Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 252185 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1365 on: January 17, 2014, 05:17:28 AM »
Mille frowned at the blonde haired man. It was closed until you opened it, she thought to herself dryly.

Suddenly, an overly enthusiastic looking boy appeared. She watched in bemusement as she watched the boy and some purple haired girl greet each other with enthusiasm before going inside.

The young magus frowned. It seemed that there was some sort of secret meeting going on here. In Forest's house. Possibly without her permission.

She turned to Lancer. "Did Forest approve of this little meeting of theirs?" she whispered. "I don't recognize this man at all, or that girl."

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1366 on: January 17, 2014, 05:56:46 AM »
Sissel shook his head, although James' words brought a smile to his face. "Initiative. I like that." The smile faded as quickly as it had appeared. "Sadly, while I can provide most of your requirements with ease, manpower is one thing I'm quite short on. It's the reason I'm making this offer in the first place. Material goods are easy to acquire here. Employees, not so much, especially when the people are too scared to leave their houses most of the time and no one enters the city but confused stragglers. You're the third person I've made this offer to. The first tried to pump me full of lead and then ran off, and the second said something about needing to find his pet monsters before swearing to protect the world from my devastation." Sissel shrugged. "I didn't even get a chance to explain myself that time. He just materialized some kind of giant bird and flew into the sky on its back. That's what led to me taking my search to the air, really."

"Anyway," Sissel continued. "While it would certainly be a boon to capture Frost, he isn't my primary target. I'm not a freedom fighter seeking to rid this city of blood suckers, although that might certainly be something I accomplish down the line. First, I need just one vampire. I'll likely ask for more afterwards."

A glint of light entered the man's eyes, and he sported a wry smile. "After all, when courting a woman, don't you usually save the good stuff for the third or fourth dates?"
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 05:57:18 AM by Bloble »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1367 on: January 17, 2014, 06:34:22 AM »
"Just point one out, I'll have them caught in under a minute" James replied simply


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1368 on: January 17, 2014, 07:08:31 AM »
Rin stood there quietly, listening to everything Rider had to say. She had a bit of a frown on her face at the end of it, but she responded with a nod.

"I don't know if I agree with you on everything, and I still don't trust Satoshi in the slightest, but... I understand." She sighed. "Trusting that man won't come easily for me though, no matter who's son he is. He spent the last ten minutes or so belittling me, insulting Archer and going on about how he would never hurt anyone while claiming he doesn't think highly of himself, so it won't come easily. But I won't fight him for now, not unless I have to."

She looked down. "I just wish I knew what was in that trunk..."

Rin looked up as Forest spoke. She finally noticed that the vampire seemed to be holding hands with the man who had so rudely invaded her mind... and did a double take.

W-wait a minute. Forest is dating someone? I don't remember seeing this guy before. But I thought she wasn't dating. Where'd this man come from? The man presently seemed preoccupied with Forest, so Rin took the opportunity to glare daggers into his back. I don't care how gorgeous he is or that he is dating Forest, he could at least let people have mental privacy if nothing else.

In the meantime...

Quote from: Forest
She then looked at Tom and said, "Could you stay in here while I go ask?  I'll be fine, I promise and if I need help you'll know it.  I have a very loud yell."  Regrettably she let his hand go but gave him a quick hug.
Tom returned the embrace, holding Forest tightly. His body was oddly tense, but she had the scent of lavender about her, and he relaxed a bit. But only a bit.

"I understand. If you are unable to yell though, you can always contact me via telepathy. I will be by your side in a heartbeat."

He reluctantly released her and watched as she walked away.

Rin watched all this as Archer guided her to the chair, the glare she'd directed at Forest's new beau but a moment ago replaced by a look of utter bemusement. So much so that she didn't even notice the unusual name of the tea that Forest recommended.

"'Liver Disaster,' hm? An unusual name, but if Forest recommends it, then I suspect it must be good tea."

Rin snapped back into reality for a moment at the sound of Tom's quite musing. The bespectacled psychic turned to the remaining occupants of the room, the sharp violet eyes regarding each of them warily.

Rin turned to Archer. "I-I'll take that then. I suppose it's worth a try, if nothing else." She watched him go reluctantly, now stuck between the Rider she'd just had a bit of a fight with and the psychic with no sense of privacy as she was.

There was a rather awkward silence. Then the doorbell rang and Rin nearly jumped out of her chair. To her amusement, Tom seemed more than a bit startled himself.

"It must be the pizzas," Rin said. She looked down to notice that she still had the money held tightly in her hand. Funny, Ryoko was holding it like this not to long ago. ... I think it's crinkling the bills a bit.

Rin gasped as her hand seemed to open on it's own and the money floated out of it. It levitated over to Tom's open hand, the other one seeming to make small beckoning gestures. He gripped the money out of the air and turned to look at Rin. "You are still rather pale, and there's no guarantee that the people at the door are the ones delivering the pizza for certain. I will pay it for you."

Rin sighed. "You could have just asked you know."

She watched him walk off towards the door. It's so weird... The way he acts around Forest, it's almost like he's an entirely different person. But to everyone else he's... well, kind of an asshole. Rin tapped her finger to her lip a couple of times. Huh, it feels like I've seen something like this before but I can't quite put my finger on where...

Meanwhile, Tom opened the front door to find himself confronted by a rather scraggly looking youth, loud rock music bursting its way out of his earbuds. His car sat idling not far in the distance, a fairly new vehicle that still managed to be rather beat up and mangled, the top of the pizza delivery sign having a rather noticeable bite out of the top. The psychic noted that there seemed to be a shotgun mixed in with the various pizza boxes.

The unfortunate pizza delivery boy swallowed as he looked up at Tom. "Hey, dude, like, is this *insert address here*?"

Tom tilted his head, trying to remember if he even knew the address of this place. He had found it via instinct, after all, not by a map or anything similar. A glance into the greasy haired young man's mind confirmed that he had their order though, based on a few scattered images that he'd seen earlier. Thus the psychic gave the employee a solemn nod.

Obviously wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, the young man rattled off a price and Tom shoved the money at him. The delivery boy counted out the money and grinned after he finished counting.

"So like, do you want me to help you carry it all in and stuff?"

Tom shook his head. "It's fine, I should be able to handle this on my own."

The car door opened, and their entire order began to float towards Tom, the pizza boxes stacking neatly next to Tom's feet, floating a bit off the ground, the liter of pop floating just a bit above them.

The delivery boy just watched the whole thing slack-jawed. When the food had finished it's journey, the youth looked up at Tom with wide eyes.

"That was like... some major Harry Potter shit, man."

Tom raised an eyebrow. "What you saw was hardly impressive. Surely you've seen someone perform telekinesis before."

The delivery guy... "Billy," according to the pin on his shirt, just continued to stare at him in reverent awe.

Tom responded to this with an irritated glare. "Don't you have something else you need to be doing?"

Billy remembered that the way the dude was staring at him was so not cool and nodded, retreating rather quickly to the beat up pizza delivery car.

"Thanks for the righteous tip, dude!" he shouted. He slammed the door shut and drove off much too quickly.

The psychic made his way back inside, the pizzas and pop bottle floating after him. Rin watched the display and shook her head.

"Do you make even the slightest attempt to hide your powers?"

The boxes and pop floated on to the kitchen counter as the psychic regarded the magus with a slight tilt of his head.

"Is there any reason I should? Where I come from, while psychics aren't hugely common, there's still enough of them present that seeing people perform telekinesis is hardly unusual. I don't think they could levitate as many of these boxes at once as I could, certainly, but it's still relatively mundane. I see no reason to hide my abilities. After all, there must be more than a fair few in this Nexus that possess ESP related powers."

Rin sighed. "If you say so. I would still be careful who you use your powers around."

The food now delivered, Tom walked a bit closer to Rin, but still maintained a fair amount of distance. "Your magus society is fairly secretive, is it not? I suppose to you, my openness with my powers even among those who have none is rather strange, even taboo."

Rin frowned as she regarded him. "Did you get that out of my mind? Or did someone tell you?"

"I had someone familiar with magus culture tell me a few things. She too was rather secretive about a number of things. But I can understand the need to hide such things from the world, even if I am willing to be open about my psychic powers. After all, I too have certain abilities that I wish to remain hidden."

On that cryptic note, there was another silence. Tom used telekinesis to open one of the boxes and float a slice of cheese pizza over to himself. Rin regarded the whole thing rather guardedly, still fairly certain that this was a waste of energy on his part, even if it was nothing compared to what she initially thought happened with Lin's use of the Second.

She decided to instead ask the newcomer about something that'd been bothering her.

"So then... how long have you and Forest been a couple?" She looked up at him. "By the way, I don't think I caught your name."

"Thomas Hale. And..." To Rin's surprise (and secret delight), Tom blushed. "Well, we just started today, really."

Rin stared at him for what seemed to be the longest time. "You... wait, you two just started dating now?"

Tom nodded.

"B-but, the way you were acting together... it's like you'd been together for months."

His flush deepened. "I-I hardly see what that has to do with anything."

Rin pondered over everything for a moment before it finally hit her. She looked up at Tom for a moment. ....Before giving him a rather devilish smile indeed. "Oooooohhhh... I see what this is~" There was a rather mischievous twinkle in Rin's eyes. "You're in love with Forest, aren't you?"

It was Tom's turn to grow pale. He choked out a few sounds resembling syllables in an attempt to speak, but was unsuccessful. Suddenly, the blush returned to his face with all the rage of a humongous forest fire, and he glared at her with every ounce of feline indignity he could muster. "T-that's not- y-you don't- I-I..."

Tom covered his mouth with his hand. A-am. A-am I really?

Rin watched Tom's response with much amusement indeed. I can kinda see why things moved forward so fast between this guy and Forest now. He's so cute when he's flustered~

Tom did manage a glare in response to that before putting his hand down and rather grumpily taking a bite out of his pizza slice.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 07:12:54 AM by Alice »

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1369 on: January 17, 2014, 07:46:12 AM »
"The 'Jack' will do," Sissel said. "We're not too far from his territory, and you have his physical description. You need to capture him alive, although I won't get angry if he loses a few limbs in the process. These things feed on humans, so mercy isn't necessary."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1370 on: January 17, 2014, 08:25:07 AM »
James thought for a moment "Fine, but I want my pay, half in advance and the other half when I finish. I'll catch you a vampire but I can't guarantee that Jack will be the captive though. I also need pass codes and directions to the holding facility"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1371 on: January 17, 2014, 01:42:26 PM »
"Of course." Sissel tapped the ground twice with his heel, and the front of the once sputtering air conditioner fell open, revealing a shiny metal suitcase in a hidden compartment. The man fiddled with it for a moment, removing several wads of bills and a single piece of paper before closing it once more. "You can also receive the second payment electronically if you wish," he noted. "The information about the facility is here as well. And yes, any vampire will do. It need not be anyone in particular." He tossed the packet over to seal the deal.

Some would say that he was being incredibly unsafe about his business practices. Talking to random people, offering anyone money without care, such acts could easily lead to betrayal. Sissel knew that. He also knew that every single thing he was offering had belonged to the city the previous day, and that he could easily drum up resources of that level again. And as for his own self being at risk... well, death wasn't something he could fear.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1372 on: January 17, 2014, 08:34:52 PM »
"I can show you," she had said. Luka, caught between fear, lust, and curiosity, couldn't control himself any more. Following Valda's instructions he turned, finally meeting her eyes and seeing within them exactly how much of her own desire she had been suppressing. For a brief moment he saw within, to the goddess that hungered for mana, and understood. Then she kissed him, and he didn't care.

If her embrace had been a deep warmth, then the kiss was a forest fire. At first Luka was confused, his instincts completely failing him. He realized that before, the times he had experienced a kiss could be counted on one hand, and none could be compared to something as intimate as this. Unlike Valda's measured movements from before, the kiss was rougher, and more passionate for it. At first, Luka instinctively tried to pull away, before realizing that she had taken this from him as well. Not even a moment later, as his body burned from within, he acquiesced, moving his lips in an attempt to match Valda's expert ministrations. The shame of his lack of experience was there, yet he no longer cared enough to acknowledge it. He was supposed to be the donor in this agreement, yet he found that he wanted something.

He wanted her.

They broke apart, Valda grinning even as she sucked in air for another dive. Luka, caught off guard, was too bewildered to do anything other than meet her gaze and breath. "I..." He was cut off as she kissed him again, even harder. Before Luka could close his mouth fully, Valda's tongue invaded it without hesitation, once more sending the boy into a spiral of confusion. However, he recovered more quickly this time, following along as his partner took the lead in their dizzying dance.

Too much. It was too much. She had yet to do more than caress and kiss him, yet his body was more eager than it had ever been from more direct stimulation. No longer caring about promises or responsibility, Luka lost himself in Valda's warmth. He was unaware of his own body heating up as he subconsciously called up the fire from within, or of Salamander's own voyeuristic arousal. Instead, he recalled Valda's command from earlier.

Undressing... he wanted to see her. Valda's body, that she'd hidden using clothes in stark contrast to the monsters of his world, was somehow all the more erotic for it. Without seconds thoughts, Luka's hands moved for the first time in what felt like forever, reaching for Valda's blouse even as his mind was trapped by her kiss. He fumbled with those damned buttons, only keeping himself from ripping apart her clothes through the knowledge that she wouldn't be happy with it. An eternity later, one popped open, quickly followed by the second. Moments later, Luka was helping Valda slip out of her blouse, while in return her deft hands slid his tunic down his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor amidst the already cast off clothing. The sight of her bare shoulders and unblemished skin sent even more shivers down Luka's spine, despite having seen his share of naked bodies. For some reason, this was different.

Alas, Luka's objective lay beneath yet another layer of protection, a brassiere that cupped her ample breasts, preventing access, and with no obvious method of removal that didn't involve ripping her clothes to shreds. For the first time, the boy found himself angered, a long suppressed instinct within him protesting such devilish trickery, demanding that he go forth and let his desires go wild.

Instead, he broke away from Valda for a moment. "How?" he panted, reduced to one word sentences between deep breaths.

She had already succeeded at the most important part of this, Valda realized as she felt Luka begin to fully respond to her attention. He was already forgetting any apprehensions he might have had, becoming so much more eager and responsive to her. She got the unfamiliar article of clothing off of him with little trouble, though she had to make his arms stretch out to allow it. She could hear it so much more clearly now that she could see his chest, built so subtly for battle that she had to blink to recognize its tone.

And... ah. Even the little flame inside of him was breathless and dim from her presence, the little one who felt so much like home to her.

'You enjoy this too, I see. When was the last time someone gave as well as took?' Valda whispered silently through the warmth passing between them and to the Salamander in the young man's heart. 'How hard has it been for you, observing from within poor Luka?'

Any answer had to wait a moment, because now she had to resist showing her own amusement at his show of restraint. Her gleaming eyes swept down his bare skin, ending at his waistline, then back up, and recognized the intensity of the desire she had instilled in him with little more than brushing and words. She stretched out slowly before his gaze, eyes closed; her arms reached back, up to her blonde hair and... pulled.

It spilled down to her back and shoulders, wavy and curled with the pressure that her chosen style forced on the long strands and locks. It was allowed to fame her face now, and the flushed smile she wore, and shine in the midday sun. Valda's eyes opened again, her lips moved, and she murmured the answer he lusted for. “Reach around to my back. It isn't that hard, dear.”

'Did nobody wear such things for him to take off? Or were they simply... made differently, where you are from?' she inquired of the Salamander, if she could even bring herself to the right state of mind to respond. 'Or perhaps they simply did it themselves, as a prelude to taking what they wanted.'

Rather than leave him fumbling more, she turned around on the grass and showed him. She looked over her shoulder invitingly at him, brushing her hair aside so they could see each others' faces clearly still.

When dear Luka had figured that out, she turned, and he could see... everything. The soft curve of her chest, just a little over a handful to his small hands, the perkiness of her nipples at the very front from her excitement. And, as she leaned back, the unzipped dress slacks that remained covering her slid oh so slightly down her hips, now hinting at what lay beneath.

She beckoned him with a curl of her index finger, and a deep inviting breath.

“Worship me,” she said firmly in that soft voice, like velvet covered steel.

It was all up to him if he obeyed; she was not holding him down, or still.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1373 on: January 18, 2014, 02:19:58 AM »
James collected the descending paper from his familiar "Wait here, I'll be back in about ten minutes" he said as the paper swirled around him collecting and exploding like a rocket skyward.

the paper mass deteriorated revealing a huge paper airplane with James seated in the middle flying across the city.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1374 on: January 18, 2014, 04:46:49 AM »
"Here. If you need to call." Sissel tossed a mobile phone into the mass of swirling paper, knowing that James would catch it. "My number's already inside."

As the man flew off on a plane made of paper (which Sissel was pretty sure couldn't be physically possible no matter how odd your technology), Sissel sat back down on the air conditioner. It hummed back to life as he extracted a laptop from the briefcase and opened it.

"Interesting abilities," he silently noted after creating a new text file. "Much more limited, yet specialized than my own. Doesn't seem to be a ghost, so perhaps a living psychic? This city is strange enough that I can't rule anything out. A professional, at the very least. Didn't even bother with names. Well, I suppose I'd luck out eventually."

Eventually. Sissel looked up into the night sky again. Somewhere out there existed something he needed. He wasn't sure what form it would take, or when he would find it, but the assertion that it existed was unshakeable. He would find the secret to the realm between life and death, and a bloodsucker would be the first step forward.

The man shared a small chuckle with himself. Here he was, thinking about experiments and research, acting more like a scientist than a ghost. Well, there were first times for everything.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1375 on: January 18, 2014, 05:16:24 AM »
James had found his target within two minutes. A male vampire, not a listed target but good enough. He tapped the man on the shoulder as he silently landed. The hapless woman cowering from the vampire looked confused yet relieved as the man turned away from her.

"You are under arrest courtesy of the United Kingdom." James told him.

the vampire cursed and hissed some modern slang and swiped at the paper master. A scream followed as the vampire's arm was removed by four sheets of paper and then muffled by a swarm of paper.

"James ma'am, now listen, I want you to take this book and the money inside, go get something sweet, or a meal and then clean up and head home. Now off you pop" he said handing the book and flashing his ID.

the woman nodded taking the book "Thank you" she muttered running off.

James took to sky again returning to the rooftop. "There's your Vampire mate, I'll need the rest of my money" he said motioning to the mummified vampire.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1376 on: January 18, 2014, 05:35:22 AM »
"Wow," Sissel said, visibly impressed. "Didn't think you'd manage it that fast. I tried catching one of those things earlier and it damn near tore my head off." The vamp was missing an arm, but otherwise fine, if 'completely mummified by papers' could be considered fine. "Well, a deal's a deal. Here's the rest." He momentarily opened the suitcase to show that the remainder of the money was inside, before throwing it to the Paper Master. He put one foot on the vampire's chest, listening to its muffled curses for a moment.

He looked back up. "If you ever need more money, you have my number. Do you have a card or something, Mr...?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1377 on: January 18, 2014, 05:55:48 AM »
"Agent scissors, check the book stores if you ever want to find me" James replied collecting the money and the paper.

"If there's nothing else then I'll take my leave." he finished waiting to see if the man had anything else to say.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1378 on: January 18, 2014, 06:20:41 AM »
"No, no, that is all. Thank you for the good work. I too shall be taking my leave." Sissel grunted as he knelt down and picked up the mummified vampire, lugging it over his shoulder. A man of his size would barely be able to hold such a load for longer than a minute, but he didn't even seem winded.

"Oh." Right as he was opening the door to the stairwell (How else would he leave the roof? Fly?) Sissel turned one last time. "How long is the paper going to hold? I wouldn't want this thing getting free before I have time to lock it up."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1379 on: January 18, 2014, 07:29:07 AM »
"Eh? Never timed it actually, missions don't usually last long enough. Probably best I stick around with you till you lock him up. As a matter of professional courtesy." James replied.