name: Kaze Mikoto

Race: Born Scion, also known as a Demigod.

Age: 23

Height: 172cm

Weight: 67kg


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Amazing

Durability: Amazing

Magic: Extremely High; Kaze’s motif is “The Sky’s touch is gentle.” This means that his magic rank is treated as Extremely High for all magic that is neither flashy nor harmful. His magic rank always reverts to High when performing magic that is outside of his Motif. Performing magic within his Motif also causes Kaze to exert his Mantle, which causes nearby flowers to bloom and a light breeze to manifest whether he is manipulating wind or not.

Kaze’s magic is fueled by his Legend, a divine expression of a Scion’s heritage. Utilizing magic within his Motif will very slowly drain his Legend in a temporary manner; it returns in full after about an hour. However, stretching the limits of his magic with feats outside of his Motif drains his Legend in a more permanent capacity, requiring him to perform rituals of sacrifice with people who worship the Amatsukami Pantheon, which are especially effective among those who favor Inari and people who recognize his divine heritage.

The Purviews:

Health: Kaze can heal wounds and cure diseases in mere moments, but he cannot regenerate lost body parts and he must be able to see his targets.

Journeys: Kaze has an infallible sense of direction and navigation, and he cannot he obstructed from reaching a destination that he chooses. Magical sources of obstruction must come from a source exceeding his magic rank to block him. Doors unlock for him and lock themselves behind him, chasms form temporary bridges from their stone that revert after he crosses, magical barriers open holes just big enough for him to walk through, and he slides through people’s grips like a handful of sand when he wants to leave.

Sky: Kaze can generate, manipulate, and suppress Lightning and Wind (and use said Wind to fly) with forces and speeds within the limits of his magic rank. He can also perfectly predict the weather as well as manipulate it given enough time. Influencing the mundane weather instead of directly creating lightning and wind is a much more difficult endeavor, and the time needed for manipulating generic mundane weather varies widely, from several days to generate a raging blizzard during a cloudless summer, to a few minutes to generate a light drizzle of rain in an already cloudy spring sky. The area in which he can affect the weather is limited by his magic rank.

Other Abilities:

Physical Blessings: Kaze does not disturb objects as if he was as light as a feather, and he will not sink in liquids if he does not wish to. He can effortlessly scale walls and ceilings without any need for handholds. He is also immune to mundane poison and diseases.

Healing hands: By touching someone or himself, Kaze can resurrect someone that died within the last three minutes, as well as repair more permanent physical disabilities like blindness, missing limbs, or even birth defects. However, this all requires a significant and permanent expenditure of Legend as if it were outside of his Motif due to the powerful nature of such changes.

Mantle: Simply by existing for extended periods of time, Kaze’s Legend causes the people he interacts with regularly to recognize and respect his divine heritage and spread word of his exploits, which nets him a certain following no matter where he is. Should he spend a long time at dangerously low levels of Legend, people’s faith in him will waver and the numbers of his following will dwindle, but it will reform as long as he eventually recovers his Legend.

Yaoyorozu-no-Kamigami: The Eight Million Gods are the Kami that makes up every living being and object in the world, and those of the Amatsukami Pantheon can speak to them. Kaze instinctively knows how to appease the Kami of objects and animals, and his divine favor causes such Kami to treat him as one would treat a valued comrade. By speaking to the Kami of a person, Kaze effectively bridges language gaps. Speaking to the Kami of an animal would allow him to gain information that they know and ask them for favors and tasks. The Kami of objects can only perform tasks within their normal range of operations, but they can still dispense information. For example, the Kami of a car or computer could function almost normally, while the Kami of a gun could shoot and release a clip but not aim.

The Kami of enchanted objects and legendary weapons are more intelligent, and any magical properties they have are also within the Kami’s control, but the stronger they are the harder they can be to convince. For example, Kaze could not convince Excalibur to betray its rightful owner, but he could attempt to gain its willingness to be wielded in the rightful owner’s absence.

Inari’s Gift: Inari’s gift of a fluid form grants Kaze with the ability to transform into a Fox and a female Kitsune. Kaze does not like to be reminded of the one (?) time he used the latter half of this gift. He has incredibly mixed feelings about it.

Scent The Divine: As a Scion, Kaze has an innate sense for other divine beings. Kaze can smell the presence of beings of divine descent and determine what kind of pantheon they descend from.

Equipment: He lives a free life, and does not want for much other than the basic necessities. His magic has also never let him down as a way to survive combat situations. He doesn't carry much around in terms of weaponry or equipment.

Origin: Kaze Mikoto was born as the son of Inari. Of course, he didn’t know that until he was out of college, but he always had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t normal in a world where the Gods were constant movers and shakers behind the scenes, battling for influence and worship among the modern citizens of The World. When Inari visited Kaze to tell him that he was his/her child of the winds, Kaze was stunned and confused, and after being given a gift from his estranged mother (?), Inari left Kaze as quickly as s/he had appeared. After that, Kaze was left to his own devices, not really knowing what the hell had just happened. But he had powers, as well as a mentor sent by Takemikazuchi, and he had beliefs about how the world should be, and he suddenly had people that believed in him. So he set out to save lives and always be there as his mother (?) is for everyone.

Weakness: Kaze's melee combat skills are utterly abysmal, and as mentioned before using his magic to harm people causes his power to drop sharply.

Likes: Light rain, turning into a Kitsune, breezes, the free life, helping people, turning into a Kitsune

Dislikes: Hurting people, snow, turning into a Kitsune, hot & dry weather, harsh sunlight, turning into a Kitsune
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 12:28:20 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2018, 08:21:38 PM »
Name: Yukari

Race: Kitsune

Age: 216

Height 174 cm

Weight: average for her height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Incredible

Magic: Extremely High

Being a five tailed Kitsune and a lesser deity at that means both her magical reserves and breadth of knowledge in the arcane arts is astounding. While it’s true that Fox Fire remains her signature style of magic, her naturally long life has meant she has picked up a whole slew of other crafts along the way.

Fox Fire: The mythical flame harnessed by her race, it’s flames bring widespread destruction as well as the nurture of life. Yukari being an old and experienced member of her race have mastered the use of this to a very high degree. She can conjure flames at any point in her line of sight which shape and form are controlled by her will. At their strongest they can burn down entire buildings fairly quickly, but she can also let it out at much lower intensities too. Her fire can also move up to Fantastic speeds if she wills it to.

However merely destroying things is not the only thing they can do, it’s also an element of creation, of life itself. Thus she can let her flames embrace people in their warmth, rejuvenating them with a mere thought and even restoring their flesh as well as purging their bodies of any and all impurities. In mere seconds limbs as well as internal organs will be restored and diseases and poisons both mundane and supernatural can be purged. Given enough time and effort curses can be broken as long as they don’t originate from a divine source that outranks Yukari.

Her fire can only possess one of these aspects at any given time, and that goes for all fire she's currently using. An opponent who notices this may exploit this to heal themselves when she heals herself or others.

Spiritual Arts: This is the kind of stuff that ghosts don’t wanna mess with. A master of this branch of magic can easily see the ebb and flow of souls, the otherwise imperceivable that connects this world to the next can be read like an open book. They can ward against and even banish malignant spirits, ghosts of the departed but also nature spirits fall under this category. Ordinary ghosts are the easier of the two to deal with and can be affected by simple gestures and symbolism. Natural Spirits are much harder to affect since they usually have an actual anchor to the world which would resist her influence. Overcoming that would require a complex ritual to be undertaken in order to banish them, hardly usable in combat.

A master of this art can also affect the souls of those still living, manipulating it, shaping it to her whims and desire and even forcing it out of people to stuff it in a jar or a doll. People’s souls tend be rather fond of their original bodies however so any attempt to directly influence could only be undertaken once the target has been subdued.

The last and perhaps the most valued aspect of this art is the ability to bring back the dead and not just cheap imitation, but the real deal, true restoration. It’s a fairly painless process if the target is recently departed and most of their remains, well remains. The longer time has passed since the hour of their untimely demise as well as the amount of them that remains, the harder it gets to do it. If months or even years has passed it becomes nigh impossible and would require a ton of conditions to be fulfilled, some including holy grounds, moon phases, ley lines and the heart of a demon.

And finally if the soul has been destroyed, then she can’t resurrect you.

Barrier Fields The third and final of her major crafts. This one deals with creation of fields that impose limitations on those that opposes her. Yukari can in the span of a few minutes create fields that cover entire building complexes, she can decide who gets affected when it’s created as well as remove/apply the targeting effect later with a mere thought. The field itself will weaken enemies physically by a rank or enemy magecraft by a rank. To be able to resist the negative effects of the field entirely one needs to have Extremely High magic resistance.

That's only her main speciality though and the one she can construct the fastest. Given enough time she can create barriers with almost any kind of function imaginable, be it to detect invisible people, strengthen objects, or even to make time progress at a different pace.

Other Abilities:

Five Tailed Kitsune: Being a member of this species grants a number of benefits when compared to measly Humans. The primary one being the long life, or rather the eternal life, as a Kitsune cannot die from old age. They also enjoy higher magical capabilities than the average human as well as a greater physique.

Shapeshifting: This ability is quite famous, Kitsune have the inherent racial ability to assume any humanoid form they want, regardless of gender. They can also use it to hide their inhuman traits.

Yukari is barely gifted in this ability and the only other form besides humanoid she can assume is that of a small fox. When assuming this shape her fur will be of the same color as her tails making her stand out to quite some degree. She’s also incapable of using any of her magical arts in this form. Finally her stats remain the same.

Magic Resistance: Very High

 Due to being the center of a Spiritual congregation for decades her innate resistance to the occult has risen to the point where lower level magic have no chance of affecting her.

Immense Willpower:Spending every day staring into a large stream of souls bound for the netherworld sharpens both your mind and your will. Especially so when some of them tried possessing her on an almost daily basis.

Chess Grandmaster: Many years ago she assumed the form of a human male and won and competed among the humans until she acquired the title of Grandmaster. She never returned when she was challenged due to being caught up in other matters and thus lost the tile. Her skills however still remain as sharp to this day.

Equipment: Various object of spiritual importance. None of them are actually necessary for her to perform her craft but she likes to trick by “reading their fortune” in truth that isn’t something she can actually do, but due to her reputation most people believed she could.

Origin: The land was quite peaceful, of course it was under her benevolent rule. To be fair calling it her rule may be stretching things as the Head Priestess was not the de facto ruler of a city but rather it’s spiritual guide, the one showing lost souls the way when no one else could. But that's besides the point, the point was that without her the land will soon fall into chaos and degeneracy.

Alright that’s also an exaggeration, it would take months for something like that to actually become a problem and by then a successor would have been found, that much was a given. Was it so wrong to play up your own importance? Maybe she shouldn’t be so prideful but she did a damn good job in her time there and they’d better make a statue of her, or something, whatever it’s not like anyone read this anyways. With the arrival to this new city, this new place, none of that really mattered, perhaps it never had. No, that was the thoughts of someone who regrets the past, not her. She’ll keep moving forward, this wasn’t just a curse after all, not with all these opportunities just waiting around the corner.


Magic Resistance: This is pretty self evident, she’s a mage, anyone who can resist her spells would be much harder to fight against.

Close Combat: Her close combat skill are utterly abysmal in comparison to her skills with magic, to the point that almost anyone with similar stats would be able to beat her in melee.

Likes: Playing around, making your day miserable, helping you, chess, spirits,

Dislikes: Spirits, people poking around in her business, those who are fooled far too easily.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 05:02:23 AM by Bern »

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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2018, 07:19:08 AM »
Name: Ananta, Great Sage Under Heaven

Race: Human

Age: 26~

Height: 5’8

Weight: Average for her height

Spoiler for Hiden:


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Fantastic

Other Abilities:

Sage: Born with a natural understanding of both Heaven and Earth and a physicality far beyond any normal human’s, Ananta was blessed from the start. She is immune to all diseases and toxins that originate from nature. An instinct towards understanding the world allows her to instantly tell what kind of weather one could experience for weeks, any natural disasters that might occur, the state of the ecosystem, and the health of the soil and water. Predicting celestial events and being able to divine sacred places or other areas of importance through the light of the stars is also possible. Furthermore, she has access to the Four Imperial Dynasties, the elements which make up the world.

Combat prowess has also been inherited from this, her skill in functionally all forms of close range weaponry being enough to give her an advantage. However, her martial arts is especially notable and makes her capable of dispatching other trained combatants of similar physicality with ease.

Fire: A heat haze surrounds Ananta when she uses this element, making her shimmer like a mirage. Without notably superb perception consistently striking at her is nigh impossible for people with similar agility to her.  Fantastic agility is fast enough to react to the illusory phenomena to get in a good exchange, but even they will eventually miss a strike and need a few seconds to readjust to the haze’s changes. She can also release streams of fire a few meters long from her limbs and mouth. These burn hot enough to be a danger to people of Fantastic durability and she can even use them to supplement her strikes. By focusing the power of the flame her limbs can explode forward with Fantastic strength and Heroic speed along with causing serious burn damage as well. While in this state she is also completely immune to high damage caused by high temperatures.

Water: The moment she calls upon water her entire body is covered in the liquid. Once that happens it becomes impossible to grapple with Ananta. She can slip out of any grab or hold in an instant, slide over nearly any surface without resistance, but can grab or pull sudden stops at will. Her main form of offense comes from her water shadow, a reflection of herself. During combat one can see it clinging to her body, an exact replica of her made of water clinging to her skin. When she attacks it also strikes at her opponents, controlled entirely by thought. It functionally doubles her attack potential. With it she can swim at Fantastic speeds, water based attacks wash over her, and while heat can evaporate it the water will quickly return full force in seconds.

Wind: A combination of oppressive winds and powerful vacuums define this form. Unless the projectiles are extremely powerful or the shooter can take into account the winds that violently shift around her in a ten meter radius, most ranged attacks are fruitless and can even be sent flying back at her enemies with surprising accuracy. Those that approach her in melee are buffeted as the wind resists their every movements. At Fantastic strength their efforts to stay standing and keeping through with their attacks functionally lowers their agility by a rank, and people below that are mostly tossed about. By violently pulling at the air, Ananta can focus the full force of the wind on one area in her range for a moment to pull someone towards her. At Fantastic strength the target is sent hurtling out of control towards her while someone of Heroic strength could be dragged forward while barely holding their ground. After this the winds subside for a a few seconds before starting up again.

Earth: Soil, metal, and other earthen materials rise up to cover Ananta’s body, functionally acting as a second skin as it changes color to blend in. Exceptional at diffusing force, the armor can let her take on Incredible strength attacks with ease, requiring focused attacks on a singular area to make breaks. Fantastic attacks aren’t that much worse for her, but attacks of that level will shatter pieces of the armor and leave vulnerabilities. Heroic will both break it and hurt her through it, although the damage will be minor. Over time the armor regenerates, but it takes around ten seconds just to fully repair small breaks. She can redistribute the earth on her form to cover up vulnerabilities though. In terms of offense, she can also interact with the earth as if her strength was Legendary, allowing her to shatter foundations, toss massive boulders, and thoroughly pulverize landscapes.

Heaven: Not a traditional element but the enlightened realm to which Ananta was exposed to since birth, it confers several benefits.

Ideal Form: She is timeless and cannot be artificially aged and will remain forever youthful. This eternal image of herself in her prime is what her body shall always be, and even when harmed it wishes to return to this state. Ananta heals rather quickly in combat, minor cuts closing before she can blink and more severe ones can have the worst of their effects reduced as they are brought to a stabilized state. Outside of combat she can more thoroughly meditate upon this state, rapidly returning her body from near death or utter ruin to perfectly healthy.

Spiritual Stability: A soul that cannot be divided nor damaged, it cannot be artificially altered or changed, and it provides the ability for Ananta to ever truly be overcome by a singular emotion. Her spirit is one that reflects the perfection of Heaven itself.

Universality: Many worlds stand between Heaven and Earth, and as a sage it is her duty to make sure they are all kept in order. In her base state she can strike at immaterial beings, those who are still present on earth but are phased out through some method. However, she is also capable of sensing when others leave for different realms that border this world’s. Ananta can project her spirit into these through meditation, and it is common for her to visit the world of spirits or other similar places to pursue evils.

Purity: Curses, dark spirits, corrupt magic, these are all subject to Ananta’s judgement. Through righteous prayer and her resolute spirit she can work against all of these. It’s not incredibly useful in countering direct attacks, but over the course of a minute she can severely weaken, suppress, and undo such things so long as she remains uninterrupted.

Ascendance: If done in order to protect another, Ananta may enact a great miracle that borders the almighty. A curse that taints the world, a strike that could split an ocean, a slumbering evil on the verge of awakening, she may selflessly use all her power to protect and safeguard but never to kill. Requiring a great amount of spiritual awareness and self reflection, Ananta is far too immature to tap into this power, and even if she could her life would be extinguished immediately afterwards.

Origin: Born as a sage since birth, Ananta was praised universally for being born enlightened. From the start her wisdom was considered unquestioned and beyond doubt. When she was barely ten years old the emperor began to heed her advice and thus reigned virtuously and without flaw. And so Ananta collected scriptures, meditated frequently, and divined the nature of Heaven and Earth perfectly. Having never earned nothing due to attaining everything from the start, she has only done what was expected of her.

Weakness: None.

Likes: Scriptures, meditation, good food, swimming, stretches.

Dislikes: Her title, western dragons, praise.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2018, 01:24:11 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2018, 06:49:28 PM »
Name: God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, The Great Will, The Word, Dan

Race: Retiree

Age: The Word preceded light and moved across the darkness before Creation

Height: 5’8

Weight: Average for his height


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Durability: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Celestial Bureaucracy: Once, Dan micromanaged the entirety of the cosmos! All of Creation was a file cabinet of paperwork for him to handle. Compared to that human bureaucracy is easy. Dan could do the work of a nation’s entire bureaucratic system and impossibly manage to get days of work crunched into seconds. He’s usually too lazy to do this though.

Ultra Immortal: Even a retiree can’t be easily taken down. Currently the only thing he could possible be concerned about is the entirety of the universe and all other realities collapsing. Anything else he can pretty much shrug off in a second. It grows in response to outside stimuli though. Even if he only wipes away his bullet wounds in an instant a nuclear explosion would need a similar brushing off. This helps in terms of displacement as well. Quality of living is important! If he's crushed underwater by ocean pressure he'll quickly find himself near a coast, crushed between two slabs and he'll be sitting on them in a bit, impaled by a billion spikes and he'll be on his way back home, things like that. It lets him slip out of restraints, and seals, and all those other terrible immortal fates.

Miracle Worker: Dan can’t quite pull off the old feats he used to back in ye olden days. Still, if he rolls up his sleeves and starts sweating he can do a ton. His cooking, art, writing, and other such creative endeavors could bring a man to weep in a moment, let the dead taste its deliciousness despite the impossible nature of it, and even cure writer’s block. Well, there’s other stuff too like performing a life saving medical procedure that really shouldn’t work and did but that rarely comes up. What Dan can do can bend the rules, surprise and amaze even people who have seen it all, but he still needs the tools to do it. He ain’t splitting oceans or bring back the dead with two hands and a stick.

In the Know: Creating nearly everything and knowing basically everything makes it hard for Dan to be ignorant about things. Even as he is he gets flashes of insight whenever he looks at people and things, a sort of instant familiarity of sorts. He can use pretty much any kind of tool, supernatural or mundane, as if he owned it. Places are pretty good with him too. He can tell if there’s anything special going on and easily make his way around a secret boobytrapped castle like it was home. With people he can usually tell your name and get a basic idea of who you are. Over some smalltalk he learns more and more, even getting into the abilities and powers you don’t really talk about. It’s pretty annoying in his opinion but he can’t help it.

Swole Soul: He really tries to keep it under wraps but it’s undeniable that as a spiritual entity he surpasses any other. Eclipsing all of Creation, it has been restrained to a more subtle power. Some particularly experienced in matters of the soul could feel that something was here and around them, but unless they saw him directly making the connection is incredibly difficult. As his mind is within his soul, it also makes it near impossible for any mental effects to occur, and his soul is more than strong enough to take on anything else itself.


Assistants: Metatrons 1 through 9 exist solely to make Dan’s life easier. They’re basically pocket angels. Like an angel if you shrunk them down real small and pocket sized. They’re a hybrid of pretty much any appliance you can think of. He can use them as phones, computers, hot plates, plates, pencils, pens, white out, all kinds of things. He once put them together to make a mini washing machine. They can even hack things and let him watch other people’s TV. They can alter their size a good bit but they don’t move fast enough to be a threat despite being pretty much invulnerable to anything but the most powerful of angels and demons. Or him at his peak he supposes.

Origin: Dan used to have a real difficult job and a ton of kids that he was taking care of single handedly. It was a real big hassle. So Dan quit that whole business so hard he went magnitudes lower in power. Now he flips burgers. Sometimes he washes cars. Occasionally he works at a cubicle. But he’s real comfortable with his new state of affairs now.

Weakness: He’s pretty lazy. Makes enemies by making them their most hated food so delicious they can’t help but eat it.

Likes: His office, angels, humans, demons, chocolate, indulging in a tub of ice cream like a disgusting slob.

Dislikes: Salads, dieting, getting yelled at too early in the morning, reading too much.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 03:18:30 AM by Bern »


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2018, 10:41:48 PM »
Name: Lighthart Swordhaven

Race: Human

Age: ? ? ?

Height: 201 cm

Weight: 100kg
Spoiler for lost form:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing(Fantastic when enhancing her blows with light, or even heroic for a burst)

Agility: Fantastic(Heroic when using eclipse breaker)

Durability: Incredible(Fantastic when applying her light armor)

Magic Scale: Extremely High

Lightbringer: Allows the user to manipulate light, and grants the user strong anti darkness/undead properties. With that, Lighthart can shine as brightly as a sun for a moment, enhance her strength, form fantastic barriers that she can use to hop off of freely or defend herself with, or create objects she can use in her daily life.

Sun drake's claws: She may also fire up to seven fantastic arbalest arrows from her sword that can also be used as platforms, which coupled with the barriers can greatly enhance her mobility at the price of defense.

Hypernova- Lion's Roar: Finally, she can focus all her energy in order to create a mini-sun that shines with her heroic glory, only to fire forth and burst with legendary might. With its incandescent holy heat, it will wipe an entire skyscraper structure off the map. However, it is expensive and takes a good few seconds of inertia to charge up, though she could release a lesser heroic wave with less charge-up time.

Eclipse Breaker: The strongest light spell once mastered by the greatest sages, and also the most childishly simple. It is the ultimate ability to see through the darkness and detect what would otherwise be obscured. Even if you were to gouge her eyes out and rip her eardrums apart, she would not lose a hint of her fighting prowess.  With her honed skill and instinct, this gives her practically a 360 degree peripheral vision. Her skill is so great that she has breached the realm beyond mortals, and greatly enhanced her reflexes and perception (Heroic).

But more than that, this ability has a capability even further beyond. It can see what normally cannot be seen, and thus she can see the truth of this world. Through the more primal form of clashing souls with another, she can even gaze into it and shine a beacon of light into its soul. Thus, she can go as far as to shine through someone or something’s history, and peer more and more as contact is prolonged.

Other Abilities:

Advanced healing factor: Lighthart’s body is special, and will heal minor wounds near instantly. More severe ones take a few hours, and limbs might take a day. To top it off, she ages extremely slowly, and is resilient to pain, can endure grevious wounds and ignores damage such as blood loss, which doesn’t seem to phase her in the first place even if she only has 1% left.

Lost Form: For having contacted the Ancient Ones, humans gained great power. But the greatest power users risk reacting to the LOST, an alien energy that acts as the counterpart to the magic they can wield and weakens them as they recharge on their mana. In short, if a mage is a computer, this would be their power saving mode. After using their power for an extended period, their bodies will change in various ways. Some will turn invisible, others will change into animals, in her case her body de-ages dramatically. Due to er extensive injuries, she has to stay in this form for most of the day and force herself out of it, and due to hating this form she tends to use her power more than necessary.

Royal Style: A masterful sword fighting style that is as graceful as it is deadly. She honed it for years, perfecting it into something innately bound to her fighting instincts. She even invented a hand-to hand variant as well, which is called regal hurricane dance.

Hero’s Presence: The hero of the story must be a brazen as her presence must be recognized. Her soul is, simply put, the sun itself, and anyone who tries to tamper with it will suffer grievous burns, let alone try to devour her ego. She is incorruptible and can exhibit a pressure so great that lesser demons or unholy creatures might suffocate and feel their entire body being crushed  and corroded when confronted with her sheer ego, ultimately dying if they aren’t evacuated.


Divine sword, Michael: A holy sword crafted from the heart of an archangel. Its cuts purify the wicked and have powerful holy attributes, just like her magic. Its commandment is [HEAVEN], a divine law that will shatter whatever is slain by this holy blade down to its very foundations. When someone dies, they create a world that feels like it lasts for an eternity, and for the few seconds it takes for their sense of self to be destroyed they live forever in that world that has destroyed that concept of time.

Anyone slain by that blade will suffer a similar fate, their story will flash before their eyes and their ego will inadvertently exhaust itself into nothingness after experiencing eternity. Whether that eternity is agonizing or peaceful depends on her. But regardless, their consciousness, awareness, life, existence and even soul are all subject to this infinite world and are ground up by their own self. It means that unless recreated, whatever is truly executed by this blade cannot come back.

However, a ridiculously potent will or emotion, the kind that could overwhelm the gods themselves, might be able to break out of this infinite world of death. In that case, even their own death can be averted assuming they escape the clutches of heaven.

Origin: Lighthart was the 27th general of the Grado army, and an accomplished hero of the empire. Once she found herself relieved of her military duties, she hastened herself to  punish injustice where she saw fit and administered peace and safety to the people. She is known as a great hero with a passionate sense of justice and a selfless savior of the weak.

Weakness: She is most vulnerable when offguard, or when charging her ultimate attack. Her strongest output is bursty by nature and visible. She is literally as flashy as it gets, making her stick out like a sore thumb.  Even when she uses all of her abilities in conjunction, gaps in her output may appear (her defense will weaken when she engages for a powerful strike). Magic resistance is also quite handy. She is also crippled by a demonic wound that will not heal, and is missing many organs. Since she uses her magic to maintain herself, forcing herself too hard puts her body at risk, and she will be exhausted after a lengthy fight at full output. She is also immensely arrogant and prideful, and while her guard is as sharp as a hawk it isn't impossible to take advantage of her pride.

Likes: Herself, a good fight, fun challenges, drama, wanton excess and glory, fun, crushing her foes, determination, peace.

Dislikes: Injustice, wasting talent, wasting time, boredom, half hearted measures, cowards and useless people, lies.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 03:13:43 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2018, 01:33:15 AM »
Name: Miyuki Sekai

Race: Planar

Age: 15

Height: 172cm

Weight: 57kg


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human

Agility: Scales to Opponent

Durability: Human

Other Abilities:

Pocket Dimension: Miyuki is the physical manifestation of an entire sentient dimension. As such, she has absolute control over it no matter where she is, and has an innate sense for whatever is happening inside of it. Miyuki can create circular portals with a 0.5m to 4m radius at an arm’s length from herself from reality into her Pocket Dimension. If she is inside her pocket dimension, she can create a portal out to anywhere in the Nexus she has been before. So long as anyone except herself is inside the pocket dimension, she must keep at least one portal open to a constant location until they leave. She can hide it and pull people away from it, but it cannot be outright inaccessible. Instead of a freestanding portal, she can put such pathways an existing closable openings such as a doorway. She can only maintain three sets of two-way portals, but the first two that she places into existing openings do not count towards this, allowing her up to five. Someone cannot go through a portal unless they willingly move through it. They don’t have to know it’s a portal, but they do have to go through of their own volition.

The dimension is effectively her real “body,” and she can exert control over it easily. She can change the environment to anything that could occur naturally on a mundane earth, and add or remove features in the environment that may or may not be man-made but are still mundane. Plant life can be added, but no animals.

Features of the environment can be moved around with varying speeds. A quantity of material that a character with Human strength and durability could survive an impact from, break through, and lift can be moved at Legendary speeds. For every Rank above that in durability, force, and/or total weight, the maximum speed at which they can be moved decreases by one Rank. So long as it fits through the gap, Miyuki can throw things through a portal, but it will fade into nothingness a second after leaving her pocket dimension.

Absolute Sense: Being her own dimension, Miyuki has the senses to keep track of all of herself, and anything of similar size. Miyuki could see the design of a flag planted on the moon from the earth’s surface and hear the sound of a pin drop on the other side of Nexus. She can hear frequencies well out of the ranges of any living being and see radiation all the way from radio waves to gamma radiation. Since this is a natural ability of hers, it doesn’t cause any more sensory overload than it would for a human with normal senses.

Planar “Physiology:” Miyuki does not die from aging, and past the end of her puberty her body will cease to age. Mind control and emotional manipulation kind of just don’t work on her. Additionally, well, she kinda just doesn’t die, period. She can’t experience illness and starvation or dehydration simply leave her without enough energy to move. When a human would “die” due to injuries, Miyuki can simply get up, spend a night in her inner realm and come back unscathed. If her body is completely destroyed, she can build a new one over the course of about a week. However, if she is killed by someone, she is repulsed by them instinctually, and after being killed multiple times by the same person nothing can stop her from leaving the area the moment they show up.

Equipment: A Cell Phone with her favorite playlist on it, and a part time job adequate enough to pay for food and other necessities. Other than that, not a whole lot.

Origin: Miyuki actually grew up normally thinking she was human, a luxury most Planars aren’t afforded. If you’re wondering how a literal dimension can think they are a single person, Planars don’t instinctively know that their inner realm is an actual place rather than just a recurring daydream, or that their enhanced senses are anything special. And they can never open any portals to that realm if they don’t think it’s real. Anyway, Miyuki only really found out about her nature about a month before getting stuck in the Nexus, in which a rather unstable Elder Planar opened a portal to the Nexus and tossed her through. Now she just kinda kept going, luckily there was a high school in the Nexus that she could get herself registered for.

Weakness: She can’t really fight; she does know some basic evasion techniques but she never really learned how to swing back. She doesn’t fight so much as she just runs around and throws cars out of portals. Yes, cars. Why the hell not?

Likes: Music, Cities, Nature, Anime, People, Rain

Dislikes: Elders, Acting like anything more than human, Bullies, Mandatory Participation
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2018, 07:22:23 AM »
Name: Tanis

Race: Snake?

Age: Unknown

Height: 6’3

Weight: A bit light for her weight


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Heroic

Durability: Incredible

Other Abilities:   

Serpent of Man: While she lacks natural regenerative abilities Tanis can rapidly heal even the most grievous by consuming the flesh of humans or beings closely related to humans. Simply drinking of their fresh blood could seal normally fatal injuries. Actually partaking of their bodies is enough to practically heal her of anything, allow Tanis to regenerate more than half her body faster than she can blink. By devouring their brains she can attain their knowledge, skills, and memories as well. While eating a mage’s brain may not give her magecraft she can certainly acquire the knowledge of all the spells they know and how they function. However the sheer ecstasy and satisfaction from the meal blinds her to potential threats and leaves her incredibly open for several seconds.

Fang and Tail: From her body Tanis can sprout about ten chains with knives at the end. They are slower than her at Fantastic speeds but have similar striking power and durability. She can also yank herself across the battlefield with them as the blades are notoriously difficult to remove if they pierce someone. At that point they are rooted as if they were the jaws of a being with incredible strength.

The blades and chains have poisonous properties that are corrosive to the spirit. Wounds inflicted by the blades and sustained contact with the chains can lower the durability of part of an opponent.  For example if one is scratched by the blade on the arm or wrapped in a chain for a moment their durability will not go down immediately. However, the poison will spread over time. A single cut or a chain that is quickly broken will achieve little on its own, but a series of them or a chain that isn’t removed can cause a notable drop on say a limb over the course of a few seconds if she focuses on it. The effects will remain for some time, lasting at least an hour unless a healer whose purview is souls can be acquired.

Tanis can also remotely control her chains and it is common to see them slithering across the ground like serpents in the dozens. If this is done they are weaker and are ranked as Exceptional/Amazing/Amazing. The danger here is less their striking capacity and more the fact that they are all still poisoned.

Inside Out: These bladed chains are smaller than the ones that she uses for combat. They are incredibly fragile and could be broken by a human. However their purpose is to be used on relatively intact corpses. So long as either the brain or heart is in one piece the chains will venture down to the organs in question and wrap around them, jabbing the blade into them. This allows Tanis to use the corpse as a living puppet, and if the brain is the organ left whole it can even reasonably act similar to its host.

While the corpse will eventually rot it takes far longer while infested, upwards of several weeks. Furthermore, the insides of the target begin to transform into metal identical in make to the chains that sprout from Tanis. Over the course of an hour the mass of metal is fashioned into additional chains on the level of her remotely controlled ones. The chains can burst from the body to harm foes, drag it along to speed it up, or remain dormant. So long as the organ being used isn’t destroyed or the body doesn’t suffer catastrophic damage it can keep going. Tanis can control about five of these hosts at once.         

Ouroboros: The serpent which devours its own tail is something that Tanis has inherited (or maybe stolen) from humanity. This soul is connected to her, sheltering her own mind and soul from attack, and has taken the form of this massive serpent. As it devours its own tail it grows larger and longer, feeding into itself endlessly. So long as it is in this state Ouroboros cannot be harmed as it is in a state of constant renewal. The only time that it ceases its own devouring is when it senses the souls of humans are left in the air, although it can tell humans and their kin apart from other beings naturally. Its primary function is to swallow these spirits.

The digestive process of the Ouroboros is functionally endless. It consumes the soul which then falls to the very end of the massive serpent. Within it time dilates and a single second could last thousands of years at the lowest and most base coil. As they are digested, they suffer torment and violations unimaginable until they have served their sentence and risen above that coil. Once they do, they are renewed into a whole state with their suffering eased as they have transcended it. As one rises in the coils the dilation effect is also increased exponentially forming an unending chain of greater time and longer torments. However, rising above the serpent and to freedom is impossible. Not only does the serpent have innumerable coils, but it is also growing more as it lengthens and feeds off itself and those within it. By the time one has finished the first coil countless more have already been made.

While Tanis cannot directly harm spiritual enemies Ouroboros is more than capable of sensing and fighting them. It can achieve a partial manifestation so long as she refrains from calling forth even a single chain and ceases controlling and giving commands to those outside her body. When brought forth in such a matter the Ouroboros is a Heroic/Incredible/Legendary spiritual entity the size of a building that has no power over the physical world. It may only harm ghosts, spirits, and other things of that nature. That isn’t to say it has no influence in the physical world. Its presence and overwhelming hate can be felt even by normal humans in this state and provokes unimaginable terror. Utterly frozen in fear, their unsettled minds can result in hyper realistic visions of the serpent and being devoured by it. It is frightening, a nightmare made real, but for those who have fought many battles and confronted their own demons it is not a force they cannot stand against. However, getting eaten by the serpent is almost certainly a death sentence for any spiritual being.

Second Skin:

A single death isn’t enough to deal with Tanis. While her body fails she can choose to revert to a form similar to her origin, just barely taking on the trappings of humanity. Exchanging power for subtlety, all her stats drop two ranks and her chains are lost but she gains several powers. First and foremost her presence completely vanishes. She cannot be sensed by passive soul sight or mind reading, emotional reading and aura sensing moves over her as if she was part of the natural world. In dark areas she becomes indistinguishable from the area around her to avoid detection by sight and she gives off no sound or scent. Even forms of nomenclature based magic and mystical scrying will only view her corpse as the form she has taken on is the ‘primordial basis of Tanis’ and not quite the modern one.

The only exception to this requires that the person endowed with supernatural senses needs to be looking for her specifically. They need the ability to focus and magnify that form of sensory prowess to realize she is still there. The only ability of hers that still functions in this state is Serpent of Man. All others are suppressed into near nonexistence due to her lack of power.

Origin: Once in freezing land a woman took pity on a serpent that had fallen into a deathlike slumber. Bringing it to her chest and providing it warmth, the serpent awoke and bit her. She quickly perished from the venom and the creature crawled into her body and made a home of her. Before the body grew utterly cold the serpent had already become something more and departed.

Tanis is an Elite that has earned little trust among her peers. Her methods are extremely violent, the glimpses that they see of the serpent unsettles them, and she quite frequently remarks on her hate of everyone. However, she has only ever taken up good causes for her work. But no matter how many lives she saves there’s just something off about her.

Weakness: She has no defense against magic and has no defense against attacks which target a large area.

Likes Pocky, chains, snakes.

Dislikesmans, humans, humans.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 10:16:30 PM by VergAvesta »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2018, 03:50:07 AM »
Name: Jalut the True

Race: Demon

Age: 3952 years

Height: 408 cm

Weight: 329 kg

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Durability: Heroic

Magic Scale: None

Other Abilities:

Soul Eating: Being a demon, Jalut can feed on the souls of those he slays. He tends to like spicy ones, so he usually leaves the bland ones alone. They are especially useful to refill and heal from wounds.

Polearm Skill: Jalut is immensely skilled in the use of his gigantic halberd, and wields it with terrifying prowess in battle. Human often compared him to a living hurricane of death, and considering the waste he left behind it’s not impossible to see why. He is a demon with centuries of experience, and the oldest of his group. With that in mind, it makes sense to assume he is the one who accrued the most experience, and whose skill can even allow him to perform devastating techniques, the best showing feats such as becoming a living hurricane of heroic blows or a mighty slash that can cleave a building in half. They aren't casual feats, but mighty martial techniques encompassing all of his skill into their deadly fury.

Truth: His demonic authority and commandment, [THOU SHALT NOT LIE]. Upon activation, he is forced to tell the truth behind this ability and explain it to those afflicted. Those who break this rule in his presence slowly and gradually turn into statues of salt, no matter if they are mortal, demonic, or even angels themselves. Of course, even he isn’t an exception to this rule. The only way to stop this transformation is to tell the truth.

Wings of Darkness: A demonic technique that allows him to grow pitch black demon wings and soar high in the skies, flying like demonic dragons ad swooping down on his prey. However, he dislikes using this technique and only uses it on his favorite and most worthy prey, since these wings make him resemble the creatures he detests the most.


Deceit Killer - Sincerity:An accursed double-sided halberd made from the bones of a monstrous bird, and infused with power by the Demon King himself. It is a vicious weapon of darkness, which cannot be held by anyone but the king and the one wielding its commandment due to its monstrous weight. One end resembles a harpoon, while the opposite end is shaped like an axe blade. He is extremely skilled at wielding it, demonstrating an array of fatal and highly destructive techniques.

Origin: Jalut was one of the 10 great demon generals who fought in the war against the angels. When his kingdom was defeated, all demons were sealed in turn. For 3000 years, he was trapped. Until one day someone yanked at his lock and set him free…

On that day, the rivers of ale in the city turned dry, and laughter could be heard from kilometers away.

Weakness: AOE Magic, he is wayyy too rash and impulsive, his arrogance, his enormous size makes getting the drop on someone near impossible. He also can’t lie or deceive.

Likes: A good fight, getting hammered, his figurine collection, boasting, tasty souls, karaoke, war.

Dislikes: Being bossed around, having to hold back, lies, people finding his figurines, boredom, getting beaten.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 04:46:22 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2018, 09:45:35 PM »
Name: Amser

Race: Human

Age: 139

Height: 5’9

Weight: Average for height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Amazing

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Parallel Attack: By synchronizing with parallel versions of herself, Amser can launch several attacks at once. This takes a moment which stops consecutive attacks of this nature from occurring, but it can still prove devastating. A single strike could mean getting hit with a dozen fists at once, and a flurry of thrown knives transforms into a storm of them. She can also control the spread, focusing the parallel strikes into concentrated hits or widespread assaults. If she has more time Amser can overcharge this ability, adding even more attacks with every moment that passes. However, every movement has to be identical to her own. She cannot make several types of attacks at once. Without the capacity to view or interact with parallel worlds it is impossible to see the myriads of Amsers striking in unison. Her fists appear normal as ever and her throws mundane until a swarm of knife wounds appear all over your body.

Erasure: By erasing events from her own personal time Ameser can ignore consequences and reposition herself. Within a span of five seconds she may erase events at will, removing wounds and altering her location. For example, if her hand was cut off she could remove that event and regain her hand. She can even take back her own actions, sending her back to her original position if she has moved or returning her knives to her hands if they miss. This even distorts the laws of causality. Amser can erase that she was struck by a weapon but not that she was moved by it, removing wounds while remaining in the same place. She could move forward, let loose a flurry of knives, and erase the act of moving forward while keeping the knives barreling towards her foes.

Echoes: When she strikes an enemy their own time is disrupted. They leave behind an echo, their past self, which trails behind them. This can reach to a maximum of 12 echoes, each trailing after the other. Damage done to an echo is reflected onto the next echo until it reaches the present self. Only Amser or another being gifted with temporal abilities of a similar nature can interact with them. If left untouched the echoes will eventually fade over four or five minutes as the victim’s time is stabilized.

Slow: Using her knives as anchors, Amser can slow the march of time in an area. A single dagger has a range of several meters. However, ever dagger within the range of another doubles area of effect, allowing her to create large areas of slowed time. While this isn’t potent enough to lower agility by a rank, its effect is still noticeable. Amser herself is completely unaffected by this, moving through the world of slowed time unobstructed. If the knives are destroyed the effect ends. It takes several seconds for Amser to imbue them with this power and she must do so one at a time. She is limited to about the size of a house at maximum.

Perception: A distorted being, Amser is capable of peering into both past and future. Looking into the past is easy, allowing her to peer back whole days in a manner of minutes. The future is far less certain and she merely has a five second glimpse into it, everything else being a blurry mess. There is no difficulty or cost to this, to Amser this is no different than looking up or down. She can get a good glimpse at the whole area around her with ease.

Awareness: Unlike other beings Amser will always know if she is being viewed through the lens of time. Whether one scrys into the future or past, creates a simulation of her, or by any other means attempts to view her beyond the immediate present, that version of Amser will be aware of the watcher. This completely ruins most attempts to see the past as the whole vision distorts. Eventually it will all crumble into nonsensical uncertainty and end.

Immortal: Possessing a body that will not age, Amser can endure the rigors of the ages without damage to her form.


Knives: Weapons that Amser gained when she transformed. They can harm immaterial and supernatural beings, but they aren’t absurdly sharp. However, they are immune to paradox connection. Even if Amser was to erase the act of throwing them and returned the knives to her hands, the wounds they leave would remain. It requires several strikes of fantastic strength to break them, but after a minute all knives will return and be restored to a pristine state on Amser’s person.

Origin: Once upon a time there was a maid. Always living in service to others with true faithfulness, she discovered a great treasure. It was a small pocket watch. She treasured it and kept it close to herself. Within it was a secret, a near unnoticeable pause before it struck twelve. Only someone who had listened very closely to the ticking of it could realize it, and Amser discovered the secret of time in that pause.

Having gained control of her own fate and tasting true freedom, the maid destroyed everything that sought to chain her. She killed her masters, destroyed their ancestral home, and wiped away as much of her past as she could. With the future in her grasp, all she required was a bit more time. Then it would all be over.

Weakness: When she thinks she holds the advantage over her opponents Amser can easily be goaded into revealing the nature of several of her powers. In general she’s prone to underestimating enemies who she perceives as ‘simple’ in powers and abilities. Subtle poisons are also effective as she can only remove them with Erasure.

Likes: Chocolates, showing off, beautiful clothes

Dislikes: Being interrupted, other time users, her past

« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 12:49:03 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2018, 10:31:17 PM »
Name: Solace Legion

Original Name: Kane Katou

Race: Hyper-Overloaded Synthetic Mahou Shoujo

Age: 22

Height: Ranges from 163cm to 193cm

Weight: Ranges from 61kg to 77kg



Spoiler for Hiden:
Kirameki “Kira”:







Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Incredible

Other Abilities

Hyper Overload: Solace Legion’s eight lives are normally merged together in a single body, but SoLe is able to have anywhere from one to eight separate bodies. When in a single body, SoLe can swap between all 8 lives at will. At any time, one of SoLe’s bodies can create another, and SoLe must wait five seconds before doing this again. When this happens, the new body appears next to the one that created it, and the lives of the creating body are distributed between the two. They can be distributed in any manner, but each body must contain at least one life. A body that only contains one life may not create any more. Each body may swap at will between any of the lives it contains. A body may merge with another, returning all of the lives it contains to the other vessel. There is no limit to how often this can occur; if the two bodies are next to each other, merging is instantaneous, but if they are not it takes an hour of concentration for every life the missing body contains.

All of SoLe’s lives can communicate telepathically with each other, even when they are not manifested within a body. Additionally, when a body is absorbed, all injuries, illnesses, and magical effects disappear from the lives contained within the absorbed body, but only after staying unmanifested within the other body for at least one minute. If a life from an injured or otherwise affected body is manifested before this duration passes, they retain all injuries and status effects of the affected body. Whatever clothes that a life is wearing is absorbed along with it, as well as whatever they can fit in their pockets. Backpacks will not fit. SoLe requires eight times as much food, water, and other nutrients as a normal human, but each body has eight times the capacity for such, with eight times the stamina capacity and lifespan for all bodies. SoLe’s bodies can fulfill needs for food, water, and sleep for other bodies and lives remotely.

Synthetic Transformation: Solace Legion is able to harness the energy of the non-manifested lives in each of its bodies. One of SoLe’s bodies can spend 3 seconds of concentration, and for two minutes the body’s strength increases by one rank for every two lives contained within the body. For every time that a body uses this within the same hour, the concentration time increases by another 3 seconds. This is accompanied by aesthetics of glowing green energy lining the body, that crackle in response to exertion and are brighter and more numerous with more contained lives.

Armaments of the Legionnaire: Each of Solace Legion's bodies can manifest transparent green energy rails on their feet that can be used like roller blades. They glide over rough terrain as easily as a paved highway, and they can be used to propel a body at up to Heroic speeds. So long as at least one of them is resting on a surface, the body can choose to have their personal gravity shift direction so that “down” allows them to glide up walls and across ceilings.

Additionally, by forming their hands into the shape of a finger gun, SoLe’s bodies can fire bolts of green energy that function similarly to mundane projectile weapons from their fingers. On each hand, the projectiles of these finger guns travel at Heroic speeds and deal Fantastic damage, and they have a range of about a kilometer. They can be fired once every 3 seconds. A body containing all 8 lives can fire a single shot that deals Legendary damage and travels at Legendary speeds; this causes all lives to separate into their own bodies instantly. This shot takes about 5 seconds to charge up, during which the energy of the shot can visibly be seen to be concentrating and storing itself inside the body’s hand. Each body may only contain a maximum of one life, but this maximum increases by one every 15 seconds, leaving SoLe in the normal state once the maximum hits 8.

Real Experience: Solace Legion is an expert in unarmed and ranged combat, able to keep up with weapon users with just her bare hands and utilize her many bodies in tandem to perform some rather impressive stunts. Short of an opponent attempting to push them over, SoLe’s bodies will not fall or crash while utilizing the energy rails, and SoLe is a crack shot with their finger guns, able to aim at very precise points with reliable accuracy.

Equipment: Solace Legion has pretty much nothing other than the clothes her bodies were wearing. She just got here, really.

Origin: Born Kane Katou, Solace Legion is the product of years of experimentation meant to replicate the Reincarnation cycle of the Mahou Shoujo. Of course, it was successful to an extent, but perhaps a bit too successful. The lab itself burned down, and the enchanted substances made their way through the hands of thieves into the possession of a street doctor with a penchant for experimentation and an appointment with Kane’s mother, Kimiko Katou. Kimiko eventually met Kane’s father, Akemi, and they put their several part-time jobs together to have enough money to get off the streets and into a mediocre apartment, in which they raised Kane. Kane had a fairly normal, if below-average childhood, until the time she reached the age of 15, when an agent of the Spark revealed her to be a reincarnated Mahou Shoujo. Unfortunately, she was the reincarnation of eight Mahou Shoujo. This was rather problematic, as all of her conflicting personalities began to be more assertive and she had to work out how to control eight different bodies at once. A whole seven years’ worth of training, crime fighting, and balancing school and college requirements and she finally managed to get control over her identities... before promptly being dumped into the Nexus (which she was not happy about).

Weakness: If an opponent can keep up the pressure and doesn't give Solace Legion a chance to use Synthetic Transformation, SoLe’s bodies are incredibly vulnerable to being physically overpowered. The pressure gets easier and easier to keep up with each time SoLe’s Synthetic Transformation runs out, due to the extended startup time.

Likes: Investigating, Writing, Stunt Driving, Figure Skating, Singing

Dislikes: People who try to play god, People who force changes on other people's bodies, People who wield magic without moral restraint
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 01:48:39 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Re: Dropped Character Thread
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2018, 12:16:20 AM »
Name: Dahlia Hanssen

Race: Jotunn-Blood

Age: 43

Height: 182cm

Weight: Don't Ask


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Durability: Incredible

Other Abilities
Action Hero Skills: Dahlia has been training for decades to fulfill her vendetta. She has few equals in close combat, and fewer with firearms. She knows how to apply her natural attributes to their fullest without missing a beat. She can drive cars in unrealistically dangerous ways, understand unexpected languages, and infiltrate society parties or dive bars just long enough to get herself into trouble.

Iron Will: Dahlia’s quietly seething hatred gives her a tremendous strength of will. Attempts to control or influence her actions in any way that don’t promise to fulfill her vendetta will fail. She could still be reduced to a vegetable by a psychic attack, but is a much harder target than most.

Occult Awareness: Long practice has honed a natural sensitivity into a clear awareness of when the supernatural is active somewhere or in something. She combines this with a thorough knowledge of occult phenomenon to identify the nature of potential threats.

Regeneration: Injury is a temporary affair for one of jotunn blood. Their ancestors' bodies were adapted for the primordial chaos that reigned at the beginning of the world, and could not allow for even a moment's weakness to linger. Dahlia will recover from ordinary bullet wounds in moments; hollow points would take longer. She needs a couple hours to recover from dismemberment. Only decapitation or incineration can keep Dahlia down forever, and only if the head stays off her shoulders for several minutes or her body is reduced to ashes.

Temperature Resistance: Hot, cold, as long as it isn't the arctic or an active volcano then none of it bothers Dahlia. She could wear a bikini on a winter day in southern Canada, or leather pants during an Egyptian summer, and be mostly comfortable. This reduces damage from attacks reliant on temperature by one rank.

Cross of the Heathen: The necklace that Dahlia wears is meant to ward off the blasphemous sorceries that pervade the world. It serves that purpose well. Irony. (Magic Resistance: Medium).

Knives for Days: Dahlia has a lot of knives. She doesn't strictly speaking need them, but she thinks strangling is an ugly way for someone to go and prefers not to have her fist coated in gore if she can help it. So, lots of knives.

Magma Hammer: A misnomer for a really powerful pistol. Crimson runes trace the length of the gun. It doesn't fire any faster than normal, but every bullet fired from it hits with armor-piercing force and then explodes with lots of shrapnel and heat upon tasting the blood of its victims. This is about equal to an anti-materiel rifle if it was somehow mixed with a hollow point.

Origin: Dahlia grew up with loving parents who were immigrants to the United States. She had nice things, went to nice schools, and saw her parents kill people in their basement after dinner on Sundays. Her father was a jotunn’s son with the strength to overcome any man. Her mother was a bloodthirsty sadist who hadn’t gotten her fill from competitive fighting. It was surprisingly functional and they never pushed her to follow in their footsteps despite having her watch.

That was the case until hunters came along and rightfully slayed her parents in their backyard while she watched in terror from the second floor window. It left her traumatized, but it also awakened the jotnar blood lurking in her veins. The rampage that followed hours after the hunters left leveled her house and left her with nothing. She left to visit her distant grandfather with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Dahlia never had a passion for killing before her parents’ deaths, and had dismissed murder as one of those acquired tastes better suited to her mother. Her grandfather overseas connected her to some interesting parties who taught her how to do it well and appreciate it a little more than she otherwise might. Jotunn blacksmiths knew a lot of people like that apparently.

Armed and ready after years of training, Dahlia moves to end the people who took everything from her. Or at least that was the plan, but then she fell into a hole. This complicates things.

Likes: Alcohol, coffee, family, fighting, more power, teasing

Dislikes: Being told what to do, gory messes, reminders of ‘those... people’
« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 07:32:25 PM by Aiden »