Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 49685 times)


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“Yep!” She said with a face full of cheer. “I made it just for you, nobody else has ever used it.” She told him while putting her own on, with cherry blossoms printed all over the front. “So, Chef Emiya, what are we cooking tonight?” She asked the master. “I still want to dethrone you after all, and I feel pretty confident right now!”

Simultaneously, her mind was still thinking about the other Shirou. She wanted to know more about him, but was scared to do so herself. What if he tried to molest her? She didn’t know what to expect. All the while, her face didn’t show even a hint of these thoughts, totally masked by the cheer.

”Rider?” Sakura haltingly asked through their mental link. ”What was-what was he going to cook?” Rider should know how she wanted her to handle it, after all. Rider was always so quiet and thoughtful, she wouldn’t spill anything.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Richard Maxwell

Richard frowned in turn, his face almost turning sad for a second. While he would have normally scolded her for ignoring the risk of harming others trough second-hand smoke, he felt guilty about destroying a gift. Had he known it was given by a friend, he would have simply extinguished it.

"...Sorry." He apologized. His tone, while monotone, possessed a genuine trace of regret and hesitation.

"As for Forest, that comes later. We need a plan that can assure 100% victory."

So he laid silently upside down, thinking about what to do. This position was quite helpful, it let oxygen flow to his head easily. It helped him think.

And suddenly, a flash of genius.

"Um, that beam. How long can you keep it up?" Asked Richard, unable to hide his curiosity.


"For long enough if I hit her head or heart" she replied. She didn't want to reveal for how long exactly she could keep it up, so her answer was vague. "She's a vampire, so probably she shouldn't be much different from those that I have encountered so far. None of them got away."


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Richard Maxwell

"That... isn't any helpful. I need an approximate. Is a second? Two seconds? Five seconds? An instant? I need something to work with dammit!" he replied. He was starting to get frustrated with that woman. Just a tad bit.


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Captain Edward Coombs:

"It doesn't matter much who goes first," Coombs' raspy voice stated in response to Seras.

After a few minutes (And a little of authority pulling), Edward sequestered a room for the interviews. The former Guardsman placed a recorder on the table before he sat down in a chair, Joeseph was standing by the door. "The statements will be done one at a time," he began to explain, "The other two will wait outside the door until we are finished. This is to prevent things like false memories from occuring."

"Now, who's willing to go first?"


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Richard Maxwell

"That... isn't any helpful. I need an approximate. Is a second? Two seconds? Five seconds? An instant? I need something to work with dammit!" he replied. He was starting to get frustrated with that woman. Just a tad bit.


Richard was stubborn about trying to reveal her secrets, but she had to yield a bit or else he could change his mind about the cooperation. "Only for an instant. It's not something that can be used for prolonged time."


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Richard Maxwell

"Aah. So, let's say I was to set up saucers like this-" Said Richard, his grin growing exponentially as water around him collected into a bubble-like disk.

"- If I was to set them in a way that would converge your beams all over the area, even for an instant, it would be a sure hit. Even if she was to dodge the initial beam, they would be refracted in a way that would make avoiding it impossible!"

Immediately, he crated about 10 smaller saucers and shone his phone's flashlight on one of them. While at first nothing impressive happened, once their surface froze and shifted, the beam traveled between each and every one of them, as if to create a cage of light.



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Richard Maxwell

"Aah. So, let's say I was to set up saucers like this-" Said Richard, his grin growing exponentially as water around him collected into a bubble-like disk.

"- If I was to set them in a way that would converge your beams all over the area, even for an instant, it would be a sure hit. Even if she was to dodge the initial beam, they would be refracted in a way that would make avoiding it impossible!"

Immediately, he crated about 10 smaller saucers and shone his phone's flashlight on one of them. While at first nothing impressive happened, once their surface froze and shifted, the beam traveled between each and every one of them, as if to create a cage of light.



"You are sure you thought this over? The more complicated plan the higher odds are it will fail spectacularly if something goes wrong. I will only fire once. I need to be able to fight her if that doesn't work." She was pretty skeptical about Richard's plan, but decided to humor him and go along with it.


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Sakagami Kenzo

The puppet appeared in a flash of light, taking the blow. Immediately, he jumped back to avoid her grapple. While he managed to slip from her clutches, her claws had scratched his shoulder and tore a nasty wound. While he could still move his arm effectively, he was displeased.

Speed, striking power, endurance. He had the advantage in all of those, yet that man still stood. It was annoying, and the fact he used her as a weapon only made it all the more irritating.

Quickly, he jumped to the ceiling and bounced all over the area, attempting to cut him down from different directions.

Relius barely managed to avoid a finishing blow.  If he took another attack like that and he would be finished.  In the same moment that the man escaped, Relius processed the basic information from the battle.  This sharp toothed dog was keeping him on the defensive, utilizing his superior speed to attack and escape.  Ignis could match him in strength and overpower him in endurance but that was meaningless if he couldn't be captured.  He had two options, find a way to capture and overpower Kenzo or escape.  Another possible option was to outlast him.  This battle had taken place over a time span of mere seconds.  Its possible that there were peasants around....

Before he could finish that last thought, the dog began bouncing around the station, trying to strike them from all angles.  At this point in the battle, Relius had gotten used to his movements.  He was much easier to track.  However, like before his ability to track does not mean he can react.  As Ignis makes her move, Relius glances at the people leaving the station.

Ignis moved as soon as she noticed the swordsmen going for the wall.  She got in position, standing in front of him.  Since both Ignis and Relius were able to track him, it was an easy task to block his blows.  She primarily stayed in the front, as he already had a damaged Torso but if the swordsman attacked from the side or back, Ignis would take the teleport to that corresponding side and take the appropriate action.  Unfortunately, due to his blinding speed, she could only afford to block and get ready for the next attack.

In the meantime, Relius walked slowly over to the exit of the station.  At this point the peasants were leaving, scared away by their brawl.  People left in large groups while station security controlled the crowed and called for backup.  Relius slowly made his way over to the guard, making sure to keep his eye on the sharp-toothed dog.  The mad puppeteer grinned as he walked.


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Crest just sighed, and did what she asked, rejecting the locks of a couple more lockers and going to back to search his own. He kneeled down in front of the locker and began to closely look though the stuff within, until he finally noticed that there seemed to be something wrapped up in the excess clothing, to hide it.

Taking it out of the wrap, he saw it was a holster filled with throwing knives, it seemed to be designed to be strapped to his leg. He hummed as he strapped it to his leg, and taking out a knife, juggling it a few times, getting a hang of the weight. “Not bad.” He muttered, before slipping it back. And then he continued to look, finding a small leather folding satchel like thing with bills in it, taking the bill for later, and a small back which he stuffed some of the cleaner clothing in.

Then he got up and began to stretch, before he moved over to the next and continued to look, throwing his new bag onto his back with his bow.

“Anything good over-there?” He asked Aki and Caedia as he turned to look at them, his gaze stopping on Rebeca, who was staring at him, for a moment, until he finished the turn.


Rebeca stared at the man who, somehow, was able to cut open the lockers without a word. The pitch black of whatever coated his hand horrified her; it felt like it was cold, like the blackness of it would swallow her.

‘Rejection’. That was the name the man gave to it. And while she heard the command with awakened it, she could not hear anything that would actually TRIGGER it. It was scary; she could hear what anyone was going to do. It was not really something she could put into words, but ever action, ever movement, everything, had a ‘sound’. But this had none.
So Rebeca kept watching him, and kept listening, and more and more she thought she heard something. But the moment she thought she got it and focused on it, it vanished, almost as if it was a dream, an echo, or something.


Just ignored the man’s comment and continued to walk up to Kern, until he stood in front of him. Kern remained at attention, quiet for a moment, before he spoke. “It was the 7th sir.” Kern told Just crisply.

Just’s eyes widen slightly. “Damn it.” He cursed. She was here to, in this city? “Status?” He asked, already feeling as if he knew the answer.

“Escaped, sir.” Kern told him regretfully.

In other words Hamara let her go. He did not even entertain the thought that he was dead, that’s how farfetched such a thing would be. Damn it all.

“Where are the others?”

“The second in command is making rounds, and the third is in charge at the other blockade. This is a densely populated area; evacuation was a priority in order to prevent injuries from building debris.”

It being a second after confirming the safety of their lord, but it was most definitely a priority. And they continued to speak, Kern giving Just everything he asked about, completely ignoring the presence of the group of three.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 10:55:45 PM by Knick »


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo gritted his teeth. Speed and power, he managed to overwhelm that man with ease. And yet, his defense did not falter. Neither the swordsman nor the man could as much as graze the other. Of that, he deserved praise.

But only that.

So the demon used all his strength to kick himself off the ground. Swiftly, he advanced further, as if floating above ground, and made another step to quickly slip around the man to slash him from his blind spot. His stance changed, this time hiding his katana behind him with his right hand and displaying the crimson blade forward with the left.

In a quick lightning motion, he unleashed a flurry of thrusts to break trough the machine's eventual defence, like a barrage of red gunfire meant to cut the man apart.

Richard Maxwell

"Well, if you can only fire it once, wouldn't it make much sense to make the most out of that ability? Your beam is only a straight line, so it won't be hard to dodge for anyone worth his salt. However, if your beam was scattered in all directions, it would make the attack all the more effective. The only reason it could fail is if you missed the obvious target. Seeing how your words so far have spoken miles of your intelligence, I'm sure you won't have trouble doing that."

Then, he stood up and shook his head. Sighing, he carried on nonchalantly with a smile.

"Well, I can compensate for that. Don't worry, if you stick to the plan she won't pull as much as a hair from you."
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 11:21:17 PM by francobull3 »


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Just ignored the man’s comment and continued to walk up to Kern, until he stood in front of him. Kern remained at attention, quiet for a moment, before he spoke. “It was the 7th sir.” Kern told Just crisply.

Just’s eyes widen slightly. “Damn it.” He cursed. She was here to, in this city? “Status?” He asked, already feeling as if he knew the answer.

“Escaped, sir.” Kern told him regretfully.

In other words Hamara let her go. He did not even entertain the thought that he was dead, that’s how farfetched such a thing would be. Damn it all.

“Where are the others?”

“The second in command is making rounds, and the third is in charge at the other blockade. This is a densely populated area; evacuation was a priority in order to prevent injuries from building debris.”

It being a second after confirming the safety of their lord, but it was most definitely a priority. And they continued to speak, Kern giving Just everything he asked about, completely ignoring the presence of the group of three.


Those two still ignored Gin-san. But they were loud enough for him to overhear what they were talking about. He only met one person that he imagined to be capable of such destruction. The woman he met who could punch so hard that the Earth trembled. He didn't exclude possibility that it could be someone else, but still. Her careless display of power is something he would remember for long time. If it was her, he would scold her. Someone who has such power should learn the meaning of restraint. "Hey, guys, I know you don't give a rat's ass about Gin-san, and I don't know if this is her, but I met a Japanese woman, hella strong, her fists shook the ground so much they caused earthquakes. Her name was Suiren. But you know, there might be more crazies like that running around, so I doubt it's surely her" 

Richard Maxwell

"Well, if you can only fire it once, wouldn't it make much sense to make the most out of that ability? Your beam is only a straight line, so it won't be hard to dodge for anyone worth his salt. However, if your beam was scattered in all directions, it would make the attack all the more effective. The only reason it could fail is if you missed the obvious target. Seeing how your words so far have spoken miles of your intelligence, I'm sure you won't have trouble doing that."

Then, he stood up and shook his head. Sighing, he carried on nonchalantly with a smile.

"Well, I can compensate for that. Don't worry, if you stick to the plan she won't pull as much as a hair from you."


"Don't flatter me, just make sure it really works flawlessly." The hydromancer's erratic behavior and shifts in mood still baffled her, but what she could do about it? "I have a countermeasure though if she tries to get too close. Sooner she will burn than drink even a drop of my blood."
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 11:58:07 PM by Kat »


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Richard Maxwell

"Well, I doubt any of us could afford a hit." Richard nodded.

Then, he unbuttoned his vest and revealed a kevlar shirt. Without a care, he stripped his shirt and handed it to Mordred.

His missing arm was now revealed, but it wasn't missing at all to begin with. No, it was already beginning to form slowly. For now, it was not unlike a tumour. A bud of flesh shaped as an arm flapping and twitching unceremoniously. Against the moonlight, his sickly pale skin and bony body were now clearly visible.

"Here, this should help." He said flatly before tossing her the kevlar shirt.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 12:16:55 AM by francobull3 »


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka looked forward, lost in her own thoughts.  Then, she was brought back to reality by the soldiers stern voice. 

"Now, who's willing to go first?" Said the soldier.

Despite her earlier outburst and her obvious emotional stress, Medaka answered officer.

"Ill go first.  I have the most information."  She responded, her voice clear but hardened, lacking any drive or energy.

Umbra of Chaos

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Ghost Child

"Shush, Fatty! I'm working!" Spiritual fingers dug around the teen's mind and Ghost Child began to exert influence. Just a tiny shift. Then everything went bright. The dull hues of the abandoned factory turned into vibrant reds, blues, yellows, and greens. It looked like a rainbow had been poured all over the place.


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I mean, your soul, me, now that demon, and Tyrfing and Rahab kinda hang around here every now and then, so...

My god I'm fat on the inside.

Just then, the drab colors of the factory were replaced by the cornucopia of vibrant color that one would normally associate with an acid trip.

...Wait what the hell? Are you doing this or am I high?
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses