Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 93531 times)


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In the end, they didn't find the guy. It seemed like the dojo couldn't be tracked down no matter how they looked for it. Suspicious. Definitely suspicious. After a period of aimless wandering, she finally gave up. Mitsuba even put that white tracksuit with a hoodie just to not stand out when visiting that dojo, but it seemed it was in vain. "We shouldn't continue looking for him. It's pointless." She spoke the truth.


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"Hmmm, maybe. But there are more urgent matters at hand for me to worry about. Like this appointment." She shrugged as she continued her walk.


"Of course," the redhead said with a nod, following alongside the brunette, "Perhaps we could continue this some time after our business with Suzuko has been taken care of?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"We're going to the Hedge." Mordred announced to Oren after they parted with Breeze and Sakura for a reason. She was looking for something to surprise both with. Sakura started looking positively bored after all with that mundane shopping. "I don't mind bringing you along, but you should know what you're signing for. But first, I should figure out where a gate is. Have you heard before about that park where there was a huge explosion? I think that's one of the places."


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"I can make portals now! I, uhh, don't really know where to though." She wiggled her hands and then pressed her fingers against the empty air. Then they seemed to encounter some... resistance? Space distorted around her fingers in a rather disconcerting manner until a black outline formed.

In the house a handful of insects dropped dead. A idly made paper crane Liseth had made fell into water. One of her scented candles was snuffed out. And then reality peeled open, like fruit. A gate to another world, wild and fantastic. A dangerous and glorious hedge right in the middle of the room.

Sakura Matou

Sakura walked over to Liseth and bopped her on the head. "Not in here, idiot." She reprimanded her. To test this sort of thing we'll need to go outside to somewhere remote, just in case it's dangerous." She sounded kind of like a worried mother as she reprimanded the clueless girl. "Do you want to play before that, though?" She sounded excited, as if she was looking forward to it. No, I'm busy. Sakura said to Rider. "Can you please close it?"
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 09:42:03 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

"Agreed," Medaka said nodding her head. This was a strange experience.  There were vary few people she couldn't track, especially when they advertise like this.  Either way, it wasn't worth getting worked up over.

The pair continued walking in comfortable silence until Medaka caught a scent.  It was...blood.  Her face hardened, growing cold and serious.  "Mitsu, be careful.  I think there was a fresh murder at this park."  Her head darted from side to side, scanning for the scent.  Then, she saw it.  No more than a few feet away stood a girl in a blood dress carrying a person over her shoulder.

"HEY!" she yelled.


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With the state of affairs as it now was finishing them off was an easy task. She moved an instant later, dodging the blow of the man who was standing and launching a strike of her own, only this time she made sure he wouldn't be coming back for more, with a crash his limp body hit the ground as the man's conciousness fled from him. "And that's one down!"

The purple haired goddess whistled as she turned around, an act that may seem innocent on the surface, but that was far from the truth. Behind the cheerful facade, hid a terryfing determination to win. And thus her attention was drawn to the man still struggling to get up. What happened next is too pitiful to describe with mere words.

"Yay and victory is mine, I told ya all so!" Neptune performed a victory dance alongside her boisterous claims.


The crowd went wild with its enthusiasm for this dark horse victory. T'was an almost universally appreciated narrative in which someone completely unexpected came out ahead in the end. That, or they may well just be enraptured by Neptune's almost childlike eagerness.

Gadreel did not do more than clap gently though, because he knew this battle was not yet over. That these two were defeated was merely an appetizer for a much deadlier bout to come.

The announcer attempted with great zeal to reclaim some measure of relevance in this situation. "Well, it appears the mighty Neptune has taken the lead! But, can she overcome the monstrous.. the megalithic... the mastadon-like MONARCH OF THE RING?!"

A large portion of the crowd parted to reveal a wall of muscle and masculinity whose height matched Gadreel's own, and whose width far exceeded his. The man, wearing only a pair of shorts, crackled his knuckles. Musculature rippled with the motion of his arms. "Wellll, let's like we got us a tiny tot."

Umbra of Chaos

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She yelped as she rubbed her head in dismay. And threw a few wrappers and some trash into the portal. "Okay, okay! No more corporal punishment!" The portal slammed shut with utter finality and vanished entirely. "And sure! One of my friends bought me a zombie game that would be fun to play."


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Antonia San Nicolas

This was going to be a fun battle.

Antonia sprinted across the the length of the building, trying to put as much distance from her and the explosion as possible to escape from the intense pressure and heat generated. She hated open field battles; too obvious and generally too dangerous since it left the threat of other attacks. But this was a different circumstance from the rest, and so, she obliged.

Once she reached the end point of the beginning, Antonia threw some of her arsenal of throwing knives at Noel and sprinted towards her.


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She smiled and bowed for the crowd as they went wild,it was only natural that they would praise her after all, she was the Heroine. But... the event wasn't over as she soon learned. It began slowly, yet steadily it became more and more apparent that something was happening.

Like waves hitting the beach, the crowd parted in the wake of one man. To call him a mere man would be an insult to him however. His body was a like a sculpted statue, it wouldn't be wrong to say that that man was all muscle.

As if that would ever deter the goddess of Planeptune. Ok, the man's appearance did cause her to rub her eyes in disbelief. And what did he mean by tiny? She had the best body in all of Gamindustri. It was undoubtedly an expression of pure femininity sent down from the heavens to grace the masses with it's divine radience.

"Did you... pump yourself full of like muscle stimulants or something? Cause that does not look healthy, no not at all." She nodded at her assesment proudly and then moved closer to the towering man.

"Jeez... no need to worry so much big guy, I'll make sure not to hurt you too much, that would be bad for my rep here and all ya know."


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Rin sighed and said, "Then there's also the other edge of that sword."

She held up each index finger of her hand and pushed them together so they were side by side and touching.

"See, good thing is that I become free," Rin said as she moved her fingers apart.  Scowling, she looked at her other finger and said, "Bad thing is that Sakura would become devastated if she found out I lied to her to get away.  Maybe when the baby's born I can use that as an excuse to get away.  I'm sure as hell not becoming a live in baby sitter, that's for sure.  Plus she has like three Servants who can act as nursemaids."


Forest raised her eyebrow at Marcus's words and said, "I can do that.  However, with that being said, I want you to take what I teach you and adapt it to you.  Don't copy me; copies are generally inferior to the originals, right?  Take all that knowledge I give you and apply it to your own terms."

She shook his hand and said, "But in the words of Yoda, first thing I probably should teach you is control."


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Joe frowned at Rin, having a hard time trying to find the right words.  "Are you sure?" he asked, tilting his head.  "Thats a long time to wait."


Marcus gave Forest his full attention as he spoke, barely blinking as she went through her quick explanation.  However, he raised his eyebrow at the Starwars reference.  "You're not going to take me to a swamp right?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Good... good." Her whole form, rigid like inflexible stone, slowly relaxed. There was tenseness to her still but flexibility as well, like the tension of a steel blade. "And of the other matters involving my job, just try to warn me before you go around cleaning out my private rooms. It was a bit surprising."


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"What's her answer?" The mage asked in anticipation for the reply.


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She yelped as she rubbed her head in dismay. And threw a few wrappers and some trash into the portal. "Okay, okay! No more corporal punishment!" The portal slammed shut with utter finality and vanished entirely. "And sure! One of my friends bought me a zombie game that would be fun to play."

Sakura Matou

As Liseth attempted to throw stuff into the portal, Sakura's tentacles deftly grabbed the offending objects and redeposited them on the floor. "You can't just use it as a trash bin, especially without testing!" Another karate chop came down on Liseth's head. "What if people live there, would you like someone using your house as a trash can?" Sakura sounded a bit upset. "I'll arrange for a cleaning company to come here weekly for you if you don't want to clean up yourself. Or maybe get you one of those new pets I've heard about that eats trash."

"Anyway, are you going to set it up?" Sakura hugged Liseth, hoping that the other girl would ask about her baby.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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"She's not interested, sorry", Rider said, apologetically.

"I can answer some questions for you, though. I am a servant, after all, and I have been in a Grail War before", she added.