Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 93088 times)


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Her glare intensified in response to his foolish proclamations, that man truly loved the sound of his own voice. That was the only reason for why he could still be spouting such nonsense, it had to be. She could almost hold back her reply, but not quite, it still slipped out of her, despite her best efforst. "He is not my pawn. Is that the only way you can percieve the world, as if it was a game?" She had wasted far too much time, what mattered now wasn't to bring him down. Her attention shifted back to her compaion, he was struggling to break free, to rush to his own demise, to rush that man. She couldn't allow it.

"I am sorry Ron."

With the utterance of a single phrase she knocked him out and then slung him over her shoulder. The blonde vampire turned her attention back to the mad warrior. she couldn't afford to let him out of er sight for too long, not after everything he had done. He didn't appear to take her to seriously, that made sense, he had no need to after his raw display of talent. Still she could take advantage of that nonchalance and make her way out of here.

"As I have said before, you talk far too much for your own good." She lept, up to the treetops she lept, with tremendous speed she soared through the air. Then when her feet made contact with the branches, she shot away into the distance like a rocket, leaving the warrior behind in solitude.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 09:02:55 PM by Thedoctor »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin stared at Joe for a moment as she felt a spike of ice in her gut.

Why can't people understand that I need to be by myself every once and a while?  Yes I get lonely, but I also need my space too . . .

Instead she said, "Sakura won't buy that.  She knows I'm not moving out with some guy I just met.  Besides, aren't you being a bit presumptuous?"

And I don't know if this can even work out.  You're afraid of the dark for goodness sake.  How can you make it even on the fringes of my world?


Forest simply tapped her foot against Marcus's wet crotch in warning.  Then she pressed down on it slightly with her foot as she raised an eyebrow at him.  "First thing you might need to learn is control," Forest said in a dry, sardonic voice.

The foot that had been on his groin was now on his stomach, pushing him up before the other leg came up to roll her over him, pinning him to the ground.  Her forearm lodged under his throat, tilting his head back.  She pressed down just a hair, restricting his airway ever so slightly.


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A somewhat uncharacteristically mischievous grin came over Joe's face.  "I never said you actually have to move in, just that we say you will," he said, his eyes glimmering with a strange passion.

Cmon Rin.  I'm not THAT forward.


Marcus jolted into a pause as he felt the tap against his crotch.  The next push caused him to let out a small cry reflecting a lot of pain.  "Agh!"

He flew backwards, a strong forearm pressed against his neck, forcing his head upwards.  "You know, normally i'd say something smart about how hot it is that you can do this to me, but honestly, im not in the mood."

He began twitching his limbs ever so slightly, seeing which parts of him were free to move.  Then, a purple aura flared up around his body.  Really, in a hold like this, it didn't matter what he did.  If this were a real battle, with someone who wanted to kill him, it would be all over.  Someone with Forest's strength could just take his head off the moment they felt or saw any movements.

"Ack!" he cried, his lungs clawing for air.  "If this is about Costin, I apologized."

With his head forced back, all he could see was the setting sun and the cold ground.  With his view inverted like this, it almost looked like the sun was below the earth.  Somehow, that angered him and if Forest could see his face, she would notice a look of melancholic defiance.  With a growl he declared, "Then lets start now.  If you think your training can help me, then there is no reason to wait."

All of the sudden, his voice became cold.  "But if you hold out on me, ill hate you forever."

« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 06:05:27 AM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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She slipped the shirt on and pinched her own flesh a little at the comment. She wasn't getting that big, was she? "Well, I figured out a new power thing. And I thought you would like to know before I start testing it out and everything. So I don't blow myself up."


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Now that Mason had rounded up all of the possible casualties and locked them in a magical barrier, he found himself wandering back to the scene of the battle.  The now battle torn building radiated heat.  He could set more traps outside the building, but he was getting worried.  The crashes and thuds were generating a strange ache in his stomach.  Even so, he knew he wasn't a fighter.  His job here was clear.  He was to support Lorenzo.  Nothing more, nothing less.

But, making a fighting ground didn't feel helpful.

So he rushed inside, opening the door.  The inside was completely transformed, covered in black soot.  Everything looked chard, like an enormous firestorm swept through the building.  Considering how his fight with Ryu went, this was not surprising.

Then he saw it, a wave of fire coating the hallway, the girl inches from the pirate.  He leaped backwards, out of the hallway and immediately began drawing a magic circle with his now glowing finger.


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She slipped the shirt on and pinched her own flesh a little at the comment. She wasn't getting that big, was she? "Well, I figured out a new power thing. And I thought you would like to know before I start testing it out and everything. So I don't blow myself up."

Sakura Matou

The pregnant purplehead nodded wisely as if she was a sage giving advice to a youngling. "Yes, blowing yourself up is indeed something you should strive not to accomplish." She teased Liseth a bit as she paced around, walking to the kitchen to check if Liseth had any food or if she was just eating junk.

"So what's your new power?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Antonia San Nicolas

Antonia scratched her chin, not entirely sure whether she can fulfill those two requirements. She was a high ranking officer, but even she had superiors who she had to listen to in fear of getting ejected. But as for the "team" part, well, that could use some work but its not entirely impossible. She answered yes on both accounts and then her mouth broke into a smile.

"I assure you, I won't be easily killed," she answered, flourishing her fans again. She was just ever so slightly perturbed by Noel's pistols, not because of their size but because of their impracticality, but Antonia shrugged it off. Whatever works for her. Though, she wondered what Erica would be doing. Was she going to be a part of this brawl or a spectator?

She took the initiative and moved first, dashing towards Noel, swinging behind her, and preparing to deliver a blunt blow to Noel's back.


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He spanked her again for good measure, you can never have enough discipline after all. "I wouldn't call you good just yet my dear, and yes I heard that." You could almost hear the smirk.

He didn't slow down, going strong even as he saw the impending signs of her orgasm. Her pussy clenched down even harder, it wouldn't be long now. "You can come Noire." It was a command releasing her from her plight.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 06:40:35 PM by Thedoctor »


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Relius Clover

The crisp earthy air filled the puppeteer's lunges as he walked through the forest.  A grin crept onto his face as he approached the warrior.  "That was quite the show Vanguard, he said, stopping his march.  His gaze pierced through his mask, literally staring into the soul of the warrior. "When were you going to inform me that you acquired a new soul or update me on your mission status?"
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 12:42:39 AM by yinsukin »


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"I see... in that case let's order one of those. I could eat anything right now. Anything." He responded to her, while his hand came down and stopped what she was doin. He wasn't really in the mood for that right now. "Wait are you telling us to get this because it's the cheapest?" Hah, that made perfect sense.

Oka Kurosawa

"Pssh. At least check before trying to bully me." Oka simply deflected his tease. "It's not even close to the cheapest item, it's simply my favorite and gives the best food to cost ratio. You should order something else too though, if you're as hungry as you say." She didn't seem to mind stopping playing with his leg. She simply snuggled in closer to him.

"Hmmmm, what to drink, though..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Her master without a doubt had some equipment she shouldn't have, the proof was undeniably shoved against her. She didn't pull away from the hug though, Grigori was dfinitely up to something, goading them on like this. "Tell me master, who is responsible for that? Are you harbouring naughty thoughts about us? How very awful of you, I'm so ashamed to have a master this perverted. It truly saddens me , that this fate has befallen me." She didn't sound very genuine as she complained about her current predicament.


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The girl pondered for a bit. To tell the truth, the ice cream was delicious, and she definitely had room for more.

She didn't want to cause the two too much trouble though. They were really nice to her, she felt wrong to selfishly take from their kindness. So she shook her head and smiled.

"No, I think I'm fine. Thanks though!"

And then, she gave Shirou a kiss on the cheek.


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He spanked her again for good measure, you can never have enough discipline after all. "I wouldn't call you good just yet my dear, and yes I heard that." You could almost hear the smirk.

He didn't slow down, going strong even as he saw the impending signs of her orgasm. Her pussy clenched down even harder, it wouldn't be long now. "You can come Noire." It was a command releasing her from her plight.


And with one final thrust, Noire came, her pussy violently spasming as liquid escaped from her insides and leaked out of her pussy. She panted, trying to act cute. All to make him come with her.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I think it was fruitful for us to confirm that directly. Even if she has no desire to fight us, I think I got some insight into her capabilities thanks to the encounter." Like her supernatural speed. Beings that fast were something new for her. "I'd like to meet your master in person if possible. Or at least you could relay to her that I don't plan any move against her."


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"Hmmm, maybe. But there are more urgent matters at hand for me to worry about. Like this appointment." She shrugged as she continued her walk.