Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42288 times)


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Auspicious Breeze

Breeze looked down at the holes in the ground and wondered how Sakura got that heavy. Then she shrugged, because it wasn't important. If it had something to with why she was that strong then as long as she was happy about it, who cared? She stretched her arms up over her head, letting her chest press out against her t-shirt, and grinned. "Ahh, I think I can almost smell it from here!"

She held her hand out for Mordred to take. She knew her girlfriend wasn't big on her being really cuddly out in the open like this, but hands were definitely okay.


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He nodded to Forest before moving to keep pace with this Officer Noel. Her query about his name did make him feel slightly abashed for not volunteering his name before her, but it was nothing to rile himself up over. Gadreel smiled to the... well he was apparently going to be meeting quite a few comely blondes in this city, wasn't he?

"I am known as Gadreel," he said with a small bow to accompany the introduction. "At your service in this matter, Officer. May I arm myself?"

He took the lead, following the miasma of foulness that disrupted the pattern of his essence at the edge of awareness. The presence of the monstrosity within.


"Of course you can." She said to him quietly, listening for noises. "And please, call me Noel, I don't like formalities."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Very well, Noel." He drew the revolver from inside of his coat and checked the ammunition as they went. He would restrict the use of Dainsleif to when the enemy revealed itself to them; no need to draw the accursed blade before something it might draw blood from was present. Where security required it he waited for Noel to pass them through. "Not quite as interesting as your own gun... but it should do until I need to draw my sword."
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 02:39:17 AM by Aiden »


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As much as she'd been enjoying Liseth's reactions to her closeness, Emily was all too aware that all good things came to an end at some point or another. Of course, there were always exceptions to rules like that, and it didn't mean you couldn't move on to something else fun or just plain nice. The conversation over the bowls of ramen that followed, indeed, proved to be the latter. The ramen was delicious, of course, prepared as well as it was, but there was something about the conversation that just rounded things off perfectly for the changeling. It wasn't anything special, just your usual small talk over a number of topics, something that wouldn't have been out of place in the slightest in a normal city. Emily's circumstances, however, had been anything but normal of late, even by the changeling's own skewed circumstances, but the talk served to take them away from the strangeness of this city, if only for a while. Fleeting as it was, it was still nice while it lasted.

Of course, it had to come to an end in time, and it didn't feel like it was long after the meal was finished that Emily found herself being shown the door.

"Glad to hear that," Emily said, "It was fun for me as well. We should do this again sometime. And thank you for the offer, but this seems like a nice day for a walk."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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For a second, Vanguard's iron expression broke into what almost seemed like someone about to laugh. It was as if she had just told a really, really funny joke. He slapped her back confidently and looked forward with a decisive smile.

"It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is that I am me."

And with that, he took a first stepped forward and walked off to the horizon.


"Phew, that was close." He sighed in relief as he exited the clinic door and looked for his way out. This had been a pretty good day, he finally managed to graduate and got his official badge, while also being told by the doctor there was no problem on his checkup. After weeks of trouble, he felt like he could finally relax. The exit should be to the left...

Huh, wussat?

The dark god blinked once, twice, and as he exited the door he looked at a strange couple. The girl didn't quite catch his attention though, beautiful as she was. Something about that guard looked familiar, and then it hit him.

"Sir White!" He called out in surprise, unable to hide the emotion in his entirely scarlet eyes. Tar black skin writhed monstruously into a bloodcurdling smile, revealing a set of fangs as red as bloody rubies. He was smiling from ear to ear and waving friendly as he approached the senior.

"it's so good to see you! How are you doing?"


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To be honest, this guy's looks still made him shiver a bit involuntarily, with his height, all that shadows and menacing looks. He looked villainous in a cliche way and he got almost shot by his men the first time they met. Fortunately, in his case his looks were in contrast to his demeanour and personality.

"I'm fine, though we've had an incident lately. This person tried to barge into the hospital armed but we've got the situation under control."


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Okay, that was just absurd. Did Medaka do this regularly? The heat and softness that wrapped around his length made his head go even fuzzier. One of his hands tried to reach down and touch the young vampire's head. That and the hair petting that followed lasted about as long as it took her to leave him high and, well, not dry, but frustrated all the same.

He growled out a bit of frustration, but then Riku took her opportunity and he was having to apply that strength of his to keep her from just rolling him over and having her way. Because damn it, Ron wasn't going to just sit there and take it. If she was going to do that, he was going to give her a challenge.


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The red scripts in his eyes shifted and he blinked in disbelief.

"Huh! No way, this little bird right here?" He gasped in surprise, giving the girl a shocked and kinda disapproving glance.

Fidgeting nervously, he looked down with a worried look casting a shadow upon the man, one that could cast darkness upon darkness itself.

"I hope nobody got hurt... Man, at this rate even I'll feel bad for celebrating. I was just passing by here for a checkup, yknow, but I never thought something so awful would happen without me even noticing."

Damn, that was bad. He'd been rambling again, again! This was none of his business anyway, the guy probably thought he was being an idiot for bothering him over nothing like this. So awkward... he had to find a way to defuse the tension. Methuselah, time for a plan B!

"E-erm... anyways! You both look tired, can I get you two a coffee? I got some spare change, and I can't say you look very lively." He said nervously, trying to not be too forward about it. He even attempted to give off his friendly smile he had spent so much time practicing over. It looked like he was about to kill someone, totally friendly.

Honestly, he didn't have anyone to share company with, most people just avoided him or ran away. Being able to celebrate his graduation with anyone would be nice at this point, even a crazed axe murderer.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 04:17:55 AM by francobull3 »


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Forest did a very slow blink as a very large and black man with crimson eyes approached.  He talked like he knew the rental cop, and the rental cop, who's name was "White" or something close to it seemed a little unnerved by him.  White did a decent job at hiding it, considering he could shrug off her admittedly gentle manipulation, he had to be made out of piss, vinegar and shoe leather.

He's just some cranky old guy in a city that sucks just trying to do his job, she thought.

"Huh! No way, this little bird right here?" the newcomer's fearsome mien gave her the look that she was very use to getting.  That combination of, What? That little girl? and Violence isn't the answer! she was very used to getting.

She rolled her eyes and was about to roll through her Rolodex of snark, but his further words gave her sharp tongue paused.

She grinned and replied to him, "A friend and I tracked something very nasty here, and apparently I made the very bad life choice of leaving my gun behind, because, you know, I didn't want collateral damage and decided to bring my axe.  I also tried to keep the guards safe, but did it in an unkosher way.  You know what they say about good intentions and the road to hell right? I just hope that Vermillon makes sure to get my partner out okay."
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 04:47:09 AM by Elf »


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He patted her head as he felt her squeeze his hans. They'd managed to get out of there, his girlfriend had taken his words seriously or was at least trying to do so. Ice cream would do then. Having something cool was never wrong.

"Lead the way then, my great ice cream saviour."


"Of course, I'll try not to" But you're too easy to tease . He watched with rapt interest as Rin went her way to get a book. What kind of book would she pick? Would it be new or old? Then there's genre too, the possibilities were quite huge. She eventuallly returned with a Western classic romance. He raised an eyebrow as he saw the the name of the author.

"Not Pride and Prejusdice I see." He replied while looking at her blushing face.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka walked close to Jin, shivering against him, even though it was a warm spring day.

She was scared.

She honestly just wanted to crawl underneath a pile of several blankets and cut herself off from all of this craziness for a day or two and cry. It was only just bearable because she had her Wormy, and she had Jin. Wormy would never abandon her, she knew that. And she didn't think Jin would, either. But...

The little nagging voice in the back of her head that fed on her fears and made her worry about them terrified her to no end.

The teenager took a deep breath and suddenly repositioned herself directly behind Jin, grabbing onto him and pressing her body against his back without any sexual intention whatsoever. She continued walking at his pace, simply holding him close to her.

"You don't mind this, right?" Oka said to him in a subdued voice that stood in stark contrast to her normal demeanor. As she spoke she laid the side of her head against his back. She could hear his heart beating steadily.

"Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump." It said to her.

For some reason, that noise had always made her feel a lot better, and she smiled a bit at it.

She loved this man.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 10:45:36 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Five months later

The last five months in the city passed quite uneventful without any major incident that would shake up the Unchained's quiet life. That doesn't mean it passed without violence, but any blood shed by her was for her benefit and no incident spiralled out of control. She earned some money from assassination contracts, poisoned few potential competitors to make way for her new business and largely settled down, occassionally taking jobs under her old identity to keep Katase content.

Her pregnancy was already visible and according to the doctor she had twins, most likely girls. Minato made up a believable tale about her newly married husband tragically dying in WW2 like a true patriot, enlisting to the navy and drowning during a naval battle against US Navy. Her 'relative' (and oddly the true father of her children but that was a secret that couldn't leak out) was with her to help her with business.

It was lovely day of the spring and Minato fancied going for a walk with Katase. The sword was cleverly hidden in Katase's umbrella right now.

Sakura Matou

Several Months Later...

Sakura had made some significant gains in her mental stability over the past six months. With some pushing (about a month of it) from Shirou, she'd finally gone to a psychologist and a psychiatrist and gotten herself some help. Shirou, Rin, or both would accompany her to the office every week for her two hour long session about which she still refuses to talk to them about. At the same time, Sakura was working on making her little friends ever more lethal and dangerous, all too protect Shirou of course! Not for the sake of killing anyone specifically. She'd also been growing a child inside her, and at this point, had gotten quite big.

Also, she'd offically gotten married to Shirou. They hadn't held the ceremony yet, though.

Sakura was now sitting down on a bench alone with a small dog. She'd been walking it, but had gotten dizzy and sat down. She sat still contentedly holding her enlarged belly, waiting for the spell to pass.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"At least you are considerate enough to not land on the road. I swear, we waste so much money on repairing them whenever something troublesome happens." All those battle maniacs should just fight it out in woods or mountains than wherever they damn pleased. She read some reports during the last half of a year concerning stuff that happened before she enlisted, and she was glad some of perpetrators seemed to had been gone.

The changeling took the arm that Breeze offered. "Alright, let's go, then."


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"At least you are considerate enough to not land on the road. I swear, we waste so much money on repairing them whenever something troublesome happens." All those battle maniacs should just fight it out in woods or mountains than wherever they damn pleased. She read some reports during the last half of a year concerning stuff that happened before she enlisted, and she was glad some of perpetrators seemed to had been gone.

The changeling took the arm that Breeze offered. "Alright, let's go, then."

Auspicious Breeze

Breeze looked down at the holes in the ground and wondered how Sakura got that heavy. Then she shrugged, because it wasn't important. If it had something to with why she was that strong then as long as she was happy about it, who cared? She stretched her arms up over her head, letting her chest press out against her t-shirt, and grinned. "Ahh, I think I can almost smell it from here!"

She held her hand out for Mordred to take. She knew her girlfriend wasn't big on her being really cuddly out in the open like this, but hands were definitely okay.


Sakura flinched when Breeze looked down into the hole, but quickly hid her discomfort. "Of course you can, they're sooo goood." Sakura told her as she led the two towards their delicious lunch.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

"We're off!"

Breeze resisted the urge to skip along there since Mordred wanted to take it easy this time. She was just having so much fun already! But the walking was going to take time so she was gonna fill that space with talking.

"So, Sakura, I'm kinda curious: how'd you get so strong anyway? If you don't mind me asking, I mean."


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Auspicious Breeze

"We're off!"

Breeze resisted the urge to skip along there since Mordred wanted to take it easy this time. She was just having so much fun already! But the walking was going to take time so she was gonna fill that space with talking.

"So, Sakura, I'm kinda curious: how'd you get so strong anyway? If you don't mind me asking, I mean."


Sakura looked up and away from Breeze at the question. "Well, uhhhh, I was modified by the professor, and ummmm..." Sakura suddenly looked ahead of them.

"Ah, look, we're already here! Let's get a seat, quickly!" She said, sprinting off and away from the question.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end