Name: Sakura (Saku)
Race: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Fairly heavy, she's extremely toned.
Physical AttributesStrength: Amazing
Agility: Amazing(Heroic Perception)
Durability: Amazing
Psychic Ability Medium
Sakura is a powerful psychic with a great deal of latent potential she has yet to tap into. She can levitate objects with telekenisis, teleport to travel instantaniously to a far away location, see glimpses of the near future, and erect basic barriers of force.
Her telekenisis is fairly strong for a human, able to lift a small car if she focuses on it, but pales in comparison to those of her pokemon. She mostly uses it to show off by levitating herself, her pokeballs, small rocks, or bend spoons.
Her teleportation is more useful. With a thought, she can teleport to any location within the Nexus, in theory. She needs to have a strong mental image of her destination in order to accurately arrive at her destination. Otherwise, she could end up high up in the sky, deep under the sea, or who knows where else.
Her future sight is fairly limited. On rare occasions, she can perfectly see the events that are about to happen in the next few seconds, and react accordingly. Normally, she just has a vauge sense of deja vu when things happen that itches at the back of her mind. She might feel like it would be a good idea to dodge, but not know from where or where to or even why, for example, or be able to complete your sentence in an uncanny manner.
Furthermore, she has some basic telepathiv abilities. She can't read minds or anything like that. Her powers are limited to simply form a psychic link with people she's emotionally close to and talk with their minds, or send basic emotions or intention.
Finally, if she focuses on creating a physical barrier, she can create a wall of force that could stop the impact of a small car going at speed.
Other Abilities: Champion: Sakura is the champion of the pokemon league. Her pokemon are insanely powerful and her decision making skills are frankly terrifying. She has a terrifying intellect and is capable of coming up with complicated strategies on the fly. She’s also incredible at board games such as chess.
Outdoorsman SkillSakura has traveled all over her region in her travels, mostly on foot. She has trained her outdoorsmanship skills to a frighteningly high level, and would easily be able to survive thrown out into the wilderness with nothing on her. She can climb mountains, scale sheer cliffs, hunt, gather edible plants, build shelters, anything.
Equipment: Mega-AnkletThis anklet is made of rare and powerful materials, and is traditionally only given to a select few who have formed an amazing bond with their pokemon. By doing a dance, and pressing a button on it, Sakura can cause it to syncronize with a mega stone her pokemon is holding, causing it to undergo a brilliant mega-evolution. This lasts for as long as she keeps it syncronized, but it can only synup with one pokemon at a time.
SpoonIt's a full set of silverwear she carries around for use of foci. Made of pure silver, they're rather useful as emegency cash in a pinch.
Recovery Items: Sakura carries a sizable stockpile of hyper potions, full heals, and revives. She also has a few herbal medicines.
Climbing Equipment: Sakura carries a fairly decent rock climbing kit, including all the essentials, such as a grapple, a harness, and of course, top quality climbing rope.
First Aid Kit: It’s just your standard run of the mill first aid kit.
Tarot CardsA set of fortune telling cards she can use as a focus to read people's fortunes.
Gym Badges: Sakura has all eight gym badges, showing her prowess as a pokemon trainer. Having seven of them is an extremely impressive feat. It shows she has extreme skill in the art of pokemon training, and is on her way to becoming a master. She keeps them in a small wallet that also houses her trainer card, and keeps them polished perfectly.
Running ShoesShoes made for running.
Collapsible bikeA bicycle made for easy carrying.
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Fantastic
Wormy is a powerful Bug/Fire type pokemon, and Sakura’s most powerful, and first, pokemon. She found him as an injured and abused pokemon she in and sheltered, and the two are practically in sync at in battle. They seem to be able to predict each other’s moves in battle.
He uses his six wings to engulf his enemies in waves of fire and scalding ash, bathing any battlefield in a smothering wave of heat. He can control his own body heat output, allowing people it trusts to touch and pet him. At full output, he can release a sea of flames with damage equivalent to a very high level spell, or focus his attacks to deal very high levels of damage with his fire. He can make a harmful buzzing noise that deals high levels of damage.
Wormy also knows a few utility moves. He can also use roost to heal himself, but this requires him to perch and rest for a moment.
Sylveon: Strength: Amazing
Agility: Incredible(Fantastic Reflexes)
Durability: Fantastic

Sylveon is one of Sakura’s favorite pokemon, and is a kind, gentle souled beast. This does not stop it from rushing to the aid of his master when she’s fighting, however, where he will fight to the last bravely carrying out her orders. Sylveon is also highly resistant to non physical attacks, such as magic or fire and takes reduced damage(about very high resistance), and is completely immune to dragonic attacks. It is weak against metals and poisoning.
Hyper voice is an extremely powerful attack which massively amplifies the user’s voice to such an extent that it becomes a highly damaging attack that affects a large area, moving towards enemies at the speed of sound. (high)
His other moves include moonblast, which attacks using the power of the moon (High), shadow ball, sending a ball of dark shadows towards the enemy(high) and psyshock, which allows him to lift objects such as rocks and send them careening towards an enemy(high). He can also use a move that allows him to drain an enemy's life force by kissing them, recovering from damage in the process.
MiloticStrength: Amazing
Agility: Incredible(Fantastic Reflexes)
Durability: Fantastic
Milotic is a water type eel pokemon which is said to be the most beautiful pokemon on earth. It has the power to calm hostility and sooth upset emotions with its presence by letting off a pink glow, calming even the most hostile person down with her presence. Milotic can regenerate her wounds by using recover, beguile opponents by using attract, shoot a high pressure cannon of water that can cut steel, and summon up a large wave of water(high) to flood the field.
Milotic is extremely resistant to magical or spiritual attacks of all kinds, and takes reduced damage from any and all attacks of this type. As an aquatic creature, she is weak to electricity.
AggronStrength: Fantastic(Heroic)
Agility: Amazing(Fantastic Reflexes)
Durability: Legendary
Aggron is an enormous two meter tall giant that seems to be made of dense rock and Iron plates. She holds a mega stone which, when it resonates with Sakura's mega bracelet, allows her to mega-evolve into Mega Aggron, increasing her strength and durability drastically. In addition to simply punching, kicking, whipping things with her tail, and others, she can release a terrifying roar that forces enemies without sufficent willpower to flee, endow her fists with the power of fire, ice, or electricity, and dig through the ground at incredible speeds, devouring the soil and creating a tunnel Sakura can follow behind in. Aggron is also an excellent landscaper, despite her size, able to beautify a yard at professional levels.
Aggron's bulkiness may be intimidating, but this belays a serious weakness of hers: her defense against magical attacks is relatively low, especially chi blasts. She takes significantly more damage than her durability levels might suggest.
Origin: Sakura was born to a powerful line of psychics. She grew up knowing keenly that she was innately better than everyone else, and that she had to take care as not to harm anyone with her powers. The other kids never liked her. They were always jealous of her. She didn’t care. She devoted herself to training her powers and pokemon. Hey eyes were only focused on one goal: the championship. Eventually she obtained it after beating the previous champion, her elder sister, Rin. About a year later she ended up in the Nexus.
Weaknesses: Sakura herself is both the greatest strength and weakness of her team. She's a brilliant commander, but is also a mere human. Her physical abilities may be top of the line among humans, but stronger people and pokemon far outclass her.
Furthermore, she needs to release her pokemon to begin battle, and is absolutely unwilling to allow any of her friends to die. Truely extreme danger is something she has zero interest in being in, and will attempt to flee as fast as possible in such a situation, barring truly exceptional circumstances.
Likes: Pink, Volcarona, her crush, Ghost-type pokemon, beating gym leaders, bullying people(but not too much), beating gym leaders, surpassing new challenges, exploring
Dislikes: Gross things, people being obnoxious towards her for being strong, people asking for favors