Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 306595 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1845 on: May 12, 2014, 02:19:30 AM »
Karna pulled back his hand from the King of Heroes, acknowledging the newly arrived Fae with a stare that could pierce granite walls and break shields.

"The "idiot" you would be referring to stands before you, and the other on the ground. I was about to treat his wounds."

"I would much appreciate if you did not stop me, for I am not one to show mercy against those who break the Code of War" Karna replied harshly, but genuinely. His mood did not matter, but he was a starch believer of fair combat regardless. If this newcomer were to attack the King of Heroes, Karna would run her through without hesitation.

A silent pressure that burned like a frozen inferno exuded from Karna.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1846 on: May 12, 2014, 02:23:31 AM »
Satoshi chuckled "Hmmm, water magic, perhaps I was mistaken, although other than Angra I don't see what else you could be except the alien costume. Regardless of whether or not you are one my tactics won't change." he muttered slashing the charm on Angra.

Angra twitched and then bolted inhumanly to the door slamming it shut.

Satoshi cast a wind spell creating a firestorm which deflected the water and served as a shield against further grapple attempts.

"I'm not sure if you can understand me, but it's a terrible idea to attack me. If you leave now I'll let you leave without harm" he said narrowing his eyes.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1847 on: May 12, 2014, 02:25:14 AM »
"I wanted to see the idiots who caused this damage."

"They are a unique pair aren't they? I used to believe that strong and stupid was going out of style before these two blew up the center of the city. However right now you are much more interesting to me then them. What House do you come from?"

Then Grigori looked over to the two warriors.

"I would much appreciate if you did not stop me, for I am not one to show mercy against those who break the Code of War"

"I doubt that she will Son of Surya. The Fae may be fickle, but thay are far from stupid."
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 02:25:59 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1848 on: May 12, 2014, 02:30:14 AM »
Wynn smirked, folding her arms under her breasts as she eyed Karna.  She said, "Warrior, if I was going to make an attempt upon both of your lives, you would not see me.  I was just curious to see who had the severe lack of judgement to cause so much damage."

She eyed Gilgamesh with a smile and said, "I have no intention of stopping you.  It would be a shame to lose someone so fair."

Then she looked at the woman with that same odd smile and answered, "The House of Shadows."

A shadow tendril appeared and picked up a large ruby from the ground.  It flashed crimson in the sunlight as the stone was placed into her hand.  She studied the play of light in the gem and said, "An impressive display, but a futile one.  An abundance of what was once rare loses what made it precious."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1849 on: May 12, 2014, 02:42:13 AM »
This Candidate tried to reason with him. It continued to reject him when it had so much to offer.
If it knew of Grim's race why did it so reject him. Did the candidate not see how much it had to offer?
The candidate tried to keep warding Grim off with that accursed fire.
Grim was still angry. Grim was still hurt at the rejection. So grim pressed on despite the hell that this candidate projected before it.
Grim was now forced to be a little more creative in its assualt. It used the barrier that it had learned when bonded to the last host. It used the barrier to cut through the storm while quelling the edges with water magic.
Grim lunged again through the opening it made this time truly making it through and once again it was using the binding magic of the Matous.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 03:29:12 AM by Gray »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1850 on: May 12, 2014, 02:43:26 AM »
Karna's building wrath died down, and the pressure that exuded from him turned from outright murderous to merely pressuring, forcing the Fae to nearly take knee at the sheer intensity.

"Even with the decay of value, what Bhoomidevi has blessed us with in the form of these gems shall easily fund the repairs needed. The loss of life is truly tragic, but the cycle of reincarnation is forever long, and the lost souls shall live a fortunate life. It is but Dharma."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1851 on: May 12, 2014, 02:46:33 AM »
"An impressive display, but a futile one.  An abundance of what was once rare loses what made it precious."

"There is still enough filth in the world to give it worth Fae. Hmm. It will become tiresome if I have to refer to you as Fae all the time. Will you tell me your name?"

 Even as she said that Grigori turned to the right and saw a crow standing on the ruins of a building, and it was staring at the little group at the center of the crater. "How forward of you sorcerer. Such a blatant familiar." A twist of her hand sent thousands of tendrils of shadow at the bird. It was captured in a moment and pulled it right in front of Grigori's face. "Blood. How cute. Come out wherever you are sorcerer! You would not like it if you made me come after you."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1852 on: May 12, 2014, 02:51:31 AM »
Wynn held her ground, not wanting to be cowed by the demi-god (after all, she was Fae, and earthly, his divinity meant nothing to her).  She continued to play with the ruby, palming it back and forth.  Already her mind was forming plans to forge it into something, making a charm or weapon.

"I do thank you for the gift; I can make use of it, but this may unstabilize the economy here.  If these gems lose their value in a drastic way, they would not be able to fund the repairs needed," Wynn replied, her eyes meeting his.  "The loss of human life little concerns me.  Mortals kill each others in absurd amounts on a daily basis.  If Fae were included in the death toll, our conversation would be going into a different direction."

She looked at Grigori and answered, "If you must call me something then call me Lady Umbra.  You have not earned the right to my given name yet."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1853 on: May 12, 2014, 02:57:07 AM »
"Where's your manners, Wynn Noreen Umbra? It is important to give one's full name upon first introducing yourself to avoid confusion. I am Karna, though unfortunately, I have no surnames to hide behind like yourself".

With the saying of his own name, Karna pulled his hands together and gave a short bow.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1854 on: May 12, 2014, 02:59:40 AM »
Turning her head away from the crow Grigori looked back at the Fae.

"If you must call me something then call me Lady Umbra.  You have not earned the right to my given name yet."
"Where's your manners, Wynn Noreen Umbra? It is important to give one's full name upon first introducing yourself to avoid confusion. I am Karna, though unfortunately, I have no surnames to hide behind like yourself".

"Such a long name. I think that I'll just call you Little Shadow."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1855 on: May 12, 2014, 03:47:40 AM »
Satoshi wasn't surprised by the creature's tenacity but impressed. "Blasted hell" he muttered as he switched from a passive stance to active defense and ripped a door off one of the cars to use as a projectile.

"Seriously, just stop" Satoshi snapped as he ducked away from the black mass


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1856 on: May 12, 2014, 03:50:25 AM »
"Take your bearings, King of Kings. I can tend to your wounds, but I require a more quiet place than this."

The King of Heroes chuckled, his bare chest rising up and down as he breathed evenly. Gilgamesh's natural healing had begun to activate, though it was not as great as Karna's blessing from his father. The Original Hero stood in one, fluid moment, ignoring yet acknowledging Karna's outstretched hand. The pride of the King was immeasurable, after all - though not without reason.

"I thank you for your offer, Karna, but it matters not. Within my treasury is medicine beyond compare."

A single golden portal opened above the grinning Gilgamesh, depositing a medium-sized jar of oil into his hands.

"I must tend to myself for but a moment."

With that, the King took several steps back, before pouring the healing oil over himself. It spilled from the urn onto his hair, flattening it, and then dripped down his perfectly-formed muscles. Each bead of oil traced it's path along his abdominal muscles, before boiling away. The very skin of the King of all Heroes was burning red-hot, his wounds closing as the oil traced its way along each and every line of muscle on his body.

Gilgamesh tensed his muscles as the last of the oil burned away, surrounding him in a cloud of scented steam. Laughing out lout, Gilgamesh walked forwards to where Karna now stood with two others beside him. Each of the King's steps showcased his body, his perfection, the sheer aura of arrogance and power that surrounded him - for such a thing was only natural to The Original King.

"I wanted to see the idiots who caused this damage."

"They are a unique pair aren't they? I used to believe that strong and stupid was going out of style before these two blew up the center of the city. However right now you are much more interesting to me then them. What House do you come from?"

Gilgamesh's grin grew feral, before he calmed himself. He had already graced the undeserving with a demonstration of his power. It would not do to let them become accustomed to his generosity, after all.

"I would much appreciate if you did not stop me, for I am not one to show mercy against those who break the Code of War"

"I doubt that she will Son of Surya. The Fae may be fickle, but thay are far from stupid."

Gilgamesh looked over the two that had approached Karna. One was a mage that, even though she had changed her form, could not hide from the fact that she had cast the barrier. There would be an appropriate punishment for this, of course, but Gilgamesh allowed her this moment of rest. He beheld her true form as he looked upon her, and saw the ugliness that lay within. Without recoiling, or even showing disgust, the King continued walking forward

The other was a Fae creature, who took the form of a woman with dark hair. Like the other who stood before them - Gilgamesh divined their name in an instant - she held within her a vast magical talent, greater than that possessed by the King. Such a thing was to be expected, of course, but even so she could not match his might. The Golden King was unconcerned. Still walking forward, his muscled form rippling with every stride he took, Gilgamesh drew near to Karna.

"I have no intention of stopping you.  It would be a shame to lose someone so fair."

The Golden King said nothing, his face impassive. The Fae was beautiful, of course, but a few words of praise was not even a gift. It was natural that all should praise and adore him, after all. He took it in stride and continued forth

"An impressive display, but a futile one.  An abundance of what was once rare loses what made it precious."

"Even with the decay of value, what Bhoomidevi has blessed us with in the form of these gems shall easily fund the repairs needed. The loss of life is truly tragic, but the cycle of reincarnation is forever long, and the lost souls shall live a fortunate life. It is but Dharma."

"There is still enough filth in the world to give it worth Fae. Hmm. It will become tiresome if I have to refer to you as Fae all the time. Will you tell me your name?"

Even then, Gilgamesh did not speak. He had perceived the nature of the sorceress who now spoke, and did not recognize her as something with worth.

Even as she said that Grigori turned to the right and saw a crow standing on the ruins of a building, and it was staring at the little group at the center of the crater. "How forward of you sorcerer. Such a blatant familiar." A twist of her hand sent thousands of tendrils of shadow at the bird. It was captured in a moment and pulled it right in front of Grigori's face. "Blood. How cute. Come out wherever you are sorcerer! You would not like it if you made me come after you."

A single pool of molten gold cast its light upon the group standing near Karna for but an instant. In that instant, a blur to supernatural eyes that no mortal could perceive shot forth, piercing straight through the familiar and destroying it utterly, carrying it into the side of another building, far off. With that, Gilgamesh, King of All Heroes, had announced his presence to the gathered.

"You would accept that wretch's aid? You fill me with sadness, Karna..."

Karna had shown a fraction of his wrath to the Faerie standing before him, yet Gilgamesh took no notice. Completely ignoring the sorceress and the black-haired fae, the Golden King stopped just short of Karna, smirking.

"And yet, you fill me with a great joy. I have not fought so hard since the days of Uruk, in stronger times then this modern age."

Gilgamesh looked around him like he was seeing those gathered around Karna for the first time.

"And what do we have here? A Faerie and a soul stained with countless years of rot? Though it is but your choice, the company you keep is odd for such a man, Karna. Well, no matter".

Gilgamesh cast his eyes around the empty space where he had unleashed the might of his greatest treasure. He was impressed by the might that Karna had displayed, and said as much to the golden warrior.

"That attack was magnificent, indeed. Truly, the might of the greatest of all Astras rings true."

The Golden King finally deigned to acknowledge the presence of the two surrounding Karna and himself. His eyes fell upon the Fae, and he tilted his head, red eyes watching her with the casual, deserved arrogance that radiated from every part of his being.

"Where's your manners, Wynn Noreen Umbra? It is important to give one's full name upon first introducing yourself to avoid confusion. I am Karna, though unfortunately, I have no surnames to hide behind like yourself".

"Such a long name. I think that I'll just call you Little Shadow."

"Wynn Noreen Umbra."

The statement of her full name fell like an iron hammer from the mouth of Gilgamesh, for the true names of the Fae are rarely earned and even more rarely given. To call out a faerie's full name from the mouth of such a man, an existence closer to god than human, would catch the attention of any being in an instant. The crimson eyes of the King regarded her form. Gilgamesh spoke in a softer voice, musing.

"And what would an existence like yourself seek in such a city?"
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 03:53:42 AM by Mooncake »
Spoiler for Hiden:


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1857 on: May 12, 2014, 04:00:24 AM »
"You would accept that wretch's aid? You fill me with sadness, Karna..."

"The wretched physician offered his aid, and as the noon has passed, I required it. There is nothing to be sad about, it was merely a matter of convenience."

"And yet, you fill me with a great joy. I have not fought so hard since the days of Uruk, in stronger times then this modern age."

"Truly, I have never enjoyed a battle quite this much. We must be sure to hold another performance this grand once again, King of Heroes."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1858 on: May 12, 2014, 04:04:26 AM »
This candidate continued to infuriate Grim to no end. The candidate kept on rejecting it. Why won't it just try?
The door threw it to the other wall but that did not stop Grim. He lifted the door and jumped back at the candidate with the car door grabbed at the front and this time he would get him. Grim used a simple spherical barrier and projected it around all both the candidate and himself just before impact. He would not run anymore.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1859 on: May 12, 2014, 04:14:36 AM »
Since Karna bowed, Wynn followed suit with a graceful curtsy and replied, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

She narrowed her eyes at Grigori and scanned "her".  Deciding she was on the level of Hawk Hunters, an annoyance, she did not dignify the insult with a response.  Besides, her attention was taken elsewhere when the golden haired one rose to his feet.  Oil lovingly traced over his glorious, golden form as he poured it onto himself.  Steam rose around him, leaving him whole and perfect once again.

She watched and appreciated as he approached, not attempting to hide her appreciative gaze.  That was not faerie way after all.  If one found another attractive or appealing, it was an insult to not let them know. So she made no attempt to hide the pleased smile as she watched his glorious approach.

He spoke with Karna, pleased with the fight that had just happened.  Then he looked at the woman with scorn before turning towards her.

"Wynn Noreen Umbra."

Tiny, delightful shivers filled her as he said her true name.  He said it with respect, a call out to get her attention.  He did not want anything from her; after all he seemingly had everything.

"And what would an existence like yourself seek in such a city?"

In this meeting, he would not have to ask her something three times to get a true answer.  Wynn wanted to be honest with him this one time. In future meetings she would plan to be more evasive and teasing, like all other Faeries.

She continued to play with the ruby and answered, "Curiosity, and to claim someone who belongs to me."