Author Topic: Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread  (Read 4388 times)


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Re: Character Sheet Submission Thread
« on: July 15, 2018, 07:24:42 AM »
Name: Moira Graham

Race: Abyssal

Age: 231

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 182lbs


Strength: Amazing (Crab Claw is Fantastic)

Agility: Exceptional (Reaction and Reflexes are Incredible)

Durability: Amazing

Magical Ability: High

Part of the Ship, Part of the Crew: Moira often likes to hide her cruelty underneath a facade of kindness. After an attack, she would often have the survivors hauled up and given the option to serve a hundred years under the mast to avoid death. Those who accept the offer have their souls shackled to the ship, their bodies over time become lesser Abyssals sired by her. They are free to gamble their years of servitude with each other, but almost nobody manages to serve their term before eventually becoming nothing but coral and barnacles on the ship’s hull, their souls used by Moira to perform high end spells.

A Devil's Accord: Moira is able to grant limited wishes in exchange for the wisher's soul. After their time is up, they are hunted down and either sent to the Abyss or are made part of her crew.

The Black Spot: Individuals being specifically hunted by Moira have a magical Black Spot form on their left hand (Or right hand if they are missing it, and so on). This acts as a beacon for her when used in conjunction with her compass

Water Passageways: Moira can nearly instantly travel anywhere within two city blocks provided she enters into a body of water and exits another. The exact mechanic of this ability is that she briefly enters the Abyss, before emerging again from the exit water source. This means that depth of the water source has no meaning - a puddle or even a toilet will suffice as either an entrance or an exit. It also means that the water sources do not have to be connected with each other.

Other Abilities:

Abyssal: Considered meer superstition by academics and frowned upon by the Church, the Abyss is something all too real for the sailors who find themselves lost at sea. It goes by many names (the Deep, Dark Waters, the Black Spirit, and more), all of which describes the same malicious, incorporeal entity that resides in the deep ocean. It drags those who dare to leave land to their watery deaths, claiming their souls for its own.

 Abyssals are those that the Deep decides to spare. These individuals are instead given gifts. Though the forms and magical abilities are different from one another, there are a few universal gifts: The ability to breath underwater, to not be swept away by rushing currents, siring Minor Abyssals who take on similar traits as themselves, and never succumbing to age. However, these blessings are also a curse, forever tying the individual to it. They cannot go onto dry land (For Moira, it results in debilitating pain that leaves her screaming out in a fetal position), and they must harvest souls for their new found masters lest the great Leviathan starts hunting them down. Further, they must return to the Abyss once a day for six hours minimum on the threat of enduring incredible torment for until sunrise the next day.

In the Nexus, Moira still feels the Abyss’ call, and seeks ways to pay her obligation to it. The new environment required testing as to what she can and cannot do. What she found was that she cannot step on land or surfaces made of real stone without there being at least a puddle of water, however wooden surfaces and artificial materials that comprise the upper stories of buildings do not harm her.

Heartless: When Moira became an Abyssal, her beating heart was cut out of her chest. This granted her almost true immortality - the only way to kill her is to stab the heart. But the Deep is a fickle being, seeming to enjoy causing hardships for its servants. Whoever has possession of her heart can dictare her actions on the threat of death. Further, should a person reunite her with her heart by placing it on the scar on her chest, she would become truly human again with all that implies.

Regenerative Body: Due to her unnatural body, she’s able to regenerate grevious wounds within hours. She can still be incapacitated in combat, though.

Damned to the Abyss: Moira has the ability to funnel the souls of those she (or her crew) kills to the Abyss. This is her tribute, denoting that she too is nothing but a slave to the Dark Waters and her continued existence is only allowed until she outlives her usefulness.

Swordswoman: Moira is an aggressive, yet skilled, swordswoman. Her immortality is a boon in combat, allowing her to go all out on the offensive. Her particular style also utilizes her clawed arm, surprising a foe with a bash, jab, or grapple.

Organist: During her brief time working for the small church on her home island, she learned how to play the organ. The organ that is placed in the captain’s cabin on the Harbinger is one of the few pleasures she has left. While she does play it as a hobby (Using the one human hand she has left as well as her tentacle hair), in battle it can serve another role: a conduit for her Abyssal Magic. After sacrificing the souls of multiple people to the Abyss (Usually but not limited to the crewmen who can no longer perform work), she can play the organ to perform two advanced spells.
   I Bring the Storm: A tropical storm (Strength is dependent on the amount of souls sacrificed) will envelop a neighborhood of the Nexus. Minimum souls to perform is 15.

   Unleash the Kraken!: Krakens are large, squid-like creatures that reside in the Abyss. These immense creatures require some sort of water source to attack, though how they appear is on the same principle of Moira’s Water Passageways, meaning that they are partially in the Abyss while performing the attack and don’t require actual depth. Only one can be summoned at a time, and it has the following stats:
   Strength: Heroic
   Agility Amazing
   Endurance Fantastic
Cost for performing the spell is 15 souls.

Fighter, Sailor, Captain: Moira is a competent captain,and is versed in naval warfare and possible applications for it in her new environment.



Moira’s ship. It can submerge into any sufficiently large water source and emerge elsewhere much like Moira’s Water Passageways, except it has the reach of up to ten neighborhoods. When used in conjunction with I bring the Storm, it can emerge anywhere due to the light to moderate flooding the spell causes. Partially submerging itself into the Abyss, it would not need to worry about the depth of the actual water it is sailing in.

Armed with twenty three Abyssal Cannons on each side (Each cannon’s projectile has Incredible Strength), broadside attacks are devastating. This impressive armament is further enhanced with two Triple Chase Cannons mounted on the front. There is no need to load gunpowder into these weapons, and cannonball stocks are replenished upon returning to the Abyss.

The ship itself is seemingly alive, groaning when receiving damage and at times even snarling when attacking targets. It will stitch itself back together magically overtime, but should the ship be actually destroyed, it would be dead for good. Easier said than done, however, with the rotting wood actually having the endurance equal to Fantastic.

Abyssal Crew: Lesser Abyssals who are magically shackled to Harbinger. They were humans who took Moira’s offer, extending their pitiful lives in order to avoid having their souls fed to the Deep. In doing so, they take on her traits over time, having access to Water Passageways and taking on traits of sea creatures. Unlike Moira, they are fully mortal and can be dispatched by strong or skilled combatants. Their base stats are variable, ranging from Exceptional to Amazing (With those who take on traits of crabs having endurance of Incredible), with unique abilities based on whatever sea creature their bodies take after (Such as sharks having more acute senses, octopi having multiple tentacles, puffer fish having needles jab out of the bodies, etc.). Unlike Moira, they can go onto dry land without any ill-effects.

There are currently fifty-six crewmen to run the ship and man the cannons, as well as another twenty-two who are now fused to the ship’s hull, soul ready to be sacrificed to the Deep at Moira’s whim. Ironic, they sold their soul to avoid being sent to the Abyss, only for their captain to exchange it later down the road.

Whaler’s Compass: A one-of-a-kind compass that doesn’t point north, but to where the person bearing the Black Spot currently is.

Dead Man’s Chest: The locked chest Moira keeps her heart in. It is kept off the ship, in the case of a mutiny. However, a shady character now has possession of it as well as its key…

Sword of the Deep: A barnacle encrusted blade that is still as sharp and dangerous as any magically reinforced blade.


Moira was born in the port town of St. Matthews, a Britannian colony on one of the many tropical islands near the “Continent.” When she was three years old, her father died in an accident. A few weeks later, her mother, in her moment of weakness, started dating a rough-around-the-edges sailor.

This man was named Jonathan Miller, and he was human filth. Spent all their money on gambling, alcohol, and prostitutes. He suddenly disappeared one day, but not before plunging them into such debt that the city’s magistrate took their home and all their worldly possessions. Moira’s mother died from illness the following spring, but not before telling her to find Jon and exact revenge.

The following years were not kind to Little Graham. She had to steal her food as a child street urchin, performing many a crime just to survive. Once her body developed, she sold her body to the night just to earn a little coin. At the age of fifteen, the local church took pity on her, and brought her in to earn an honest living. She learned to play the organ when she wasn’t cleaning and praying, the instrument bringing her some actual happiness.

However, in all those years, her mind never strayed far from revenge.

When she was nineteen, a whaler entered the church to confess his sins to the priest. He name dropped Jonathan Miller, who was now a captain of his own vessel. The very next day, Moira left the church, dressed as a man, and joined a Germanian privateer ship. Several months later (along with more than a few incidents that would have exposed her gender), the privateer ship was chasing down Jon’s. Moira was preparing for the battle when fate struck yet another dirty trick: a giant whale emerged from below, splintering the ship in two and devouring the crew. Moira was thrown into the water, surviving the encounter only to watch Jon’s ship sail away. All she could do was scream out in anguish, her justice being so close at hand but being snatched from her grasp at the last possible moment.

The Abyss heard her, and made an offer she couldn’t refuse. She became an Abyssal, her heart was cut out, and the ship Harbinger emerged from the ocean. The other surviving crewmen became the first of her Lesser Abyssals, happily boarding the ship as opposed to drowning at sea. They immediately set upon Captain Miller’s ship, Graham making damn sure his death was as slow and painful as possible. This should have been the first inkling to MOira that she is now a changed person.

With her heart removed, she became extremely cruel. She didn’t just take the souls of those she made accords with, but she also hunted those who were lost at sea. While she never lied to those she made deals with, she always left out key details (Such as when she takes on crewmen, their souls are for her to use as she wishes, including giving to the Abyss regardless). Over time, both hers and those under hers’ bodies changed, reflecting their servitude with the Abyss.

A couple of centuries later, the Harbinger emerged in the waters of the Nexus. While they can dive into the Abyss, they cannot reemerge back at their homeworld. It matters little to Moira; she just has to adjust her methods to fit the new world. However, the Dead Man’s Chest fell into the hands of an Elite named Jeffrey Larson. With her heart in his possession, she has no choice but to act as his attack dog, going bounty hunting while he takes both the credit and the reward much to Moira’s chagrin.

Weaknesses: Her heart is her primary weakness. Whoever holds that can order her around. As stated earlier, if the heart is placed upon the scar on her chest, it would enter her and turn her completely human again, though this action would most certainly lead to a mutiny by her disgruntled crew.

Further, she cannot stand on land or stone. She can cheat a bit by standing in a puddle and partially submerging into the Abyss, but is she is trapped without water, she would be in constant agony. If she can’t return to the Abyss at least once a day, she would be even worse off until sunrise the next day.

Finally, while she is immortal, her body can take damage. One can incapacitate her in battle, though a grudge would be made that day.

Likes: the Ocean, playing her organ, listening to organ music

Dislikes: Sailors, Gamblers who risk their family’s livelihoods, the Abyss, Jeffrey Larson, people who are overly happy with their lives, those who attempt to back out of agreed upon contracts
« Last Edit: July 15, 2018, 08:29:24 AM by MissingMandible »