Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97424 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

You're a cheeky little knob, aren't you? Forest thought before making her face an unreadable smirk as Marcus stroked her cheek.

She tilted her head at him and met his eyes.  "Well, I could bite you again.  That'll help take down the swelling and whatnot."


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Oh?  Shes getting better at this, he thought as his smug grin grew wider.

He rubbed his neck, the memory of her bite still fresh in his mind.  "Well, I do have to admit, I think that bite is giving me a fetish for vampire teeth," he said, drifting closer to her face.  "But if you bite me too much, I worry that ill get a hard on whenever I need to get my blood drawn.  If your going to help me out here, you should do it the old fashioned way."

He drifted even closer, as if he were about to kiss her.  Meanwhile, his hands wandered onto her body, creeping around her waist.  "But...."

In one fluid motion, he pulled away, turning around and walking in the other direction.  He didn't even look back as he said, "You told me to practice control."
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 10:47:56 PM by yinsukin »


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"Yeah, yeah..." He smiled and shook his head before awkwardly trying to squeeze his way through the hallways. Indoor fights really weren't his thing, he'd think it would be obvious to the little Astarte. For the sake of not having to crawl his way into a stranger's home, and this was purely out of the kindness of his heart, he formed a dozen of orbs out of thin air and sent them in from different angles through the doors and walls like bubbles until they surrounded the perimeter, but hidden from the room where the poor feed would lie.

The target would logically run towards he opposite direction of a mysterious threat, and he left enough space that dodging in a certain direction would be logical. His trap was complete, and the only way out was straight to them.

Once they were set inside the walls and littered the halls, they began to slowly close in and move independently like a net in order to force his prey out.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 06:41:29 PM by francobull3 »


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The girl stopped and her hands trembled slightly. Why? Why!? Why did everything keep going like this? Why couldn't a single thing go right? She didn't want to hurt anyone, so why?

She should have never approached them. She should have never gotten close to them. She could have stopped this, it was all her fault, and this made everything around her hurt. Enough games. Enough pretenses. Enough of everything. If she wasn't going to be given this much, then she should take it and go. So her skin flashed a bloody scarlet and her eyes turned pitch black and fiery red before the entire ground beneath her was annihilated with a booming impact upon another, sending everything in her surroundings flying away.



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The redhead cocked an eyebrow as she felt the shift in what seemed to be the woman's presence. Well, it wasn't like she could really say much about it, what with her own so-called blessing from her time in Arcadia that she couldn't really turn off.

"I don't see why not," Emily said, relaxing in her chair, "Well, I did some work like that back at my own clinic, but I'm actually heading up the team that'll be working on your son."

Wasn't really any point in keeping that from her, after all.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"So you're that worried about getting a 'fetish' from having your blood drawn?  However, a prick of the needle is a lot different than my bite.  I mean, I probably would prefer biting a donor in a sterilized environment where I can give them juice and an organic cookie," Forest said with a slight cant of her head.

He drew closer to her, his hands wandering down her body.  She didn't shove Marcus away, but she didn't return the embrace.  Instead she lifted one eyebrow at him before he suddenly pulled away, turned, and walked in the opposite direction.

"You told me to practice control."

Forest blinked as he walked away, not even giving her a second glance. 

Do not chase after that wanker.   I had fun.  Maybe I should leave it at that . . . Forest thought, her hands clinching at her side as she watched him leave.


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Marcus continued walking, his head turning side to side, scanning for a station.  His mind was filled with what he could have and should have done to her.  Front, back, side, pinned to the ground.  He could have moved to anything.  But maybe it would be more fun this way, see how much she wants it.

After half a minute of walking, he turned around, only to see Forest standing a few feet behind him, fists clenched.  "Are you coming?" he asked, eyebrows raised.  "You know this city much better than me."


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Forest watched as Marcus continued to walk, torn between chuckling and scowling at his erotic thought process. 

He got about thirty seconds away before he turned and called out, with his eyebrows raised, "Are you coming?  You know this city much better than me."

Forest found herself smiling as she bounded after him, catching up with ease.  "I do.  Funnily enough, the GPS on my phone only works like a third of the time here.  Ends up recalculating more often than naught."

Then she peered at him with one raised eyebrow and asked, "Pinned to the ground?  Really?"


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Marcus's face turned red, his hand moving to cover his smaller but still ever present bulge.  He scowled at her and poked her forehead.  "You know, the whole point in bringing you along is that your supposed to KNOW it," he said, folding his arms behind his head.  The bulge was finally leaving.  I can just get a GPS myself."

Now that he had regained his composure, he dropped his heads and said, "And for the record, I don't need telepathy to figure out how you like it.  You were pretty wet when I had you pinned in the dressing room."

Then, he chuckled.  "Or maybe you prefer it a little darker?  I wonder if it would be fun to have a vampire on a leash."


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"Ah, but I said the GPS doesn't work a good amount of the time here because this place is kind of always changing," Forest said with a frown as he poked her forehead.

"And I thought the point of me coming along was because you like me . . ." Forest said, her voice trailing off as Marcus's next words made her eyes widen before she stared at him for a moment.

"You try to put me on a leash and I'll have your bollocks in a sling," Forest said with arch-sweetness.


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"Shut up!" he said, folding his arms across his chest.  He turned his strawberry red face away from Forest.  "I just need a place to stay and... and I said I would cover for the damages to your club with my services."

He took a deep breath, allowing the redness to leave his face in the exhale.  He wanted to comment on the bullocks remark, but he was still regaining his composure.  At the very least, his lower area settled down.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Emboldened by her win, Forest smiled at Marcus's blush.

"I won!" she said, twirling around him before smiling up at him.  "Admit it!  I just beat you!"


Rin sighed, not sure if she was ready to go back home just yet.

She was still milling Joe in her mind.  Since she had committed to the cooking date, she had to keep her word there.  Which meant she was giving him a second chance to see if he could sink or swim in her world of magic.

If I don't think he can make it, I think the nicest thing to do would be to erase his memories of me and give him his pendent back . . .

Even though she wasn't overly fond of sapphires, it was a nice gift, one she'd generally loathe to return.


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Marcus's stopped walking, his face was filled with so much heat it felt like his head was boiling.  "What?!" he yelled defensively.  "What do you mean you won?!"

It is cute to see her dancing around like this... he admitted in his mind.  Of course, the thought was buried under the mountain of sudden embarrassment.


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He gave her a pat on the head for the good work, even pets deserved kindness from time to time after all. "You did well. And I trust you'll do even better in the future." So he showed her the gratitude she was expecting, nothing more, nothing less.

After fixing his clothes and stuff he slipped out of the room as fast as he could. Hahahaha, She couldn't have seen that one coming.

He then lept out of a window, crashing through the glass only to soar through the night sky, leaving the castle behind him. Like a great shadow he descended upon the Nexus, he had arrived.


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Forest smiled as she started doing pirouettes and other dance moves around Marcus.

"It means I won," she said before stopping dancing, "I got you more flustered!  Which means I'm not some nervous pushover!"


As Rin walked, she blinked as she saw a person who was very familiar.

Except Sakura doesn't normally look like someone who can bench press cars though, Rin thought as she spied the doppleganger of her sister with a very cute blonde girl who seemed to share the same fitness regiment.

Curious, Rin moved to catch up with them.  She wasn't sure what she could say that didn't make her sound like a crazy person, but she figured she'd cross that bridge if she came to it.