Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96416 times)


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At the Castle

His flames licked the dark door, obscuring it in a sea of flames. But despite his proclamation it was all for naught for when the flames receded the door remained, albeit with a slightly darker surface.

Umbra of Chaos

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Ho? A golem? No, if Oka spoke up then this must be another one of those pokemon creatures. It was rather large as well. He would have to draw its attention before it squashed his companion. So the knight rushed forwards at speeds beyond that of a normal human.

His blade flashed out and grew in size until he had to hold it with both hands and the knight swung it at one of the creature's segments. Under the strength of the swing and the chill of the blade its stone hide cracked and broke against his sword, leaving a rough cut in the creature's body. He continued to make these slices as he traveled past the beast's body.

It was a surprisingly tough creature.


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Medaka Kurokami

A smile crept onto Medaka's face as the Shinobu wrapped her arms around her body.  It always felt nice to feel her firm breasts pressed against her own.  The moment the question escaped her lips, she ran her fingers along the elder vampire's back.  Her face started to heat up a bit, glowing a very feint red.  "I was saying your body is lovely," she said, staring at the wall to gather her thoughts.  "There is a nice sense of unity with your body.  Your pale skin works nicely with your golden eyes.  Your frame is slender and toned but still curvaceous, which works well with your strength..." her voice trailed off.

It was probably best not to verbally recall their sessions together...
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 09:04:37 PM by yinsukin »


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Oi oi oi, now ain't this a surprise. Tch, should've known better. He cursed, half pissed and half impressed at how durable that door was. He didn't remember holding back, property damage was his specialty. He scratched his head, unsure of what to do.

He was probably wasting his time, but he had already made up his mind. He wouldn't budge until that damn door did. So he traced shapes of flame and mana in the air and focused his magical energy into a single point, charging more flames and focusing their temperature and destructive power once more.

If this was a trap or a trick, which is might very well be, he would have to uncover its secret no matter what. But if it wasn't, leaving was out of the question. He wasn't about to break in like some thief when all he wanted was to talk, even scum such as him had a honor and pride to protect. Simply put, he was too stubborn to give up again.

"Heh heh heh, you're quite the stubborn one, aren'tcha?" He chuckled in amusement, he simply couldn't grow any madder. How pathetic, had he really sunk so low as to throw tantrums at unfeeling objects?

So he launched explosive attacks of burning pyre once more, and another one, and another one, until he'd lose count. The door, and the walls, and the windows, and anything and everything before his line of sight in frustration. It didn't matter, it wasn't like he was striking a door, but the world, or perhaps even himself. He needed to win, to prove to himself at least once that he could do something, anything.

Alas, he already knew better than anyone that he was under qualified. This had stopped being about opening some door long ago, no, perhaps this was never about getting in in the first place. He was just blowing some steam off, and the castle just happened to be in his way.


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Ho? A golem? No, if Oka spoke up then this must be another one of those pokemon creatures. It was rather large as well. He would have to draw its attention before it squashed his companion. So the knight rushed forwards at speeds beyond that of a normal human.

His blade flashed out and grew in size until he had to hold it with both hands and the knight swung it at one of the creature's segments. Under the strength of the swing and the chill of the blade its stone hide cracked and broke against his sword, leaving a rough cut in the creature's body. He continued to make these slices as he traveled past the beast's body.

It was a surprisingly tough creature.

A "switch" in her mind "flipped", in response to the mind physical trauma. Anastasia was pretty laid back on surface, but when faced with what could be considered a threat, she behaved efficiently thanks to years of indoctrination and mental and physical training. Even before she landed on the ground she already started forming a barrier of solid ice into which Onyx was about to slam. Leylines were good here and the weather made drawing mana from them more efficient. This action would buy seconds vital for her full recovery.

Onix and Oka

The pokemon slammed into the wall of ice, crushing it without any effort, but was distracted from crushing Anastasia when Paladin sawed at it with his sword, leaving a flesh wound on its rocky form. The onix roared, before it slammed its tail to the side, which was now covered in a metallic sheen. The pokemon knocked him away, and sat up to its full height, towering over him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The Castle

His attempt was doomed from the start. The fiery bombardment licking the walls with utmost futility. This was no barrier that could be overcome with mere fire, it was forged of greater stuff. Well maybe forged is the wrong word, it's a wall and all. But point is, it was built of great materials to begin with. And their current form left the image of them from before the dark mage's ascent a pale shadow in comparison.

In other words, he wasn't getting in this way.


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"My master isn't terrifying at all, that's some horrible rumors you're trying to spread Lord Vanguard." She rejected his comment about her master. Her master in question just had to come around though and have a closer look, couldn't she read the mood? Jeanne sighed, knowing that an explanation was inevitable.

"Judging by how he's carrying me around like a sack, it would appear he's the victor." She answered sounding utterly resigned in the face of her currrent predicament.

"Not at all. You have amassed a considerable strength in a few months worth, the power to have powerful warriors point their blades at your enemies. Compared to such a thing, even my own skill is trifling." He said earnestly.

But just what was that knight thinking, saying such nonsense? If this was some ploy to make him feel indebted, she should know better. But very well, he could play along.

Vanguard smiled smugly. "Indeed, though she fought impressively. Her honor and valor were only matched by her blade. Though if she fought a bit more seriously, she could have had a chance." He said assuredly, not holding a trace of deceit or trickery in his words.
Sakura Matou

Sakura paced around them in a circle as the three meandered their way to the house, peering at them intently, as if she didn't really believe them. Eventually, when they reached the door, she relented, apparently not caring enough to purse the issue right now, and opened it up. "Van, can you put Jeanne down now?" Sakura asked jokingly. "And please don't you know, break any walls again. I don't like having the call people in to fix them, you know?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Her denial was quite cute to watch, but it was beginning to get a bit tiresome. It was time to step up the game. The mage wrapped his other arm around her slim waist, enjoying the feel of her soft back against his hand as he pulled her into a tight embrace. "Oh really because I like you a whole lot." He leaned in even closer until their lips met.


Noire froze up as soon as he pulled her into a leisurely hug, knowing exactly what he was doing. She was feeling the opposite of that though. She didn't know whether to go with it or push him away, to accept his advance or to bolt. She had conflicting feelings pulling her towards both directions, and wow her heart was beating fast, did she really want to give this man her first kiss? It was all so sudden! It was so fast! He was a really nice guy though. She liked him alot.

On the outside, Noire simply blinked a few times, before she closed her eyes and leaned in a bit, meeting his kiss with one of her own, her face beet red as she did.

Ooohhh, what've I gotten myself into...

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate was about to launch yet another attack when he suddenly stopped. Hmm, not even a scratch. Damn, this was quite the conundrum. "I see, it must be a magic barrier." He noted, and yet something was wrong. No, a magic barrier should react one way or another to a full power barrage like that. Whoever was responsible for it had to be absurdly powerful, or the spell was more complex than he thought.

Well, such things were beyond his expertise. If brute force wasn't going to break it, all that was left was to use that. He gripped his sword's hilt, clenching his sword as hard as he could, and yet he couldn't unsheathe it. His body trembled at the sight of the door, no, at the sight of his failure.

At this moment, he wasn't scared of the door or the prospect of using his ship, but failing.

And he felt small, truly small, before the barrier before him. But the truth was, that barrier was all he had. Once he surpassed it, whether by breaking, overcoming or simply avoiding it, he would come back to where he began. He would have nothing once more, but as long as he had that wall before him, as long as that fear overwhelmed him, he had something.

Every man fears something, no matter how strong or beautiful one is. To live means to conquer your own fear, and the one who stands atop the world does not need any fear. Most men resided on one, extraordinary men reaching closer and closer to the top. But if Lorenzo truly had to define himself from the bottom of his heart, he would say he was a minus. This is why he wanted more, to fill that void in his heart.

Only then would he become a zero, something beyond less than nothing, and only then would he be able to become something. But as long as that minus filled his soul, he could never be free. That minus being his own weakness. Which is why he had sworn he could never show others that fear.

And yet, he couldn't go forward. Because the truth was, he was afraid from the beginning. The moment that sank in, the flames that were once so intent on destroying the barrier gave in. No, he wasn't strong enough. Even worse, he was still afraid. Even now, he still couldn't overcome himself, he couldn't overcome his fear!

The pirate gave up completely when he realized that. Even a door, who had no fear, was greater than him. But not forever. He had less than nothing, but not forever! He mustered his strength and nearly gave in, but he finally touched the gate with his bone fingertips.

"Are you free?" He asked, to which he received only silence.

I guess a door isn't so much for conversation.

And with that, he climbed the wall, slowly but surely gaining altitude as he worked on his footing. He couldn't give in. Even if he failed, even if he died, he had nowhere else to go, nowhere else to be. So he would search it here, where is heart led him, for the something that would turn him into nothing.


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"Well I can't complain about the job," Marcus said casually, still looking away.  His head rotated a bit as his eyes followed a couple passing them by.  The girl in the couple had a nice body so he let his gaze rest on her as he listened to her.  Then, she said something that caught his attention.  "You're already planning to leave, aren't you?" she said after making a cute little huffing sound.

No, I can't do that.  Not yet, not to you.  He thought, as the image of Forest sitting alone in that mansion resurfaced.  Just as the flash of the first image faded, a new one surfaced, one of himself lying alone in his home, sitting on a couch in a home devoid of people.  Just as he started to trail into his own thoughts, he felt Forest's arm tug at him.

"Hey!" he exclaimed.  Of course, he let her pull him along.

The moment they passed through the front door, he began looking around the place.  He walked over to a rack of clothes, feeling the cloth to test its quality. The place wasn't bad.  The dark colors and Gothic outfits sort of reminded him of the aesthetic of the bar.  He turned to Forest and gave her an exasterbated sigh. "Don't you think this is a bit expensive?" he asked, picking up the shirt from the rack and showing the price tag.  "You know, there is only so much debt I can handle.  Even I can only dish out so much."


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"Alright, we shouldn't just stick to one game. Breeze, you remember what a gun is, right?" Mordred likely already explained her what firearms are some time ago, but she wanted to make sure. "The controller is basically in a similar shape. You point at the screen, pull the trigger, and the machine registers everything."

Auspicious Breeze

"Hm? Yup, guns are pretty simple! They're just like firewands, only instead of streams of fire they sling rocks at people really fast." Firewands were just a fact of life when you were the lover of a wealthy aristocratic sorceress (yes, someone had taught her 'aristocratic' at some point!). Expensive things that shot fire at people! It was neat.

She wasn't any good with one, but it shouldn't be too hard. "At least I don't have to worry about setting you both on fire this way."


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Purple Heart

She couldn't deny that the feel of his toned body against her was very pleasant. But she couldn't let herself be distracted by that now, Gadreel still needed her.

"I know you're hurting, but please trust me Gadreel., I want you to be happy with what you're doing.... And who you're doing to." The goddess couldn't help but adding the last part to lighten the mood, they needed it.


"Heh. Worry not." He touched her shoulder with the tips of his fingers. "I have had many years to overcome the worst of those memories. I would not do as I do were I not still hopeful it will end the proper way." However long it took for such an end to come. "And I never have regrets about the who. Merely the how, and that is an aspect I mastered long ago."


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The demon's eyes narrowed at the man's response. He didn't seem to be lying, and he could notice a gun sprawled on the floor lying in a pool of that man's blood. He frowned, looking sorry, then walked up to the half conscious man and knelt on him, removing the belt of his own kimono in order to stop the man's bleeding. However, when he was bandaging that man's arm, surrounded by all that blood, something in him seemed off.

His body was trembling, even if just for a second. His eyes were closed shut, could it be that he was scared?

"That man won't live for long with such a wound. He needs medical attention." He said calmly, almost worriedly, as he tied the belt above his elbow and knotted it tight until no more than a trickle of blood could escape. The assailant was terrified, but did not dare move, struggle or make as much as a sound. Then, the demon carefully flipped him over his shoulder, making sure not to hurt him, then turned to address the woman with a kind yet worried smile.

"I am sorry for what you had to endure. Are you all right?" He asked her, to which she nodded after some hesitation. After a few directions, he made sure she would be safe and gave her the keys to his inn which happened to be nearby, telling her to stay there if she felt uncomfortable to return home.

After a polite bow, he then turned to face the other one. His gaze was stern, the one thing more grave than his look was his voice. This foul stench of blood, it was enough to make him sick.

"I don't believe I need to specify, but you will be accompanying me. I believe it is a fair condition, unless you ask me to cut your legs and drag you along by the hair."


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The mage seized the chance as the knight distracted the creature's attention. Ten pillars of ice, akin to sharpened stakes, hovered around Anastasia, then propelled with her magic to target the creature. While she did aim to injure it, there was also another facet to her attack. Her goal was also to pin it down and let the knight recover and continue his assault.


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It took them a little while to reach her current lair due to to all the detours they had taken from the park where they'd first caught sight of each other. Rafalia wasn't in a rush, pointing at every little thing she'd already seen during her short time here and giving her thoughts, like a local taking him on the scenic route. That pastry had good donuts, but she'd only found the ideal brand of chips in that store next to the oddly placed canal in the middle of that suburban dwelling, and there was that alley that she'd seen sprites run to hide in.

When they finally arrived, the faerie had him stop by the window of her second floor room before she opened it and leaped inside like an acrobat, landing perfectly seated on her bed. She crossed her legs and spread her arms, inviting him to enter with her smile. "Welcome to my humble abode."

It was not a large room, and it had seen better days; the bed frame and furniture showed their age but stood proudly, the sandy beige paint was only scratched on the ceiling but the walls exhibited some conspicuous holes (almost like they had been struck with thin and sharp objects), and the plaid checkered sheet covers looked like they were from the fifties. The inactive lighting almost looked polished by contrast, and somewhere Rafalia had managed to find a blocky TV to sit on top of the rudimentary desk.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts