Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 66411 times)


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The hero merely stood up after the exchange, undaunted by this opposition he was facing. The monster kept charging relentlessly. While that may be seen as strength, it was also a weakness, for it made it predictable. When something was predictable, it was easy to counter. Striking a pose, the hero prepared himself for the one strike that would bring the monster down yet again. A barrier appeared ifront of him, signaling the start of the technique.

"Empty Sky Form: Winter's Reposte"

With that he moved with an incredible pace, deflecting the monster's blow while slicing through it yet again as it was once more covered in ice.


Archer was busy cleaning up in the kitchen. Doing things like this can really take your mind off of things. At least for a while. He had just about removed all the plates and was getting ready to clean the table when he noticed that Sakura had returned. She took out a plate and started putting food on it saying it was for Rin. Then she asked him about to pass her the cling wrap which he did, after fumbling around a bit while looking for it. "Do you have any idea when she might be back?"


The servant pouted as Sakura patted her head, a look of annoyance passing her face as her master brushed aside the alcohol calamity like it was a common day problem, it was not, it was essential. Jeanne unenthusiastically waved her master bye when she went back to the kitchen. She then turned to Shirou as he said that she was lucky to have her as her master. "Maybe I am...on the other hand, I told her what we did earlier."
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 02:56:54 PM by Thedoctor »


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Irisviel giggled awkwardly at the two lesbians antics. "Hehe... Well, we should get going now, it's getting dark and I'd like to get inside and take a nice shower." Irisviel smiled cheerfully at the four, hoping they wouldn't hang around here too much longer. Her nightgown wasn't really very warm.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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She mumbled a few incoherent things to the child before biting her lip in worry as Sakura drifted to sleep. There was nowhere for her to go, and she couldn't do what she normally did with a kid with her. It was too dangerous. Of course, she couldn't even get the time to consider what she would do when another distraction got in her way.

Her eyes drifted towards the young man and something akin to pity resonated in her when she saw his empty eyes. He would not be like this under the New Flesh, but that was a thought for another time. She spoke as quietly as she reasonably could so the child would stay asleep. "I have a moment. What is that you need?"


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The doll unhesitatingly shaked the Construct's hand. He had been betrayed by humans aplenty, but never by an aritifcial energy-construct harboring a human soul. so the thought of distrusting her did not even cross his mind after identifying her as such.
"Please do. However first, i need to ask you about this place. What is this... city?"
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 05:12:29 PM by Break »