Author Topic: The Great Western Mountains  (Read 14795 times)


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The Great Western Mountains
« on: January 30, 2021, 03:05:59 AM »
The Great Western Mountains

Few speak credibly of the splendors of the West in this Age of the Nexus. It is a distant place to most, one of rugged hills leading to impassable cliffs seemingly set to bar the way of unfit travelers. Those who so cleverly sought to pass them by the waters of the Great Divide, to move against its currents and seek its source, are crushed beneath falls at least a thousand meters high. Only mighty heroes, powerful magics, or recent advances in aviation technology permit exploration of anything more than the foothills of these tremendous peaks and the wonders they hide within. Even they find limits to what they may reach before the great mists of the mountains, known as the Mountains’ Mantle, consume all sense of space and time.

Tales that have been spun from the memories of the ancient and adventuresome speak of forgotten magics, terrible monsters, and lost artifacts dating back to the earliest histories of the Nexus. It contains places of power long sought after by countless expeditions from the Citadel of Sorcery and other various figures of wealth and influence: the Black Forge within whose fires any item might be wrought; the Temple of Ages, where one can witness the truth of times before and after; or the World’s End, where the restless shades of the First Chief’s companions are said to stand vigil against horrors left over from the Third Age.

What is spoken less by the wise are stories of the people who live in these hills and valleys: the glory of their lands, and the hardships that have endured since their migration to the Great Western Mountains long ago. Below is listed but a fragment of their struggles.

Some Notable Areas

The Land of Forever Fall, Endien, is a magical kingdom inhabited by the long-lived elven Highborne, their half-blooded commoner children, and a small minority of humans lurking at the fringes. Their Great Houses practice traditions of craftsmanship, martial arts, and musical magic built over thousands of years in isolation. They are the inheritors of a long exile from earliest form of the Citadel of Sorcery, the descendants those who refused to abide slavery and dark magic and were willing to fight to free those who were victims of those very things. Unfortunately they have spent the last several thousand years in a state of conflict with the descendants of the very beings they rescued from bondage, refusing to allow them entry to the rest of the Nexus to finish their vengeance.

The Land of Neverending Night, Vinyë, is a land of choking ash and fiery rain. Separated from the wondrous hills of Endien by a range of volcanoes and a series of fortress gates, the monstrous inhabitants crave vengeance for ancient sins. The Highborne, their children, the sorcerers of the Citadel, anyone and everything that supports their power - all of it must satiate the hatred that dwells in their hearts. Orcs, goblins, and other savage creatures compete with one another for scarce resources and hone their fury for every war to follow. And yet now they have grown quiet, still, for in their bones they can feel the weakening of the seal preventing their great ancestor, the Dark Lord Yaru, from rising again. Their time is near once more.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2021, 11:02:57 PM »

"You dragons sure do huff and puff a lot. I guess habits stay around through the shifts between different forms, huh?" Thorra got off her, and began following close behind her into the mists.


Sage stiffened at the comment, and brought a hand up to touch her dainty little nose. "Huff and puff...?" She began to slowly turn her eyes back to Thorra, and appeared uncharacteristically lost with wide eyes. "I-Is it really that obvious? Have I been giving away tells of my true nature the entire time?"

She ignored for a precious moment the mist clinging at the edges of their sight, and turned her attention to the thorny brush nearby. "Have the beasts of the wild merely humored me all these many seasons, allowing me to believe my impersonation is adequate?!"

The dragon was almost whining, her hands clenched together and held down past her waist.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2021, 12:14:32 AM »

Sage stiffened at the comment, and brought a hand up to touch her dainty little nose. "Huff and puff...?" She began to slowly turn her eyes back to Thorra, and appeared uncharacteristically lost with wide eyes. "I-Is it really that obvious? Have I been giving away tells of my true nature the entire time?"

She ignored for a precious moment the mist clinging at the edges of their sight, and turned her attention to the thorny brush nearby. "Have the beasts of the wild merely humored me all these many seasons, allowing me to believe my impersonation is adequate?!"

The dragon was almost whining, her hands clenched together and held down past her waist.


"It's cute. I'm sure your princess would agree with me if she were here, too." Thorra shrugged her shoulders and ran her eyes down Sage's exotic form. Even though she still felt rather bad about what she'd done, she felt that once this task was completed, she'd be able to put it behind her. It was exciting. So she wouldn't allow herself to fall into depression and keep walking forwards, growing her legend and truly becoming something more.

Plus, Sage had the curves in all the right places. It was hard not to look at the lithe, swaying hips that followed her every step.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you."
« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 12:15:38 AM by SINIB »

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2021, 02:32:58 PM »

"E-Eh? You truly believe so?" Sage looked herself over again, and in a manner most certainly not bearing any semblance of deliberation managed to present instead a side profile to Thorra rather than one entirely from behind, or frontal. "But should I not aim to be most believable in my appearance? Yet you say this is the sort of thing other females like..."

She pursed her lips, and exhaled through her nose again. Then her eyes traveled down to between Thorra's legs, as if uncertain of something. It lasted but a moment, and then she was turning abruptly around again and clenching her hands together.

"No matter. Let's keep going!"

The mist was certainly getting worse. What powers the two explorers were capable of bringing to bear against its inevitable encroachment amounted to little, for these could scarcely be an ordinary phenomenon. It would hang, heavier than air, lurking at the edge of their twosome like a pack of wolves waiting to pounce at the first sign of weakness.

Thorra could only see clear the path immediately around herself and Sage. They were fortunate enough to have that bit of grace, which was clearly centered around the great druid, as if her rapport with nature itself could only go this far with it. Even Sage had to pause at times to orient herself, and took long and frustrated breaths in those periods.

Were it only the mist serving as a barrier then these pauses would amount to little. But there was all too clearly something hiding just beyond sight with ponderous tread and slavering breath.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2021, 09:53:19 PM »

There were many powers Thorra was aware of which would have been able to aid in the dragon's search. Unfortunately, the hammer possessed none of them. It wasn't her role, and never had been part of her design philosophy to be a tracker. She was a weapon, and she stood strong.

The frigid, whipping winds bounced off of her iron body as if it were a part of the mountains themselves. She kept close to Sage, both for her own safety and to protect her charge in equal parts.

She reached out and gripped Sage's hand with her own. "Something's coming." She said quietly. "Be prepared for a fight."

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2021, 03:55:13 AM »

The green-haired druid reached up so that she might lay a hand upon Thorra’s broad shoulder, gripping tight with fingernails longer and sharper than any elf’s yet far short of more than scratching at the muscle of the hammer’s form. No, she was clearly steadying herself, and reared back with several uncomfortable swallows. Her mouth began to open wider than any elf’s should, and the previous breaths began to expel with a click, clack, clicking of utterly inhuman resonance. It was some manner of call, some bestial beseeching, and yet despite its sharpness the sound was consumed by the thickening mist.

All sounds, save those of their stalker, died before it reached them - or returned.

A sharp, sinister hiss filled the space between them and the heavy vapor amending the pair’s vision. Sage’s eyes widened in alertness, and she pushed at Thorra to knock her aside!

Then that same hanging moisture began to swirl and churn and move as if to strike just where the demigod had been moment’s before. A bloody line was scoured through the druid’s arm.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2021, 03:24:40 PM »

The hammer moved fast. She lashed out with the speed of the gods, slamming her head against the mist with an electrifying explosion of heat and energy.

At the same time, she ran forwards and scooped Sage up into an arm, holding her tightly against her body. "Don't try to sacrifice yourself for me. Remember why we're out here!"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2021, 04:43:25 AM »

The hammer moved fast. She lashed out with the speed of the gods, slamming her head against the mist with an electrifying explosion of heat and energy.

At the same time, she ran forwards and scooped Sage up into an arm, holding her tightly against her body. "Don't try to sacrifice yourself for me. Remember why we're out here!"


Thorra's hammer smashed away the monstrous appendage that had struck, and the force of the explosion dispersed for precious moments the thickly cloying mist. The familiar scent of ozone consumed the mildewy odor clinging to everything, but that was merely a pleasant distraction from the sight of the shadow of something long and sinuous swimming through the vapor as swiftly away from the hammer's force as possible.

Sage didn't squirm, but did smack Thorra in the side. "I have no intention of mine own life ending for you! Now pay attention to it - it starves, so it will not easily relent!"

Indeed, this time a torrent of strikes descended from the shroud of moisture hanging above them - a frenzied barrage that ended as quickly as it began.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2021, 05:02:55 AM »

"That's good to hear! I'm not too worried about meeting my maker here, though. It's wrong, all wrong!" Thorra yelled back with a cocky grin. "I won't be dying just yet!"

She rushed in, using her control of the sky to create a big gust of wind to blow the fog away and reveal their foe.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2021, 05:47:28 AM »


"That's good to hear! I'm not too worried about meeting my maker here, though. It's wrong, all wrong!" Thorra yelled back with a cocky grin. "I won't be dying just yet!"

She rushed in, using her control of the sky to create a big gust of wind to blow the fog away and reveal their foe.


The druid started thrashing about underneath Thorra's arm, her arms and legs swinging and kicking. "W-Wait, you need to release me before you start moving about like-!"

But no, t'was not to be. Even this primordial phenomenon yielded to the demigoddess' primacy, and the mist above them was scattered. The creature which swam within, assailing them, revealed but a moment of its true visage in this manner. A wall of grey scales, withered by age and famine, swam across their vision before escaping further back into its native environment.

It was a retreat which did not last, and the next thing Thorra knew as she tried to orient herself to its movements again it was licking at ankles! Not her's though, no, it was Sage's own kicking ones.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2021, 05:01:16 AM »

A great bare foot slammed down upon the offending extrusion toying with Sage, exploding with the power of the thunder god and sending a shock wave through the ground underneath them.

"You can cast magic just fine like this, can't you?" Thorra swung her hammer, attempting to strike it as if it were next to her from where she floated. "It's trying to get at you, and I need to do my best and prove my worth!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2021, 02:35:23 AM »

A great bare foot slammed down upon the offending extrusion toying with Sage, exploding with the power of the thunder god and sending a shock wave through the ground underneath them.

"You can cast magic just fine like this, can't you?" Thorra swung her hammer, attempting to strike it as if it were next to her from where she floated. "It's trying to get at you, and I need to do my best and prove my worth!"


"I-If you would cease to jostle me about like this, yes!" Sage grasped at the arm holding fast to her body and allowed herself to go limp, supported by the immense might of her traveling companion. It allowed her to focus then on tracking their foe, but...

A thick squelching sound died in the mist, yet carried through the broken earth at last where before the air had failed. The creature tried to withdraw, but its previous attempt at grasping Sage revealed a direction to aim with and Thorra heard another screech of fury as it was struck clear back and away. The sound of its pain was swallowed as all other things were.

The elvenoid dragon huffed, her eyes narrowed to razor slits, while she peered in that direction. Then they shot to the opposite direction, and widened. "There!" She extended a hand and from it came a crackling of electricity, a short and terrible bolt that seared through the moisture of the mist and revealed once more their foe. Somehow, the starving scaly creature had escaped opposite its last position, and crackled about in pain as the shock ran through it.

But the point where Thorra had struck was but a cracked and pitted dent, not a pulverized slab of meat as it should have been.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2021, 02:32:40 PM »

"Uwaaaa!" Thorra cried out in annoyance. This for was tedious, annoying, and way too damn random! She lashed out with strike after strike in all directions at random. "Take this! Annoyed hammer volley of strikes! Yaaaaahhhhh!!!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2021, 04:12:50 AM »

"Uwaaaa!" Thorra cried out in annoyance. This for was tedious, annoying, and way too damn random! She lashed out with strike after strike in all directions at random. "Take this! Annoyed hammer volley of strikes! Yaaaaahhhhh!!!"


That proved to be about as effective as anything else Thorra had tried before. Every one strike in five seemed to hit something other than rock walls that sent stone shrapnel everywhere to bounce harmlessly against her skin. And somewhat less harmlessly against Sage's, but her skin quickly took on the semblance of tree bark.

It did not stop her from driving a knee harmlessly into the demigoddess' side. "Take some care, lest you collapse the path around us!"

The attacks ceased, for a time. The only sounds were that of the travelers' breathing.

The druid's eyes were scanning, and her ears moving this way and that. She otherwise became completely still.

And then -


« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 04:14:38 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2021, 05:12:45 PM »

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thorra roared out, sending her most powerful strike yet directly above her head at their monstrous foe! She crackled with thunderous lightning, ready to explode upon impact.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 05:24:16 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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