Author Topic: The Great Western Mountains  (Read 14817 times)


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2021, 07:07:16 PM »

He found Ivanna in a cave, lit warmly by paradoxically black fires lined up along the wall. There was little in the ways of amenities, but an exquisitely carved nook in the side of the cave sported a stone bed and chairs to rest upon. The angle herself sat upon her bed, clad in a black dress of her own molted feathers which left just as much of her body exposed as her prior outfit—perhaps it was simply her tastes to dress in such a manner.

"Ah. I mean, isn't that a silly question? I obviously wouldn't be fine after what happened, haha..." She chuckled drily, wrapping herself with one of her midnight black wings. She nervously ran her small hand down its majestic length. "Why did you seek me out, Vanagandr?" She asked with little of the solemn air which he was used to. Instead she sounded like a tired old woman.

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2021, 07:26:30 PM »

He looked shock when he saw her, but it all paled before his gaping eyes once he heard her. A sharp, painful thing was stuck in his throat, like a stone lodging whatever thoughts or feelings he may have. Instead, he hesitated, with a pitiful clenched fist.

He didn't know what to do in these situations. To fight demons, to protect others, using his power was the only thing he knew. It's why he wished his mentors taught him what he should say.

He didn't know her pain. He wasn't sure he could understand it. But even so, even so...!

A man takes an action. A step forward.

"I'm sorry!"

He bowed to her with such fervor it was almost comical, but everything about his words was as sincere as the fire in his heart. To what he apologized, even he did not know. It was the only thing he could say, the only thing he knew how to say. So he said it, with such loudness the clouds nearly shook, with trembling fists and his eyes shut. He had no sworn allegiance to her, there was no oath binding him to her or her rule. It was illogical. But even so, it's as if he awaited her to strike him down.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2021, 09:09:55 PM »

Despite the absurdity of the situation; despite its insanity, all it elicited from the small angel's lips was a dry chuckle accompanied by eyes as dead as hades. She ran a hand through her raven hair and shook her head, reliving trillions of years in but a moment. So many years spent, ruling by His side, executing his will with unwavering duty. Unwavering faith. Now gone, pointless, and immoral.

"I don't know why you're apologizing, but a lifeform as lowly as myself is ill-deserving of such theatrics. Please, sit. This surely could not be have all you came here to do."

She stared at him with those dead eyes, cold and unblinking.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #48 on: September 29, 2021, 09:38:12 PM »

"Folishness, it's not her you should apologize to. Apologize to yourself.... Vanguard" The moment that name was spoken by that voice th world itself trembled. The Mountains and the Heavens never forgot, no matter how many countless axons passed, they remembered. Next came Him.

The thing which shouldn't exist.


Transmigrant, This wasn't a mere echo, no mere remnant of a passed age long forgotten. No this one who had reached the furthest depths. As above so below The bottom is the the top, and the top is the bottom. The Crown existed in the Kingdom, and the Kingdom held the Crown.

He had appeared at the entrance, or perhaps the entrance had appeared for him to enter.

 "Did you already forget? It is we who shall judge the Angels! How much more have you forgotten?"


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #49 on: September 29, 2021, 10:54:05 PM »

"Don't you dare say that! You're not lowly, not in the slightest. Besides, you're my friend." He grit his teeth when he said that, but he said it with the same honesty and kindness as ever. He really didn't know any better. All the power he had, and he couldn't protect a single girl. His words were awkward, but he meant every breath and was ready to fight for it.

Enough of that sad look. He took a step forward, extending his hand. But whatever wish of helping he may have had, it was soon cut to naught. A voice soon echoed in the cavern, neither his or hers. A mysterious stranger, a man who almost looked familiar. He'd have welcomed him with a meal and a smile, but he instinctively understood he wasn't here to mingle. He clenched his fist and listened.

That was his first mistake. Because the moment he heard that voice...

"Wha? What are you - kh!"

Vanangandr clutched his temple in pain. He nearly knelt, forcing himself upright by sheer force of will. But the voice, that voice...

"Another failure. These bodies aren't even good for recycling, let alone my hounds. You're friggin useless for a senpai."

As the mechanical tower chewed up the meat and bones remaining, another body was rolled down the conveyor belt. From the outside, cold angels of metal and magic watched over the children of the Tower, gating them off in their glass container. Each one wore a simple white shirt, a bracelet, and a number identifying them. It was like looking at cattle.

He couldn't see any of it. It was so dark, so painful. As he wiped away tears, he could hear the different voices through the looking glass. A coarse, almost violent sneer - and a soft, melodic tune, as honeyed as a scholar's - yet with the cold disdain reserved to ash.

"No. It's their imperfection that makes them have worth. It's by hammering and breaking the materials that we can extract the ore - the essence that we will mold to pave the future.
It's for the sake of our dreams, that we cannot afford to slow down."

There was a silence. Then, the coarse voice nearly spat. "You're a sick fuck."

Crunch. Crunch. Munch. Munch. The machine ate the remains of the last test subject he'd see of his big brother. After a while, he heard another voice. A voice with strength, and something a man might attribute as focus. But to a child, it sounded like something a hero would say.

"The First Tower was the folly of Man, but this one, will be Their folly."

"Indeed! It was our eternal crusade that brought us this far, to this world teetering with life and possibility! All our sacrifices here have led us to this moment, last child." An ashen puppet stepped in, broken and battered - held together by naught but fiery strings to the tune of a cackling burning bird. Within its cracks, within the broken shell... laid the eternal abyss, and the stars. But if one were to look carefully, you'd notice it was naught but a trick of the light. He hadn't bothered to show up here. Yet the seraph may just recognize the voice.

At this moment, he didn't care.

The boy clutched his face in pain. In confusion. That broken puppet... looked... sounded like his mentor in the citadel. And yet it all felt off now. Like when he first approached him months back, to talk about the city. To tell him about that child... and the forest. And he... stabbed him then, and took something from that place. He still had no idea why! But even if he had so many questions, even if there was so much he wanted his mentor to tell him...

He moved in between them and his friend.

"I don't care about any of it! What the hell is going on!"


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2021, 11:08:03 PM »

Ivanna jumped up with a start. Fallen though she may be, she would not accept such suffering, such blasphemy. There were few things she remained sure of—a few days before she had felt as if she was the divinely ordained ruler of the Nexus. Now she was but a simple vagabond, a hermit living out her eternity deep within the impenetrable mountains. Reflecting on her mistakes, reconsidering every choice which she had ever made, questioning herself.

It hurt. The action scratched at her, tore at her very existence in a way she had not known to even be possible. Sometimes, she felt as if the act would snuff out the eternal existence that had once been Ivanna the seraphim.

Yet, she had continued.

For she was certain. This was necessary. Eventually, she would figure out the way out of her situation. Eventually, she would fix everything.

Once more, she would create miracles. This time, in the name of what was truly good. In the name of true justice. Subservient to none other than herself.

So the boy felt a soft wing wrap itself around him tightly like a blanket. The angel stood in front of him, glaring up at William with ferocious eyes. "State your business—are you here to destroy me? That is no great matter to me, but you shall not continue to harm him."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2021, 11:28:07 PM »

The man who was wrapped in robes simply crouched down so that he may spare the Fallen way the pain of looking up at him. He was completely undeterred by the aggression, yet he showed no hostility in turn, merely a friendly smile. Not it wasn't just friendly. He looked at her without the intent to destroy.

"That form suits you Ivanna, it's a different beauty than before but one that is more you. And while I'd love to chat some more with a lovely girl like you, my friend over there needs my help"

He glanced over at the young knight.

"He's suffering because he's not whole, his soul is imbalanced and I need to aid him before something terrible occurs." Not a shred of lies was spoken here, not even when he complimented her.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 11:30:37 PM by Bern »


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #52 on: September 29, 2021, 11:39:20 PM »

"Cut the crap..." He clutched at his head, glaring at the two men. The wing stretching across him like a shield was the one thing that snapped him out of it, eliciting naught but a stifled gasp. That's right, he couldn't falter right now. Not here.

He stood by the angel's side.

"The only thing that's unbalanced is the way you're eyeing us over, you sicko pervert. I don't know what kind of medicine you're selling, but I'm not buying a cent from your shady mug!"

He glowered with resolve that surprised him more than anything. It's as if every shred of his instinct, of his will, all told him in unison to stay away from that man.

The ashen puppet smiled. "My oh my~ He doesn't seem to be interested, William. What are we to do?" Yet the puppet was more interested looking at Ivanna intently, with calculative interest and curiosity.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2021, 11:47:28 PM »

Two of Ivanna's wings soared out to their full wingspan. It was as if a wall of black feathers had interdicted the passageway and denied further entry into her abode. They flapped gently in front of the giant, blocking William's path. While the angel's glare did not cease, it softened somewhat. Still, she did not trust this mysterious interloper—not by a long shot. Let alone his friends.

Ivanna's eyes narrowed. The intensity of the black flames seemed to lessen, even as they lit up the area in total darkness. "You must understand that I cannot simply trust you at your word. For all I know, the situation my be the exact reverse. And if you truly are here on friendly terms, I must ask—why do you associate with such creatures as that?"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #54 on: September 30, 2021, 06:51:19 PM »

"Who? Oh him..." William chuckled as he had nothing to hide, it seems the truth would be the guide to disarming this situation. "Yeah I've never seen him before, he just suddenly started following me, and I couldn't be bothered to rebuke him. Although his ramblings do make for some exquisite ambience."

Then he looked at the young warrior with genuine sadness in his gaze. "It's isn't medicine old friend, it's the missing shard of your soul, Who you once was, before you were tragically torn asunder."


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2021, 09:42:14 PM »

The ashen puppet was pulled by coils of fire, the bird whispering sweet words in its stead. "Cheep cheep! You make me upset, if I'm being honest." Suddenly, the light flickered, like illusory coils buzzing on some sort of hologram. It looked anything but upset, from the other side where it laid.

Vanguard couldn't share that sentiment. He wore that unsettled heart on his sleeve, unable to hide confusion even if he wanted to.

"Missing shard...? What in the name of madness are you spouting now? I'm plenty whole and in one piece last I checked." He tapped his torso left and right as if checking. He had no memory of the guy, but he was looking at him as if they knew eachother. And he had the same voice that he heard in that vision. But why? And why was his mentor with him? "Besides, I'm telling you, you must've got the wrong guy. I've never met you in the citadel..."

He gasped for a second. Torn asunder, like that dream he had? But it couldn't- That vision, that nightmare was too horrible. It had nothing to do with him. So then why-

"That's right!" The puppet chuckled, unable to restrain the irony of it all any longer. With a dramatic snap, he pointed at him. "As you are now, you're nothing more than a husk. An empty vessel. I hardly meant deceiving you but... everything you know is a lie, my dear friend. The hero named Vanangandr never existed. In the first place, you are not even a person. A product, at best."

The words spoken shook something in the hero. The mysterious stranger's voice, the visions he heard, the citadel, all his friends and family waiting for him at home. He didn't know where anything stood anymore. He was lost in this place, unsure of what even to follow, with his justice nowhere in sight. The sight of his mentor should be comforting. The voice of this man he never met shouldn't elicit the revulsion in his heart. And yet, everything was wrong. Wrong. Wrong!

His step cracked the earth, and his voice boomed like thunder.


He didn't know what that stranger was up to, but he had taken control of his teacher like this just to mess with him. Whatever trick they tried, it wouldn't work. He'd snap his friend out of it, he'd make sure whatever plot was taking place was stopped here and now. Because he was a hero. He was. He was...


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2021, 04:40:57 PM »

The spirit burst into unholy flame at Willian's words. "Such words are nonsense—he exists here, now!" She exclaimed. "He is a living, breathing person, fully capable of thought and emotion! Now! BEGONE!" Ivanna shouted as the fires reached their peak.

Still, her wings formed a wall, preventing William from getting any closer. "If that's your idea of nice ambience, I must question your tastes."
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 04:41:33 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2021, 07:08:58 PM »

"And this is why I never bring you along."

The dark mage had vanished all of sudden. Or not, cause his fist was buried in the puppets gut. His fury was blazing almost as brazenly as the dark flames conjured by the Fallen Angel. His anger somehow flaring even higher than Ivanna and the young hero, it was bizarre that he was going after the puppet like this.

But was it really?

"You know not the value of life, least of all my Nakama. Now begone from my sight!" The moment ended and the puppet was yeeted away from the cave. William brushed the dust off and turned around to face the two who were left. "I don't stand for anything that worm has said. And he was not your teacher. That was something who likes wearing the faces of others, a parasite...."


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #58 on: October 01, 2021, 07:45:56 PM »

There was no feeling, fear, or shock at the sudden blow. And why would there be? He had long since discarded such unnecessary feelings to save the world. But even if he hadn't, the illusion couldn't share in such drivel. It simply blew away like stardust in the wind, shattered with no catharsis or fanfare.

The flames of the burning bird ended, with naught but a disappointed smile.

All that was left was the boy, with eyes agape. Unable to speak. Staring with the dizzying sickness that built up inside him.

"But... my soul is.... fine. I am a person. I am... I am..." He sounded in shock, as if he was starting to remember something he should have never remembered at all. "I am Vanangandr, a hero of the citadel. I am Vanangandr. A hero. I am..." He repeated those words meekly, like a mantra. Almost as if to convince himself. His soul was whole. His body was his. Why was this even happening? What did he do? Why was that voice so familiar?

As he took a step back, a voice rang in his head. Something that revulsed him to the core.

Not good. We must cut a bit deeper.

"Your... Nakama." He gasped when he remembered those same words told to him once. In that dark, dark place.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #59 on: October 01, 2021, 10:14:20 PM »

The flames died down, and her wings retracted into her form, save two of them nestled tightly against her bare back. She shook her head, wondering why the two were saying random words in Japanese. It was odd, first when William had said it, but the meaning with which Vanagandr said it? She wondered if there was something to the dark mage's story.

Still, she stood between him, and the young man she'd been protecting. She looked up at the two men, craning her neck to look at them in the eyes. Still, she didn't seem bothered by doing so, so perhaps it was fine. She flapped her wings, and then flew up into the air, raising her slight form to look Van right in the eyes.

Then, she reached out, planting a small hand on his shoulder. "There, there."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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