Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75250 times)


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"Please!" He answered, perking up at the thought of a nice, comforting taste of shochu. When he looked amiably at Mitsuba, he caught his eyes back to the other woman and curled in his seat in recoil.

His voice came out a little lower and more carefully as he leaned in the proprietress's direction like he wanted to whisper something in her ear - despite the space between them. "So, uh, new client? Employee?"
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 04:28:48 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Tony Redgrave," Dante said without missing a beat, unable to help noting that this was going better than the first meeting with Lady already.

Then again, that doesn't mean she won't try something later...

The alias she'd likely given him was enough to rouse his suspicions as it was, but why not enjoy her company while he could?

"So what brings someone like you here?" the demon hunter asked, "And where is here, for that matter?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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NOTORIOUS D.O.G (NPC werefwolf 1)

A shadowy figure loomed above the two, concealed perfectly in the darkness of the warehouse. Sitting above the rafters, out of sight, the mysterious silouhette finally stood and posed glamorously.

His feautres were both manly and effeminate, his fabulous pink mane flowing freely as his 80s sunglasses stared down upon that hunky looking piece of meat. Just the type he fancied. He licked his lips in delight, how stupid were they to walk right into the Snoop dog’s gang territory. He grinned sadistically, the memories of his last toy resurfacing. Oh, what a wonderful night full of pleasure that had been.

This would be fun…

“AOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!” He howled,  almost sexually as he stretched his body around. Then, he jumped down to reach their level. He looked at both with a cocky smile, his curves accentuated by his sensual pose. He stroked at his collar before lightly tuggking at his V string.

“How can I help you, pretty boy?” He purred.


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"These servants really seem to be falling down from the sky around here, it's almost suspsicous...."Archer mumbled to himself as he heard Sakura's response to who "Jeanne" was.

"So what were you planning to do for dinner Sakura?" He asked her, trying to change the topic.


Cute. Was the word that came to her mind when she saw how he was awkwardly moving his foot. Her posture changed though when she heard his question, She walked up to him slowly, her hips swaying, and then she leaned up against him.

"Touched you how? Shirou~"

« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 05:29:32 PM by Thedoctor »


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Garou grinned and sat back at the table, eager to see what the food would taste like. If the water was that good, an actual meal had to be even better! Still, he didn’t completely trust  the chef. It might just be a trap to lure him into a false sense of security. It was still creepy as shit.

There was just something about his look that was eerie to him. Still, he didn’t feel the need to worry anymore. Tonio’s mistake was to reinvigorate him with that delicious amazing water. If he pulled something funny, he’d just smack him silly. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.

After all, he was enjoying himself just fine.

Then, the chef arrived with a new plate. Garou’s adorable red eyes lit up, but suddenly dropped into a sulk. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Even for a joke, this was going too far.

“Huh? It’s just tomato on bread. C’mon, give me some meat already, I’m starving.” He complained, much like a kid who was expecting a chocolate cake but was instead served spinach.


"Signore, I assure you that you will digest your next meal better if you eat this appetizer. There is still a main dish ahead." The chef insisted that his customer ate the appetizer. After all, he knew well what was good for his clients.


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Shirou blushed as Jeanne got even closer to him and began swaying her hips.

Please, don't tempt me. He thought.

Then she leaned up against him. He could feel her ample breasts even through her armour. He took a small step back, blushing and rapidly developing an erection. "Jeanne, please…" He begged her. "I can't hurt Sakura..." He looked down at her breasts briefly, checking them out. They were about the same size as Sakura's. And she was about as tall as her, too.

"I can't do it with you. Not without Sakura's consent. Please."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Garou XIII

Garou folded his arms and- well shit, looks like he can’t anymore. Damn fake ass wannabe poser douchebag.  Her tits were probably fake too. Garou  looked away from the plate and pouted.

Suddenly, he opened an eye and looked at the plate, as if to challenge it to a staring contest.

Relax; it’s just bread and tomato. How bad can it be?

Well, if it made him feel good, he could put a little effort he guessed? If it was really bad, he just wouldn’t pay for it. He picked up a piece of toast carefully as if it was a piece of burning charcoal and brought it to his mouth hesitantly. He took a single bite, his eyes immediately shot wide open and-


He put down the piece of toast and stared long and hard at it, trembling. He looked pale, even paler than ususal. He was trying to understand the secret of this meal, and then he spoke in shock and awe.

“WTF! This is… this is GREAT!! It’s like, well, it’s like…a harmony! Yes! The tomato enhances the bread, the bread enhances the tomato! It’s like the Holy Grail of cooking! I never thought tomato and toast could be this fucking delicious!”

He then proceeded to take more gluttonous bites off the bruschetta, quickly finishing one and the other and about to put the third in his mouth.


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Garou XIII

Garou folded his arms and- well shit, looks like he can’t anymore. Damn fake ass wannabe poser douchebag.  Her tits were probably fake too. Garou  looked away from the plate and pouted. 

Suddenly, he opened an eye and looked at the plate, as if to challenge it to a staring contest.

Relax; it’s just bread and tomato. How bad can it be?

Well, if it made him feel good, he could put a little effort he guessed? If it was really bad, he just wouldn’t pay for it. He picked up a piece of toast carefully as if it was a piece of burning charcoal and brought it to his mouth hesitantly. He took a single bite, his eyes immediately shot wide open and-


He put down the piece of toast and stared long and hard at it, trembling. He looked pale, even paler than ususal. He was trying to understand the secret of this meal, and then he spoke in shock and awe.

“WTF! This is… this is GREAT!! It’s like, well, it’s like…a harmony! Yes! The tomato enhances the bread, the bread enhances the tomato! It’s like the Holy Grail of cooking! I never thought tomato and toast could be this fucking delicious!”

He then proceeded to take more gluttonous bites off the bruschetta, quickly finishing one and the other and about to put the third in his mouth.


Something didn't seem right for the saint. She tasted the mineral water out of curiosity. It was good water, but she didn't feel nothing similar to what Garou experienced before. She didn't understand how Tonio's cooking worked, to be honest. There was more to it than it being excellent cooking, she bet.


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Garou kept eating, oblivious to Petra’s suspicions. He simply looked happy to enjoy a good meal, grinning and letting his fangs show in delight. Then, he noticed her funny look. It couldn’t be that she wanted to claim HIS food? Like hell he’d let her touch it, it was all his!

He didn’t feel bad one bit about betraying the trust of the one who saved him, he wasn’t so nice after all. In this world, it’s kill or be killed. He took the plate protectively and pulled it towards him.

“No, I’m not going *crunch* to share. *munch* Go order something yourself. *chew* ” He said sourly, still absorbed in his food. Suddenly, just as he finished the third toast, something happened.

 He immediately turned pale and flinched before shivering. His stomach was slowly rumbling, lowly at first until it turned into something like a motorcycle. His guts felt like they were burning, and Garou’s face spoke nothing but discomfort and pain. Despite all that, Garou did not take heed to the red flags and instead smiled weakly, almost embarrassed and gave a short laugh before facing the chef.

If only he had not, perhaps he would have been spared. Maybe, just maybe, his fate would not have been sealed. For those who enter Tonio’s… never come out the same.

“Hey Tony, is there a bathroom in here?” He asked with a hint of embarrassment.


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They arrived at the place where these Elites were supposed to be, it looked like a sturdy building, but nothing to impressive. Mordred the asked her to wait outside as they might not want her in there to "cheer her on". So you just want me to wait outside like your pet?" She couldn't help but think at that. Outwardly however she smiled back at Mordred.

"Good luck then, I'll be here unless something happens." She didn't sound too enthusiastic about having to wait, which was understandable, this migth take a while.


"I take it from your expression that your last encounter with them did not go to well, and no I am not after donuts." The blue haired girl looked rather distraught. "Do you feel like you can share what happened?" The Vampire suddenly asked her with a voice that was more empathic than usual. She walked closer to the girl, with a tiny a smile on her face.


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She wrapped her arms around him, pulling them closer together and wriggled against him slightly, so that her breasts were moving against his chest. Her hands were gently stroking his back, taking care not to use too much strenght, as to only make it a light massage.

"Do what with you Shirou? I'm just giving you a nice hug~" She continued with the same tone, drawing out each syllable.


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They arrived at the place where these Elites were supposed to be, it looked like a sturdy building, but nothing to impressive. Mordred the asked her to wait outside as they might not want her in there to "cheer her on". So you just want me to wait outside like your pet?" She couldn't help but think at that. Outwardly however she smiled back at Mordred.

"Good luck then, I'll be here unless something happens." She didn't sound too enthusiastic about having to wait, which was understandable, this migth take a while.


Hopefully Kuro wouldn't ran off somewhere out of boredom. At times she seemed like the sort of person that would get too impatient to stay in one place for too long. She had to admit that she was strong, but there were stronger people than her in the city, and some of them had malicious intentions.

And so, she made her way into the building in order to register herself and apply for the job. At first, they asked her a lot of questions, especially if she was related in any way to Saber, who unfortunately was (in)famous as the police officer. Of course, she flat out denied any relation with that blabbermouth, and they seemed to buy it, considering the nature of this place. They also asked her with what she had dealt before. Apart from vampires (she managed to control herself and not reveal her grudge against those bloodsuckers, would be less suspicious to way), she had revealed that encountered fey creatures, werewolves (she have had some close encounters with the shifters, but she'd rather avoid confrontation then fight them head on. They were strong and came in packs, one had to tread carefully around them) and mages.

When they finally asked her about her abilities, she didn't reveal to them that she was a Changeling.
Flaunting whom you really were was courting disaster as your enemies could prepare themselves accordingly. Instead she twisted the truth and presented herself as a magician who specialized in fire elemental magic and spells that enhanced her combat abilities. When asked to present her abilities, she did so, revealing her ability to conjure an elemental armor and demonstrating her physical strength. She hid her triumph cards like her spear's special ability and her contracts of Summer. If vampires spied on Elites then they should not discover abilities that endangered them most too early. She could never be sure if the fanged menace planted their moles within the organization. If she discovered presence of such traitors to the humanity before they discovered her, she would work carefully to root out the corruption.

Apparently, even her hiding the her best abilities was enough to pass. Either they weren't too picky about candidates, possibly because they were short on manpower, or she was too pessimistic about her odds. Either way, she was a probationary member anyway, which wasn't too surprising. They had to test her capabilities in the field, but for now she was waiting for her assigment, received a badge that could be revoked if she screwed up and was told that she was to wait for them contacting her, whether in person or through a phone call.

Anyway, she was about to head back to Kuro, hoping she was still there. After all, it took a while for her to get through all their questions and tests.


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He remained both silent and tense as he kept his grip, narrowing his eyes to keep out the wind batting against them. This was not the time to be making conversation as, considering his current attire and position, he had slightly more to worry about than usual.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka glanced back up at Shinobu, revealing a warm smile.  She looked in her eyes for a moment before responding.  "Well, it all happened yesterday.  Me and my deceased friend fought a woman and her skeleton butler.  The cops showed up later, only to arrest him.  They took both of us to the station but then it was attacked by a girl and this strange black substance that engulfed everything.  I tried to stop her but I was too late.  Everything went white."  Medaka said softly.  She had told this story enough that it no longer brought her to tears but it still hurt.

She paused for a brief moment, obviously thinking.  "I think my body was the only one strong enough to survive.  Although, im not sure.  Everything happened so fast.  The elites.  They are powerful but not efficient or powerful enough to deal with the threats of this city."  She finished, in the same weak tone as before.

The somewhat broken Medaka slowly walked over to Shinobu and gave her a hug.  "Thank you.  It hurts to talk about but it makes me feel much better."  She let go of the vampire and went back to arms distance apart.  "Why are you so curious about the elites?"

« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 01:40:25 AM by yinsukin »


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The white haired girl was growing more and more bored as she waited in front of the building, Mordred seemed to be taking forever and the street outside the building was basically empty-

"Hey you little girl, gimme ya cash."

Except for him.

No I'm just seeing things, that can't possibly be-

"Hey, Respect your elders when they talk to you"

In the end she had no choice but to accept that, that thing, was a person. Standing at a proud 1.76 m, was a skinny guy in a leather jacket. His hair was obviously bleached blonde and his foul breathe could be smelled from all the way over here. As if that wasn't enough, he was standing next to a pink tricycle, and pointing a water gun at her.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 02:53:44 AM by Thedoctor »